I am trying to access VK Api with scope of stats. manually i am able to generate access token, but that is going to expire in 24 hours. So i wanted to generate access token programatically. i tried in 2 ways mentioned as below.
first way:
import requests
response=requests.get('https://oauth.vk.com/authorize?client_id=myclientid&scope=stats&redirect_uri= myredirecturi& display=page&v=5.53&response_type=token ')
print r.url (my expectation is it should give that redirect url with access token, but that is returning url which i am passing as argument.)
second method:
import vk
session=vk.AuthSession(app_id='myappid', user_login='myusername', user_password='mypassword')
api = vk.API(session)
returning Vkauth error 'redirect_uri' mismatch.
Can anyone suggest how to solve this and how to get access token automatically.
Look at the way of authorizing I described in that post. It's called 'straight auth' which is used by official VK applications for iOS/Android/etc, that token has grant rights and no limit for its lifetime value.
I am trying to get ID token and Refresh token along with access token from Azure AD app via Postman by using below parameters:
I am able to get the access token, but not sure why I am not getting ID token and Refresh token along with it.
Atfirst, I tried with client_credentials flow, but I came to know I have to use auth code flow or OpenID Connect in order to get those tokens.
So I shifted to auth code flow. But still I'm getting access token only:(
I have also enabled the below options in the Portal
What else settings are needed to get the tokens? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I have given below API permissions:
Please note that, getting ID token and Refresh token along with access token depends on the scope/API permissions you grant to the application as mentioned in this MsDoc.
I tried to reproduce the same in my environment and added scopes like below:
After adding the openid and offline_access in the scope, I got all tokens successfully like below:
Inching closer...
I am building a contacts synchronization facility into our product (with PHP/javascript). We are using an incremental approach for access - initially requesting a base set of scopes, then we want to expand these scopes when (if) our client decides to use the extra facility.
Base set:
Extended with:
I can get the extra scopes using the gapi.auth.signIn() call, but that doesn't seem to give me a "permanent" access token to use - later requests to the API in PHP don't show the new scopes. Does that mean I have to have an explicit call to the gapi function any time I want the frontend to access contacts?
Also, how do I get an offline token that I can use for the background process that will do the synchronization? Do I have to have a separate token for offline access? Can I mix offline and online access using the same token, or do I have to have one of each?
The difference between both online and offline access is that when you request an access token, this token will expire after certain time, usually 60 mins. After it expires the user will have to provide again the credentials so you can receive a new token.
In this case it is an "online" token.
When requesting the access token and you provide the parameter access_type=offline you will receive a refresh token. After the access token expires, you can request a new request token using the refresh token so it is not necessary that the user provides again the credentials.
Here you can find more information about that: https://developers.google.com/accounts/docs/OAuth2WebServer#offline
hope it helps.
I don't understand something important about permissions and how to grant them. I've made a Facebook page, and I've made an app. I would like the app to be able to post to the page.
Below is my code. I'm using the fb_graph ruby gem, btw (https://github.com/nov/fb_graph)
app = FbGraph::Application.new('531508086900000000', :secret => 'd705fda7275125913a10000000000')
token = app.get_access_token
page = FbGraph::Page.new('000000000000000')
note = page.note!( :access_token => token, :subject => 'testing', :message => 'Hey, testing you!')
And this is the error:
FbGraph::Unauthorized: OAuthException :: (#200) Requires extended permission: publish_actions
I've looked everywhere I can think of on both the app and the page settings but can't figure out how to do this. Help appreciated!
You need to grant access via a user access token.
The current token in your case is an application access token.
Use one of the methods listed at https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/permissions/v2.1#adding
Specifically https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/manually-build-a-login-flow/v2.1#login
I voted up phwd's answer for the help s/he was to me here and in IRC. But it still wasn't really enough information to make sense of why this is so hard. I've decided to post my current working understanding of how this works. These are just my own notes, so I'm sorry in advance for anything unintelligible.
So, getting the right access tokens is f***ing hard, and here's my current understanding:
In order to get a token that last forever so that my app can post to a page I have to do this:
1. Create a short-lived user access token with the right scope for the app (manage_pages, publish_actions) using the explorer
- page access tokens can be obtained via /me/accounts from the explorer page
- if the user access token that is "live" during the /me/accounts request is short lived then this page access token will be too
- if it is an extended long-lived token the page access token will have no expiry according to https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/access-tokens
2. Extend short-lived user access token to a long-lived one via a graph api call, also using exploer (see below)
3. Execute the /me/accounts call to get a page token that doesn't expire
How to get a long lived user access token
client_id = App Id
&client_secret = App Secret
&fb_exchange_token = short lived user access token via explorer with proper scope
This gives you the following long lived access token
This is an extended user access_token
This token can be used to post to the page it was genrated for.
It can also be used to get a no-expiry page access token when used to issue /me/accounts
from facebook :
Page Access Token
These access tokens are similar to user access tokens, except that they provide permission to APIs that read, write or modify the data belonging to a Facebook Page. To obtain a page access token you need to start by obtaining a user access token and asking for the manage_pages permission. Once you have the user access token you then get the page access token via the Graph API.
My app got white-listed for using the Ads API.
I was wondering in regarding to the authentication flow.
Say, that I need to retrieve and execute actions via the API on daily tasks ( with no user interaction) , I find the authentication process quite cumbersome.
Is there a way to work with my app access token instead of a user access token?
I want to be able to approve my app only once for each user and then to be able to work with no user interaction.
Can I achieve this?
App access token is not relevant for this case.
I had to work with the user access token.
I followed this doc: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/ads-api/
Eventually , one should use some client side code in order to get a user permissions and then make another request for getting the user token.
So you'll have to call
Get the authentication code and make another call:
Then you'll get an access token which is valid only for two months, in opposed to what Facebook docs says in here:
"Ads APIs are special cased to allow collection of statistics offline. PMD partners should use server-side OAuth flow in order to receive a non-expiring token rather than a token that has longer expiration time."
Too bad that the access token is not really valid forever...
According to "Exception 4" in this document , if you have Ads API access you should be able to get a non-expiring token if you use the correct workflow. Following the guidelines outlined here, if you use the server side OAuth flow, to make the following request you should get a non-expiring token:
GET /oauth/access_token?
thx for the feedback regarding the Access token process being cumbersome. Because this is a one to many solution - a single App ID can manage multiple ad accounts, on behalf of multiple people - we need to make calls on behalf of people.
You should be able to get a persistent access token for Ads API. If you are not getting it, please provide exact steps you are following so we can see if there is a bug or you might be missing a step.
On this page:
It describes how to get the app access token, yet the token it returns is different than the one in the open Graph "Get Code" example. The latter is the only one that works. How can I get the second access token using the API? When I try to use the first example, I basically get something back that looks like "application ID|secret key" which is different than the real access token.
as documentation states, you will get
string back from the API call. Even though it LOOKS like "application ID|secret key HASH" - it is a valid access token you can use to publish to user's wall. You can verify it's a proper access token using Debug toll from FB: https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug - just paste the token there.
The reason it might not work for you is because you are trying to publish something to the user's wall who did not authorize your app. Look here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/javascript/ - for example of how to use your app ID to make user authorize the app. You need to request publish_stream permission for your app from user in order to be able to publish as the app to the user's wall.
And going back to the documentation:
Note that the app access token is for publishing purposes permitted by
the publish_actions and publish_stream permissions. You will be unable
to retrieve information about the status update post with the given ID
using the app access token. Instead, you should use a user access
token for such purposes.
hope that helps.