I have a data frame with 107 columns and 745000 rows (much bigger than in my example).
The case is, that I have character type columns which I want to separate, because they seem to contain some type-ish ending at the end of each sequence.
I want to saparate these type-ending parts to new columns.
I have made my own solution, but it seem to be far too slow for iterating through all the 745000 rows 53 times.
So I embed my solution in the following code, with some arbitrary data:
code_1 <- paste0(round(runif(5000, 100000, 999999)), "_", round(runif(1000, 1, 15)))
code_2 <- sample(c(paste0(round(runif(10, 100000, 999999)), "_", round(runif(10, 1, 15))), NA), 5000, replace = TRUE)
code_3 <- sample(c(paste0(round(runif(3, 100000, 999999)), "_", round(runif(3, 1, 15))), NA), 5000, replace = TRUE)
code_4 <- sample(c(paste0(round(runif(1, 100000, 999999)), "_", round(runif(1, 1, 15))), NA), 5000, replace = TRUE)
code_type_1 <- rep(NA, 5000)
code_type_2 <- rep(NA, 5000)
code_type_3 <- rep(NA, 5000)
code_type_4 <- rep(NA, 5000)
df <- data.frame(cbind(code_1,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
df_new <- data.frame(code_1 = character(),
code_2 = character(),
code_3 = character(),
code_4 = character(),
code_type_1 = character(),
code_type_2 = character(),
code_type_3 = character(),
code_type_4 = character(),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
for (i in 1:4) {
i_t <- i + 4
temp <- strsplit(df[, c(i)], "[_]")
for (j in 1:nrow(df)) {
df_new[c(j), c(i)] <- unlist(temp[j])[1]
df_new[c(j), c(i_t)] <- ifelse(is.na(unlist(temp[j])[1]), NA, unlist(temp[j])[2])
for (i in 1:8) {
df_new[, c(i)] <- factor(df_new[, c(i)])
Do anyone have some ideas how to speed things up here?
First we pre-allocate the results data.frame to the desired final length. This is very important; see The R Inferno, Circle 2. Then we vectorize the inner loop. We also use fixed = TRUE and avoid the regex in strsplit.
df_new1 <- data.frame(code_1 = character(nrow(df)),
code_2 = character(nrow(df)),
code_3 = character(nrow(df)),
code_4 = character(nrow(df)),
code_type_1 = character(nrow(df)),
code_type_2 = character(nrow(df)),
code_type_3 = character(nrow(df)),
code_type_4 = character(nrow(df)),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
for (i in 1:4) {
i_t <- i + 4
temp <- do.call(rbind, strsplit(df[, c(i)], "_", fixed = TRUE))
df_new1[, i] <- temp[,1]
df_new1[, i_t] <- ifelse(is.na(temp[,1]), NA, temp[,2])
df_new1[] <- lapply(df_new1, factor)
# user system elapsed
# 0.029 0.000 0.029
all.equal(df_new, df_new1)
#[1] TRUE
Of course, there are ways to make this even faster, but this is close to your original approach and should be sufficient.
Here's another way, using gsub inside a custom function in combination with purrr::dmap() - which is equivalent to lapply, but outputs a data.frame instead of a list.
# Define function which gets rid of everything after and including "_"
replace01 <- function(df, ptrn = "_.*")
dmap(df[,1:4], gsub, pattern = ptrn, replacement = "")
# Because "pattern" is argument we can change it to get 2nd part, then cbind()
test <- cbind(replace01(df),
replace01(df, ptrn = ".*_"))
Note that the output here character columns, you can always convert them to factor if you like.
Another possibility:
setNames(do.call(rbind.data.frame, lapply(1:nrow(df), function(i) {
x <- stri_split_fixed(df[i, 1:4], "_", 2, simplify=TRUE)
y <- c(x[,1], x[,2])
y[y==""] <- NA
})), colnames(df)) -> df_new
setNames(do.call(rbind.data.frame, lapply(1:nrow(df), function(i) {
x <- stri_split_fixed(df[i, 1:4], "_", 2, simplify=TRUE)
c(x[,1], x[,2])
})), colnames(df)) -> df_new
df_new[df_new==""] <- NA
which is marginally faster:
Unit: milliseconds
expr min lq mean median uq max neval cld
na_after 669.8357 718.1301 724.8803 723.5521 732.9998 790.1405 10 a
na_inner 719.3362 738.1569 766.4267 762.1594 791.6198 825.0269 10 b
below I wrote a function which searches for specific regular expressions within a vector. The function always searches for regular expressions including "Beer" or "Wine" within a vector. Now I would like to include the regular Expressions I am searching for (In my case "Beer and Wine") as additional variables into the vector. How can I do this?
x <- c("Beer","Wine","wine","Beer","Beef","Potato","Vacation")
Thirsty <- function(x) {
Beer <- grepl("Beer",x, ignore.case = TRUE)
Beer <- as.numeric(Beer == "TRUE")
Wine <- grepl("Wine",x, ignore.case = TRUE)
Wine <- as.numeric(Wine == "TRUE")
Drink <- Beer + Wine
Drink <- as.numeric(Drink == "0")
Drink <- abs(Drink -1)
y <- Thirsty(x)
This can be done with the following code:
x <- c("Beer","Wine","wine","Beer","Beef","Potato","Vacation")
drinks <- c("Beer","Wine")
Thirsty <- function(x, drinks) {
Reduce("|",lapply(drinks, function(p)grepl(p,x, ignore.case = TRUE)))
y <- Thirsty(x,drinks)
lapply loops over the possibilities in drinks and produces a list of logical vectors, one for each drink. These are combined into a single vector by Reduce.
I would simply try to concatenate the match patterns with |
strings = c("Beer","Wine","wine","Beer","Beef","Potato","Vacation")
thirstStrings = c("beer", "wine")
matchPattern = paste0(thirstStrings, collapse = "|") #"beer|wine"
grep(pattern = matchPattern, x = strings, ignore.case = T)
# [1] 1 2 3 4
You can easily wrap that in a function
Thirsty = function(x, matchStrings){
matchPattern = paste0(matchStrings, collapse = "|") #"beer|wine"
grep(pattern = matchPattern, x = x, ignore.case = T)
Thirsty(strings, thirstStrings) # [1] 1 2 3 4
This should also work
Thirsty = function(vec, ...) {
pattern = paste0(unlist(list(...)), collapse = "|")
stringr::str_detect(tolower(vec), pattern)
> Thirsty (x, "beer", "wine")
I am looking for a shorter and more pretty solution (possibly in tidyverse) to the following problem. I have a data.frame "data":
id string
1 A 1.001 xxx 123.123
2 B 23,45 lorem ipsum
3 C donald trump
4 D ssss 134, 1,45
What I wanted to do is to extract all numbers (no matter if the delimiter is "." or "," -> in this case I assume that string "134, 1,45" can be extracted into two numbers: 134 and 1.45) and create a data.frame "output" looking similar to this:
id string
1 A 1.001
2 A 123.123
3 B 23.45
4 C <NA>
5 D 134
6 D 1.45
I managed to do this (code below) but the solution is pretty ugly for me also not so efficient (two for-loops). Could someone suggest a better way to do do this (preferably using dplyr)
# data
data <- data.frame(id = c("A", "B", "C", "D"),
string = c("1.001 xxx 123.123",
"23,45 lorem ipsum",
"donald trump",
"ssss 134, 1,45"),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# creating empty data.frame
len <- length(unlist(sapply(data$string, function(x) gregexpr("[0-9]+[,|.]?[0-9]*", x))))
output <- data.frame(id = rep(NA, len), string = rep(NA, len))
# main solution
start = 0
for(i in 1:dim(data)[1]){
tmp_len <- length(unlist(gregexpr("[0-9]+[,|.]?[0-9]*", data$string[i])))
for(j in (start+1):(start+tmp_len)){
output[j,1] <- data$id[i]
output[j,2] <- regmatches(data$string[i], gregexpr("[0-9]+[,|.]?[0-9]*", data$string[i]))[[1]][j-start]
start = start + tmp_len
# further modifications
output$string <- gsub(",", ".", output$string)
output$string <- as.numeric(ifelse(substring(output$string, nchar(output$string), nchar(output$string)) == ".",
substring(output$string, 1, nchar(output$string) - 1),
1) Base R This uses relatively simple regular expressions and no packages.
In the first 2 lines of code replace any comma followed by a space with a
space and then replace all remaining commas with a dot. After these two lines s will be: c("1.001 xxx 123.123", "23.45 lorem ipsum", "donald trump", "ssss 134 1.45")
In the next 4 lines of code trim whitespace from beginning and end of each string field and split the string field on whitespace producing a
list. grep out those elements consisting only of digits and dots. (The regular expression ^[0-9.]*$ matches the start of a word followed by zero or more digits or dots followed by the end of the word so only words containing only those characters are matched.) Replace any zero length components with NA. Finally add data$id as the names. After these 4 lines are run the list L will be list(A = c("1.001", "123.123"), B = "23.45", C = NA, D = c("134", "1.45")) .
In the last line of code convert the list L to a data frame with the appropriate names.
s <- gsub(", ", " ", data$string)
s <- gsub(",", ".", s)
L <- strsplit(trimws(s), "\\s+")
L <- lapply(L, grep, pattern = "^[0-9.]*$", value = TRUE)
L <- ifelse(lengths(L), L, NA)
names(L) <- data$id
with(stack(L), data.frame(id = ind, string = values))
id string
1 A 1.001
2 A 123.123
3 B 23.45
4 C <NA>
5 D 134
6 D 1.45
2) magrittr This variation of (1) writes it as a magrittr pipeline.
data %>%
transform(string = gsub(", ", " ", string)) %>%
transform(string = gsub(",", ".", string)) %>%
transform(string = trimws(string)) %>%
with(setNames(strsplit(string, "\\s+"), id)) %>%
lapply(grep, pattern = "^[0-9.]*$", value = TRUE) %>%
replace(lengths(.) == 0, NA) %>%
stack() %>%
with(data.frame(id = ind, string = values))
3) dplyr/tidyr This is an alternate pipeline solution using dplyr and tidyr. unnest converts to long form, id is made factor so that we can later use complete to recover id's that are removed by subsequent filtering, the filter removes junk rows and complete inserts NA rows for each id that would otherwise not appear.
data %>%
mutate(string = gsub(", ", " ", string)) %>%
mutate(string = gsub(",", ".", string)) %>%
mutate(string = trimws(string)) %>%
mutate(string = strsplit(string, "\\s+")) %>%
unnest() %>%
mutate(id = factor(id))
filter(grepl("^[0-9.]*$", string)) %>%
4) data.table
DT <- as.data.table(data)
DT[, string := gsub(", ", " ", string)][,
string := gsub(",", ".", string)][,
string := trimws(string)][,
string := setNames(strsplit(string, "\\s+"), id)][,
list(string = list(grep("^[0-9.]*$", unlist(string), value = TRUE))), by = id][,
list(string = if (length(unlist(string))) unlist(string) else NA_character_), by = id]
Update Removed assumption that junk words do not have digit or dot. Also added (2), (3) and (4) and some improvements.
We can replace the , in between the numbers with . (using gsub), extract the numbers with str_extract_all (from stringr into a list), replace the list elements that have length equal to 0 with NA, set the names of the list with 'id' column, stack to convert the list to data.frame and rename the columns.
setNames(stack(setNames(lapply(str_extract_all(gsub("(?<=[0-9]),(?=[0-9])", ".",
data$string, perl = TRUE), "[0-9.]+"), function(x)
if(length(x)==0) NA else as.numeric(x)), data$id))[2:1], c("id", "string"))
# id string
#1 A 1.001
#2 A 123.123
#3 B 23.45
#4 C NA
#5 D 134
#6 D 1.45
Same idea as Gabor's. I had hoped to use R's built-in parsing of strings (type.convert, used in read.table) rather than writing custom regex substitutions:
sp = setNames(strsplit(data$string, " "), data$id)
spc = lapply(sp, function(x) {
x = x[grep("[^0-9.,]$", x, invert=TRUE)]
if (!length(x))
mapply(type.convert, x, dec=gsub("[^.,]", "", x), USE.NAMES=FALSE)
setNames(rev(stack(spc)), names(data))
id string
1 A 1.001
2 A 123.123
3 B 23.45
4 C <NA>
5 D 134
6 D 1.45
Unfortunately, type.convert is not robust enough to consider both decimal delimiters at once, so we need this mapply malarkey instead of type.convert(x, dec = "[.,]").
I am collecting tweets with the twitteR package and get many duplicates. This code works fine:
tweets <- searchTwitter(keyword, n=500, lang="en", since=NULL, until=NULL, retryOnRateLimit=100)
mydata <- sapply(tweets, function(x) x$getText())
mydata <- unique(mydata, incomparables = F, nmax = NA)
The problem is that it actually doesn't delete any duplicates because it doesn't recognises them as such. The duplicate tweets typically contain shortened URLS that differ by 1 or 2 digits. So I tried to clean the tweets of URLS with this code:
tweets <- searchTwitter(keyword, n=500, lang="en", since=NULL, until=NULL,
mydata <- sapply(tweets, function(x) x$getText())
mydata <- data.frame(tweetsText, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(mydata) <- c('words')
removeURL <- function(x) gsub("http[[:alnum:]]*", "", x)
mydata$words <- removeURL(mydata$words)
removeURL <- function(x) gsub("https[[:alnum:]]*", "", x)
mydata$words <- removeURL(mydata$words)
mydata$words <- unique(mydata$words, incomparables = F, nmax = NA)
Now I get the error message:
Error in $<-.data.frame(*tmp*, "words", value = c("Tripping around #DisneySprings.....) : replacement has 295 rows, data has 300
Advice? Thanks!
Your error is easily reproducible:
mydata <- data.frame(list(w = c(0, 1, 0, 1)))
mydata$words <- c(0, 1, 1)
# Error in `$<-.data.frame`(`*tmp*`, "words", value = c(0, 1, 1)) :
# replacement has 3 rows, data has 4
This just means that you need to assign a vector of the same length as the length of the data frame.
To filter out duplicate values you need to change the last line of your code to:
res <- mydata[!duplicated(mydata$words), ]
I wish to split strings into non-overlapping segments where the endpoints of a segment are numbers within a field of dots. I can do this using the code below. However, this code seems to be overly complex and involves nested for-loops. Is there a simpler way, ideally using regex in base R?
Here is an example and the desired.result.
my.data <- read.table(text = '
my.string cov1 cov2
11....... 1 A 2 B
1234..... 3 C
1...2...3 4 C
..3..4... 5 D
', header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
desired.result <- read.table(text = '
my.string cov1 cov2
11....... 1 A
1.1...... 2 B
..1.2.... 2 B
....2.1.. 2 B
......1.1 2 B
12....... 3 C
.23...... 3 C
..34..... 3 C
1...2.... 4 C
....2...3 4 C
..3..4... 5 D
', header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, na.strings = 'NA')
new.data <- data.frame(do.call(rbind, strsplit(my.data$my.string,'')), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
n.segments <- rowSums(!(new.data[1:ncol(new.data)] == '.')) - 1
my.end.points <- do.call(rbind, gregexpr("[0-9]", my.data$my.string, perl=TRUE))
my.end.point.char <- do.call(rbind, strsplit(my.data$my.string, ""))
my.end.point.char <- t(apply(my.end.point.char, 1, as.numeric))
new.strings <- matrix('.', nrow = sum(n.segments), ncol = max(nchar(my.data$my.string)))
new.cov <- as.data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = sum(n.segments), ncol = (ncol(my.data) - 1)))
m <- 1
for(i in 1:nrow(new.data)) {
for(j in 1:n.segments[i]) {
for(k in 1:ncol(new.strings)) {
new.strings[m, my.end.points[i, j ] ] <- my.end.point.char[i, my.end.points[i, j ]]
new.strings[m, my.end.points[i, (j+1)] ] <- my.end.point.char[i, my.end.points[i,(j+1)]]
new.cov[m,] <- my.data[i, c(2:ncol(my.data))]
m <- m + 1
my.result <- data.frame(my.string = apply(new.strings, 1, function(x) paste0(x, collapse = '')), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
my.result <- data.frame(my.result, new.cov)
colnames(my.result) <- names(my.data)
all.equal(desired.result, my.result)
# [1] TRUE
w <- nchar(my.data$my.string[1L]);
dps <- character(w+1L); dps[1L] <- ''; for (i in seq_len(w)) dps[i+1L] <- paste0(dps[i],'.');
x <- Map(my.data$my.string,gregexpr('[^.]',my.data$my.string),f=function(s,g)
if (length(g)<3L) s else sapply(seq_len(length(g)-1L),function(gi)
res <- transform(my.data[rep(seq_len(nrow(my.data)),sapply(x,length)),],my.string=unlist(x));
## my.string cov1 cov2
## 1 11....... 1 A
## 2 1.1...... 2 B
## 2.1 ..1.2.... 2 B
## 2.2 ....2.1.. 2 B
## 2.3 ......1.1 2 B
## 3 12....... 3 C
## 3.1 .23...... 3 C
## 3.2 ..34..... 3 C
## 4 1...2.... 4 C
## 4.1 ....2...3 4 C
## 5 ..3..4... 5 D
Note: You can replace the sapply(x,length) piece with lengths(x) if you have a recent enough version of R.
bgoldst <- function(my.data) { w <- nchar(my.data$my.string[1L]); dps <- character(w+1L); dps[1L] <- ''; for (i in seq_len(w)) dps[i+1L] <- paste0(dps[i],'.'); x <- Map(my.data$my.string,gregexpr('[^.]',my.data$my.string),f=function(s,g) if (length(g)<3L) s else sapply(seq_len(length(g)-1L),function(gi) paste0(dps[g[gi]],substr(s,g[gi],g[gi+1L]),dps[w-g[gi+1L]+1L]))); transform(my.data[rep(seq_len(nrow(my.data)),sapply(x,length)),],my.string=unlist(x)); };
rawr <- function(my.data) { f <- function(x, m) { y <- gsub('.', '\\.', x); cs <- attr(m, "capture.start"); cl <- attr(m, "capture.length"); Vectorize(`substr<-`)(y, cs, cl + cs - 1, Vectorize(substr)(x, cs, cl + cs - 1)); }; m <- gregexpr('(?=([0-9][.]*[0-9]))', my.data$my.string, perl = TRUE); strs <- Map(f, my.data$my.string, m); tmp <- `rownames<-`(my.data[rep(1:nrow(my.data), sapply(strs,length)), ], NULL); tmp$my.string <- unlist(strs); tmp; };
carroll <- function(my.data) { strings <- sapply(my.data$my.string, function(x) { stri_match_all_regex(x, "(?=([0-9]{1}\\.*[0-9]{1}))")[[1]][,2]; }); strpos <- lapply(1:length(strings), function(x) { y <- {nchar(sub(perl=T,'^\\.*\\K.*','',my.data$my.string[x]))+c(0, cumsum(nchar(strings[[x]])-1))}; return(y[-length(y)]); }); w <- nchar(my.data$my.string[1L]); output.result <- data.frame(my.string = cbind(unlist(sapply(1:length(strings), function(y) { cbind(sapply(1:length(strings[[y]]), function(x) { leftstr <- paste0(paste0(rep(".", strpos[[y]][[x]]), collapse=""), strings[[y]][x]); rightstr <- paste0(rep(".", w-nchar(leftstr)), collapse=""); paste0(leftstr, rightstr, collapse=""); })); }))), my.data[unlist(sapply(1:length(strings), function(x) { rep(x, sapply(strings, length)[x]); })), c(2,3)], stringsAsFactors=FALSE); row.names(output.result) <- NULL; output.result; };
## OP's sample input
my.data <- read.table(text = '
my.string cov1 cov2
11....... 1 A 2 B
1234..... 3 C
1...2...3 4 C
..3..4... 5 D
', header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE);
ex <- bgoldst(my.data);
## [1] TRUE
## [1] TRUE
## Unit: microseconds
## expr min lq mean median uq max neval
## bgoldst(my.data) 422.094 451.816 483.5305 476.6195 503.775 801.421 100
## rawr(my.data) 1096.502 1160.863 1277.7457 1236.7720 1298.996 3092.785 100
## carroll(my.data) 1130.287 1176.900 1224.6911 1213.2515 1247.249 1525.437 100
## scale test
NR <- 1e4; NS <- 30L; probDot <- 3/4;
x <- c('.',0:9); probs <- c(probDot,rep((1-probDot)/10,10L)); my.data <- data.frame(my.string=do.call(paste0,as.data.frame(replicate(NS,sample(x,NR,T,probs)))),cov1=sample(seq_len(NR)),cov2=sample(make.unique(rep(LETTERS,len=NR))),stringsAsFactors=F);
repeat { w <- which(sapply(gregexpr('[^.]',my.data$my.string),length)==1L); if (length(w)==0L) break; my.data$my.string[w] <- do.call(paste0,as.data.frame(replicate(NS,sample(x,length(w),T,probs)))); }; ## prevent single-digit strings, which rawr and carroll solutions don't support
ex <- bgoldst(my.data);
## [1] TRUE
## [1] TRUE
## Unit: milliseconds
## expr min lq mean median uq max neval
## bgoldst(my.data) 904.887 904.887 904.887 904.887 904.887 904.887 1
## rawr(my.data) 2736.462 2736.462 2736.462 2736.462 2736.462 2736.462 1
## carroll(my.data) 108575.001 108575.001 108575.001 108575.001 108575.001 108575.001 1
my.data <- read.table(text = '
my.string cov1 cov2
11....... 1 A 2 B
1234..... 3 C
1...2...3 4 C
..3..4... 5 D
', header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
f <- function(x, m) {
if (nchar(gsub('.', '', x, fixed = TRUE)) < 2L) return(x)
y <- gsub('.', '\\.', x)
cs <- attr(m, "capture.start")
cl <- attr(m, "capture.length")
Vectorize(`substr<-`)(y, cs, cl + cs - 1, Vectorize(substr)(x, cs, cl + cs - 1))
m <- gregexpr('(?=([0-9][.]*[0-9]))', my.data$my.string, perl = TRUE)
strs <- Map(f, my.data$my.string, m)
tmp <- `rownames<-`(my.data[rep(1:nrow(my.data), lengths(strs)), ], NULL)
tmp$my.string <- unlist(strs)
# my.string cov1 cov2
# 1 11....... 1 A
# 2 1.1...... 2 B
# 3 ..1.2.... 2 B
# 4 ....2.1.. 2 B
# 5 ......1.1 2 B
# 6 12....... 3 C
# 7 .23...... 3 C
# 8 ..34..... 3 C
# 9 1...2.... 4 C
# 10 ....2...3 4 C
# 11 ..3..4... 5 D
identical(tmp, desired.result)
# [1] TRUE
Here's an option. Not clean, but neither is the problem.
## isolate the strings, allowing overlap via positive lookaheads
strings <- sapply(my.data$my.string, function(x) {
stri_match_all_regex(x, "(?=([0-9]{1}\\.*[0-9]{1}))")[[1]][,2]
Identify the offsets at the start of each group.
## identify the . offsets
strpos <- lapply(1:length(strings), function(x) {
y <- {nchar(sub(perl=T,'^\\.*\\K.*','',my.data$my.string[x]))+c(0, cumsum(nchar(strings[[x]])-1))}
Build up the data.frame with only 2 sapply loops.
## collate the results using sapply
w <- nchar(my.data$my.string[1L]);
output.result <- data.frame(
my.string = cbind(unlist(sapply(1:length(strings), function(y) {
cbind(sapply(1:length(strings[[y]]), function(x) {
leftstr <- paste0(paste0(rep(".", strpos[[y]][[x]]), collapse=""), strings[[y]][x])
rightstr <- paste0(rep(".", w-nchar(leftstr)), collapse="")
paste0(leftstr, rightstr, collapse="")
my.data[unlist(sapply(1:length(strings), function(x) {
rep(x, sapply(strings, length)[x])
})), c(2,3)], stringsAsFactors=FALSE
row.names(output.result) <- NULL
my.string cov1 cov2
1 11....... 1 A
2 1.1...... 2 B
3 ..1.2.... 2 B
4 ....2.1.. 2 B
5 ......1.1 2 B
6 12....... 3 C
7 .23...... 3 C
8 ..34..... 3 C
9 1...2.... 4 C
10 ....2...3 4 C
11 ..3..4... 5 D
identical(desired.result, output.result)
[1] TRUE
I have a file with ~ 40 million rows that I need to split based on the first comma delimiter.
The following using the stringr function str_split_fixed works well but is very slow.
df1 <- data.frame(id = 1:1000, letter1 = rep(letters[sample(1:25,1000, replace = T)], 40))
df1$combCol1 <- paste(df1$id, ',',df1$letter1, sep = '')
df1$combCol2 <- paste(df1$combCol1, ',', df1$combCol1, sep = '')
st1 <- str_split_fixed(df1$combCol2, ',', 2)
Any suggestions for a faster way to do this?
The stri_split_fixed function in more recent versions of "stringi" have a simplify argument that can be set to TRUE to return a matrix. Thus, the updated solution would be:
stri_split_fixed(df1$combCol2, ",", 2, simplify = TRUE)
Original answer (with updated benchmarks)
If you are comfortable with the "stringr" syntax and don't want to veer too far from it, but you also want to benefit from a speed boost, try the "stringi" package instead:
system.time(temp1 <- str_split_fixed(df1$combCol2, ',', 2))
# user system elapsed
# 3.25 0.00 3.25
system.time(temp2a <- do.call(rbind, stri_split_fixed(df1$combCol2, ",", 2)))
# user system elapsed
# 0.04 0.00 0.05
system.time(temp2b <- stri_split_fixed(df1$combCol2, ",", 2, simplify = TRUE))
# user system elapsed
# 0.01 0.00 0.01
Most of the "stringr" functions have "stringi" parallels, but as can be seen from this example, the "stringi" output required one extra step of binding the data to create the output as a matrix instead of as a list.
Here's how it compares with #RichardScriven's suggestion in the comments:
fun1a <- function() do.call(rbind, stri_split_fixed(df1$combCol2, ",", 2))
fun1b <- function() stri_split_fixed(df1$combCol2, ",", 2, simplify = TRUE)
fun2 <- function() {
do.call(rbind, regmatches(df1$combCol2, regexpr(",", df1$combCol2),
invert = TRUE))
microbenchmark(fun1a(), fun1b(), fun2(), times = 10)
# Unit: milliseconds
# expr min lq mean median uq max neval
# fun1a() 42.72647 46.35848 59.56948 51.94796 69.29920 98.46330 10
# fun1b() 17.55183 18.59337 20.09049 18.84907 22.09419 26.85343 10
# fun2() 370.82055 404.23115 434.62582 439.54923 476.02889 480.97912 10