how to remove glyphs from vtk data? - c++

I am wondering if there is a vtk filter that replaces glyps (cone source) with a single vertex?
Here is the problem i am trying to solve. I have bunch of vector field data displayed using cone glyps. I am trying to pick a vector glyph and display vector values. I am using vtkCellPicker to pick the vector glyph. The cell picker is picking the face on the glyph instead of picking the whole glyph. So, the vector values picked are values on the face, not for the entire glyph.
If i can run the vtkData through some filter which replaces these glyps with a single vertex, i can pick the point and pick the correct vector field values.
Any help is appreciated.

You can use a vtkPolyDataConnectivityFilter ( to pull out the whole glyph starting from the one cell that is picked.
You may be better off setting GeneratePointIdsOn on your vtkGlyph3D filter which will add to the cone data an extra array with input point IDs. You can then use this to look up the original data value for display. See


PowerBI - Show lines on a map from one point to another

We got several OLAP Cubes in PowerBI Datasets.
One of the cubes has a dimension "dim_location" which contains columns for latitude and longitude. But each dataset has 2 pairs of values, let's call them start_latitude, start_longitude and end_latitude, end_longitude.
I got a fact table connected to that dim_location and want to show some of the measures on a map.
It works perfectly fine with both the map visual and the ArcGIS visual, if I use either the end or the start coordinates. I can show the values as circles with changing size or changing color dependent on the value of a measure. So far so good.
But what I instead want to accomplish is to show a line on the map for each dataset. Each line shall go from start point to end point, color dependent on measure value.
Is there a way to offer the coordinates in the cube dimension in some string syntax that will create a shape, like a polygon with only 2 points, which would result in a line, which can then be shown on the map?
As stated before everything works fine on the map and the ArcGIS visual with one point (lat/lon) per dataset. Tried to find help online for some polygon syntax but came up empty.

Draw zones instead of of points on an radar image

I don't really know how to explain it in a better way, so please look at the following images :
This is what I create for the moment
This is what I whish to create instead
I am currently using C++ with Qt 4.8.
Do you know a way that would allow me to reach my goal ? Using a library or a transformation matrix ? Or something else ?
I am a total newbie to image manipulation, so every advice is precious for me.
I draw each colored pixel from Lat/Long measures, if it can help.
Use what is called a morphological operator. In this case, you would require the 'open' operator. OpenCV provides a pretty good implementation (and documentation of these) which can be found here.
Draw circles instead of points is all I can think of. Creating a triangle mesh is tricky with the concave elements of the distribution.
EDIT: Just looked at the full size version of the image and wondered if the data set is stored radially? You could scan adjacent radial lines and try to match up the changes in value along each line to form a set of quads. There will be a large number of edge conditions to consider though.
EDIT2: Alternatively, form a uniformly distributed set of quads and interpolate the vertex colours.
you can start by increasing the size of the points,
you could create a triangle mesh by using a sweepline algorithm:
sort the points by lat
keep a subset sorted by long
when you add a point compare to the 4 adjacent points and add triangles to the "to draw" set (remove points too far away from the current lat as needed)
with opengl you can use an index buffer to hold which point should be drawn

moving a set of items that contains a clip-rect attribute

I have a set containing image objects. Each object is cropped using the 'clip-rect' attribute.
when I transform the entire set
all the images move 50 pixels to the right, but the clip-rect stays in place.
how can I get the clip-rect attributes to transform with the entire set?
I am working on this for hours and I am drawing blanks.
I did come up with an inefficient solution:
When I first create the images and crop them, I create rectangles with the attributes of the crop, and push them into the set. when I transform the set, the rectangles move too, and then I reset the attributes on the clip-rect so it matches the getBBox of the corresponding rectangles. it worked for a while but now the code became too complicated for that.
Is there any way to move 'clip-rect' relative to their position?
Here is an illustration of my problem:
the yellow square is the same size as the other squares but it is cropped.
when I transform the entire set, all the elements move but the crop stays in place.
click on the rectangles and see.
this is my solution which is not ideal
any ideas?

Algorithm and data structure to find and store superpixels' neighborhood in C++

I have an image, holding results of segmentation, like this one.
I need to build a graph of neighborhood of patches, colored in different colors.
As a result I'd like a structure, representing the following
Here numbers represent separate patches, and lines represent patches' neighborhood.
Currently I cannot figure out where to start, which keywords to google.
Could anyone suggest anything useful?
Image is stored in OpenCV's cv::Mat class, as for graph, I plan to use Boost.Graph library.
So, please, give me some links to code samples and algorithms, or keywords.
After a coffee-break and some discussions, the following has come to my mind.
Build a large lattice graph, where each node corresponds to each image pixel, and links connect 8 or 4 neighbors.
Label each graph node with a corresponding pixel value.
Try to merge somehow nodes with the same label.
My another problem is that I'm not familiar with the BGL (but the book is on the way :)).
So, what do you think about this solution?
Probably, this link can help.
However, the solution is still not found.
You could solve it like that:
Define regions (your numbers in the graph)
make a 2D array which stores the region number
start at (0/0) and set it to 1 (region number)
set the whole region as 1 using floodfill algorithm or something.
during floodfill you probably encounter coordinates which have different color. store those inside a queue. start filling from those coordinates and increment region number if your previous fill is done.
Make links between regions
iterate through your 2D array.
if you have neighbouring numbers, store the number pair (probably in a sorted manner, you also have to check whether the pair already exists or not). You only have to check the element below, right and the one diagonal to the right, if you advance from left to right.
Though I have to admit I don't know a thing about this topic.. just my simple idea..
You could use BFS to mark regions.
To expose cv::Mat to BGL you should write a lot of code. I think writeing your own bfs is much more simplier.
Than you for every two negbours write their marks to std::set<std::pair<mark_t, mark_t>>.
And than build graph from that.
I think that if your color patches are that random, you will probably need a brute force algorithm to do what you want. An idea could be:
Do a first brute force pass. This has to identify all the patches. For example, make a matrix A of the same size as the image, and initialize it to 0. For each pixel which is still zero, start from it and mark it as a new patch, and try a brute force approach to find the whole extent of the patch. Each matrix cell will then have a value equal to the number of the patch it is in it.
The patch numbers have to be 2^N, for example 1, 2, 4, 8, ...
Make another matrix B of the size of the image, but each cell holds two values. This will represent the connection between pixels. For each cell of matrix B, the first value will be the absolute difference between the patch number in the pixel and the patch number of an adjacent pixel. First value is difference with the pixel below, second with the pixel to the left.
Pick all unique values in matrix B, you have all the connections possible.
This works because each difference between patches number is unique. For example, if in B you end up with numbers 3, 6, 7 it will mean that there are contacts between patches (4,1), (8,2) and (8,1). Value 0 of course means that there are two pixels in the same patch next to each other, so you just ignore them.

Image Segmentation with boost graph

I recently discovered boost::graph.
Since I have never used Graph theory before I was wondering how i would solve the following problem with boost graph.
Lets say I've got a simple(greyscale) 2D Image and I'd like to extract Regions from it which suffice a specific criterion, e.g. pixel value > threshold.
Lets above is white, below is black.
How would I implement that?
My first clue was adding one single Vertex to the graph for every pixel in the image.
And then connect every pixel Vertex to its neighbours with the same colour(white/black).
And then I could extract regions with the connected_components() function.
Or is it more effective to connect all neighbouring pixels and encode the border information into the edge(border edge, nonborder edge)?
Actually there are some interesting graph-theory based segmentation algorithms out there, called graph-cut segmentation. They use colored edges to encode differential information between neighboring pixels.
For your very simple segmentation though using graphs at all seems overkill to me.
I would definitely do the former where you create a vertex for each pixel, and then connect pixels (or adjacent pixels depending on what you are trying to do) that share your criterion. That way you could do a "pixel-walk" to find all the areas of your image (or at least adjacent areas) that satisfy a specific criterion.
In order to find the first pixel that fits your criterion in order to start the walking sequence there are a couple methods you could use. 1) a random pick of pixels from the image, 2) save a list pointers to pixels that fit your different criteria (you only need one pixel for each criteria), or 3) save some type of gradient information on the image so that by picking just one pixel from the image, you can then search along the gradient flows to find the pixel you're looking for (i.e., the gradients would give you directional information on where you need to pick you next pixel to get closer to the desired criterion you're looking for). I would think choices 1 or 2 would be easiest to implement.
Hope this helps,