AWS spot price history coming empty - amazon-web-services

I got AWS CLI tools and account on AWS. I ran the command aws configure and set the AWS Access key, AWS secret key, region and output format. Now when I am running the command
aws ec2 describe-spot-price-history --instance-type m1.xlarge --product-description "Linux/Unix"
I get the output empty
"SpotPriceHistory": []
I have tried it with multiple instance types, giving start time and end time etc.
Please can someone help me on this.

Are you sure your account supports launching an ec2-classic instance ?
If you created your account after 2013-12-04, it supports EC2-VPC only and to retrieve the information you will need to specify that you want ec2 instances from VPC
aws ec2 describe-spot-price-history --product-description "Linux/UNIX (Amazon VPC)" --instance-type m1.xlarge


How to find the created date of the AWS Lightsail Instance?

I have like 15 Lightsail instances created on my AWS account and now I wanted to know when these Lightsail instances were created.
The creation date of the Lightsail instances on which date and time these were created. But is not able to find this information from the AWS Lightsail console.
You can use the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) to retrieve the creation date of your Lightsail instances. The following AWS CLI command will list all of your Lightsail instances and the creation date for each instance:
aws lightsail get-instances --query "instances[*].{Name:name, CreationDate:createdAt}"
This command uses the get-instances command to retrieve information about all of your Lightsail instances, and the --query option to extract the name and creation date of each instance.
Alternatively, you can also retrieve the creation date of a specific Lightsail instance by using the get-instance command and specifying the instance name:
aws lightsail get-instance --instance-name <instance_name> --query "instance.createdAt"
Replace <instance_name> with the name of the Lightsail instance you want to retrieve information for.
Note: The AWS CLI must be installed and configured on your local machine in order to use these commands.
If you haven't already done so, just follow these steps:
1- Install the AWS CLI:
You can install the AWS CLI on your local machine by following the installation instructions for your operating system. You can find the installation instructions at the following URL:
2- Configure the AWS CLI:
After installing the AWS CLI, you need to configure it with your AWS credentials. You can do this by running the following command:
aws configure
This will prompt you for your AWS access key ID, secret access key, default region name, and default output format. You can find your AWS access keys in the AWS Management Console.
3- Verify the configuration:
To verify that your AWS CLI is configured correctly, you can run the following command:
aws lightsail get-instances
This command should list all of your Lightsail instances in your AWS account.
With the AWS CLI installed and configured, you can now use the AWS CLI commands to retrieve information about your Lightsail instances, including the creation date.
I hope my answer helps you

How to know EC2 instance stopped time?

I really need to know about the stopped time of AWS EC2 instances. I have checked with AWS cloudtrail, but its not easy to find the exact stopped EC2 instance. Is possible to see exact time of stopped EC2 instances by aws-cli commands or any boto3 script?
You can get this info from StateTransitionReason in describe-instances AWS CLI when you search for stopped instances:
aws ec2 describe-instances --filter Name=instance-state-name,Values=stopped --query 'Reservations[].Instances[*].StateTransitionReason' --output text
Example output:
User initiated (2020-12-03 07:16:35 GMT)
AWS Config keeps track of the state of resources as they change over time.
From What Is AWS Config? - AWS Config:
AWS Config provides a detailed view of the configuration of AWS resources in your AWS account. This includes how the resources are related to one another and how they were configured in the past so that you can see how the configurations and relationships change over time.
Thus, you could look back through the configuration history of the Amazon EC2 instance and extract times for when the instance changed to a Stopped state.
Sometimes time is missing from StateTransitionReason, you can use CloudTrail and search for Resource Name = instance ID to find out StopInstance(s) API calls.
By default you can track back 90 days, or indefinitely if you create your own trail.

AWS Get VPC per region limit using AWS SDK or CLi

I wanted to add validation to my script before starting the Pod build in AWS.
One of the validation step is to check the # of VPCs in the asked region and the max limit set on the account.
I didn't find any CLI or SDK API to get it.
However there are similar APIs, example to get the max elastic IP per VPC, I can query:
aws ec2 describe-account-attributes
And look for "AttributeName": "default-vpc"
There is a brand new service which is able to do what you want: AWS Service Quotas.
It is currently available in most of the regions.
You can query the VPC service limit using the GetServiceQuota action.
The quota code for the quota VPCs per Region is L-F678F1CE (ARN: arn:aws:servicequotas:<REGION>::vpc/L-F678F1CE).
The service code for the service Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) is vpc.
GetServiceQuota-Command Documentation for the CLI:
You can use the latest version of the aws cli as follows:
aws service-quotas get-service-quota --service-code 'vpc' --quota-code 'L-F678F1CE'
On Windows cli:
aws service-quotas get-service-quota --service-code vpc --quota-code L-F678F1CE
As long as Trusted Advisor access to the Service Limits category remains free, you can do this:
CHECK_ID=$(aws --region us-east-1 support describe-trusted-advisor-checks --language en --query 'checks[?name==Service Limits].{id:id}[0].id' --output text)
aws support describe-trusted-advisor-check-result --check-id $CHECK_ID --query 'result.sort_by(flaggedResources[?status!="ok"],&metadata[2])[].metadata' --output table --region us-east-1
CHECK_ID is currently eW7HH0l7J9

How do I enable the AWS CLI on an EC2 instance?

How do I enable the AWS CLI on an EC2 instance? After I create the EC2 instance, I can SSH into the machine, but when I try to do something like aws s3 ls, it prompts me to do aws configure first, which I then have to enter my keys. I want to be able to automate this so that I can grab additional artifacts from S3 buckets to install. Note that I am using the AWS CLI on my computer to create the EC2 instance, but I need to use the AWS CLI on the EC2 instance itself.
My AWS command to create a simple EC2 instance looks like the following (this is done on my computer).
aws ec2 run-instances \
--image-id ami-14c5486b \
--count 1 \
--instance-type t2.micro \
--key-name testkey \
--subnet-id subnet-xxxxxxxx \
--security-group-ids sg-xxxxxxxx \
--tag-specifications 'ResourceType=instance,Tags=[{Key=Name,Value=test}]'
--user-data file://
The looks something like the following (this is submitted to the EC2 instance).
aws s3 cp s3://mybucket/some-archive.tar.gz some-archive.tar.gz
tar xf some-archive.tar.gz
sudo some-archive/bin/
You need to use an instance profile when launching your EC2 instance – if it has an instance profile attached then the AWS CLI will automatically use the permissions set in it to grant access to resources, rather than relying on your providing credentials.
You need to assign an instance role to your instance. Give it rights to get objects from your bucket. Then the aws cli will get the credentials from instance metadata automatically so you won't need to configure aws first.

How can I set existing EIPs to Auto scaled instances in AWS when they launch automatically?

I have cloud formation template which creates auto-scaling group with desired state 2. I need instances to be attached to existing eips when they get launched. How can I do this?
You need to write a custom user data script that assigns the elastic IP to the instance. You can not do this using CloudFormation templates yet. The AWS CLI to be used is: aws ec2 associate-address. For this, the best practice would be to assign and IAM role with ec2:AssociateAddress permission.
The command will look like this: aws ec2 associate-address --instance-id $INSTANCE_ID --allocation-id $ALLOCATION_ID --allow-reassociation
While the allocation id will need to be hardcoded in the template, you can get the instance id within the instance using the command: curl -s Refer this thread
for more details.