I am trying to pipe opencv frames to ffmpeg using rawvideo format, which should accept the input as BGRBGRBGR... encoding the frame before piping is not an option.
cv::Mat frame;
cv::VideoCapture cap("cap.avi");
cap >> frame;
if(!frame.data) break;
// some processing
cv::Mat array = frame.reshape(0, 1); // to make continuous
std::string output((char*) array.data, array.total() * array.elemSize());
std::cout << output;
with command
cap.exe | ffplay -f rawvideo -pixel_format bgr24 -video_size 1920x1080 -framerate 10 -i -
gives this kind of distorted result
I think problem is not related to ffmpeg/ffplay, but something is wrong with my frame to raw conversion
how to convert mat with 3 channels to rawvideo bgr24 format ?
I created an FFMPEG pipeline so that I can stream video frames to an RTSP server. I created a synthetic video for testing where each frame is a green number on a black background. The video plays on my screen but it does not stream to the server because I get the error "Unable to find a suitable output format for 'rtsp://"
My code is below. The source code is taken from the answer: How to stream frames from OpenCV C++ code to Video4Linux or ffmpeg?
int main() {
int width = 720;
int height = 1280;
int fps = 30;
FILE* pipeout = _popen("ffmpeg -f rawvideo -r 30 -video_size 720x1280 -pixel_format bgr24 -i pipe: -vcodec libx264 -crf 24 -pix_fmt yuv420p rtsp://", "w");
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
Mat frame = Mat(height, width, CV_8UC3);
frame = Scalar(60, 60, 60); //Fill background with dark gray
putText(frame, to_string(i + 1), Point(width / 2 - 50 * (int)(to_string(i + 1).length()), height / 2 + 50), FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 5, Scalar(30, 255, 30), 10); // Draw a green number
imshow("frame", frame);
fwrite(frame.data, 1, width * height * 3, pipeout);
// Flush and close input and output pipes
_pclose(pipeout); //Windows
return 0;
When I change -f rawvideo to -f rtsp in the FFMPEG command, I no longer get the error but the program just displays the first frame on the screen and seems to get stuck. Is there a wrong parameter in the pipeline. When I change the RTSP url to a file name such as output.mkv, it works perfectly and saves the video to the file.
I need to store multiple encoded frames in memory.
I am using cv::imencode(".jpg", ...) for compressing and storing the encoded images to std::list<std::vector<u_char>> compressed_images - a list of compressed images.
I want to create a video from compressed_images, but I must use cv::imdecode() to decode all the images to cv::Mat, then use cv::VideoWriter to save the images to MJPEG video.
Can I skip cv::imdecode(), or use other solution for avoid encoding two times?
You may PIPE the encoded images to FFmpeg.
According to the following post, you can "simply mux the JEPG images to make a video".
In case the frames are in memory, you can write the encoded images to an input PIPE of FFmpeg.
Instead of -f image2, use -f image2pipe format flag.
Implementing the solution in C++ is too difficult for me.
I have implemented a Python code sample.
The code sample:
Builds a list of 100 encoded frames (green frame counter).
PIPE the encoded frames to ffmpeg sub-process.
The encoded images are written to stdin input stream of the sub-process.
Here is the Python code sample:
import numpy as np
import cv2
import subprocess as sp
# Generate 100 synthetic JPEG encoded images in memory:
# List of JPEG encoded frames.
jpeg_frames = []
width, height, n_frames = 640, 480, 100 # 100 frames, resolution 640x480
for i in range(n_frames):
img = np.full((height, width, 3), 60, np.uint8)
cv2.putText(img, str(i+1), (width//2-100*len(str(i+1)), height//2+100), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 10, (30, 255, 30), 20) # Green number
# JPEG Encode img into jpeg_img
_, jpeg_img = cv2.imencode('.JPEG', img)
# Append encoded image to list.
#FFmpeg input PIPE: JPEG encoded images
#FFmpeg output AVI file encoded with MJPEG codec.
# https://video.stackexchange.com/questions/7903/how-to-losslessly-encode-a-jpg-image-sequence-to-a-video-in-ffmpeg
process = sp.Popen('ffmpeg -y -f image2pipe -r 10 -i pipe: -codec copy out.avi', stdin=sp.PIPE)
# Iterate list of encoded frames and write the encoded frames to process.stdin
for jpeg_img in jpeg_frames:
# Close and flush stdin
# Wait one more second and terminate the sub-process
except (sp.TimeoutExpired):
Update: C++ implementation:
#include "opencv2/opencv.hpp"
#include "opencv2/highgui.hpp"
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#include <Windows.h> //For Sleep(1000)
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int width = 640;
int height = 480;
int n_frames = 100;
//Generate 100 synthetic JPEG encoded images in memory:
std::list<std::vector<uchar>> jpeg_frames;
for (int i = 0; i < n_frames; i++)
cv::Mat img = cv::Mat(height, width, CV_8UC3);
img = cv::Scalar(60, 60, 60);
cv::putText(img, std::to_string(i + 1), cv::Point(width / 2 - 100 * (int)(std::to_string(i + 1).length()), height / 2 + 100), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 10, cv::Scalar(30, 255, 30), 20); // Green number
//cv::imshow("img", img);cv::waitKey(1);
std::vector<uchar> jpeg_img;
cv::imencode(".JPEG", img, jpeg_img);
//In Windows (using Visual Studio) we need to use _popen and in Linux popen
#ifdef _MSC_VER
//ffmpeg.exe must be in the system path (or in the working directory)
FILE *pipeout = _popen("ffmpeg -y -f image2pipe -r 10 -i pipe: -codec copy out.avi", "wb"); //For Windows use "wb"
FILE *pipeout = popen("ffmpeg -y -f image2pipe -r 10 -i pipe: -codec copy out.avi", "w"); //For Linux use "w"
//In case ffmpeg is not in the execution path, you may use full path:
//popen("/usr/bin/ffmpeg -y -f image2pipe -r 10 -i pipe: -codec copy out.avi", "w");
std::list<std::vector<uchar>>::iterator it;
//Iterate list of encoded frames and write the encoded frames to pipeout
for (it = jpeg_frames.begin(); it != jpeg_frames.end(); ++it)
std::vector<uchar> jpeg_img = *it;
// Write this frame to the output pipe
fwrite(jpeg_img.data(), 1, jpeg_img.size(), pipeout);
// Flush and close input and output pipes
#ifdef _MSC_VER
//It looks like we need to wait one more second at the end.
return 0;
I have an mp2 stream that has klv metadata. I stored the klv in a file using ffmpeg command line:
ffmpeg -i input.mpg -map data-re -codec copy -f data output.klv
I now want to do this in c++. So, I have
FFMPEG setup …..
Then the main loop
// Read frames
while(av_read_frame(pFormatCtx, &packet) >= 0)
// Is this a packet from the video stream?
if(packet.stream_index == videoStream)
// Decode video frame
avcodec_decode_video2(pCodecCtx, pFrame, &frameFinished, &packet);
// Did we get a video frame?
// Convert the image from its native format to RGB
sws_scale(sws_ctx, (uint8_t const * const *)pFrame->data,
pFrame->linesize, 0, pCodecCtx->height,
pFrameRGB->data, pFrameRGB->linesize);
QImage myImage(pFrameRGB->data[0], pCodecCtx->width, pCodecCtx->height, QImage::Format_RGB888);
QPixmap img(QPixmap::fromImage(myImage.scaled(ui->label->width(),ui->label->height(),Qt::KeepAspectRatio)));
else // klv stream
// Decode klv data
qDebug() << packet.buf->size;
for(int i=0; i<packet.buf->size; i++)
qDebug() << packet.buf->data[i];
The resulting klv output is different - I must be doing something wrong processing the packet. The frames are good and I'm viewing it in a qt label - so my ffmpeg setup is working on images but not the klv data.
My bad - this code is working - I was comparing the int output to the ffmpeg output being viewed in notepad - when I used notepad++ - I can make sense of the ffmpeg output and it does correlate :)
I got a Logitech C920 camera connected via USB to a NVIDIA TX1. I am trying to both stream the camera feed over rtsp to a server while doing some computer vision in OpenCV. I managed to read H264 video from the usb camera in Opencv
#include <iostream>
#include "opencv/cv.h"
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include "opencv/highgui.h"
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
int main()
Mat img;
VideoCapture cap;
int heightCamera = 720;
int widthCamera = 1280;
// Start video capture port 0
// Check if we succeeded
if (!cap.isOpened())
cout << "Unable to open camera" << endl;
return -1;
// Set frame width and height
cap.set(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, widthCamera);
cap.set(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, heightCamera);
cap.set(CV_CAP_PROP_FOURCC, CV_FOURCC('X','2','6','4'));
// Set camera FPS
cap.set(CV_CAP_PROP_FPS, 30);
while (true)
// Copy the current frame to an image
cap >> img;
// Show video streams
imshow("Video stream", img);
// Release video stream
return 0;
I also have streamed the USB camera to a rtsp server by using ffmpeg:
ffmpeg -f v4l2 -input_format h264 -timestamps abs -video_size hd720 -i /dev/video0 -c:v copy -c:a none -f rtsp rtsp://
I tried to google how to combine this two functions, i.e. open usb camera in openCV and use openCV to stream H264 rtsp video. However, all I can find is people trying to open rtsp stream in openCV.
Have anyone successfully stream H264 rtsp video using openCV with ffmpeg?
Best regards
I have a stereo camera that gives an image in the format YUYV with a a resolution of 320 x 480, where in each pixel (16 bits) has encoded 2 pixels of 8 bits. I'm using OpenCV in order to get the image but when I try to get the real resolution of the image I wont get good results. I guess I missing how to properly split the 16 bits in two.
Using this and this I'm able to reconstruct an image but still is not the real one.
Mat frame;
unsigned int width= cap.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH);
unsigned int height= cap.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT);
m_pDepthImgBuf = (unsigned char*)calloc(width*height*2, sizeof(unsigned char));
cap >> frame; // get a new frame from camera
imshow("YUVY 320x480", frame);
memcpy( (void*)m_pDepthImgBuf, (void*)frame.data, width*height*2 * sizeof(unsigned char) );
cv::Mat depth(height,width*2,CV_8UC1,(void*)m_pDepthImgBuf);
camera properties:
SDL information:
Video driver: x11
Device information:
Device path: /dev/video2
Stream settings:
Frame format: YUYV (MJPG is not supported by device)
Frame size: 320x480
Frame rate: 30 fps
v4l2-ctl -d /dev/video1 --list-formats
Index : 0
Type : Video Capture
Pixel Format: 'YUYV'
Name : YUV 4:2:2 (YUYV)
In the following image you can see in green the initial 320x480 image and in gray scale the depth that I'm trying to extract.
The expected result should be: