How to get an arrow function's body as a string? - regex

How to get code as string between {} of arrow function ?
var myFn=(arg1,..,argN)=>{
*Want to parse
* ONLY which is between { and }
* of arrow function
If it is easy to parse body of simple function : myFn.toString().match(/function[^{]+\{([\s\S]*)\}$/)[1]; is enough . However, Arrow function does not contains function keyword in its definition .

I came looking for a solution because I didn't feel like writing one, but I wasn't sold on the accepted answer. For anyone interested in an ES6 1-liner, I wrote this method, which handles all the cases I needed - both normal functions and arrow functions.
const getFunctionBody = method => method.toString().replace(/^\W*(function[^{]+\{([\s\S]*)\}|[^=]+=>[^{]*\{([\s\S]*)\}|[^=]+=>(.+))/i, '$2$3$4');

This is my attempt:
function getArrowFunctionBody(f) {
const matches = f.toString().match(/^(?:\s*\(?(?:\s*\w*\s*,?\s*)*\)?\s*?=>\s*){?([\s\S]*)}?$/);
if (!matches) {
return null;
const firstPass = matches[1];
// Needed because the RegExp doesn't handle the last '}'.
const secondPass =
(firstPass.match(/{/g) || []).length === (firstPass.match(/}/g) || []).length - 1 ?
firstPass.slice(0, firstPass.lastIndexOf('}')) :
return secondPass;
const K = (x) => (y) => x;
const I = (x) => (x);
const V = (x) => (y) => (z) => z(x)(y);
const f = (a, b) => {
const c = a + b;
return c;
const empty = () => { return undefined; };
It's probably more verbose than it needs to be because I tried to be generous about white space. Also, I'd be glad to hear if anyone knows how to skip the second pass. Finally, I decided not to do any trimming, leaving that to the caller.
Currently only handles simple function parameters. You'll also need a browser that natively supports arrow functions.


Can I implement operator overloading for D's SumType alias?

TLDR: Is there a way make D's SumType play nice with opCmp while maintaining its functionality?
I'm writing a program for which D's native SumType works almost completely. However, I would like to be able to do the following:
alias Foo = SumType!(int, string);
Foo x = 3;
Foo y = 5;
writeln(max(x, y));
However, since no ordering is natively defined for SumType, I receive the following error:
C:\D\dmd2\windows\bin\..\..\src\phobos\std\algorithm\comparison.d(1644): Error: static assert: "Invalid arguments: Cannot compare types SumType!(int, string) and SumType!(int, string) for ordering."
mwe.d(11): instantiated from here: `max!(SumType!(int, string), SumType!(int, string))`
I was able to remedy this specific issue using the following method:
import std.stdio : writeln;
import std.exception : assertThrown;
import std.algorithm.comparison : max;
import core.exception : AssertError;
import std.sumtype;
struct Foo {
SumType!(int, string) value;
this(T)(T v) {
value = v;
ref Atom opAssign(T)(T rhs) {
value = rhs;
return this;
int opCmp(Foo other) {
return match!(
(a, b) => a < b ? -1 : a == b ? 0 : 1,
(_1, _2) => assert(0, "Cannot match")
)(value, other.value);
void main() {
Foo x = 3;
Foo y = 7;
Foo z = "asdf";
assert(x < y); // comparing ints works correctly
assertThrown!AssertError(x < z); // cannot compare int and string
assert(max(x, y) == y); // D's max works
The Problem
While I can now use x.value.match!(...) where I used to use x.match!(...), I would like to still be able to call .match! directly on x, and also use match!(...)(x, y) instead of match!(...)(x.value, y.value). I do not like the idea of inserting hundreds of .value throughout my code just to make certain functions like max work, and would prefer if there were a more elegant solution. I tried tinkering around with defining a custom opDispatch using mixins but I couldn't get that to play nicely with the existing SumType:
struct Foo {
SumType!(int, string) value;
this(T)(T v) {
value = v;
ref Atom opAssign(T)(T rhs) {
value = rhs;
return this;
int opCmp(Foo other) {
return match!(
(a, b) => a < b ? -1 : a == b ? 0 : 1,
(_1, _2) => assert(0, "Cannot match")
)(value, other.value);
auto opDispatch(string name, T...)(T vals) {
return mixin("value." ~ name)(vals);
void main() {
Foo y = 7;
(int intValue) => writeln("Received an integer"),
(string strValue) => writeln("Received a string")
And I am unable to decode the error which results:
mwe.d(38): Error: none of the overloads of template `std.sumtype.match!(function (int intValue) #safe
writeln("Received an integer");
return ;
, function (string strValue) #safe
writeln("Received a string");
return ;
).match` are callable using argument types `!()(Foo)`
C:\D\dmd2\windows\bin\..\..\src\phobos\std\sumtype.d(1659): Candidate is: `match(SumTypes...)(auto ref SumTypes args)`
with `SumTypes = (Foo)`
must satisfy the following constraint:
` allSatisfy!(isSumType, SumTypes)`
Beyond that I am out of ideas as to how to find a less clunky solution.
I suggest giving alias this a try. Similar to class inheritance, this lets you specialize a type and let other things fall back to the original member.
import std.stdio : writeln;
import std.exception : assertThrown;
import std.algorithm.comparison : max;
import core.exception : AssertError;
import std.sumtype;
struct Foo {
SumType!(int, string) value;
this(T)(T v) {
value = v;
int opCmp(Foo other) {
return match!(
(a, b) => a < b ? -1 : a == b ? 0 : 1,
(_1, _2) => assert(0, "Cannot match")
)(value, other.value);
alias value this;
void main() {
Foo x = 3;
Foo y = 7;
Foo z = "asdf";
assert(x < y); // comparing ints works correctly
assertThrown!AssertError(x < z); // cannot compare int and string
assert(max(x, y) == y); // D's max works
// this will now automatically fall back to y.value.match
(int intValue) => writeln("Received an integer"),
(string strValue) => writeln("Received a string")
See, you still must construct your special type, but then after that, it will look up there for members. It will find the opCmp, letting it extend the type. But then for everything else, since it isn't there, it will try checking obj.value instead, falling back to the original type.
This doesn't always work, and it means it will implicitly convert too, meaning you can pass a Foo to a void thing(SumType!(int, string)) with it passing foo.value to the function, which may or may not be desirable.
But I think it is the closest thing to what you want here.
(note btw why you got an error originally is that match isn't actually a member of SumType. it is an outside free function that takes all the match lambdas as template arguments. An opDispatch could forward template arguments too - it can be done in a two-level definition - but since match is not a member anyway, it isn't quite going to solve things anyway whereas the alias this does seem to work)

Validating the query parameter and parsing it using regular expression

I am new to regex, can you please tell me how to take a query parameter with all the below combinations.
(ParamName=Operator:ParamValue) is my set of query parameter value. This will be separated with ;(AND) or ,(OR) and i want to group them within braces. Like in below example
Ex: http://,host:port>/get?search=(date=gt:2020-02-06T00:00:00.000Z;(name=eq:Test,department=co:Prod))
Here the date should be greater than 2020-02-06 and name = Test or department contains Prod.
How to parse these query parameters. Please suggest.
Thanks, Vijay
So, I wrote a solution in JavaScript, but it should be adaptable in other languages as well, with a bit of research.
It's quite a bit of code, but what you're looking to achieve is not super easy!
So here's the code bellow, it's thoroughly commented, but please, if you there is something you don't understand, ask away, and I'll be happy to answer you :)
// The 2 first regexes are a parameter, which looks like date=gt:2020-02-06T00:00:00.000Z for example.
// The difference between those 2 is that the 1st one has **named capture group**
// For example '(?<operator>...)' is a capture group named 'operator'.
// This will come in handy in the code, to keep things clean
const RX_NAMED_PARAMETER = /(?:(?<param>\w+)=(?<operator>\w+):(?<value>[\w-:.]+))/
const parameter = "((\\w+)=(\\w+):([\\w-:.]+)|(true|false))"
// The 3rd parameter is an operation between 2 parameters
const RX_OPERATION = new RegExp(`\\((?<param1>${parameter})(?:(?<and_or>[,;])(?<param2>${parameter}))?\\)`, '');
// '---------.---------' '-------.------' '----------.---------'
// 1st parameter AND or OR 2nd parameter
my_data = {
date: new Date(2000, 01, 01),
name: 'Joey',
department: 'Production'
* This function compates the 2 elements, and returns the bigger one.
* The elements might be dates, numbers, or anything that can be compared.
* The elements **need** to be of the same type
function isGreaterThan(elem1, elem2) {
if (elem1 instanceof Date) {
const date = new Date(elem2).getTime();
if (isNaN(date))
throw new Error(`${elem2} - Not a valid date`);
return elem1.getTime() > date;
if (typeof elem1 === 'number') {
const num = Number(elem2);
if (isNaN(num))
throw new Error(`${elem2} - Not a number`);
return elem1 > num;
return elem1 > elem2;
* Makes an operation as you defined them in your
* post, you might want to change that to suit your needs
function operate(param, operator, value) {
if (!(param in my_data))
throw new Error(`${param} - Invalid parameter!`);
switch (operator) {
case 'eq':
return my_data[param] == value;
case 'co':
return my_data[param].includes(value);
case 'lt':
return isGreaterThan(my_data[param], value);
case 'gt':
return !isGreaterThan(my_data[param], value);
throw new Error(`${operator} - Unsupported operation`);
* This parses the URL, and returns a boolean
function parseUri(uri) {
let finalResult;
// As long as there are operations (of the form <param1><; or ,><param2>) on the URL
while (RX_OPERATION.test(uri)) {
// We replace the 1st operation by the result of this operation ("true" or "false")
uri = uri.replace(RX_OPERATION, rawOperation => {
// As long as there are parameters in the operations (e.g. "name=eq:Bob")
while (RX_NAMED_PARAMETER.test(rawOperation)) {
// We replace the 1st parameter by its value ("true" or "false")
rawOperation = rawOperation.replace(RX_NAMED_PARAMETER, rawParameter => {
const res = RX_NAMED_PARAMETER.exec(rawParameter);
return '' + operate(
// The "" syntax is allowed by the
// usage of capture groups. See the top of the file.
// At this point, the rawOperation should look like
// (true,false) or (false;false) for example
const res = RX_OPERATION.exec(rawOperation);
let operation;
if (res.groups.param2 === undefined)
operation = res.groups.param1; // In case this is an isolated operation
operation = res.groups.param1 + ({',': ' || ', ';': ' && '}[res.groups.and_or]) + res.groups.param2;
finalResult = eval(operation);
return '' + finalResult;
return finalResult;
let res;
res = parseUri("http://,host:port>/get?search=(date=gt:2020-02-06T00:00:00.000Z;(name=eq:Test,department=co:Prod))");
res = parseUri("http://,host:port>/get?search=(date=lt:2020-02-06T00:00:00.000Z)");

Getting reference to shared data in async closure [duplicate]

I have something like this:
use std::sync::Arc;
fn main() {
let arc = Arc::new(42);
move || { arc.clone() };
move || { arc.clone() };
I am getting:
error[E0382]: capture of moved value: `arc`
--> src/
5 | move || { arc.clone() };
| ------- value moved (into closure) here
6 | move || { arc.clone() };
| ^^^ value captured here after move
= note: move occurs because `arc` has type `std::sync::Arc<i32>`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait
I understand why I am getting this: the clone isn't called before arc is passed to the closure. I can fix this by defining each closure in a function and clone the Arc before passing it to the closure, but is there another option?
There is no way around it. You should clone the Arc before it is used in a closure. The common pattern is to re-bind the cloned Arc to the same name in a nested scope:
use std::sync::Arc;
fn main() {
let arc = Arc::new(42);
let arc = arc.clone();
move || { /* do something with arc */ };
let arc = arc.clone();
move || { /* do something else with arc */ };
This is usually done together with thread::spawn():
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::thread;
const NUM_THREADS: usize = 4;
fn main() {
let arc = Arc::new(Mutex::new(42));
for _ in 0..NUM_THREADS {
let arc = arc.clone();
thread::spawn(move || {
let mut shared_data = arc.lock().unwrap();
*shared_data += 1;
is there another option?
Because this pattern of cloning things before defining a closure is somewhat common, some people have proposed adding something like clone || as an analog to move ||. I wouldn't hold out hope for this happening, but a number of comments there point out that macros can solve the case fairly well.
Several crates provide some form of this macro:
It's likely that many projects define their own macro to do something similar. For example, the WASM example rust-todomvc defines:
macro_rules! enclose {
( ($( $x:ident ),*) $y:expr ) => {
$(let $x = $x.clone();)*
Which can be used as:
fn main() {
let arc = Arc::new(42);
enclose! { (arc) move || arc };
enclose! { (arc) move || arc };

Convert a string into closure in ColdFusion

I have a very basic question. Is it possible to convert a string into a closure? I tried evaluate() but it didn't work.
evaluate( "myFunction = function(val){ return dollarFormat( val ); }" );
What I have in mind is to save custom functions in the database as string and then run it as needed.
Thank you!
Edit: Just to clarify: I want to be able to save "function(val){ return dollarFormat( val ); }" as a string in database and be able to convert it into a functioning closure.
I would go with user2943775 answer:
FileWrite("/ram/UDFs.cfm", "<cfset myFunction = function(val){ return dollarFormat( val ); }>")
include template="/ram/UDFs.cfm";
And in your Application.cfc
component {
this.mappings["/ram"] = "ram://";
I came across a similar solution, though I was unable to use the in-memory filesystem due to security restrictions. In my Application.cfc, I added the following mapping:
this.mappings = {
"/models" = "#APP_ROOT_PATH#cfcs/models",
"/utils" = "#APP_ROOT_PATH#cfcs/utils",
"/modules" = "#APP_ROOT_PATH#_modules",
"/components" = "#APP_ROOT_PATH#cfcs",
"/udfs" = "#APP_ROOT_PATH#includes/udfs" // path for global (and temporary) UDFs
The UDF I created is as follows:
* Takes a string representation of a function and returns it as a Closure
* #output false
* #return Closure
private any function toClosure (required string closure) { = replace(createUUID(), "-", "", "all");
local.udfpath = "/udfs/udf#id#.cfm";
local.script = "<cfscript>local.fn#id# = #closure#;</cfscript>";
try {
fileWrite(expandPath(udfPath), script);
include udfpath;
} catch (any e) {
} finally {
try {
} catch (any e) {}
if (!structkeyExists(local, "fn#id#") || !isClosure(local["fn#id#"])) {
throw (message="Unable to compile closure");
// return the closure
return local["fn#id#"];
And the result:
myFn = toClosure("function (num) { return num + 1; }");
myFn(1); // returns 2

Convert sweet.js argument into string

How would you create a string from an argument to a sweet.js macro? For example:
let foo = macro {
rule {
} => {
console.log('$name', $name);
var x = 42;
foo x
Will output:
console.log(x, x);
When I'd prefer it to output:
console.log('x', x);
So the first argument has quotes around it.
You can use a case macro:
let foo = macro {
case {_
} => {
letstx $name_str = [makeValue(unwrapSyntax(#{$name}), #{here})];
return #{
console.log($name_str, $name);
var x = 42;
foo x
The basic idea is that you make a new string token (via makeValue) using the string value of the identifiers mached by $name (unwrapSyntax gives us the value of the given syntax objects, in the case of identifiers it is the identifier string). Then letstx allows us to bind our newly created syntax object for use inside the #{} template.