How do I render a page for nested routes - ruby-on-rails-4

To learn rails, I started to write my own (stripped down) version of reddit. Currently, I have my comments routes nested inside my post routes as such:
resources :posts do
resources :comments
For my comments controller, under index & create I have the following
def index
#post = Post.find(params[:post_id])
#comments = #post.comments
if params[:comment].nil?
#comment =
#comment.post_id =
#comment = Comment.find([:comment])
def create
#comment =
#comment.user_id =
#comment.post_id = params[:post_id]
redirect_to post_path(
render 'index'
Which works well, except the last part: render
I want my comments to display on the same page as the other comments (just like reddit), so I would prefer not use the path, and instead do it through the path.
I understand that I can do a redirect, however I want to keep the comment text, so the user can make corrections. Is there a way to properly do this with a render, as opposed to me putting the text in a session variable and doing a redirect? I understand this is an edge case, but am trying to use this as a learning opportunity.

You can pass the comment to the index partial - no?
<%= render "index", locals: {comment: #comment} %>
Or try a partial;
<%= render partial: "index", locals: {comment: #comment} %>


Check if next active record exists

In posts controller an object contains all active posts:
#posts = Post.where(status: 'active').order(:name)
In the view this object is iterated and I have to perform some operations based of the existence of next post.
<% #posts.each do |post|
if post.next_post_exists?
# do something.
# delete author.
So, what is the best way to check if the next post exists?
def next_post_exists?
You can simply take a variable for the current post and then check for the presence of the next post.
For example:
#posts.each do |post|
if #posts[i+1].present?
#do something
#delete author
Try this and let me know if it works.
class Post
def next
self.class.find_by("id > ?", id)
And at this point you can do:
<% #posts.each do |post|
# do something.
# delete author.

Rails 4 Fragment Cache Entire Page. How to Expire Cache In Model

How do I expire the main-page fragment in a model?
In my HTML
<% cache 'main-page' do %>
# html here
<% end %>
In my Post Model
after_create :clear_cache
after_update :clear_cache
def clear_cache'main-page')
This doesn't clear the cache. If I create or update a post, the cache doesn't clear. If I run'main-page') in rails console it returns 'nil'. If I run Rails.cache.clear instead of'main-page') in the post model, it works.
I believe your issue is the digest, so if you change your cache to this it should work:
<% cache 'main-page', skip_digest: true do %>
# html here
<% end %>
If you want to use this kind of style, where the cache doesn't expire and relies on detecting model changes to invalidate, you may want to consider using an Observer or Sweeper, which were removed from Rails 4, but are useful for this pattern:
Not the answer you are looking for perhaps, but another way:
Make the cache key based on the max updated_at from the Post model.
Whenever any post changes, the cache key will automatically miss and go retrieve the latest posts to re-cache that part of the view.
module HomeHelper
def cache_key_for_posts
count = Post.count
max_updated_at = Post.maximum(:updated_at).try(:utc).try(:to_s, :number)
And then in your view:
<% cache cache_key_for_posts, skip_digest: true do %>
# html here
<% end %>

If else check for ujs file

I am building an Rails 4.1 webapp and I am using a an ajax form (remote true)
and a create.js.erb file with this content:
$("").prepend('<%=j render #comment %>');
How can I check if #comment is empty?
Right now it´s adding an empty row when there is no content (I don't want to add a row if comment is not set).
def create
#comment = #object.comments.create(comments_params)
You can either check server-side (conditionally output different JavaScript) or you can check in client-side in JavaScript.
Checking server-side involves testing whether #comment is set, and simply not output any of the prepending JavaScript:
<% if #comment.present? %>
$("").prepend('<%=j render #comment %>');
<% end %>
Checking client-side involves outputting the empty value in a variable so you can inspect it in JavaScript vefore prepending it to your element:
var comment = '<%= j render #comment %>';
if (comment) {
I would use the first approach.

dots in rails URL

I'm trying to add a show page to my devise users but can't seem to get the id value passed properly, how do I create a link to the show page? For some reason rails is doing this to URL
users controller:
def show
#user = User.find(params[:id])
<h1><%= #user.username %></h1>
link to user profile also gives me issues id no method
<%= link_to, users_show_path( %>
get "users/show"
get "pages/faq"
get "pages/about"
devise_for :users
resources :posts
You have defined the show route as:
get "users/show"
Notice that there is no dynamic segment in this route, like :id. That means your route is not expecting any value to be passed. BUT while linking to this route you passed
<%= link_to, users_show_path( %>
which the route was not expecting. So, Rails assumed that you are passing the format (like .html, .json, etc.) which is why you see the url formed as users/show.1.
To fix this, I would suggest you to add a dynamic segment to your route to capture the id of a user correctly.
get "users/show"
get "users/show/:id" => "users#show", as: :users_show
For a user with id = 1, when you click on the user profile link the url generated would be http://yourdomain/users/show/1

use devise sign_in view in layout

I have 2 layout
I use devise.
in application_controller.rb I write this code:
protect_from_forgery with: :exception
layout :another_by_method
def another_by_method
if user_signed_in?
by this code, if user don't login_in, login.html.erb show.
I want use devise sign_in form in login.html.erb, but because of this code all of the page are redirect_to login.html.
I use below code too,
<%= render partial: "devise/sessions/new"%>
but get this error:
ActionView::MissingTemplate in Devise::Sessions#new
any idea?!
You are trying to render a partial, but devise/sessions/new is not a partial.
Anyway, have you generated the views with rails generate devise:views? If so, you could do that:
= render file: 'devise/sessions/new'
Use file instead of partial, but you will need all the variables provided by Devise, as resource, resource_name, or devise_mapping.