What are std::filebuf equivalent of ifstream::eof ::fail and ::tellg - c++

Is there any equivalent to following functions if using std::filebuf? :
If yes, which?

There aren't any. Those things relate to streams, not the data buffer used by those streams.
The entire purpose of std::ifstream is to add features like that on top of the std::filebuf.


C++ restore stream fmtflags

Is it a good practice to avoid modifying the fmtflags of a stream permanently?
For instance, the function I wrote does
std::ios_base::fmtflags flags = std::cout.setf(std::ios_base::boolalpha);
at the beginning and
right before the end.
Should I do this? Suppose multiple unrelated functions use the same stream and require different formatting options.
Yes, it seems self-evident that leaving the stream in the state you found it (as pertains to formatting flags) is a decent thing to do in the general case.
Whether you should actually do it in your specific case entirely depends on what other components use the same stream and what their expectations are of it.

Convert istream to FILE*

Is it possible to convert an istream like std::cin to a FILE *? A cross-platform solution would be a plus.
EX: (FILE *)std::cin.
No, there is no standard way to obtain a FILE* from an IOStreams stream, nor vice versa.
std::cin is usually bound to file descriptor 1 (or in FILE * form, stdin).
You could just use that. Other than that, the only way to do so is either determine the file descriptor (unlikely) or the filename and use fopen to get a FP
There is no easy way using FILE* I would advise you to use fstream instead.
std::ifstream in("in.txt");
This way your redirect cin to your input file stream.
Though it is possible that your IOStreams implementation may be implemented using a FILE*, the standard does not provide any way of you accessing this information. However, it is of my knowledge that libstdc++ has a non-standard extension __gnu_cxx::stdio_filebuf, which is a wrapper around a FILE*. You can use its file() method to return a pointer to the file.
Note that this class is non-portable and non-standard. I think you're better off writing your own stream buffer that emulates its behavior.
If you have a GNU userland (just about guaranteed on Linux), take a look at fopencookie(). That allows you to adapt any source / sink to a FILE*.
The linked man-page contains in-depth guidance on how to write the adaptor.

Quick'n'dirty way to prototype some serialization in C++?

I need to do a prototype that involves some serialization in C++. It is a quick'n'dirty prototype, so I don't need to solve the problem generally, provide good error checking, or anything like that. But at the same time, I do need to be able to serialize strings of arbitrary length and with arbitrary charcters.
Are there some best practices for how to whip up a quick data serialization in C++? Normally I'd just have output records into a text file with one record per line, but my strings may have new lines in them.
You could consider using JSON, notably thru JsonCpp. You could also use libs11n, a full fledged, template friendly, C++ serialization framework.
(If you want a C library for Json, consider jansson).
You might also consider using old XDR or ASN1 technology.
For a quick & dirty prototype, I do recommend the JsonCpp library mentioned above. And using JSON in that case is useful, since it is a textual, nearly-human-friendly, format.
Later you could even perhaps consider going to MongoDb which has a Json-like model.
Checkout serialization with boost:
Not dirty at all but definitely quick.
If you do not mind binary data, for each string dump a length (cast to a char*) and then the value of the string to file. It is very easy to read back. POD structs can also be dumped directly by casting to a char*

How can I derive my own stream from a standard stream?

How can I derive my own stream from a standard stream?
In C# language, there is a Stream class, but C++'s streams are too complex.
I want something like this:
class my_stream : public std::stream
// How to derive?
void using_a_stream(std::stream* s)
*s << "Hello world";
void main()
std::stream s1;
std::fstream s2("C:\\test.txt");
my_stream s3;
Note: The code just a sample and may be invalid C++ program.
I think there are three levels of answer to this question:
Level 1: It is complicated, especially if you are completely new to C++, stop right now. Only if you feel adventurous, continue to level 2.
Level 2: Use some library that makes creating streams easier. I would suggest using Boost.IOStreams library. It makes creating own streams and streambufs much easier. If you are still not satisfied, continue to level 3.
Level 3: You will have to derive from std::streambuf and modify its behaviour to suit your needs. Then you will have to plug your streambuf into own stream.
Could you please describe a little bit more what you own streamclass should do?
Just asking how without what is not the best way to get a constructive answer.
Maybe you should have a look at boost::iostream, as there is a much simpler and safer way to write own iostream classes.
iostreams is an awful interface. It also lacks a lot of features and has awful performance.
Are the C formatted I/O functions (printf, sprintf, etc) more popular than IOStream, and if so, why?
What are the bad habits of C programmers starting to write C++?
Should I use printf in my C++ code?
Is it bad practice to use C features in C++?
Partially truncating a stream (fstream or ofstream) in C++

Getting a HANDLE from a std::ofstream

Is it possible to get the underlying file HANDLE from a std::ofstream (Visual C++ 2005)?
This is the opposite of this question:
Can I use CreateFile, but force the handle into a std::ofstream?
The reason I want to so this is to modify attributes of the file (e.g. creation time) without having to open the file with CreateFile.
The C++ standard does not provide any means for specifying or retrieving the raw file descriptors of an ofstream, so I don't believe this is possible. What is possible, though, would be to build a custom streambuf class that implements stream buffering to and from a HANDLE, then to define a custom ostream type that uses that buffer. I'm not sure if that's really what you're looking for, but it is a viable option.
My answer should be prefaced with "I am a Unix developer, not a Windows developer." But I had the same problem that you did, and this is how I chose to address it. I would love to have a better answer. My answer below will make your skin crawl, but it worked.
First off, we'll need the _Filet* from the fdbuf. This is a private member, so we can't just create a new class that gives us visibility into it. So, I modify the header for fstream to add a new friend function in filebuf, so that the specific function will let us cheat and get access to that member (I added it just below the definition "_Filet *_Myfile;"):
friend HANDLE __HACK_getFilebufHANDLE(filebuf*);
Now we have a public function to access the private member. Step two is to write the function:
namespace std {
HANDLE __HACK_getFilebufHANDLE(filebuf*in) {
return (HANDLE) _get_osfhandle(_fileno(in->_Myfile));
Lastly, you just need to call it, except that rdbuf returns the wrong type (iobuf rather than filebuf). Since we're already off in "here there be dragons" for this entire process, we may as well make everyone's skin crawl (but in real life, do type checking here to validate the cast to the derived type):
Sorry that I don't have a cleaner answer.
No. You can't even get at the FILE* (or _Filet* as it's internally known) inside std::basic_filebuf.
This is not possible in standard C++. However, with Boost.IOStreams library it is not that hard. Create a Device, wrap it in a boost::iostreams::stream_buffer<> and add appropriate stream using boost::iostreams::stream<>.
With the VisualC++ 2010 libraries, the following should work. I assume it's the same for VisualC++ 2005, but you will have to verify:
FILE* fh = fopen(...);
HANDLE hFile = (HANDLE)_get_osfhandle(_fileno(fh));
// do something on hFile
// create iostream from FILE
std::ifstream ifs(fh);
// use it...
// close FILE
No. I try many ways.
this line: "std::ifstream ifs(fh);" may not wrok in some msvs, such as 2008.
I find another way, you can enumerate handle in your process, and find the handle that releated to the filename.
In this way, I get the handle.