I am doing a simple find record. Getting an odd error.
store.findRecord('icon', id) // id = "UUID-ABC"
.then((result) => {
//do stuff
.catch((e) => {
This fires off a network request and returns an object similar to ember docs. As seen in network dev tools:
"icon": {
"data": "string",
"id": "UUID-ABC",
"location": "string"
Rejects with EmberError:
"Assertion Failed: Passing classes to store methods has been removed. Please pass a dasherized string instead of undefined"
But I don't understand what is undefined. The id is most definitely defined, as seen in the network return.
I'm the using standard DS.RESTAdapter. With very little other changes. I use a few other actions that return an array of icons model, and they work fine.No errors are reported.
I have a schema validation test in my postman collection, which validates if the response adhere to the schema. This is how I do it.
var schema =
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"data": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {....
pm.test("Schema Validation - TC001", function(){
When I execute just this script, it validates the schema of the response successfully.
However, in my postman collection I have declared a global function, prior to the schema validation, using Object.prototype() and I'm calling the function as _.funcABC("a","b","c")
Object.prototype.funcABC = function (var1, var2, var3) {
And, my schema validation fails, when I run the entire collection.
While troubleshooting, I came across this, which indicates that the Object.prototype could interfere with JSONschema.
Is there a way to overcome this interference of Object.prototype() on JSONschema? So far, I couldn't find a workable solution.
What stops you from doing this:
pm.test('validate schema', function () {
let temp = Object.prototype.function1
delete Object.prototype.function1
pm.expect(ajv.validate(schema_response, response)).to.true;
Object.prototype.function1 = temp
I'm getting this warning:
backend.js:6 Missing field getCurrentConfigurations in [
"id": "135631",
"zone": {
"id": 2,
"name": "ZONA 1",
"color": "#ba9b
It's a warning but my entire app has sometimes some weird behaviours. So I wonder how could fix those warnings. Apparently, the app works ok when I trigger a function that send that warning on chrome console, but I don't know why is happening.
I had to deal with an error about writing to cache some data, the solution in that case was adding an id value to each object and also a __typename
About the error and some solutions: https://github.com/apollographql/apollo-client/issues/2510
About the same but with _typename: https://github.com/apollographql/apollo-client/issues/1826
...but that's another story, anyway, that error occurs like 1 fro 20 times that I use the same function... it's all weird and random, but now I want to know if some one has a clue about the warning.
This is part of the code that shows what I'm using from Apollo
import AWSAppSyncClient, { createAppSyncLink, AUTH_TYPE } from 'aws-appsync';
import { setContext } from "apollo-link-context";
import { ApolloLink } from "apollo-link";
import { createHttpLink } from "apollo-link-http";
const client = new AWSAppSyncClient(AppSyncConfig, {
link: createAppSyncLink({ ...AppSyncConfig,
resultsFetcherLink: ApolloLink.from([
setContext((request, previousContext) => ({
headers: { ...previousContext.headers,
Authorization: localStorage.getItem('token') ? localStorage.getItem('token') : ''
uri: AppSyncConfig.url
I am making my first Ember/Phoenix app using JSONAPIAdapter. When doing a post request Ember responds with Assertion Failed: AdapterError expects json-api formatted errors array.
Below is the relevant code:
import DS from 'ember-data';
import DataAdapterMixin from 'ember-simple-auth/mixins/data-adapter-mixin';
import config from '../config/environment';
export default DS.JSONAPIAdapter.extend(DataAdapterMixin, {
import DS from 'ember-data';
export default DS.JSONAPISerializer.extend({
request payload:
"data": {
"attributes": {
"name": ""
"relationships": {
"user": {
"data": {
"type": "users",
"id": "1"
"type": "listings"
response payload:
{"errors":{"name":["can't be blank"]}}
Why does Ember keeps giving me this error?
Your response payload is not correct. You are using json-api. So your payloads have to follow the json-api specification. Your request-payload looks correct. But check out how errors have to be serialized.
A json-api error response must contain a root key "errors" holding an array of error-objects. Regarding the documenation an error may contain several members, but the two most important are detail and source.
Here's an example:
"detail": "can't be blank",
"source": {
"pointer": "data/attributes/name"
The source-key contains a json-object holding a json-api-pointer. With the help of this pointer information ember's JSONAPI-Adapter adds the errors to the corresponding attributes of your record. Note that your backend needs to send a 422 HTTP status code (Unprocessable Entity).
If that works you can do something like that at client:
{{#each model.errors.name as |error|}}
<div class="error">
How do you serialize your errors at backend? Are you using ja_serializer? If not, I would recommend it, because ja_serializer can serialize json-api-errors by default.
The documentation already linked by wuarmin clearly states (capitals theirs, italics mine):
Error objects MUST be returned as an array keyed by errors
Your API response' errors key has a single object as value, not an array.
I am trying to use the JSON API Adapter with ember-cli 2.5.1 , but I'm having a bit of trouble.
I have a todo-list.js model, which has a "hasMany" relationship to todo-list-item.js. Getting the todo-list, the server returns this:
"links": {
"self": "http://localhost:4200/service/v1/todolists/b-tlst-af69786c-cbaf-4df9-a4a3-d8232677006a"
"data": {
"type": "todo-list",
"id": "b-tlst-af69786c-cbaf-4df9-a4a3-d8232677006a",
"attributes": {
"name": "b1-TodoList",
"created-on": 1468474962458,
"modified-on": 1468474962458
"relationships": {
"todolistitems": {
"data": {
"type": "todo-list-item",
"id": "b-todo-b5e3c146-d93a-4f97-8540-875bbcd156ca"
If there had been two TodoListItem children instead of one, the value of that "data" key would have been an array, rather than an object.
After receiving this, I was expecting the Ember Chrome plug-in's "Data" tab to show 1 TodoList and 1 child TodoListItem. Instead, it shows 1 TodoList and 0 TodoListItems.
I note from the Network tab that the browser never makes a request to get the items listed in the "data" section of the response.
Is the relationships section above correct and sufficient?
It turns out to have been caused by promise misunderstandings on the client side, and additionally, on the server I had to put dashes in the "relationships" key (i.e. "todo-list-items") and make the value of "data" an array.
I want to make an API call for searching that looks like this:
where query is the search term and token (optional) is an alphanumeric set of characters which identifies the position of my latest batch of results, which is used for infinite scrolling.
This call returns the following JSON response:
"meta": { ... },
"results" {
"token": "125fwegg3t32",
"content": [
"id": "125125122778",
"text": "Lorem ipsum...",
"id": "125125122778",
"text": "Dolor sit amet...",
content is an array of (embedded) items that I'm displaying as search results. My models look like this:
App.Content = Em.Model.extend({
id: Em.attr(),
text: Em.attr(),
App.Results = Em.Model.extend({
token: Em.attr(),
content: Em.hasMany('App.Content', {
key: 'content',
embedded: true
In order to make that API call, I figured I have to do something like this:
adapter: Em.RESTAdapter.create({
findQuery: function(klass, records, params) {
var self = this,
url = this.buildURL(klass) + '/' + params.query;
if (params.token) {
url += '/' + params.token;
return this.ajax(url).then(function(data) {
self.didFindQuery(klass, records, params, data);
return records;
url: 'https://myapi.com/search',
then somewhere in my routes do this:
App.Results.fetch({query: 'query', token: '12kgkj398512j'}).then(function(data) {
// do something
return data;
but because the API returns a single object and Em.RESTAdapter.findQuery expects an array, an error occurs when Ember Model tries to materialize the data. So how do I do this properly? I'm using the latest build of Ember Model.
By the way, I'm aware that it would be much more convenient if the API was designed in a way so I can just call App.Content.fetch(<object>), which would return a similar JSON response, but I would then be able to set the collectionKey option to content and my data would be properly materialized.
You simply need to override your models load() method to adjust the payload hash to what Ember.Model wants. There are no serializers in Ember.Model. There is both a class level load for handling collections and an instance level load for loading the JSON specific to a single model. You want to override the instance level load method to wrap the content key value in an array if its not one already.
I have been using Ember.Mode quite heavily and enhanced it for a number of my use cases and submitted PR's for both fixes and enhancements. Those PRs have been sitting there for a while with no response from the maintainers. I have now moved to Ember.Data which has been 'rebooted' so to speak and having a lot better result with it now.
I would strongly suggest walking away from Ember.Model as it appears dead with the new pragmatic direction Ember Data has taken and because the project maintainer doesn't appear to have any interest in it anymore.