Creating application with permissions using webservice API - wso2-identity-server

I'm trying to create a serviceProvider including permissions using the webservice API of WSO2IS 5.1.0
The API I'm using is the one you can find on
Simply creating a serviceProvider with the request below works fine.
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xsd="http://org.apache.axis2/xsd" xmlns:xsd1="">
<xsd1:description>My application name</xsd1:description>
Trying to create a serviceProvider with permissions with the request below fails with the message
Error while storing permissions for application APP_NAME
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xsd="http://org.apache.axis2/xsd" xmlns:xsd1="">
<xsd1:description>My application name</xsd1:description>
I cannot find any further information in the logs and also the example request messages on the WSO2 documentation site are lacking any information.
Any help or suggestion is welcome


Cannot consume Talend Soap API

I am trying to use the Tsoap component within Talend to consume the API. I have tried the Soap UI Client (separate application) and was able to get the response.
However within the Tsoap component within the Soap Message, I have pasted the sample request and I get an error eery single time. Can anyone help!
" <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=\"\"
What am I doing wrong?? Can anyone help please.
Can you send the error what you are getting?
Try this if you haven't done (just a guess)
--> If you are using and HTTPS web service then make sure to setup the authentication( I used Trust serve with SLL and provided the keystore file path and password)

WSO2 ESB : how to retrive the Carbon Applications List

for monitoring purpose I was looking for a way, possibly via JMX or SNMP, to retrieve the Carbon Applications List and for each one of those the version.
I googled and read the docs but wasn't able to find anything
Any idea ?
You can view the list or carbon apps deployed by calling admin services.
To get the list of carbon apps you should invoke ApplicationAdmin admin service.
Admin Service URL: https://localhost:9443/services/ApplicationAdmin
Sample Request Payload:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:mgt="">
Sample Response Payload:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
<ns:listAllApplicationsResponse xmlns:ns="" xmlns:ax21="">
Make sure you pass in the authenticated session ID when making the request. You can find more details on this at :

Unable to invoke WSO2 API Manager 1.10 admin services

I have enabled the admin services from carbon.xml for API Manager and extracted the wsdl successfully. Now I am trying to invoke the service RemoteTenantManagerService using SOAP UI. I have loaded the wsdl in SOAP UI and also provided the Basic authentication Username/Password as admin/admin. But I am getting following message back. Port for API Manager is Offset 1
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ser="">
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
<faultstring>The service cannot be found for the endpoint reference (EPR) /services/RemoteTenantManagerService.RemoteTenantManagerServiceHttpsSoap11Endpoint</faultstring>
There are two types of transports, PassThrough and servlet. The admin services are exposed through servlet transport. Hence those must be invoked using servlet transport port.
For ex:- https://{host}:9443/services/RemoteTenantManagerService
In your case you have set offset to the "1" so please call the service using the URL https://{host}:9444/services/RemoteTenantManagerService
The generated WSDL contains the endpoint with Passthrough port hence soapUI shows it as the default endpoint. Please change the port to servlet port (your case it should be 9444) and run again.

SOAP requests run in SOAP UI but not in WSO2ESB "Try this service" page, so the related scheduled task doesn't work

I have deployed a custom Proxy Service in WSO2 ESB and I can't obtain any response from the web service i call with it in "Try this service" page. I've tried to send the request with SOAP UI passing through the Proxy Service of WSO2ESB (I put the endpoint of the Proxy Service, and NOT of the WS, in SOAP UI) and it works correctly. The same SOAP request doesn't work in the WSO2ESB page unreasonably.
So, when i create a scheduled task with the selected proxy service it returns me an error. I don't know how to change the content of the SOAP message in order to make it correct for ESB.
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ns="">
<RegistryInterface xsi:schemaLocation=" SDMXMessage.xsd" xmlns="" xmlns:common="" xmlns:compact="" xmlns:cross="" xmlns:generic="" xmlns:query="" xmlns:structure="" xmlns:registry="" xmlns:utility="" xmlns:xsi="">
<Name xml:lang="en">Trans46302</Name>
<Sender id="BIS"/>
<QueryStructureRequest resolveReferences="false">
This runs on SOAP UI (through ESB) and not on the same ESB.
For changing the content of a message you can use Payload Mediator.
There's also an example on how to do this.
Hope that helps.

How can I add WSSE Header to my Web Service Client?

I want to add wsse Security header to my web service client on ASP 3.5. I test the web service from SoapUI using this Soap Envelope and get an answer:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:comp=""> <soapenv:Header xmlns:env="">
<wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="">
<wsse:UsernameToken xmlns:wsu=""/>
(Body Info.)
I want to create this envelope through classic Web Service Reference which created by Visual Studi 2012. Which class should I use to add Username Info to my envelope?
Thank you John, and Ladislav.
Turns out that you should add the header via web.config file to get properly ordered SOAP message. Otherwise .Net tries to nest your code with its own capsulation (even you dont ask for it), and sends some rubbish as a result.