Using a HTTP Module on a Virtual Directory in IIS - web-services

I have a default website in my IIS where I have created one virtual directory "wsdls".
I would want to gather statistics on how many requests are triggered to my virtual directory. This would need a request interception at web server level and gather statistics. "HTTPModule" was one of the many solutions I have considered which is suitable for such scenario. Hence I have started building one.
For testing purpose, I wanted to create a HTTP Module and apply it on a particular extension files (say *.wsdl) and on every GET request of any .wsdl files in this virtual directory, I will want to redirect the application to "". This would demonstrate a good example of how HTTP Module can be used and deployed on IIS.
HTTPModule which is written using Visual Studio is shown below,
namespace Handler.App_Code
public class HelloWorldModule : IHttpModule
public HelloWorldModule(){
public String ModuleName{
get { return "HelloWorldModule"; }
// In the Init function, register for HttpApplication
// events by adding your handlers.
public void Init(HttpApplication application){
application.BeginRequest +=
(new EventHandler(this.Application_BeginRequest));
application.EndRequest +=
(new EventHandler(this.Application_EndRequest));
private void Application_BeginRequest(Object source,
EventArgs e)
// Create HttpApplication and HttpContext objects to access
// request and response properties.
HttpApplication application = (HttpApplication)source;
HttpContext context = application.Context;
private void Application_EndRequest(Object source, EventArgs e)
//Nothing to be done here
public void Dispose() { }
Now I have done a build of this project for x64 version and I am able to browser successfully the "dll" file. Now I have to register this dll in IIS and whenever I try to access the *.wsdl files, the requests automatically divert to "". Here is the next step I have done,
Then I have enabled the Handler mappings as shown below,
I am assuming that is it!! Nothing more to be done. I should be able to intercept the requests for all HTTP requests which are of the form "*.wsdl". This means whenever I access any wsdl from the server, control should be going back to google(Because of the logic written in begin request ). But unfortunately, I failed in achieving it. What can be done here?

One thing I noticed is that when you are trying to redirect to an external URL use
So change
context.Response.Redirect("", true);

I could solve the problem what I am facing and below are the observations which were missing in my understanding and which helped me in solving my problem:
Locating proper web.config file :
Every website in IIS will be having a web.config file to have control over the application.
Since I am working with "Default Website", this refers to the directory "C:\\inetpub\\wwwroot"
There will be a "web.config" file which would be present in this director. Please create it if not already present.
Modifying web.config :
Once you have identified the file which needs to be modified, just add necessary module configuration to web.config
In this case, we would want to add a Module to the default website, the probably setting would be shown below,
Adding contents to bin directory :
Now if you try to run the application, the IIS would not find any dll or executable to run and hence we would need to keep the executables at a particular location.
Create a director if not already present with the name "bin" at the root of the directory and place all the dlls which you would want this website to execute. Sample shown below,
General Points to be considered:
Proper access must be given for the folder which consists of dll.
It is ideally not suggested to modify the entire website. It would be ideal if one works only on their web application.
If web.config is not found, we can create one.
If bin is not present in the web root directory, we can create one.


How to redirect QWebEngineUrlRequestInfo to local files?

I have a simple Qt application that loads a page in a QWebEngineView. I would like to redirect all http requests with the word "static" in the url to local files. Using WebUrlRequestInterceptor I reimplemented the interceptRequest method. Here is the code:
class MyWebUrlRequestInterceptor : public QWebEngineUrlRequestInterceptor
void interceptRequest(QWebEngineUrlRequestInfo &info) {
if (info.requestUrl().toString().contains("static")) {
QString newUrl = QDir::currentPath() + info.requestUrl().toString().mid(21, info.requestUrl().toString().length());
qDebug() << "new url = " << newUrl;
In main function I did
MyWebUrlRequestInterceptor *wuri = new MyWebUrlRequestInterceptor();
And the interceptRequest seems to work fine, but I get a message.
Not allowed to load local resource
I searched online and I many people are saying that I should add the --disable-web-security flag. So i did in my .pro file:
QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += --disable-web-security
But it doesn't seem to be working. Am I doing something wrong? Is there a different solutions? Could I make custom protocols to serve local files and redirect to them in Qt as a workaround?
I'm using Qt 5.9.1 and QtCreator 4.3.1.
I would block the request using QWebEngineUrlRequestInfo::block and load the local file in the QWebEngineView (even read the local file on the fly and pass its content to the view through QWebEngineView::setHtml).
Or listen locally for incoming http requests, using local dir as web root, and eventually redirect to localhost when needed, which implies using an external web server or building a minimal one, maybe integrated in your app. If you go for integrating it, I would consider this one:

Embedding Jetty 9.3 with modular XmlConfiguration

I am migrating from Jetty 8.1.17 to Jetty 9.3.9. Our application embeds Jetty. Previously we had a single XML configuration file jetty.xml which contained everything we needed.
I felt that with Jetty 9.3.9 it would be much nicer to use the modular approach that they suggest, so far I have jetty.xml, jetty-http.xml, jetty-https.xml and jetty-ssl.xml in my $JETTY_HOME/etc; these are pretty much copies of those from the 9.3.9 distribution. This seems to work well when I use start.jar but not through my own code which embeds Jetty.
Ideally I would like to be able to scan for any jetty xml files in the $JETTY_HOME/etc folder and load the configuration. However for embedded mode I have not found a way to do that without explicitly defining the order that those files should be loaded in, due to <ref id="x"/> dependencies between them etc.
My initial attempt is based on How can I programmatically start a jetty server with multiple configuration files? and looks like:
final List<Object> configuredObjects = new ArrayList();
XmlConfiguration last = null;
for(final Path confFile : configFiles) {"[loading jetty configuration : {}]", confFile.toString());
try(final InputStream is = Files.newInputStream(confFile)) {
final XmlConfiguration configuration = new XmlConfiguration(is);
if (last != null) {
last = configuration;
Server server = null;
// For all objects created by XmlConfigurations, start them if they are lifecycles.
for (final Object configuredObject : configuredObjects) {
if(configuredObject instanceof Server) {
server = (Server)configuredObject;
if (configuredObject instanceof LifeCycle) {
final LifeCycle lc = (LifeCycle)configuredObject;
if (!lc.isRunning()) {
However, I get Exceptions at startup if jetty-https.xml is loaded before jetty-ssl.xml or if I place a reference in jetty.xml to an object from a sub-configuration jetty-blah.xml which has not been loaded first.
It seems to me like Jetty manages to do this okay itself when you call java -jar start.jar, so what am I missing to get Jetty to not care about what order the config files are parsed in?
Order is extremely important when loading the Jetty XML files.
That's the heart of what the entire start.jar and its module system is about, have an appropriate set of properties, the server classpath is sane, and ensuring proper load order of the XML.
Note: its not possible to have everything in ${jetty.home}/etc loaded at the same time, as you will get conflicts on alternate implementations of common technologies (something start.jar also manages for you)

Use wsse security header in soap message (Visual Studio 2015, .Net Framework 4.5)

I would like to consume a Soap Service provided by DHL. You can find the wsdl here:
Therefore I created a new ClassLibrary in Visual Studio 2015 targeting .net framework 4.5.
Then I added a Web Reference to the created project by providing the wsdl address. I generated a proxy file with all types and ports in it but my first problem is, that the generated Service extends from System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol. As I read in recent posts it is not possible to get the wsse header to that proxy. Some posts advise to add wse but it seems wse is not supported by newer Visual Studio versions.
I tried to generate my proxy by svcutil. After that I added the generated .cs file to the project and copied the content of the generated config file to app.config. (of cause I removed the web reference)
Now the Service class extends System.ServiceModel.ClientBase. (I thought the generator in VS uses svctool internally. If microsoft want people to use wcf why does the generator generate non-wcf proxy files.
I also created a nunit testproject which should test my service, but If I use the version with the svcutil generated version I get an error. I try to translate it to english as the error is displayed in german:
Could not find a default endpoint element which points to the service contract. As I figured out this is because the proxy is in its own class library and therefor doesn't really have an app.config. But my test project is a class library too.
What would be the actual way to consume a web service which needs ws security Username/Password auth these days?
You can add the Web Reference in compatibility mode (I am guessing you are doing so). If you are not adding the reference in compatibility mode, do the following:
Right click on references Add Service Reference-> Advanced -> Add Web Reference (Below the compatibility section), type the URL of the WS and add the reference.
The WSE2.0 extensions are available as a Nuget Package at:
Install the nuget package on the package manager console running the following nugget command:
Install-Package Microsoft.Web.Services2
After you installed the nuget package, you need to make sure your project is referencing the following DLL's:
Microsoft.Web.Services2 (This will be added after you install the nuget package)
In order to use the WSE2.0 extensions, you need to actually modify the Proxy class that was created when you added the WebReference to inherit from "Microsoft.Web.Services2.WebServicesClientProtocol" instead of "System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol". Be aware that if you update the WebReference, the Proxy class will inherit againfrom SoapHttpClientProtocol.
Add the following using clauses to the code consuming the Proxy class:
using Microsoft.Web.Services2;
using Microsoft.Web.Services2.Security;
using Microsoft.Web.Services2.Security.Tokens;
After you make this changes, you code should look something like this:
var token = new UsernameToken("theUser", "thePassword", PasswordOption.SendHashed);
var serviceProxy = new ExpressRateBook.gblExpressRateBook();
SoapContext requestContext = serviceProxy.RequestSoapContext;
requestContext.Security.Timestamp.TtlInSeconds = 60;
//The rest of the logic goes here...
I added the screenshot down below for your reference:
NOTE: I was unable to test the code since I am unfamiliar with the actual methods that you need to consume, the code displayed is just an example of what I saw in the proxy class, update it according to your needs. It should work fine if you follow the steps described before. Check the following link for more detailed instructions:
You can configure you Service Reference to add the Security Header as AW Rowse describes at
private void Configure()
System.Net.ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = (senderX, certificate, chain, sslPolicyErrors) => { return true; };
defaultBinding = new BasicHttpBinding
Security =
Mode = BasicHttpSecurityMode.Transport,
Transport =
ClientCredentialType = HttpClientCredentialType.Digest
defaultToken = new UsernameToken(UserName, Password, PasswordOption.SendHashed);
defaultSecurityHeader = MessageHeader.CreateHeader(
defaultToken.GetXml(new XmlDocument())
And create you client/proxy like this:
public consulta_informacao_respttClient CriaConsultaClinicaClient()
var client = new consulta_informacao_respttClient(defaultBinding, new EndpointAddress(""));
client.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = UserName;
client.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = Password;
var scope = new OperationContextScope(client.InnerChannel);
return client;
The properties you will need to create in your class are:
private BasicHttpBinding defaultBinding;
private UsernameToken defaultToken;
private MessageHeader defaultSecurityHeader;
You won't need to configure anything in app/web.config.

WCF endpoints information in the config file for different environments

i wanted to know what is the best approach to save WCF endpoints information in the config file for different environments(DEV,TEST,PRE-PROD, PROD).
i am familiar with 1 way of doing this - 1. Maintain different config files(for each env) and deploy them accordingly.
Can someone please suggest the best way to do this ??
You can configure the endpoint at runtime with endpointbehaviors. In this behaviors you can get the machinename for example. Depending on the machinename you could set yout endpointaddress for your endpoint, and then start the service.
Here is a link :
So you write:
class CustomEndpointBehavior : IEndpointBehavior{
public void Validate(ServiceEndpoint endpoint)
// get here the address and rewrite it dependig on the machinemane e.g.
// remember to set the new address to the endpoint!
public void AddBindingParameters(ServiceEndpoint endpoint, BindingParameterCollection bindingParameters)
public void ApplyDispatchBehavior(ServiceEndpoint endpoint, EndpointDispatcher endpointDispatcher)
public void ApplyClientBehavior(ServiceEndpoint endpoint, ClientRuntime clientRuntime)
And in the class where you start the service, you need to set the CustomEndpointBehavior to the serviceHost, like:
serviceHost.Description.Behaviors.Add(new CustomEndpointBehavior());
I think this is the link. Create multiple configuration and then use pre build event to copy it.
In you have visual studio 2010 and above then it will be able to merge the config.

How to return HTTPResponse from ASMX web service to consumer web page

I am working on an ASMX web service; trying to create a method that will download a document from a server and show the document in the browser (the calling .aspx web page). My service builds without error but I get the following error when I try to "Add Web Reference" in my Proxy class project:
System.Web.HttpResponse cannot be serialized because it does not have a parameterless constructor.
Here is a snippet of the code in .ASMX file:
public class FileService : System.Web.Services.WebService
public void DownloadDocument(string URI, HttpResponse httpResponse)
int DownloadChunkSize = (int)Properties.Settings.Default.DownloadChunkSize;
// some more code here....
using (httpResponse.OutputStream)
// more code here...
I see I am confused about how to send back an HttpResponse from a web service to a requesting web page. Could someone please give me a tip on how to do this? Thanks.
You should look into web handlers (.ashx). They are perfect for what you are trying to achieve.
For example:
public class Download : IHttpHandler, IRequiresSessionState {
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) {
var pdfBytes = /* load the file here */
context.Response.ContentType = #"Application/pdf";
An ashx handler is actually a replacement to aspx. Basically, it has no UI but still processes get / post requests just like an aspx page does. The point is to reduce the overhead generated by running a regular aspx page when all you need to do is return some simple content (like a file...) or perform a quick action.
The IRequiresSessionState interface allows you to use the SESSION object like any other page in your site can. If you don't need that, then leave it off.
This site has an interesting walk through on how to create one. Ignore Step 4 as you probably don't care about that.
Assuming that you have a regular page (aspx) that has a link to your document: The link in the aspx file would actually point directly to your ashx handler. for example:
Click Here
Then the code in the ProcessRequest method of the ashx handler would do whatever calls it needed (like talk to your DLL) to locate the document then stream it back to the browser through the context.Response.BinaryWrite method call.
That is not how standard ASMX web services work. If you want to make your own handler, or even use an ASPX page to deliver the doc, you are fine, but the standard ASMX web service method of doing this is to actually return the bits of the document as an encoded blob.
If you want to roll your own, consider this article:
The web smethod (from asmx) returns an object, which can be serialized.
You need to create your method like:
public byte[] DownloadDocument(string URI)
Or if the content is some text - return string.