Replicating the function of a for loop using only bitwise operators - c++

I'm trying to replicate the function of a loop using only bitwise and certain operators including ! ~ & ^ | + << >>
int loop(int x) {
for (int i = 1; i < 32; i += 2)
if ((x & (1 << i)) == 0)
return 0;
return 1;
Im unsure however how to replicate the accumulating nature of a loop using just these operators. I understand shifting << >> will allow me to multiply and divide. However manipulation using ! ~ & ^ ~ has proven more difficult. Any Tips?
I understand how the addition of bits can be achieved, however not how such an output can be achieved without first calling a while or for loop.

Maybe this can help:
int loop(int x) {
x = x & 0xaaaaaaaa; // Set all even numbered bits in x to zero
x = x ^ 0xaaaaaaaa; // If all odd numbered bits in x are 1, x becomes zero
x = !x; // The operation returns 1 if x is zero - otherwise 0
return x;

Your code tests all odd bits and returns 1 if all of them are set. You can use this bitmask: ...0101 0101 0101
Which, for 32 bits is 0xAAAAAAAA.
Then you take your value und bitwise-and it. If the result is the same as your mask, it means all bits are set.
int testOddBits(int x) {
return (x & 0xAAAAAAAA) == 0xAAAAAAAA;


The fastest way to swap the two lowest bits in an unsigned int in C++

Assume that I have:
unsigned int x = 883621;
which in binary is :
I need the fastest way to swap the two lowest bits:
Note: To clarify: If x is 7 (0b111), the output should be still 7.
If you have few bytes of memory to spare, I would start with a lookup table:
constexpr unsigned int table[]={0b00,0b10,0b01,0b11};
unsigned int func(unsigned int x){
auto y = (x & (~0b11)) |( table[x&0b11]);
return y;
Quickbench -O3 of all the answers so far.
Quickbench -Ofast of all the answers so far.
(Plus my ifelse naive idea.)
[Feel free to add yourself and edit my answer].
Please do correct me if you believe the benchmark is incorrect, I am not an expert in reading assembly. So hopefully volatile x prevented caching the result between loops.
I'll ignore the top bits for a second - there's a trick using multiplication. Multiplication is really a convolution operation, and you can use that to shuffle bits.
In particular, assume the two lower bits are AB. Multiply that by 0b0101, and you get ABAB. You'll see that the swapped bits BA are the middle bits.
x = (x & ~3U) | ((((x&3)*5)>>1)&3)
[edit] The &3 is needed to strip the top A bit, but with std::uint_32_t you can use overflow to lose that bit for free - multiplication then gets you the result BAB0'0000'0000'0000'0000'0000'0000'0000'0000' :
x = (x & ~3U) | ((((x&3)*0xA0000000)>>30));
I would use
x = (x & ~0b11) | ((x & 0b10) >> 1) | ((x & 0b01) << 1);
Inspired by the table idea, but with the table as a simple constant instead of an array. We just need mask(00)==00, mask(01)==11, mask(10)=11, masK(11)==11.
constexpr unsigned int table = 0b00111100;
unsigned int func(unsigned int x) {
auto xormask = (table >> ((x&3) * 2)) &3;
x ^= xormask;
return x;
This also uses the xor-trick from dyungwang to avoid isolating the top bits.
Another idea, to avoid stripping the top bits. Assume x has the bits XXXXAB, then we want to x-or it with 0000(A^B)(A^B). Thus
auto t = x^(x>>1); // Last bit is now A^B
t &=1; // take just that bit
t *= 3; // Put in the last two positions
x ^= t; // Change A to B and B to A.
Just looking from a mathematical point of view, I would start with a rotate_left() function, which rotates a list of bits one place to the left (011 becomes 110, then 101, and then back 011), and use this as follows:
int func(int input){
return rotate_left(rotate_left((input / 4))) + rotate_left(input % 4);
Using this on the author's example 11010111101110100101:
input = 11010111101110100101;
input / 4 = 110101111011101001;
rotate_left(input / 4) = 1101011110111010010;
rotate_left(rotate_left(input / 4) = 11010111101110100100;
input % 4 = 01;
rotate_left(input % 4) = 10;
return 11010111101110100110;
There is also a shift() function, which can be used (twice!) for replacing the integer division.

How shifting operator works in finding number of different bit in two integer?

i was trying to find out number of different bit in two number. i find a solution here but couldn't understand how it right shifting with i and and doing and with 1. actually what is happening behind it? and why do loop through 32?
void solve(int A, int B)
int count = 0;
// since, the numbers are less than 2^31
// run the loop from '0' to '31' only
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
// right shift both the numbers by 'i' and
// check if the bit at the 0th position is different
if (((A >> i) & 1) != ((B >> i) & 1)) {
cout << "Number of different bits : " << count << endl;
The loop runs from 0 up to and including 31 (not through 32) because these are all of the possible bits that comprise a 32-bit integer and we need to check them all.
Inside the loop, the code
if (((A >> i) & 1) != ((B >> i) & 1)) {
works by shifting each of the two integers rightward by i (cutting off bits if i > 0), extracting the rightmost bit after the shift (& 1) and checking that they're the same (i.e. both 0 or both 1).
Let's walk through an example: solve(243, 2182). In binary:
243 = 11110011
2182 = 100010000110
diff bits = ^ ^^^ ^ ^
int bits = 00000000000000000000000000000000
i = 31 0
<-- loop direction
The indices of i that yield differences are 0, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 11 (we check from the right to the left--in the first iteration, i = 0 and nothing gets shifted, so & 1 gives us the rightmost bit, etc). The padding to the left of each number is all 0s in the above example.
Also, note that there are better ways to do this without a loop: take the XOR of the two numbers and run a popcount on them (count the bits that are set):
__builtin_popcount(243 ^ 2182); // => 6
Or, more portably:
std::bitset<CHAR_BIT * sizeof(int)>(243 ^ 2182).count()
Another note: best to avoid using namespace std;, return a value instead of producing a print side effect and give the method a clearer name than solve, for example bit_diff (I realize this is from geeksforgeeks).

C++ - BigInt addition operation binary

I have been trying to write a small BigInt class as practice. I wanted to implement it as a deque of bools, which represent the number's digits in binary. For example: 1234 becomes => 0100 0011 0010 0001. As you notice, I keep the digits of the number in reverse order, but the bits in the right order.
This makes constructing the class very fast, but operations became so tricky I couldn't figure out how to do them. So far I have this:
// Start from proper order + 3, because we store digits in reverse order.
BigInt operator+(int x) {
BigInt res(*this);
unsigned bit_place = BIT_FOR_DIGITS - 1;
auto res_it = res.num.begin() + bit_place;
bool carry = 0;
while (x | carry) {
if (res_it != res.num.end() && res_it + 1 == res.num.end()) {
for (int i = 0; i < BIT_FOR_DIGITS; ++i)
bool res_prev = *res_it;
// combine bits with carry in
*res_it ^= (x & 1) ^ carry;
// figure out the carry out
carry = ((res_prev ^ (x & 1)) & carry) | (res_prev & (x & 1));
if (!bit_place) {
// because we do the operations from the rightmost bit to the left
// Ex: 1001 => 9, we start from right to left.
res_it += 2 * BIT_FOR_DIGITS - 1;
bit_place = BIT_FOR_DIGITS - 1;
else {
x >>= 1;
return res;
The BIT_FOR_DIGITS is a macro for 4. The above is a simple implementation of the hardware bitwise sum operation. However, the problem I'm facing is the following scenario:
Suppose I wanted to add 127 and 5. The result is supposed to be 132. However, it outputs 1212. This is because, I use 4 bits to represent a digit. So, when the addition happens between 7 and 5, the result, 12, is just added at the end. The number isn't being reduced properly. I realize I need a mod operator for this, but I'm not sure how I can do it in binary. So, how can I properly handle addition with this kind of design? Or should I go for a better design altogether?

Calculate how many ones in bits and bits inverting [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How many 1s in an n-bit integer?
How to calculate how many ones in bits?
1100110 -> 4
101 -> 2
And second question:
How to invert bits?
1100110 -> 0011001
101 -> 010
If you can get your bits into a std::bitset, you can use the flip method to invert, and the count method to count the bits.
The book Hacker's Delight by Henry S Warren Jr. contains lots of useful little gems on computing this sort of thing - and lots else besides. Everyone who does low level bit twiddling should have a copy :)
The counting-1s section is 8 pages long!
One of them is:
int pop(unsigned x)
x = x - ((x >> 1) & 0x55555555);
x = (x & 0x33333333) + ((x >> 2) & 0x33333333);
x = (x + (x >> 4)) & 0x0F0F0F0F;
x = x + (x >> 8);
x = x + (x >> 16);
return x & 0x0000003F;
A potentially critical advantage compared to the looping options already presented is that the runtime is not variable. If it's inside a hard-real-time interrupt service routine this is much more important than "fastest-average-computation" time.
There's also a long thread on bit counting here:
How to count the number of set bits in a 32-bit integer?
You can loop while the number is non-zero, and increment a counter when the last bit is set. Or if you are working on Intel architecture, you can use the popcnt instruction in inline assembly.
int count_bit_set(unsigned int x) {
int count = 0;
while (x != 0) {
count += (x & 1);
x = x >> 1;
return count;
You use the ~ operator.
Counting bits:
Inverting bits: x = ~x;
For the first question, Fast Bit Counting has a few ways of doing it, the simplest being:
int bitcount (unsigned int n) {
int count = 0;
while (n) {
count += n & 0x1u;
n >>= 1;
return count;
For the second question, use the ´~´ (bitwise negation) operator.
To count the number of set bits in a number you can use the hakmem parallel counting which is the fastest approach not using predefined tables for parallel counting:
while inverting bits is really easy:
i = ~i;
A somewhat trikcy (but faster) solution would be:
int setbitcount( unsigned int x )
int result;
for( result=0; x; x&=x-1, ++result )
return result;
Compared to sylvain's soultion, this function iterates in the loop only the number of set bits. That is: for the number 1100110, it will do only 4 iteration (compared to 32 in Sylvain's algorithm).
The key is the expression x&=x-1, which will clear the least significant set bit. i.e.:
1) 1100110 & 1100101 = 1100100
2) 1100100 & 1100011 = 1100000
3) 1100000 & 1011111 = 1000000
4) 1000000 & 0111111 = 0
You can also inverse bits by XOR'ing them with some number. For example - inversing byte:
How to calculate how many ones in bits?
Hamming weight.
How to invert bits?
i = ~i;

Swapping bits at a given point between two bytes

Let's say I have these two numbers:
x = 0xB7
y = 0xD9
Their binary representations are:
x = 1011 0111
y = 1101 1001
Now I want to crossover (GA) at a given point, say from position 4 onwards.
The expected result should be:
x = 1011 1001
y = 1101 0111
Bitwise, how can I achieve this?
I would just use bitwise operators:
t = (x & 0x0f)
x = (x & 0xf0) | (y & 0x0f)
y = (y & 0xf0) | t
That would work for that specific case. In order to make it more adaptable, I'd put it in a function, something like (pseudo-code, with &, | and ! representing bitwise "and", "or", and "not" respectively):
def swapBits (x, y, s, e):
lookup = [255,127,63,31,15,7,3,1]
mask = lookup[s] & !lookup[e]
t = x & mask
x = (x & !mask) | (y & mask)
y = (y & !mask) | t
return (x,y)
The lookup values allow you to specify which bits to swap. Let's take the values xxxxxxxx for x and yyyyyyyy for y along with start bit s of 2 and end bit e of 6 (bit numbers start at zero on the left in this scenario):
x y s e t mask !mask execute
-------- -------- - - -------- -------- -------- -------
xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy 2 6 starting point
00111111 mask = lookup[2](00111111)
00111100 & !lookup[6](11111100)
00xxxx00 t = x & mask
xx0000xx x = x & !mask(11000011)
xxyyyyxx | y & mask(00111100)
yy0000yy y = y & !mask(11000011)
yyxxxxyy | t(00xxxx00)
If a bit position is the same in both values, no change is needed in either. If it's opposite, they both need to invert.
XOR with 1 flips a bit; XOR with 0 is a no-op.
So what we want is a value that has a 1 everywhere there's a bit-difference between the inputs, and a 0 everywhere else. That's exactly what a XOR b does.
Simply mask this bit-difference to only keep the differences in the bits we want to swap, and we have a bit-swap in 3 XORs + 1 AND.
Your mask is (1UL << position) -1. One less than a power of 2 has all the bits below that set. Or more generally with a high and low position for your bit-range: (1UL << highpos) - (1UL << lowpos). Whether a lookup-table is faster than bit-set / sub depends on the compiler and hardware. (See #PaxDiablo's answer for the LUT suggestion).
// Portable C:
//static inline
void swapBits_char(unsigned char *A, unsigned char *B)
const unsigned highpos = 4, lowpos=0; // function args if you like
const unsigned char mask = (1UL << highpos) - (1UL << lowpos);
unsigned char tmpA = *A, tmpB = *B; // read into locals in case A==B
unsigned char bitdiff = tmpA ^ tmpB;
bitdiff &= mask; // clear all but the selected bits
*A = tmpA ^ bitdiff; // flip bits that differed
*B = tmpB ^ bitdiff;
//static inline
void swapBit_uint(unsigned *A, unsigned *B, unsigned mask)
unsigned tmpA = *A, tmpB = *B;
unsigned bitdiff = tmpA ^ tmpB;
bitdiff &= mask; // clear all but the selected bits
*A = tmpA ^ bitdiff;
*B = tmpB ^ bitdiff;
(Godbolt compiler explorer with gcc for x86-64 and ARM)
This is not an xor-swap. It does use temporary storage. As #chux's answer on a near-duplicate question demonstrates, a masked xor-swap requires 3 AND operations as well as 3 XOR. (And defeats the only benefit of XOR-swap by requiring a temporary register or other storage for the & results.) This answer is a modified copy of my answer on that other question.
This version only requires 1 AND. Also, the last two XORs are independent of each other, so total latency from inputs to both outputs is only 3 operations. (Typically 3 cycles).
For an x86 asm example of this, see this code-golf Exchange capitalization of two strings in 14 bytes of x86-64 machine code (with commented asm source)
Swapping individual bits with XOR
unsigned int i, j; // positions of bit sequences to swap
unsigned int n; // number of consecutive bits in each sequence
unsigned int b; // bits to swap reside in b
unsigned int r; // bit-swapped result goes here
unsigned int x = ((b >> i) ^ (b >> j)) & ((1U << n) - 1); // XOR temporary
r = b ^ ((x << i) | (x << j));