Let's say i have the following image:
distorted image
And i want to apply a UVMap/STMap to undistort it and make it look like this:
undistorted image
Is there a way of doing that using C++ and OpenCV and/or OpenGL? If you could point me to any references/examples it'd be great!
Take a look at undistort and Remap in OpenCV.
The function is simply a combination of initUndistortRectifyMap() (with unity R ) and remap() (with bilinear interpolation). See the former function for details of the transformation being performed.
Remap can do the requested undistortion if you can provide it with the correct mapping.
The function remap transforms the source image using the specified map:
I'm trying to to add noise to an Image & then denoised to see the difference in my object detection algorithm. So I developed OpenCV code in C++ for detection some objects in the image. I would like to test the robustness of the code, so tried to add some noises. In that way would like to check how the object detection rate changed when add noises to the image. So , first added some random Gaussian Noises like this
cv::Mat noise(src.size(),src.type());
float m = (10,12,34);
float sigma = (1,5,50);
cv::randn(noise, m, sigma); //mean and variance
src += noise;
I got this images:
The original:
The noisy one
So is there any better model for noises? Then how to Denoise it. Is there any DeNoising algorithms?
OpenCV comes with Photo package in which you can find an implementation of Non-local Means Denoising algorithm. The documentation can be found here:
As far as I know it's the only suitable denoising algorithm both in OpenCV 2.4 and OpenCV 3.x
I'm not aware of any other noise models in OpenCV than randn. It shouldn't be a problem however to add a custom function that does that. There are some nice examples in python (you should have no problem rewriting it to C++ as the OpenCV API remains roughly identical) How to add noise (Gaussian/salt and pepper etc) to image in Python with OpenCV
There's also one thing I don't understand: If you can generate noise, why would you denoise the image using some algorithm if you already have the original image without noise?
Check this tutorial it might help you.
Specially this part:
OpenCV provides four variations of this technique.
cv2.fastNlMeansDenoising() - works with a single grayscale images
cv2.fastNlMeansDenoisingColored() - works with a color image.
cv2.fastNlMeansDenoisingMulti() - works with image sequence captured
in short period of time (grayscale images)
cv2.fastNlMeansDenoisingColoredMulti() - same as above, but for color
Common arguments are:
h : parameter deciding filter strength. Higher h value removes noise
better, but removes details of image also. (10 is ok)
hForColorComponents : same as h, but for color images only. (normally
same as h)
templateWindowSize : should be odd. (recommended 7)
searchWindowSize : should be odd. (recommended 21)
And to add gaussian noise to image, maybe this thread will be helpful:
How to add Noise to Color Image - Opencv
I want to take a video and create a binary from it, I want it so that if the pixel is within a certain range it will be included within the binary. In other words I want an upper and lower bound like in the inRange() function as opposed to a simple cutoff point like in the threshold() function.
I also want to use adaptive thresholding to account for differences in lighting in my video. Is there a way to do this? I know there is inRange() that does the former and adaptiveThreshold() that does the latter, but I don't know if there is a way to do both.
Apply adaptiveThreshold() to the whole original image, then apply inRange() to the original image and use the result of inRange() as a mask:
adaptiveThreshold(original_image, dst_image ... );
inRange(original_image, minArray, maxArray, mask);
Mat output = dst_image.mul(mask);
I am looking to align two face images using the 68 landmarks learnt by the dlib detector. I know I can convert the images to OpenCV Mat and then use the warpAffine method. I am having certain memory leaks with it and decided to see if using only dlib is possible. I noticed that the dlib library has some methods in geometry.h for this purpose.
For this, I am using find_affine_transform method to get a point_transform_affine object where I find the affine transformation between 3 points obtained using the shape and template. In the documentation, it is written that we can use this object to apply the transformation on vector of points. However, I have been unable to find some example for it.
Could you tell me how I can apply the transformation learnt ?
Secondly, I have an image loaded in array2d object. Is there a way to go from array2d to vector of points ?
Some initial code is listed down below for the find_affine_transform.
std::vector<dlib::vector<double,2>> TemplateLandmarks;
std::vector<dlib::vector<double,2>> ObtainedLandmarks;
// push_back the specific coordinates in the above vectors
array2d<bgr_pixel> img;
// read the image from a file path using load_image
// learning the best transformation map
point_transform_affine H = find_affine_transform ( ObtainedLandmarks , TemplateLandmarks );
This can be done using the extract_image_chips function in dlib. There is even an example of its use in the face landmarking example program to align faces.
I am currently lost in the OpenCV documentation and am looking for some guidance on the possible ordering of functions, or perhaps a function within OpenCV that I haven't came acrossed yet...
I am tracking a laser blob within a camera feed to a location on a projection screen. Up until now I have been using findHomography and then projectTransform to accomplish this however the camera I was using had very little distortion. Now I am using a different camera with a noticeable radial distortion. I have used cvCalibrateCamera to get the distortion coefficients, camera matrix, etc. but I am not sure how I should use this data with my current process, or perhaps I need to use different functions and/or ordering of functions from OpenCV altogether. Any suggestions would be appreciated...
My current code that works well (without distortion) is as follows:
Mat homog;
homog = findHomography(Mat(vCameraPoints), Mat(vTargetPoints), CV_RANSAC);
vector<Point2f> cvTrackPoint;
cvTrackPoint.push_back(Point2f(pMapPoint.fX, pMapPoint.fY));
Mat normalizedImageMat;
perspectiveTransform(Mat(cvTrackPoint), normalizedImageMat, homog);
Point2f normalizedImgPt;
normalizedImgPt = Point2f(normalizedImageMat.at<Point2f>(0,0));
normalizedImgPt.x /= szCameraSize.fWidth;
normalizedImgPt.y /= szCameraSize.fHeight;
I then of course multiply the normalizedImgPt to my projection screen resolution
So again, just to clarify...I do have what appears to be good data from calibrateCamera, how would I use this information to factor in the lens distortion? Perhaps the above process wont work, any help?
Thanks, in advance
If you have acquired the distortion coefficients, then a simple (yet probably suboptimal) way to get back to the non-distorted case would be to undistort the image. The undistorted image is the image a camera with similar intrinsic and extrinsic parameters but without lens distorsion would acquire.
The corresponding OpenCV function is undistort
I have only just started experimenting with OpenCV a little bit. I have a setup of an LCD with a static position, and I'd like to extract what is being displayed on the screen from the image. I've seen the chessboard pattern used for calibrating a camera, but it seems like that is used to undistort the image, which isn't totally what I want to do.
I was thinking I'd display the chessboard on the LCD and then figure out the transformations needed to convert the image of the LCD into the ideal view of the chessboard directly overhead and cropped. Then I would store the transformations, change what the LCD is displaying, take a picture, perform the same transformations, and get the ideal view of what was now being displayed.
I'm wondering if that sounds like a good idea? Is there a simpler way to achieve what I'm trying to do? And any tips on the functions I should be using to figure out the transformations, perform them, store them (maybe just keep the transform matrices in memory or write them to file), etc?
I'm not sure I understood correctly everything you are trying to do, but bear with me.
Some cameras have lenses that cause a little distortion to the image, and for this purpose OpenCV offers methods to aid in the camera calibration process.
Practically speaking, if you want to write an application that will automatically correct the distortion in the image, first, you need to discover what are the magical values that need to be used to undo this effect. These values come from a proper calibration procedure.
The chessboard image is used together with an application to calibrate the camera. So, after you have an image of the chessboard taken by the camera device, pass this image to the calibration app. The app will identify the corners of the squares and compute the values of the distortion and return the magical values you need to use to counter the distortion effect. At this point, you are interested in 2 variables returned by calibrateCamera(): they are cameraMatrix and distCoeffs. Print them, and write the data on a piece of paper.
At the end, the system you are developing needs to have a function/method to undistort the image, where these 2 variables will be hard coded inside the function, followed by a call to cv::undistort() (if you are using the C++ API of OpenCV):
cv::Mat undistorted;
cv::undistort(image, undistorted, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs);
and that's it.
Detecting rotation automatically might be a bit tricky, but the first thing to do is find the coordinates of the object you are interested in. But if the camera is in a fixed position, this is going to be easy.
For more info on perspective change and rotation with OpenCV, I suggest taking a look at these other questions:
Executing cv::warpPerspective for a fake deskewing on a set of cv::Point
Affine Transform, Simple Rotation and Scaling or something else entirely?
Rotate cv::Mat using cv::warpAffine offsets destination image
findhomography() is not bad choice, but skew,distortion(camera lens) is real problem..
C++: Mat findHomography(InputArray srcPoints, InputArray dstPoints,
int method=0, double ransacReprojThreshold=3, OutputArray
mask=noArray() )
Python: cv2.findHomography(srcPoints, dstPoints[, method[,
ransacReprojThreshold[, mask]]]) → retval, mask
C: void cvFindHomography(const CvMat* srcPoints, const CvMat*
dstPoints, CvMat* H, int method=0, double ransacReprojThreshold=3,
CvMat* status=NULL)