how to auto resize/scale amazon aws ec2 instance - amazon-web-services

currently am on the t2.micro & i read that amazon allow an auto scaling option to allow the server to expand/shrink according to the traffic which is perfect.
so my question is:
what exactly should i do in-order to enable the auto scaling/resizing
of the server when needed or when the traffic start to spike ?
is there an option to allow changing the instance type automatically ?
auto scaling i believe means adding more instances and balance the load in between them, so does this mean i need to have a background about load balancing and all that jargon that comes with it or does amazon take care of that automatically ?
am totaly new to the whole server maintenance/provisioning land, so please try to explain as simple as possible. also the only reason i went with amazon because of the automation capabilities it offer but sadly their docs are very complex and many things could go wrong.

If you want to scale your instance and you don't mind about uptime, I can suggest this workaround.
TL;DR: set an alert on AWS CloudWatch to "ping" SNS when a specific alert is triggered (i.e. CPU, RAM > %) and setup a Skeddly action to automatic scale your instance when a SNS endpoint is pinged.
subscribe to Skeddly, a service to automate actions on AWS.
It's free if you don't use it a lot;
setup a "Change EC2 Instances" action and activate the SNS feature,
then copy the SNS endpoint link; screenshot
be sure to clearly define the instance(s) affected by the action!
go on AWS Simple Notification Service dashboard and create a new
"topic", then select it and choose "subscribe to topic" from the
Actions menu;
you can paste here the SNS endpoint provided by Skeddly, then wait
until the subscription is confirmed (it takes a while);
now move to AWS CloudWatch and setup an alert for any metric that
you find meaningful for your instance up/downscaling, i.e. CPU >= 90%
for 1 day;
for each alarm add a notification selecting the "topic" previously
defined on SNS.
You are done!

Auto scaling with EC2 assumes "horizontal" scaling, adding more instances to a auto scaling group
There is no well used, standard pattern for "vertical" scaling of increasing an individual instance size automatically.
In order to effectively understand and use auto scaling for your application yes, you "need to have a background about load balancing and all that jargon that comes with it". See

I'm assuming you are using the AWS management console. These operations are also possible using the Command Line Interface or AWS CloudFormation.
To resize an instance, you have to stop it then go to Actions > Instance Settings > Change Instance Type
As you can see, this operation is not automatic. In AWS you don't autoscale an instance but an autoscaling group which is a group of instances. So according to your memory/cpu usage, you can automatically start new instances (but not increase the size of the current ones)
To create an autoscaling group, go to Auto Scaling Groups in the EC2 menu:
To create an autoscaling group, you will need to create a Launch Configuration first which describes the properties of the instances you want to automatically scale. Then you will be able to define your scaling policies based on your Cloudwatch alarms (CPU usage, instance status...):


How to Autoscale a GCP Managed Instance Group using a Rabbitmq VM outside the group

I am using GCP and I have a specific problem to solve where I want to use the metrics from a RabbitMQ instance to control the autoscaling requirements of a Managed Instance Group. Do note that this RabbitMQ instance is outside this group and is used only to maintain the messages in the queue.
I want to scale up the number of instances in the group, when the number of current messages in the queue exceeds the number of available consumers. I had implemented the same in AWS using Amazon MQ integrated with RabbitMQ to autoscale for an ECS Cluster of Instances.
I have installed an OPS agent on the RabbitMQ Instance so that I can monitor the queue-based stats in a dashboard, but I am not sure how these metrics can be used to scale the instance as no specification on the MIG config page seems to point to the accessibility of these metrics.
My question is that, is it possible to scale the instances in an MIG through the metrics of an external instance like in my case? This question arises because the documentation on GCP seems to point out that autoscaling can be used only on metrics of the instances within the group.
If not, I would like to understand other ways I can implement the same by perhaps monitoring a consumer-based metric.
Custom metrics can be used for triggering the auto scaling feature. This document outlines clearly how to configure custom metrics for triggering auto scaling of MIG instances. The configuration involves three simple steps.
Create a custom metric for the Rabbitmq queue in cloud monitoring.
Create a service account and give sufficient permissions for performing
auto scaling actions.
Create a trigger using these custom metrics for scaling the managed
instance group.

AWS Cloudwatch alarm for each single instance of an auto scaling group

We have configured an Auto Scaling group in AWS. And it works fine. We have configured some alarms for the group, such as: send alarm if the average CPUUtilization > 60 for 2 minutes ... use AWS CLI.
The only problem is, if we want to monitoring each instance in the group. We have to configure them manually. Are they any way to do it automatically like config, template?
Amazon CloudWatch alarms can be created on the Auto Scaling group as a whole, such as Average CPUUtilization. This is because alarms are used to tell Auto Scaling when to add/remove instances and such decisions would be based upon the group as a whole. For example, if one machine is 100% busy but another is 0% busy, then on average the group is only 50% busy.
There should be no reason for placing an alarm on the individual instances in an auto-scaling group, at least as far as triggering a scaling action.
There is no in-built capability to specify an alarm that will be applied against each auto-scaled instance individually. You could do it programmatically by responding to an Amazon SNS notification whenever an instance is added/removed by Auto Scaling, but this would require your own code to be written.
You can accomplish this with lifecycle hooks and a little lambda glue. When you have lifecycle events for adding or terminating an instance, you can create an alarm on that individual instance or remove it (depending on the event) via a lambda function.
To John's point, this is a little bit of an anti-pattern with horizontal scaling and load balancing. However, theory and practice sometimes diverge.

AWS update autoscaling group with new AMI automatically?

Here's what I have in AWS:
Application ELB
Auto Scaling Group with 2 instances in different regions (Windows IIS servers)
Launch Config pointing to AMI_A
all associated back end stuff configured (VPC, subnets, security groups, ect)
Everything works. However, when I need to make an update or change to the servers, I am currently manually creating a new AMI_B, creating a new LaunchConfig using AMI_B, updating the AutoScalingGroup to use the new LaunchConfig, increasing min number of instances to 4, waiting for them to become available, then decreasing the number back to 2 to kill off the old instances.
I'd really love to automate this process. Amazon gave me some links to CLI stuff, and I'm able to script the AMI creation, create the LaunchConfig, and update the AutoScalingGroup...but I don't see an easy way to script spinning up the new instances.
After some searching, I found some CloudFormation templates that look like they'd do what I want, but most do more, and it's a bit confusing to me.
Should I be exploring CloudFormation? Is there a simple guide I can follow to get started? Or should I stay with the scripting I have started?
PS - sorry if this is a repeated question. Things change frequently at AWS, so sometimes the older responses may not be the current best answers.
You have a number of options to automate the process of updating the instances in an Auto Scaling Group to a new or updated Launch Configuration:
If you do want to use CloudFormation to manage updates to your Auto Scaling Group's instances, refer to the UpdatePolicy attribute of the AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup Resource for documentation, and the "What are some recommended best practices for performing Auto Scaling group rolling updates?" page in the AWS Knowledge Center for more advice.
If you'd also like to script the creation/update of your AMI within a CloudFormation resource, see my answer to the question, "Create AMI image as part of a cloudformation stack".
Note, however, that CloudFormation is not a simple tool- it's a complex, relatively low-level service for orchestrating AWS resources, and migrating your existing scripts to it will likely take some time investment due to its steep learning curve.
Elastic Beanstalk
If simplicity is most important, then I'd suggest you evaluate Elastic Beanstalk, which also supports both rolling and immutable updates during deployments, in a more fully managed, console-oriented, platform-as-a-service environment. Refer to my answer to the question, "What is the difference between Elastic Beanstalk and CloudFormation for a .NET project?" for further comparisons between CloudFormation and Elastic Beanstalk.
If you want a solution for updating instances in an auto-scaling group that you can plug into existing scripts, AWS CodeDeploy might be worth looking into. You install an agent on your instances, then trigger deployments through the API/CLI/Console and it manages deploying application updates to your fleet of instances. See Deploy an Application to an Auto Scaling Group Using AWS CodeDeploy for a complete tutorial. While CodeDeploy supports 'in-place' deployments and 'blue-green' deployments (see Working With Deployments for details), I think this service assumes an approach of swapping out S3-hosted application packages onto a static base AMI rather than replacing AMIs on each deployment. So it might not be the best fit for your AMI-swapping use case, but perhaps worth looking into anyway.
You want a custom Termination policy on the Auto Scaling Group.
OldestLaunchConfiguration. Auto Scaling terminates instances that have the oldest launch configuration. This policy is useful when you're updating a group and phasing out the instances from a previous configuration.
To customize a termination policy using the console
Open the Amazon EC2 console at
On the navigation pane, choose Auto Scaling Groups.
Select the Auto Scaling group.
For Actions, choose Edit.
On the Details tab, locate Termination Policies. Choose one or more
termination policies. If you choose multiple policies, list them in
the order that you would like them to apply. If you use the Default
policy, make it the last one in the list.
Choose Save.
On the CLI
aws autoscaling update-auto-scaling-group --auto-scaling-group-name my-asg --termination-policies "OldestLaunchConfiguration"
We use Ansible's ec2_asg module for that purpose. There are replace_all_instances and replace_batch_size settings for that purpose. Per documentation:
In a rolling fashion, replace all instances that used the old launch configuration with one from the new launch configuration.
It increases the ASG size by C(replace_batch_size), waits for the new instances to be up and running.
After that, it terminates a batch of old instances, waits for the replacements, and repeats, until all old instances are replaced.
Once that's done the ASG size is reduced back to the expected size.
If you provide target_group_arns, module will check for health of instances in target groups before going to next batch.
Edit: in order to maintain desired number of instances, we first set min to desired.

Duplicate and destroy an EC2 instance in AWS via .NET code

We have an application with long running processes which prevents us from being able to use Elastic Beanstalk to properly scale the environment. In fact no metric scaling would be useful for us and what we really need to be able to do is the following....
On demand, programatically, create a new EC2 instance which is a duplicate of a specific EC2 "template" instance (That template instance would be an EC2 running IIS with specific code deployed to it, probably via beanstalk).
On demand, programatically, destroy a specific instance
Based on specific events we would need to perform the above actions via our .NET code base.
I get the feeling that we should be able to do this with cloudformation templates but i dont see any clear documentation to handle this.
Any advise or direction would be greatly appreciated.
Not sure about doing this through .Net code, but you can create an auto scaling group in AWS console and that will take care of the scaling requirements in a maintainable way.
Log on to AWS and navigate to Management Console
First create an EC2 Instance with proper instance type (say, t2.large) or whatever your sizing is.
Then have IIS installed and get your app running on this instance.
Now create a new Image from the above running EC2 Instance
Create a new Auto Scaling Group and add the above new Image
Create a Launch Configuration for the Auto Scaling Group (AWS Console will redirect you to do this step when you try to setup Auto Scaling Group).
Once the Auto Scaling Group is setup, navigate to Auto Scaling Policy and add a policy there. For example, you can create a policy to 'add 1 instance on CPU utilization of 80% or more for 2 consecutive times'.
Also make sure Min is 0 and Max is say, 2. This is upto you to decide based on your scaling requirements. If you have Min as 1, it automatically creates the first instance. If Min is 0, no new instances will be created until the threshold in the Auto Scale Policy is met.
Also create a Scale Down Policy to remove instances when there is a low CPU utilization.
Note: I took CPU utilization as an example to describe the scenario. You can have any metrics as per your choice and architectural needs.

Temporarily disable AWS auto-scaling group activities

I'm looking for a way to temporarily disable an existing AWS auto-scaling group without deleting/recreating the group, or its triggers.
"Disabling" meaning: prevent any instance creation or deletion for a short period of time without wiping the whole related configuration.
Our current release process creates and configure new EC2 instance and inject them in our ELB once ready. It also remove old instances and stop them. For a very short time, the ELB contains twice the usual amount of EC2 instances.
This amount may exceed MAX instance count in the ELB for a very short duration. During this process, we'd like to prevent the auto-scaling group from terminating random supernumerary instances.
I could not find any « disable » option in amazon console.
It may not match auto-scaling group philosophy. Did I missed something ?
Is there a tool for that through amazon command line tools or boto framework ?
In the autoscaling lingo, what you are asking about is suspending processes. In a nutshell each of the autoscaling activities (launch, terminate etc.) can be disabled for as long as you want.
It doesn't look you can set this from the web console (although it does display what processes are available), so you'll either have to use the api or the command line tools
From the cli that's just
aws autoscaling suspend-processes --auto-scaling-group-name MyGroup
and later on
aws autoscaling resume-processes --auto-scaling-group-name MyGroup
You can pass specific processes to suspend resume as extra arguments, but you probably don't need to do that.
Not the best way to do things, but works if you do not have CLI access at the moment.
to use the web console to remove all instances from an aws scaling group: Set max. instances, min. instances, and desired instances to 0;
You can make the MAX instance = 3 and MIN instance = 3 i.e. Specifying the same instance count for both min and max.
This way there shouldn't be any change in the instance count no matter what your rules are.
Set your Desired Capacity Min and Max to 0. Save. Check on Activity History and you'll see the instances being terminated.
You can also remove the Default option in Termination policies and then stop your instance so that it doesnt pop up a new instamnce when you stop your instance and you can make necessary changes to it
From horse's mouth...thanks to wonderful aws documentation here
I'm coping all the steps here just in case if the url changes:
Open the Amazon EC2 console at,
and choose Auto Scaling Groups from the navigation pane.
Select the check box next to the Auto Scaling group.
A split pane opens up in the bottom of the Auto Scaling groups page.
On the Details tab, choose Advanced configurations, Edit.
For Suspended processes, choose the process to suspend.
Choose Update.