appending values in a global map in clojure - clojure

I declared a map in clojure using
(def finalMap {})
I am appending values to it inside a function using assoc but they are not appending, the map is remaining empty. I think it is due to immutability, can I in some way make a global map mutable.The function is a recursive one and I am appending values each time the function is called.
(defn func [arg1 arg2]
;(map append inside let)
(dorun (for [i (range 0 index)]
(func(arg1 arg2))))))
Can you help me with the correct way to do this?

If you want a mutable map then you should create an atom:
(def final-map (atom {}))
Also normally you would use assoc to add more key value pairs to it. However you will need to use swap! just to be able to call assoc:
(swap! final-map assoc :a "a value")
This will add a key/value pair where the key is the keyword :a and the value is the String "a value".
It might be good to view some other examples of using assoc. Realise that in the code above assoc is being called with the old value of final-map as its first argument, and returning the new value of final-map.


assoc with argument clojure

If I have an hash-map and I want to assoc a value to it, and I get the key as an argument, what should i do?
(defn define [name type kind] "define new var in one of the tables"
(if (or (= type "static") (= type "field"))
(def classScope (assoc classScope name (list type kind (addCount kind))))
(def methodScope (assoc methodScope name (list type kind (addCount kind))))
My problem is that i can't use :name, and not 'name.
Update: If you want your keys to be in keyword form, just call keyword on them....
(defn my-map-fn [name type kind]
(assoc some-map (keyword name) (some-fn type kind)))
(my-map-fn "some-name" "some-type" "some-kind") => {:some-name some-val}
Note that you shouldn't use def inside of defn. It looks like you want to keep a map of data and as you call define you want to store some more data in that map. A way that I go about this is to use atoms (there are other ways too).
(defonce classScope (atom {})
(defonce methodScope (atom {}))
(defn define
"if you want a doc string it goes here"
[name type kind]
(swap! (if (#{"static" "field"} type) classScope methodScope)
#(assoc % name (list type kind (addCount kind)))))
the benefit here is you get atomic updates and calls to define that may happen really close together won't butt heads.
Let's start with your explanatory comment:
I'm trying to create an hash-map that's like a symbol table: I will
identify each variable by its name, and it will have a list with its
type, kind and index in the code.
A few thoughts:
Don't use a list for the variable's characteristics; use a map.
You can think of the name of a variable as
a plain old string
a symbol
a keyword
Any of these works as the key of a map entry. Keep it simple. Use a string.
You're going to need such a table for every scope. And a scope should know its enclosing scope.
The descriptors static and field are not types; nor are they
alternatives in - say - Java.
I suggest you look at clojure.spec and typed Clojure to see how similar problems are handled within Clojure.

Is it possible to reference values of the hashmap a function is stored in using Clojure?

Let us say we had something like this:
(defstruct test :val :func)
(defn create-test
(struct test 2 #(A)))
Is it somehow possible to reference :val from inside the provided function (that is, where A is located)?
This is a variant of the problem of cyclic references; lazy definitions allow the construction of these.
While Clojure's approach here isn't quite as elegant as the linked Haskell version, promise allows you to put a lazy reference to the function in the map and then define the function to the compiler in an environment in which the map and its values are accessible:
(def knot-tying
(let[{:keys[val func] :as knot} {:val "foo" :func (promise)}
f (fn[](str val "bar"))]
(deliver func f)
((deref (:func knot-tying))) ;;=>"foobar"
Or if you prefer tying "in the other direction" and having the function use deref instead of having to deref it:
(def knot-tying-2
(let[knot (promise)
f (fn[] (str (-> knot deref :val) "bar"))
tied {:val "foo" :func f}]
(deliver knot tied)
((:func knot-tying-2)) ;;=>"foobar"
No. Given an object, it is not generally possible to find which other objects reference it. Since Clojure maps and functions are immutable, you must first create the function and then the map, so there is no way for the function to access the map unless it is somehow passed the map after it is created.
However, assuming that you can create the function after the other value, you can allow the function to directly access the value (but not the containing map) using a closure:
(let [value 2
function #(str "The value is: " value)]
{:value value
:function function})))
;=> "The value is: 2"

clojure: Removing maps from lazy-seq of maps

I have a lazy-seq of maps and I'm attempting to remove maps from that lazy-seq based on the return value from another function. The other function will return true or false depending on whether or not a call of get returns a value equal to the parameter. The problem is the function isn't working correctly and I'm not too sure why.
(defn filter-by-name "Filter by names" [name m]
(if (= name (get m :name_of_person)) true false))
;To be called on each map
(defn remove-nonmatching-values "Remove anything not matching" [filter-val all-maps]
(map #(remove (filter-by-name filter-val %)) all-maps))
;trying to call on the lazy seq
You only need to call remove on the sequence of maps.
(defn remove-nonmatching-values
"Remove anything not matching"
[filter-val all-maps]
(remove #(filter-by-name filter-val %) all-maps))
Check Clojure's remove doc
(remove pred coll)
Returns a lazy sequence of the items in coll for which
(pred item) returns false. pred must be free of side-effects.
Returns a transducer when no collection is provided.
A function that produces the test-function you need for a given name is
(defn name-matcher [name]
(fn [m] (= name (:name_of_person m))))
All you have to do is filter the maps accordingly:
(defn retain-matching-maps [name maps]
(filter (name-matcher name) maps))
For example,
(retain-matching-maps "hello" (list {:name_of_person "hello"} {:name_of_person "bye"}))
;({:name_of_person "hello"})
I have got rid of
the comments (which are implied by the function names)
the if (as noted by Guillermo)
the get (Keywords - or maps - are implicit get functions)
the double negative in the function name remove-nonmatching-values.
You could also use :name instead of :name-of-person. The more succinctly you express your program, the less likely you are to make mistakes.

Convert map keys and values to string array

How do I convert a clojure map into string, almost key value pair, as shown below:
Clojure data:
(def data { :starks "Winter is coming" :Lannisters "Hear me roar" })
I want to convert the above to
"starks" "winter is coming" "Lannisters" "hear me roar"
I don't want any identifiers / delimiters between but obviously "starks" should always be followed by "winter is coming"
I tried this:
(str (keys data) (vals data))
Which outputs this:
"(:starks :Lannisters)(\"Winter is coming\" \"Hear me roar\")"
Which is not what I want at all...
The map data keys and values are not always the same so it needs to be generic
there will always be just one level, as in, the value will not contain a nested map etc..
What I'm actually trying to do:
I am trying to index a few thousand Neo4j nodes with clojure. To help me with this task, I am using Neocons Clojure neo4j library.
According to the documentation, the add-to-index accepts properties and values like so:
(nn/add-to-index (:id node) (:name idx) "username" "joe")))
which is, in my above case, going to look like
(nn/add-to-index (:id node) (:name idx) "starks" "winter is coming" "Lannisters" "Hear me roar")))
now, I have my Node, I can access the node properties with (:data node) and that gives me a clojure map.
The property differs pretty much from node to node so I'm trying to figure out how to pass that map to the library in the way that it understands..
Marius Danila's answer got me almost there.
(map name (apply concat data))
still complains of the third parameter, as it has the braces around the result.
So, how can I achieve this?
Do I just have to write a whole lot of if-not blocks to construct the properties myself?
This should do the trick:
(map name (apply concat data))
A map can be viewed as a sequence of key-value pairs, which in turn represented as arrays of 2 elements. We're concatenating the pairs and then we extract the name from the keywords and strings (for string this does nothing, for keywords it returns the bit without ':').
From the code you've posted, I'm guessing you would use this like so:
(apply nn/add-to-index (list* (:id node) (:name idx) (map name (apply concat data))))
The (nn/add-to-index ...) function simply accepts only four arguments. The node, index and one key/value pair. So you have too loop through your data like.
(doseq [[k v] data]
(nn/add-to-index (:id node) (:name idx) (name k) (clojure.string/lower-case v))))
Unlike the the str function in Clojure the add-to-index function is more limited and simply does not accept variable parameter lists.
You can use vector to have array like random access:
=> (def v (vec (map name (apply concat data))))
=> (v 0)
=> (v 1)
;"Winter is coming"
You could try the following:
=> (interleave (map name (keys data)) (vals data))
;; which returns ("starks" "Winter is coming" "Lannisters" "Hear me roar")

How to use "Update-in" in Clojure?

I'm trying to use Clojure's update-in function but I can't seem to understand why I need to pass in a function?
update-in takes a function, so you can update a value at a given position depending on the old value more concisely. For example instead of:
(assoc-in m [list of keys] (inc (get-in m [list of keys])))
you can write:
(update-in m [list of keys] inc)
Of course if the new value does not depend on the old value, assoc-in is sufficient and you don't need to use update-in.
This isn't a direct answer to your question, but one reason why a function like update-in could exist would be for efficiency—not just convenience—if it were able to update the value in the map "in-place". That is, rather than
seeking the key in the map,
finding the corresponding key-value tuple,
extracting the value,
computing a new value based on the current value,
seeking the key in the map,
finding the corresponding key-value tuple,
and overwriting the value in the tuple or replacing the tuple with a new one
one can instead imagine an algorithm that would omit the second search for the key:
seek the key in the map,
find the corresponding key-value tuple,
extract the value,
compute a new value based on the current value,
and overwrite the value in the tuple
Unfortunately, the current implementation of update-in does not do this "in-place" update. It uses get for the extraction and assoc for the replacement. Unless assoc is using some caching of the last looked up key and the corresponding key-value tuple, the call to assoc winds up having to seek the key again.
I think the short answer is that the function passed to update-in lets you update values in a single step, rather than 3 (lookup, calculate new value, set).
Coincidentally, just today I ran across this use of update-in in a Clojure presentation by Howard Lewis Ship:
(def in-str "this is this")
(fn [m k] (update-in m [k] #(inc (or % 0))))
(seq in-str))
==> {\space 2, \s 3, \i 3, \h 2, \t 2}
Each call to update-in takes a letter as a key, looks it up in the map, and if it's found there increments the letter count (else sets it to 1). The reduce drives the process by starting with an empty map {} and repeatedly applies the update-in with successive characters from the input string. The result is a map of letter frequencies. Slick.
Note 1: clojure.core/frequencies is similar but uses assoc! rather than update-in.
Note 2: You can replace #(inc (or % 0)) with (fnil inc 0). From here: fnil
A practical example you see here.
Type this snippet (in your REPL):
(def my-map {:useless-key "key"})
;;{:useless-key "key"}
(def my-map (update-in my-map [:yourkey] #(cons 1 %)))
;;{:yourkey (1), :useless-key "key"}
Note that :yourkey is new. So the value - of :yourkey - passed to the lambda is null. cons will put 1 as the single element of your list. Now do the following:
(def my-map (update-in my-map [:yourkey] #(cons 25 %)))
;;{:yourkey (25 1), :useless-key "key"}
And that is it, in the second part, the anonymous function takes the list - the value for :yourkey - as argument and just cons 25 to it.
Since our my-map is immutable, update-in will always return a new version of your map letting you do something with the old value of the given key.
Hope it helped!