iOS NAT64 IPv6 environment issue - c++

Now that apple has changed their review environment to an IPv6 only network ive been running into troubles with my application while testing.
The application requires the user to input their server/systems IP address, port (4401) and credentials to gain access to the application. Following the guidelines provided by apple i set up a NAT64 environment to test my application's compatibility. Running iOS 9.3.2 on an iphone 5s.
My work environment has several internal networks. I connected my iMac to the internal server (10.10.50.XX) via Ethernet which also has an external IP which is what i provide to apple. The 50 network does not run behind a proxy, but there are some sites which get filtered, but can access by confirming. I then shared my Ethernet connection through WiFI.
I connected the device and had internet access with the same pages being filtered. The device gets assigned a local-link address of 169.254.XX.XX. From what ive read my device is connecting to the ipv6 only network correctly, as the iphone does not show the ipv6 address only local link.
If I am correctly connected to the shared IPv6 network, the problem I am having is connecting to my server on the 50 network from my application. The application fails when ever i try to connected to the 10.10.50.XX network or the external(understandable because my imac is on the 50 internal network) .
Testing the application using IPv4 with a wireless router that is connected to the 50 network runs perfectly.I think it is an issue with the local link address not being able to see the 50 network or something.
Heres some brief background info on how i connect to the server. The user inputs all the credentials and the IP address and port of the server they want to connect to. The application saves this as a text (utf-8) and uses boost shared_ptr to send it to the cpp connection class which validates the credentials and provides access to the user. This cpp connection class handles the connection, synchronization, logging, requests and response from the server.
Is it possible to somehow get access to the 50 network, using the NAT64 internet sharing option?

If you're passing an IP address straight down to your network lib, then no. When your device is on the IPv6-only side of the NAT64, the server's IPv4 address is useless.
You almost certainly need a DNS name for the server you're trying to reach. The NAT64 relies first on DNS64 to create IPv6 addresses for your application when the server is IPv4-only. These synthesised addresses contain the IPv4 address(es) for the server, giving the NAT64 the information it needs to translate from IPv6 to IPv4.
Updating this to add: as suggested by user102008 in the comment thread attached to this answer, you may also be able to pass the IPv4 string literal though getaddrinfo() (see code listing 10-1 on this page). When you're behind a NAT64, a synthesised IPv6 address should be among the results returned by that call. The NAT64 will translate from this address back to IPv4 to reach the host you specified. In this case, if the system knows the correct prefix to use for the NAT64, a hostname is not necessary.


C++ / Qt: How can I detect when a hostname or IP address refers to the current system?

I'm writing a macOS C++ application using Qt that acts as both a UDP client and UDP server. The server functionality allows the user to configure which port the UDP packets will be received on, and the client functionality allows specifying both a target host and a port number. The host can be either a hostname or an IP address, including addresses or hostnames that resolve to a multicast or broadcast address.
In order to help prevent circularity, when the server functionality is enabled I need to be able to warn the user when the host and port they've entered for the client would send the packets directly to the app's server. Of course it's easy to check if the port numbers match, but this means I need to know whether the host they've entered refers to the current system.
Examples of hostnames or IP addresses that would typically be problematic:
localhost (assuming the system is on a subnet)
any of the IP addresses assigned to the current system's network interfaces
the system's local DNS name
any other loopback addresses that may be configured other than
How could I go about detecting this?
Since this app is being written using Qt, a solution that exclusively uses Qt's framework would be ideal. But if that's not possible (since Qt doesn't handle every possible use case) a macOS-specific solution will work too.
QNetworkInterface class should provide the most information you may need.
You can obtain a list of IP addresses using QNetworkInterface::allAddresses() static function.
You can also get a list of all interfaces using QNetworkInterface::allInterfaces().
Calling QNetworkInterface::addressEntries() for each QNetworkInterface returned by QNetworkInterface::allInterfaces() will give you more information about address entries for each interface.
auto ifs = QNetworkInterface::allInterfaces();
foreach (auto interface , ifs){
auto addresses = interface.addressEntries();
foreach ( auto addy , addresses){
///play with the addy here.
You can also test hostnames against those ip addresses which you are going to ban, using QDnsLookup class.

How to make a .cpp file to act as an accessible server

I have written a simple program with Linux (Cent OS 7.0) and C++. It is a very small server which sends back a string of characters to the client. But my problem is that I don't know how should I access that server using an IP address?
I have used Linux Socket Interface (Berkeley), and in the section which defines the address, my code does the following:
sin_family = AF_INET;
s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
sin_port = htonl(portNumber);
I use INADDR_ANY as my server's address which is defined in its definition as:
/* Address to accept any incoming messages. */
Now, how should I run the server, and then use my simple client program to send request to it. My simple client program accepts an IP address as it's destination address, this address should be the one destined toward to the server. How should I relate it then?
INADDR_ANY goes to specify that all active network interfaces in the system should be bound to. So if you're connected to more than one network, you'll be able to communicate with connections coming in from all of them. Most systems will usually have just one, though, and this still goes to say that if the IP bound to that interface happens to change, you'll still bind to that interface.
So, once you specify INADDR_ANY, you need to initiate connections according to the following rules:
If you're connecting from the same physical machine, the easiest thing would be to use the loopback interface ( However, you can still do (2).
If you're connecting from another machine, you need to pick the accessible IP address of your server from that machine. As said above, if your server is only connected to one network, this will simply be the IP address of the server. Within an internal network this will often be something like 192.168.x.y, or 10.0.x.y—but it doesn't have to.
If you're connecting from a different network which uses a gateway to access your server, then you will need to set up port forwarding in the relevant routers so that when they receive connection to port X, they will know to internally transfer it to your server.
As a server programmer, you decide the port on which to listen, but not the address.
The internet address is provided by your internet provider, or to test on your own machine.
There are plenty of web pages on internet that provide tools to tell you your current public address (search for What is my Ip).
Most of the "home" internet routers implement NAT: they have a single internet address and map them to many device, that carry the Port number to be changed (your port 80 become port (e.g.) 2345 for outside). To allows a client from outside your home to access your server, you are required to configure your router to map the server port, so for example your public port 80 map to your server port 80.
With that said, you should be able to connect your client to your server through an address and port.
If then you want to use a name ( instead of an IP (, a Domain Name Server is used. But that is another topic.

C++ sockets: communication between PCs over internet

I'm writing a program on Windows using winsocks that can send messages to another computer. The client connects with the server in the other computer and begin exchanging data.
It works fine on my local network using local addresses(192.168.1.*), but I can't communicate with public addresses (; not even my own. I can successfully connect to a website on port 80, but not to my laptop at home using its public IP address, regardless of what ports I use (unreserved ports).
So I did research online and the only solution that seems to work is port forwarding.
-But is there absolutely no other way to achieve this?
-How do other programs like Teamviewer connect to other computers on the network then?
-Is there an already open but typically unused port that I can use?
-At the very least, can I forward the ports on my router but not have the client do anything? Or maybe have my program forward the ports automatically.
The main problem is, that every router is using NAT to distinguish different computer in your lokal network against the WAN. He need to do this, because you got only one IP in the internet, but several devices in your home. To archive this, he uses groups of ports. That means, if you use to send maybe from port 2048 to a webserver in internet with two devices, the router gives one device another port (like 2049). The response has the Port of the requester, so the router can map it back. Unfortunately most router always map ports so you never now which port you have from the internet side.
There are two common ways to work around and archive your goal.
Port Fowarding
You can force most router not to map special ports but bind them to unique MAC addresses. You can use UPNP to config most router to do that, but I do not recommend that for security reasons and also it does not work in many enviroments where Router do not allow UPNP manipulation.
Most router have port forwarding abilities for gaming reasons (mostly it is used in P2P networks)
It works with TCP and UDP.
NAT Traversal
The common way is NAT traversal, also known as NAT hole punching. I will describe it in short for UDP. You can find a wiki explanation here for TCP and for UDP here. Unfortunately you need a server in the internet both clients can reach. Here the steps:
Both clients contact the server. The server now know IP and PORT of both clients.
Server send back the information to the clients.
Both(!) clients send now packages to each other on the known address.
It is necessary that both client send a UDP package and have to accept that the first package get lost. The reason is the router. Most router only accept packages from a source on a mapped PORT if a client has send a package to that source before.
Regarding to a comment of Remy Lebau I changed the Firewall piercing part to NAT Traversal as it was partly wrong.

Qt5 Bind TCP Socket on Multihomed Network

I am having troubling using the new bind feature of the QTcpSocket class in Qt5. Any help figuring this out would be appreciated.
I have a multihomed server that contains two NICs each with a separate IP address. I have setup routing on the servers so that sending from the source address is sent out of the appropriate NIC regardless of the target remote address. That is, sending from x.x.x.0 goes out over eth0 and x.x.x.1 goes out over eth1 regardless of who the data is being sent to. These NICs are connected via ethernet to long range Wifi links that are then connected to a switch. These wifi links act as a transparent bridge and can rather be seen as two ethernet cables (but they are limited in bandwidth). The switch is then connected to a computer. The goal is to transfer data between the server and the computer, and to use the two wifi links in parallel to increase bandwidth. Although the server is physically a server, the software has the computer running as the software server (as others connect to it). That is, the physical server (software client) opens TCP sockets and attempts to connect to the listening computer (software server).
I use the bind feature of Qt5 to bind one TCP socket to the eth0 IP address and bind another TCP socket to the eth1 IP address. I have verified this works with other programs like PING or file transfer via SCP. See
When I call bind the call succeeds and subsequent requests for the local IP address returns the correct value. E.g. socket->bind(ip) returns true and then socket->localAddress() equals ip. However, when I call connectToHost the localAddress is lost when it starts the connection attempt and after connecting it has a different localAddress that is not the one I wanted it to have.
Can anyone shed light into what is going on? I am trying to avoid rewriting the software to reverse the roles of software client / server as these programs are quite big. Thanks for the help.
There is an open bug on this in the Qt project bug tracker.

A Reliable way to Identify a computer by its ip address

I have a network of computers that they will connect to the a server with DHCP, so I don't know what Ip address a computer will get when I connects to the server. If for example is connected to the server can I identify the real computer behinde this ip address? ( I can install an external application on each client in order to send some data to server for example mac address or so... )
If you are responsible for the DHCP server, you can configure it to hand out a specific IP to a specific MAC. Having done that, you can be reasonably confident of that mapping -- it is possible to spoof MACs, so if you are worried about security, you'll need a much more heavy duty approach. If this is a casual application where the risk of that is low, you configure your DHCP server to hand out IPs based on MACs and then make use of those mappings in your application.
You might not even need the IP address. On an Ethernet network, all communication from a computer, whether it's IPv4, IPv6, or even IPX will be labelled with a MAC address that's stable over time and unique per network card.