Explicit constructor taking multiple arguments - c++

Does making a constructor having multiple arguments explicit have any (useful) effect?
class A {
explicit A( int b, int c ); // does explicit have any (useful) effect?

Up until C++11, yeah, no reason to use explicit on a multi-arg constructor.
That changes in C++11, because of initializer lists. Basically, copy-initialization (but not direct initialization) with an initializer list requires that the constructor not be marked explicit.
struct Foo { Foo(int, int); };
struct Bar { explicit Bar(int, int); };
Foo f1(1, 1); // ok
Foo f2 {1, 1}; // ok
Foo f3 = {1, 1}; // ok
Bar b1(1, 1); // ok
Bar b2 {1, 1}; // ok
Bar b3 = {1, 1}; // NOT OKAY

You'd stumble upon it for brace initialization (for instance in arrays)
struct A {
explicit A( int b, int c ) {}
struct B {
B( int b, int c ) {}
int main() {
B b[] = {{1,2}, {3,5}}; // OK
A a1[] = {A{1,2}, A{3,4}}; // OK
A a2[] = {{1,2}, {3,4}}; // Error
return 0;

The excellent answers by #StoryTeller and #Sneftel are the main reason. However, IMHO, this makes sense (at least I do it), as part of future proofing later changes to the code. Consider your example:
class A {
explicit A( int b, int c );
This code doesn't directly benefit from explicit.
Some time later, you decide to add a default value for c, so it becomes this:
class A {
A( int b, int c=0 );
When doing this, you're focussing on the c parameter - in retrospect, it should have a default value. You're not necessarily focussing on whether A itself should be implicitly constructed. Unfortunately, this change makes explicit relevant again.
So, in order to convey that a ctor is explicit, it might pay to do so when first writing the method.

Here's my five cents to this discussion:
struct Foo {
Foo(int, double) {}
struct Bar {
explicit Bar(int, double) {}
void foo(const Foo&) {}
void bar(const Bar&) {}
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
foo({ 42, 42.42 }); // valid
bar({ 42, 42.42 }); // invalid
return 0;
As you can easily see, explicit prevents from using initializer list alongside with bar function bacause the constructor of struct Bar is declared as explicit.


How I can keep aggregate initialization while also adding custom constructors?

If I don't define a constructor in a struct, I can initialize it by just picking a certain value like this:
struct Foo {
int x, y;
Foo foo = {.y = 1};
But if I add new default constructor then I lose this feature:
struct Bar {
int x, y;
Bar(int value) : x(value), y(value) {}
Bar bar1 = 1;
Bar bar2 = {.y = 2}; // error: a designator cannot be used with a non-aggregate type "Bar"
Is it possible to have both ways?
I tried adding the default constructor Bar () {} but it seems to not work either.
You can't have your cake and eat it too. If the object has a constructor it is no longer an aggregate, and only aggregates can be initialized with designated initializers. You can't use constructors for arbitrary initialization logic with aggregates.
Are we toasted though? No, because there's the "named constructor" idiom. It's essentially just a static member function that returns an initialized object, and able to perform some logic. The idiom is compatible with aggregate initialization.
struct Foo {
int x, y;
static Foo filled_with(int value) {
return {.x = value, .y = value};
Foo foo = {.y = 1}; // Still an aggregate.
Foo foo2 = Foo::filled_with(2); // Custom logic
There's not even any copying or moving with this approach, because C++17 removed the possibility for those. foo2 is initialized directly with whatever the static member does.
Similar to what ellipticaldoor wrote:
struct FooBase {
int x = 0, y = 0;
struct Foo : FooBase {
Foo(int x_) : FooBase{.x = x_} { }
Foo(FooBase &&t) : FooBase{t} {}
Foo foo = {{.y = 1}};
Foo foo2{1};
So far this is the closest thing I can find:
struct Vec2 {
int x, y;
struct Bar {
int x, y;
Bar(int value) : x(value), y(value) {}
Bar(Vec2 value) : x(value.x), y(value.y){};
Bar bar1 = 1;
Bar bar2 = {{.y = 2}};
But you need to use double params
You can use a data member initializer instead so the type remains an aggregate:
struct Foo {
int x = 0, y = x;
Foo foo1 = {.y = 6}; // Foo{0, 6}
Foo foo2{7}; // Foo{7, 7}
(Though it can't be implicitly constructed from int)

Initialize parameter into constructor, other than the first one

I want to explicitly change the second parameter in a constructor of a struct, in the following scenario. Is it possible, if so, how?
struct foo{
int x;
int y;
foo(int a=4, int b=6){
int main(){
foo *f = new foo();
cout<<f->x<<" "<<f->y<<endl;
//4 6
foo *g = new foo(3,4);
cout<<g->x<<" "<<g->y<<endl;
//3 4
foo *h = new foo(3);
cout<<h->x<<" "<<h->y<<endl;
//3 6
//Can something like this be
//done in C++, if I want
//to change the value of the
//second variable only
foo *k = new foo(b = 13);
return 0;
Is it possible, if so, how?
It is not possible with constructor. In general, c++ does not support named keyword arguments to functions, and it is not possible to skip arguments even if they have a default, if you want to pass a non-default after it.
It will be possible without constructor using list initialisation syntax since C++20 using designated initialisers, if you use default member initialisers:
struct foo{
int x = 4;
int y = 6;
int main(){
foo f {.y = 4};
You can achieve something similar with tag dispatching; No need for future standard:
struct foo{
int x = 4;
int y = 6;
enum Xtag { Xinit };
enum Ytag { Yinit };
foo(int a, int b) : x(a), y(b) {}
foo(Xtag, int a) : x(a) {}
foo(Ytag, int b) : y(b) {}
int main(){
foo f(foo::Yinit, 4);
A solution using lambda that can be used without modifying an existing class. Following works with your definition of foo:
auto make_foo_x4 = [](int b) {
return foo(4, b);
foo f = make_foo_y(4);
The downside is that we have to explicitly repeat the default value of x, so this can break assumptions if the default is changed in class definition.

C++11 class that can only be implicitly constructed?

Is there any way to make a type that has zero size and can only be constructed implicitly?
The use case is to prevent some public members of a struct from being initialized via the brace syntax:
class Barrier { ... };
struct Foo {
int user_sets;
int* this_to;
Barrier _bar;
int *must_be_zero_init_by_linker;
Foo foo = {1}; // ok
Foo bar = {1, nullptr}; // ok
Foo baz = {1, nullptr, {}}; // must error
Edit: one other constraint: The Foo object must be linker initialized so it can't define constructors or private members.
You could define your own constructor; this prevents your class from being an aggregate. For example:
struct Foo
Foo(int a = 0, int * p = nullptr) constexpr
: user_sets(a), this_to(p), must_be(nullptr)
int user_sets;
int* this_to;
int *must_be;
Foo foo = { 1 }; // ok
Foo bar = { 1, nullptr }; // ok
// Foo baz = { 1, nullptr, {} }; // error
In fact, I would recommend making the constructor explicit - then you can't use copy-initialization, but you can still use list-initialization:
explicit Foo(int a = 0, int * p = nullptr) constexpr /* ... */
Foo foo { 1 }; // ok
Foo bar { 1, nullptr }; // ok
// Foo baz { 1, nullptr, {} }; // error
Yes, an explicit default constructor will work:
struct Barrier { explicit constexpr Barrier() {} };
That gives the behaviour you want:
Foo foo = {1}; // ok
Foo bar = {1, nullptr}; // ok
Foo baz = {1, nullptr, {}}; // error
Note that the behaviour might change depending on the eventual resolution of DR 1518, so KerrekSB's answer is more reliable and less subtle.

how to avoid losing the automatically generated initializer-list constructor?

I like the new automatically generated brace-enclosed initializers!
Is there any way I can avoid losing them if I start to declare my own constructors?
#include <string>
struct Foo
int i;
std::string s;
// Foo() { } // I lose my brace-enclosed initializers if I uncomment this line
main( int argc, char* argv[] )
Foo f{ 1, "bar" }; // having the option to do this is good
return 0;
In light of juanchopanza's answer below, it looks like I must satisfy the lengthy rules for aggregates. But I still need a solution that I can apply to 50+ ORM classes (most with 5-15 fields each) that doesn't require a ton of boiler-plate code, or if there is boiler-plate code, at least it should be easy to edit/maintain.
The closest I could get was this solution using composition. I wonder if there is something better/simpler...
#include <string>
// this class must satisfy the rules for aggregates
struct Foo_
int i;
std::string s;
// this class can be anything...
struct Foo
Foo_ m_f;
Foo( Foo_ const& f ) : m_f( f ) { }
main( int argc, char* argv[] )
Foo f( { 1, "bar" } ); // ugly, but works
return 0;
You cannot avoid losing the automatic aggregate initialization because your class is no longer an aggregate. But you can add a constructor taking two parameters, and benefit from aggregate initialization for non-aggregates:
struct Foo
int i;
std::string s;
Foo(int i, const std::string& s) : i(i), s(s) {}
Foo() = default; // idiomatic C++11

C++: constructor initializer for arrays

I'm having a brain cramp... how do I initialize an array of objects properly in C++?
non-array example:
struct Foo { Foo(int x) { /* ... */ } };
struct Bar {
Foo foo;
Bar() : foo(4) {}
array example:
struct Foo { Foo(int x) { /* ... */ } };
struct Baz {
Foo foo[3];
// ??? I know the following syntax is wrong, but what's correct?
Baz() : foo[0](4), foo[1](5), foo[2](6) {}
edit: Wild & crazy workaround ideas are appreciated, but they won't help me in my case. I'm working on an embedded processor where std::vector and other STL constructs are not available, and the obvious workaround is to make a default constructor and have an explicit init() method that can be called after construction-time, so that I don't have to use initializers at all. (This is one of those cases where I've gotten spoiled by Java's final keyword + flexibility with constructors.)
Edit: see Barry's answer for something more recent, there was no way when I answered but nowadays you are rarely limited to C++98.
There is no way. You need a default constructor for array members and it will be called, afterwards, you can do any initialization you want in the constructor.
Just to update this question for C++11, this is now both possible to do and very natural:
struct Foo { Foo(int x) { /* ... */ } };
struct Baz {
Foo foo[3];
Baz() : foo{{4}, {5}, {6}} { }
Those braces can also be elided for an even more concise:
struct Baz {
Foo foo[3];
Baz() : foo{4, 5, 6} { }
Which can easily be extended to multi-dimensional arrays too:
struct Baz {
Foo foo[3][2];
Baz() : foo{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} { }
Right now, you can't use the initializer list for array members. You're stuck doing it the hard way.
class Baz {
Foo foo[3];
Baz() {
foo[0] = Foo(4);
foo[1] = Foo(5);
foo[2] = Foo(6);
In C++0x you can write:
class Baz {
Foo foo[3];
Baz() : foo({4, 5, 6}) {}
Unfortunately there is no way to initialize array members till C++0x.
You could use a std::vector and push_back the Foo instances in the constructor body.
You could give Foo a default constructor (might be private and making Baz a friend).
You could use an array object that is copyable (boost or std::tr1) and initialize from a static array:
#include <boost/array.hpp>
struct Baz {
boost::array<Foo, 3> foo;
static boost::array<Foo, 3> initFoo;
Baz() : foo(initFoo)
boost::array<Foo, 3> Baz::initFoo = { 4, 5, 6 };
You can use C++0x auto keyword together with template specialization on for example a function named boost::make_array() (similar to make_pair()). For the case of where N is either 1 or 2 arguments we can then write variant A as
namespace boost
/*! Construct Array from #p a. */
template <typename T>
boost::array<T,1> make_array(const T & a)
return boost::array<T,2> ({{ a }});
/*! Construct Array from #p a, #p b. */
template <typename T>
boost::array<T,2> make_array(const T & a, const T & b)
return boost::array<T,2> ({{ a, b }});
and variant B as
namespace boost {
/*! Construct Array from #p a. */
template <typename T>
boost::array<T,1> make_array(const T & a)
boost::array<T,1> x;
x[0] = a;
return x;
/*! Construct Array from #p a, #p b. */
template <typename T>
boost::array<T,2> make_array(const T & a, const T & b)
boost::array<T,2> x;
x[0] = a;
x[1] = b;
return x;
GCC-4.6 with -std=gnu++0x and -O3 generates the exact same binary code for
auto x = boost::make_array(1,2);
using both A and B as it does for
boost::array<int, 2> x = {{1,2}};
For user defined types (UDT), though, variant B results in an extra copy constructor, which usually slow things down, and should therefore be avoided.
Note that boost::make_array errors when calling it with explicit char array literals as in the following case
auto x = boost::make_array("a","b");
I believe this is a good thing as const char* literals can be deceptive in their use.
Variadic templates, available in GCC since 4.5, can further be used reduce all template specialization boiler-plate code for each N into a single template definition of boost::make_array() defined as
/*! Construct Array from #p a, #p b. */
template <typename T, typename ... R>
boost::array<T,1+sizeof...(R)> make_array(T a, const R & ... b)
return boost::array<T,1+sizeof...(R)>({{ a, b... }});
This works pretty much as we expect. The first argument determines boost::array template argument T and all other arguments gets converted into T. For some cases this may undesirable, but I'm not sure how if this is possible to specify using variadic templates.
Perhaps boost::make_array() should go into the Boost Libraries?
This seems to work, but I'm not convinced it's right:
#include <iostream>
struct Foo { int x; Foo(int x): x(x) { } };
struct Baz {
Foo foo[3];
static int bar[3];
// Hmm...
Baz() : foo(bar) {}
int Baz::bar[3] = {4, 5, 6};
int main() {
Baz z;
std::cout << z.foo[1].x << "\n";
$ make arrayinit -B CXXFLAGS=-pedantic && ./arrayinit
g++ -pedantic arrayinit.cpp -o arrayinit
Caveat emptor.
Edit: nope, Comeau rejects it.
Another edit: This is kind of cheating, it just pushes the member-by-member array initialization to a different place. So it still requires Foo to have a default constructor, but if you don't have std::vector then you can implement for yourself the absolute bare minimum you need:
#include <iostream>
struct Foo {
int x;
Foo(int x): x(x) { };
// very stripped-down replacement for vector
struct Three {
Foo data[3];
Three(int d0, int d1, int d2) {
data[0] = d0;
data[1] = d1;
data[2] = d2;
Foo &operator[](int idx) { return data[idx]; }
const Foo &operator[](int idx) const { return data[idx]; }
struct Baz {
Three foo;
static Three bar;
// construct foo using the copy ctor of Three with bar as parameter.
Baz() : foo(bar) {}
// or get rid of "bar" entirely and do this
Baz(bool) : foo(4,5,6) {}
Three Baz::bar(4,5,6);
int main() {
Baz z;
std::cout << z.foo[1].x << "\n";
z.foo isn't actually an array, but it looks about as much like one as a vector does. Adding begin() and end() functions to Three is trivial.
Only the default constructor can be called when creating objects in an array.
In the specific case when the array is a data member of the class you can't initialize it in the current version of the language. There's no syntax for that. Either provide a default constructor for array elements or use std::vector.
A standalone array can be initialized with aggregate initializer
Foo foo[3] = { 4, 5, 6 };
but unfortunately there's no corresponding syntax for the constructor initializer list.
There is no array-construction syntax that ca be used in this context, at least not directly. You can accomplish what you're trying to accomplish by something along the lines of:
static const int inits [] = {4,5,6};
static const size_t numInits = sizeof(inits)/sizeof(inits[0]);
std::copy(&inits[0],&inits[numInits],foo); // be careful that there are enough slots in foo
...but you'll need to give Foo a default constructor.
Ideas from a twisted mind :
class mytwistedclass{
static std::vector<int> initVector;
//initialise with initVector[0] and then delete it :-)
now set this initVector to something u want to before u instantiate an object. Then your objects are initialized with your parameters.
You can do it, but it's not pretty:
#include <iostream>
class A {
int mvalue;
A(int value) : mvalue(value) {}
int value() { return mvalue; }
class B {
// TODO: hack that respects alignment of A.. maybe C++14's alignof?
char _hack[sizeof(A[3])];
A* marr;
B() : marr(reinterpret_cast<A*>(_hack)) {
new (&marr[0]) A(5);
new (&marr[1]) A(6);
new (&marr[2]) A(7);
A* arr() { return marr; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
B b;
A* arr = b.arr();
std::cout << arr[0].value() << " " << arr[1].value() << " " << arr[2].value() << "\n";
return 0;
If you put this in your code, I hope you have a VERY good reason.
This is my solution for your reference:
struct Foo
Foo(){}//used to make compiler happy!
Foo(int x){/*...*/}
struct Bar
Foo foo[3];
//initialize foo array here:
for(int i=0;i<3;++i)
in visual studio 2012 or above, you can do like this
struct Foo { Foo(int x) { /* ... */ } };
struct Baz {
Foo foo[3];
Baz() : foo() { }
class C
static const int myARRAY[10]; // only declaration !!!
const int C::myARRAY[10]={0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}; // here is definition
int main(void)
C myObj;