Installing R in Suse Linux - opensuse

I am new to OpenSuse Linux.
My Suse version is:
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 (x86_64)
I want to install R in my suse linux.
I were trying to install through zypper by following set of commands:
$ cd /etc/zypp/repos.d
$ wget
$ zypper refresh
Then install with zypper
$ zypper in R-base-devel
I followed this forum:
But I am not able to install. Please help me with this.
And I am also not familiar to YaST. How can I install through YaST??

cd /etc/zypp/repos.d
You have to add the "jeroenooms.repo"
EDIT: About the failing and disturbing repo, : Please disable : Either mark enable=0, or move the repofile to a backup folder : /etc/zypp/repos.d/back/ ...
... Or simply delete the (temporary?) unavailable repo.


How does one install a specific ocaml compiler when it doesn't appear on the opam switch list?

I've installed this compiler before in a docker container, but I don't understand why it's missing right now. Command and error:
(iit_synthesis) brando9~ $ opam switch create ocaml-variants.4.07.1+flambda_coq-serapi.8.11.0+0.11.1 ocaml-variants.4.07.1+flambda
[ERROR] No compiler matching `ocaml-variants.4.07.1+flambda' found, use `opam switch list-available' to see what is available, or use `--packages' to
select packages explicitly.
but it's not in the list:
(iit_synthesis) brando9~ $ opam switch list-available
# Listing available compilers from repositories: default
# Name # Version # Synopsis
ocaml-option-32bit 1 Set OCaml to be compiled in 32-bit mode for 64-bit Linux and OS X hosts
ocaml-option-flambda 1 Set OCaml to be compiled with flambda activated
ocaml-option-nnpchecker 1 Set OCaml to be compiled with --enable-naked-pointers-checker
ocaml-option-spacetime 1 Set OCaml to be compiled with spacetime activated
ocaml-options-vanilla 1 Ensure that OCaml is compiled with no special options enabled
Opam update fails
$ opam update --all
<><> Updating package repositories ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
Processing 1/1: [default: http]
Processing 1/1: [default: http]
[default] synchronised from
[ERROR] Could not update repository "default": "~/anaconda/bin/patch -p1 -i /dfs/scratch0/brando9/.opam/log/patch-99014-0624b6" exited with code 2
I probably should have started with this but I installed opam with "manually" with deb because I don't have sudo. In particular I did this:
# - opam (snap, no sudo)
# ref:
apt-get download opam
#apt-get download opam_1.2.2-4_amd64
# manually checked the opam name
#ls | less
mkdir -p ~/.local
dpkg -x opam_1.2.2-4_amd64.deb ~/.local/bin
export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH"
echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc.user
source ~/.bashrc.user
tr ':' '\n' <<< "$PATH"
opam --version
before that I did try installing opam with conda (which has worked in the past) but it failed. I wonder if that screwed things up :/. Will try to reproduce to post the conda error. But I ran conda install -c conda-forge opam.
How to install a specific version of ocaml compiler with opam
How does one install opam without sudo priveledges on linux/ubuntu?

How to Install compiler g++-4.8.5 in ubuntu 20.04

As the title said I can't install that specific version of g++ in my current ubuntu (20.04).
I have been trying the usual things as: sudo apt install g++- (and displaying all posibilities but there where only versions from 8 to 10). Same happend looking for gcc possibilities.
Also tried this: (same problem)
And after looking for a while I gave up in my research and ended up here. Hope someone with more wisdom than me can give my a hand with this.
These steps should work:
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt-get install gcc-multilib libstdc++6:i386
wget --no-check-certificate
tar xf gcc-4.8.5.tar.bz2
# cd gcc-4.8.5
# ./contrib/download_prerequisites
# cd ..
sed -i -e 's/__attribute__/\/\/__attribute__/g' gcc-4.8.5/gcc/cp/cfns.h
sed -i 's/struct ucontext/ucontext_t/g' gcc-4.8.5/libgcc/config/i386/linux-unwind.h
mkdir xgcc-4.8.5
pushd xgcc-4.8.5
$PWD/../gcc-4.8.5/configure --enable-languages=c,c++ --prefix=/usr --enable-shared --enable-plugin --program-suffix=-4.8.5
make MAKEINFO="makeinfo --force" -j
sudo make install -j
Note that you have to uncomment the .../download_prerequisites on some platform. For me it worked without on Centos 7 or Ubuntu 20 with the mandatory packages installed:
sudo apt install make wget git gcc g++ lhasa libgmp-dev libmpfr-dev libmpc-dev flex bison gettext texinfo ncurses-dev autoconf rsync
sudo yum install wget gcc gcc-c++ python git perl-Pod-Simple gperf patch autoconf automake make makedepend bison flex ncurses-devel gmp-devel mpfr-devel libmpc-devel gettext-devel texinfo
Few seconds later (/giggles) gcc-4.8.5 is installed and available.
if you don't have the resources to run make -j omit -j or use -j4 (or a different number which is adequate for your system)
your milage may vary and you may need to install further i386 packages
Since I can't comment I will add to #bebbo solution that on an Ubuntu 20.04 I had to add to his steps patching the following patches:
Add an include to signal.h to libsanitizer/asan/
change a line in libsanitizer/tsan/
as shown. line number may not be the one stated in the patch so search for the line that was changed. There is no need to apply the patch to the other files
Adding to kpeace's answer...
sed -i '/#include <pthread.h>/a #include <signal.h>' path_to_gcc4.8.5src/libsanitizer/asan/
sed -i 's/__res_state \\*statp = (__res_state\\*)state\\;/struct __res_state \\*statp = (struct __res_state\\*)state\\;/g' path_to_gcc4.8.5src/libsanitizer/tsan/
Just adding a couple of sed lines to patch them inline.
Also, I've been writing some Ruby scripts to install some software (for fun of course.) I've recently successfully compiled gcc-4.8.5 under LinuxMint 20.1 (Ubuntu 20.04 based, compiler is the system gcc: 9.3.0, installed with sudo apt install build-essential) with this script. Also, I've installed all the packages that Bebbo suggested, including gcc-multilib and libstdc++6:i386 before running this script. Check up InstGcc4 class at the bottom of the code.
They might end up to be 'un-installable' state a few months later. But at least gcc-4.8.5 works now.
ps. I've started to compile this old gcc due to CUDA... My hardware is a decade old GeForce 9600/9400 (yeah 2008 MBP) and CUDA 6.5 was the best option for that machine.
pps. Anyway, strange thing is, I had to give out '-std=gnu++11' for CXXFLAGS to avoid errors.

Frama-C Gui on mavericks not working

Does anyone have installed Frama-C on Mavericks ?
Because i can't install it or do not know how to install it (Gui Version)!
I already installed ocaml on my pc, but for the Gui version i need to install these libraries : Gtk, GtkSourceView, GnomeCanvas and Lablgtk2.
So i saw a previous post and did that :
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/local/lib/pkgconfig
sudo port install opam
opam init
eval `opam config env`
sudo port install gtksourceview2 lablgtk2 ocaml-ocamlgraph
opam install frama-c
Im' having a problem in making "make" with frama-c which is :
Ocamlc src/logic/property_status.cmo
File "src/logic/", line 1444, characters 4-2027:
Error: Signature mismatch:
Values do not match:
val vertex_attributes :
v ->
[> `Color of int
| `Label of string
| `Shape of [> `Box | `Diamond ]
| `Style of [> `Bold | `Filled ] list
| `Width of float ]
is not included in
val vertex_attributes :
V.t -> Graph.Graphviz.DotAttributes.vertex list
File "src/logic/", line 1479, characters 16-33:
Actual declaration
make: *** [src/logic/property_status.cmo] Error 2
How am i able to solve this ?
i've just successfully installed Frama-c neon (with Gui) on maverick, using opam and homebrew.
here's my walkthrough. (Thanks to tips above)
1) Install homebrew
$ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
2) Install opam:
$ brew install opam
$ opam init
(i had to modify .profile instead of .bashrc with f option)
$ eval `opam config env`
3) Install all dependencies
$ brew install gtk+
$ brew install gtksourceview
$ brew install libgnomecanvasmm libgnomecanvas
$ brew install lablgtk
4) Install Frama-c
$ export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig
$ opam install frama-c
If you prefer install dependencies with macports, change the PKG_CONFIG_PATH to /opt/X11/lib/pkgconfig as explained here
Hope this help
I have successfully installed frama-c Neon with gui on mavericks using brew to get all the dependencies and using the source code in . If you try to do it using brew, you should install lablgtk from this repository( and only after all the other dependencies so the commands to install with gui would be(in source folder):
brew install ocaml
brew install gtk
brew install gtksourceview
brew install gnomecanvasmm gnomecanvas
brew tap mht208/formal
brew install lmht208/formal/lablgtk -with-gnomecanvas -with-gtksourceview2
You can also install ocamlgraph with opam, and you can compile Zarith and install in your system.
Graph.Graphviz is from OCamlGraph. There seems to be an incompatibility between the two latest versions of each.
You'll have to add version contraints on the frama-c library, or change the Style attribute to have a list of the polymorphic variant set.
you don't need to install ocamlgraph via port, you should install that by opam as well.

compilation error while compiling c++ program on Fedora 14

I succesfully install fedora14 using virtual box,but I could'nt compile anything by using g++ command it says "command not found",how can I solve this?
I have to mention here i followed as
1)type- su
then I enter p.w
2)type- yum install g--c++
but its not working
This means g++ is not available on your machine.You should try the following step to install
sudo yum install gcc-c++
enter root password
Once installation is complete, verify by the command "gcc -v" and "man g++".

Installing gcc on a Mac 10.9

installing gcc on a mac. everything worked fine until I got to the terminal command:
sudo port select -set gcc mp-gcc48
I get the following error:
Usage: port
[-bcdfknopqRstuvy] [-D portdir] [-F cmdfile] action [privopts] [actionflags]
[[portname|pseudo-portname|port-url] [#version] [+-variant]… [option=value]…]…
“port help” or “man 1 port” for more information.
Can you offer any help?
See more at:
The --set option is not actual needed here, but if you include it should be preceded by two hyphens:
sudo port select --set gcc mp-gcc48
MacPorts gives you much better feedback if you start it in interactive mode and then type in the required commands:
hostname:~ username$ sudo port
MacPorts 2.2.1
Entering interactive mode... ("help" for help, "quit" to quit)
[Users/username] > select gcc mp-gcc48
Selecting 'mp-gcc45' for 'gcc' succeeded. 'mp-gcc48' is now active.
I would recommend installing with Homebrew
Install Homebrew, update, make sure the brew doctor is happy, then run:
brew tap Homebrew/versions
brew install gcc48