Cannot compile on 64 bit configuration in visual studio - c++

I am trying to compile a new c++ project in Visual Studio 2015.
I can compile perfectly in 32 bit configuration but when I change the configuration to 64 bit, compilation crashes with a dialogue box showing message "Microsoft c/c++ Compiler Driver has stopped working"
This is the error showing in the logs
Error MSB6006 "CL.exe" exited with code -1073741701.
I tried repairing and reinstalling VS several times but did no good to me.
This the behaviour of any file I am trying to compile. Projects which were working on Visual Studio 2013 are now not compilable.
Please help. I am stuck in this issue for weeks
EDIT: I found that the compiler used in 64 is x86_amd64\cl.exe, if this means anything to you
EDIT: I tried to compile using x86_amd64\cl.exe through command line and it succeeded there


How to fix error with SFML ln VS 2017?

Hi i followed this video to set-up VS2017 for sfml using.
Youtube Video
I did what he says but when i debug project i get this error:
Error MSB6006 "CL.exe" exited with code -1073741515.
I find out on google that this is some sort of compiler error but not how to fix this. Can someone help me or point me to answer?
I'm using Visual Studio 2017 and i downloaded SFML: Visual C++ 14 (2015) - 32-bit
Indeed, you compiler crashed. The status code -1073741515 translates to 0xC0000135 which in turn translates to STATUS_DLL_NOT_FOUND. That is bad. That is not about the SFML dlls, but a library Visual Studio itself uses. Something is very wrong with your Visual Studio installation.
Chances are you will get the same error without using SFML.
I don't know what the tutorial did and I'm not going to watch a video to find out. Your best chance is to do a clean reinstall of your Visual Studio installation and then follow the official guide from the SFML homepage. That works.

LNK1124 error debugger cannot find .exe file

image of error
I'm having an error with visual studio every time I'm trying to use cin to get the guess of the user without that it works fine.
console message with error
this happening to me since I install visual studio 2017 just a couple of days ago.
I'm trying to learn c++ for unreal engine just started learning and i came across
that error anyone who have this error maybe this can be helpful for them.
first, let me tell you wah t the problem was i was trying to run a 32bit debugger on my 64bit pc cause visual studio install it that way so if you are getting this error on any of your projects all you have to do is change the project to an x64 bit project.
go to the Top bar "Build"
then go to "Configuration manager"
in there change it to x64 bit instead of 32bit
hopefully this can help someone
the link to the page that i read to fix is here.
after all the changes code runs well and no error anymore.

vs command line error: LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'main.exe'

I am getting this error when compiling c++ code in the visual studio command window. The command cl /EHsc main.cpp works except for the error stated in the title. I have been trying suggestions for hours and none of them have worked. I have tried repairing, modifying, and reinstalling visual studio. Last time I used this software (about 6 months ago), I never had this issue. I had a different computer but still was using windows 10 and visual studio. Also, sometimes it doesn't give me this error and builds the .exe file, but then says "Access denied". I programmed c++ in VS a lot before and never had this issue.

CL error with MS Visual Studio 2010, what is it

I am building a project with cmake using ms visual studio. I am getting this error from MS visual studio (2010):
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\Platforms\x64\Microsoft.Cpp.x64.Targets(146,5): error MSB6006: "CL.exe" exited with code -1073740777
I have not been able to find anything about this error (obv I've googled it), but I can't find a description! I also tried the error lookup tool and it didn't bring anything up.
Any idea what this error means?
I moved the project generation to a different dir (much smaller path) and the error went away, and everything compiled fine. It appears this has to do with the path length and length of the CL command.
This Link was helpful in diagnosing the problem.
Since my original question was "what is this error?" Here is the answer courtesy of #WhozCraig

Unable to build my code using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010

I'm using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. It was going fine until this morning when I try to build my code. It gave me this weird error:
C:\Program Files
:error` MSB6006: "CL.exe" exited with code 1073741855.
I have no idea why this error is occuring. I need help please.
I am using Window 7.
1073741855 is 0x0x4000001f, and 0x1f is decimal 31, and 31 is ERROR_GEN_FAILURE. In other words, something is hosed and VS isn't going to tell you what it is.
Go to Control Panel/Programs and Features, right click, Uninstall/Change, Repair/Reinstall. If that doesn't fix the problem, I would uninstall VS completely and reinstall.
For those of you looking to avoid the (timely) process of uninstalling and reinstalling Visual Studio, a simple restart worked for me. I have noticed this happens more often when I have multiple Visual Studio windows open.