MPI + OpenMP segmentation fault and unpredictable behavior - c++

I decided to post this after hours of trying out solutions to similar problems with no success. I'm writing a C++ MPI+OpenMP code where one MPI node (server) sends double arrays to other nodes. The server spawns threads in order to send to many clients simultaneously. The serial version (with MPI alone) works very well, and so does the single-threaded version. The multi-threaded version (openmp) keeps throwing a segmentation fault error after a random number of iterations. The line printf("%d: cur_idx:%d, opt_k.k:%d, idx:%d, N:%d \n", tid, cur_idx,opt_k.k,idx,N) prints out the values at each iteration. The unpredictability is the number of iterations (in one incident, the code ran successfully only to throw a seg fault error when I tried running it again immediately after). It however always completes with num_threads=1. getData returns a vector of structs, with the struct defined as (int,int,double *).
Here's the code
double *tStatistics=new double[8], tmp_time; // wall clock time
double SY, Sto;
int a_tasks=0, file_p=0;
vector<myDataType *> d = getData();
int idx=0; opt_k.k=1; opt_k.proc_files=0; opt_k.p=this->node_sz;
opt_k.proc_files=0; SY=0; Sto=0;
omp_set_num_threads(5);// for now
// parallel region
#pragma omp parallel default(none) shared(d,idx,SY,Sto) private(a_tasks)
double *myHeader=new double[SZ_HEADER];
int tid = omp_get_thread_num(), cur_idx, cur_k; int N;
//#pragma omp atomic
while (idx<N) {
// Assign tasks and fetch results where available
#pragma omp critical(update__idx)
if (idx<N) {
cur_idx=idx; cur_k=opt_k.k; idx+=cur_k;
if (cur_idx<N) {
printf("%d: cur_idx:%d, opt_k.k:%d, idx:%d, N:%d \n", tid, cur_idx,opt_k.k,idx,N);
if(this->Stat->MPI_TAG == TAG_HEADER){ // serve tasks
while (cur_k && cur_idx<N) {
myHeader[1]=d[cur_idx]->nRows; myHeader[2]=d[cur_idx]->nCols; myHeader[3]=cur_idx; myHeader[9]=--cur_k;
delete[] d[cur_idx]->data; ++cur_idx;
}else if(this->Stat->MPI_TAG == TAG_RESULT){ // collect results
printf("%d - 4\n", tid);
} //end if(loopmain)
} // end while(loopmain)
} // end parallel section
message("terminate slaves");
for(int i=1;i<node_sz;++i){ // terminate
return 0;
The other matching function is
void CMpifun::slave2()
double *Data; vector<myDataType> dataQ; vector<hist_type> resQ;
char out_opt='b'; // irrelevant
myDataType *out_im = new myDataType; hist_type *out_hist; CLdp ldp;
int file_cnt=0; double tmp_t; //local variables
while (true) { // main while loop
if(this->Stat->MPI_TAG == TAG_TERMINATE) {
//receive data
while(true) {
Data=new double[(int)(header[1]*header[2])];
myDataType d;; d.nRows=(int)header[1]; d.nCols=(int)header[2];
delete[] Data;
if ((int)header[9]) {
} else break;
} // end main while loop
I've tried all the recommendations addressing similar problems. Here are my environment settings
export OMP_WAIT_POLICY="active"
export OMP_DYNAMIC=true # "true","false"
export OMP_STACKSIZE=200M #
ulimit -s unlimited
Many thanks to all that have chipped in. I'm becoming increasingly convinced that this has to do with memory allocation somehow, but also don't understand why. I now have the following code:
double CMpifun::sendData2()
double *tStatistics=new double[8], tmp_time; // wall clock time
double SY, Sto; int a_tasks=0, file_p=0;
vector<myDataType *> d = getData();
int idx=0; opt_k.k=1; opt_k.proc_files=0; opt_k.p=this->node_sz;
opt_k.proc_files=0; SY=0; Sto=0;
omp_set_num_threads(224);// for now
// parallel region
#pragma omp parallel default(none) shared(idx,SY,Sto,d) private(a_tasks)
double *myHeader=new double[SZ_HEADER];
int tid = omp_get_thread_num(), cur_idx, cur_k; int N;
//#pragma omp critical(update__idx)
while (idx<N) {
// Assign tasks and fetch results where available
#pragma omp critical(update__idx)
if (idx<N) {
cur_idx=idx; cur_k=opt_k.k; idx+=cur_k;
if (cur_idx<N) {
//printf("%d: cur_idx:%d, opt_k.k:%d, idx:%d, N:%d \n", tid, cur_idx,opt_k.k,idx,N);
printf("%d: cur_idx:%d, N:%d \n", tid, cur_idx,N);
//#pragma omp critical(update__idx)
if(this->Stat->MPI_TAG == TAG_HEADER){ // serve tasks
while (cur_k && cur_idx<N) {
//#pragma omp critical(update__idx)
myHeader[1]=d[cur_idx]->nRows; myHeader[2]=d[cur_idx]->nCols; myHeader[3]=cur_idx;
delete[] d[cur_idx]->data;
}else if(this->Stat->MPI_TAG == TAG_RESULT){ // collect results
printf("%d - 4\n", tid);
} //end if(loopmain)
} // end while(loopmain)
} // end parallel section
message("terminate slaves");
for(int i=1;i<node_sz;++i){ // terminate
return 0;
And it's pair
void CMpifun::slave2()
double *Data; vector<myDataType> dataQ; vector<hist_type> resQ;
char out_opt='b'; // irrelevant
myDataType *out_im = new myDataType; hist_type *out_hist; CLdp ldp;
int file_cnt=0; double tmp_t; //local variables
while (true) { // main while loop
if(this->Stat->MPI_TAG == TAG_TERMINATE) {
//receive data
while(true) {
Data=new double[(int)(header[1]*header[2])];
myDataType *d=new myDataType; d->data=Data; d->nRows=(int)header[1]; d->nCols=(int)header[2];
delete[] Data;
if ((int)header[9]) {
} else break;
// Error section: Uncommenting next line causes seg fault
/*while (dataQ.size()) { // process data
out_hist = new hist_type();
myDataType d = dataQ.back(); dataQ.pop_back(); // critical section
ldp.process(, d.nRows,d.nCols,out_opt,out_im, out_hist);
resQ.push_back(*out_hist); out_hist=0;
delete[]; delete[] out_im->data;
//time_arr[1] /= file_cnt; time_arr[2] /= file_cnt;
//header[6]=time_arr[0]; header[7]=time_arr[1]; header[8]=time_arr[2];
//header[4]=myRank; header[9]=resQ.size();
} // end main while loop
The update is that if I uncomment the while loop in the Slave2() function then the run doesn't complete. What I don't understand is, this function (slave2) has no openmp/threading whatsoever, but it seems to have an effect. Furthermore it doesn't share any variables with the threaded function. If I comment out the troublesome section then the code runs, irrespective of the number of threads I set (4, 18, 300). My OpenMP environment variables remain as before. The output of limit -a is as follows,
core file size (blocks, -c) 0
data seg size (kbytes, -d) unlimited
scheduling priority (-e) 0
file size (blocks, -f) unlimited
pending signals (-i) 30473
max locked memory (kbytes, -l) 64
max memory size (kbytes, -m) unlimited
open files (-n) 1024
pipe size (512 bytes, -p) 8
POSIX message queues (bytes, -q) 819200
real-time priority (-r) 0
stack size (kbytes, -s) 37355
cpu time (seconds, -t) unlimited
max user processes (-u) 30473
virtual memory (kbytes, -v) unlimited
file locks (-x) unlimited
My constructor also calls mpi_init_thread. To address #Tim issue, the reason I used dynamic memory (with new) is so as not to bloat the stack memory, in following a recommendation from a solution to a similar problem. Your assistance is appreciated.

The biggest problem I see are the many race conditions your code exhibits. The erratic behavior you are seeing is no doubt caused by this. Remember that any time you access a shared variable in OpenMP (either declared via the shared keyword or by global scope), you are accessing memory that can be read or written by any other thread in the gang with no guarantees about order. For example,
N = d.size();
is a race condition because std::vector is not thread-safe. Because you are using OpenMP inside of a class, then any member variables are also considered "global" and thus not thread-safe by default.
As #tim18 noted, because you are calling MPI routines from within OpenMP parallel regions, you should initialize the MPI runtime to be thread-safe using the MPI_Init_thread function.
As an aside, your C++ needs some work. You should never use new or delete in user-level code. Use RAII to manage object lifetimes and wrap large data structures in thin objects that manage the lifetime for you. For example, this line
delete[] d[cur_idx]->data;
tells me that there are demons lurking in your code, waiting to be unleashed upon the unsuspecting user (which could be you!). Incidentally, this is also a race condition. Many demons!


Kernel copying CoW pages after child process exit

In Linux, whenever a process is forked, the memory mappings of the parent process are cloned into the child process. In reality, for performance reasons, the pages are set to be copy-on-write -- initially they are shared and, in the event one of the two processes writing on one of them, they will then be cloned (MAP_PRIVATE).
This is a very common mechanism of getting a snapshot of the state of a running program -- you do a fork, and this gives you a (consistent) view of the memory of the process at that point in time.
I did a simple benchmark where I have two components:
A parent process that has a pool of threads writing into an array
A child process that has a pool of threads making a snapshot of the array and unmapping it
Under some circumstances (machine/architecture/memory placement/number of threads/...) I am able to make the copy finish much earlier than the threads write into the array.
However, when the child process exits, in htop I still see most of the CPU time being spent in the kernel, which is consistent to it being used to handle the copy-on-write whenever the parent process writes to a page.
In my understanding, if an anonymous page marked as copy-on-write is mapped by a single process, it should not be copied and instead should be used directly.
How can I be sure that this is indeed time being spent copying the memory?
In case I'm right, how can I avoid this overhead?
The core of the benchmark is below, in modern C++.
Define WITH_FORK to enable the snapshot; leave undefined to disable the child process.
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <numaif.h>
#include <numa.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <mutex>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <numeric>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>
#define ARRAY_SIZE 1073741824 // 1GB
#define NUM_WORKERS 28
#define BATCH_SIZE 2097152 // 2MB
using inttype = uint64_t;
using timepoint = std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::high_resolution_clock>;
constexpr uint64_t NUM_ELEMS() {
return ARRAY_SIZE / sizeof(inttype);
int main() {
// allocate array
std::array<inttype, NUM_ELEMS()> *arrayptr = new std::array<inttype, NUM_ELEMS()>();
std::array<inttype, NUM_ELEMS()> & array = *arrayptr;
// allocate checkpoint space
std::array<inttype, NUM_ELEMS()> *cpptr = new std::array<inttype, NUM_ELEMS()>();
std::array<inttype, NUM_ELEMS()> & cp = *cpptr;
// initialize array
std::fill(array.begin(), array.end(), 123);
#ifdef WITH_FORK
// spawn checkpointer threads
int pid = fork();
if (pid == -1) {
// child process -- do checkpoint
if (pid == 0) {
std::array<std::thread, NUM_CHECKPOINTERS> cpthreads;
for (size_t tid = 0; tid < NUM_CHECKPOINTERS; tid++) {
cpthreads[tid] = std::thread([&, tid] {
// copy array
const size_t numBatches = ARRAY_SIZE / BATCH_SIZE;
for (size_t i = tid; i < numBatches; i += NUM_CHECKPOINTERS) {
void *src = reinterpret_cast<void*>(
reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>( + i * BATCH_SIZE);
void *dst = reinterpret_cast<void*>(
reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>( + i * BATCH_SIZE);
memcpy(dst, src, BATCH_SIZE);
munmap(src, BATCH_SIZE);
for (std::thread& thread : cpthreads) {
printf("CP finished successfully! Child exiting.\n");
#endif // #ifdef WITH_FORK
// spawn worker threads
std::array<std::thread, NUM_WORKERS> threads;
for (size_t tid = 0; tid < NUM_WORKERS; tid++) {
threads[tid] = std::thread([&, tid] {
// write to array
std::array<inttype, NUM_ELEMS()>::iterator it;
for (it = array.begin() + tid; it < array.end(); it += NUM_WORKERS) {
*it = tid;
timepoint tStart = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
#ifdef WITH_FORK
// allow reaping child process while workers work
std::thread childWaitThread = std::thread([&] {
if (waitpid(pid, nullptr, 0)) {
timepoint tChild = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
std::chrono::duration<double> durationChild = tChild - tStart;
printf("reunited with child after (s): %lf\n", durationChild.count());
// wait for workers to finish
for (std::thread& thread : threads) {
timepoint tEnd = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
std::chrono::duration<double> duration = tEnd - tStart;
printf("duration (s): %lf\n", duration.count());
#ifdef WITH_FORK
The size of the array is 1GB, which is about 250K pages, where each page is 4KB in size. For this program, the number of page faults that occur due writing to CoW pages can be easily estimated. It can also measured using the Linux perf tool. The new operator initializes the array to zero. So the following line of code:
std::array<inttype, NUM_ELEMS()> *arrayptr = new std::array<inttype, NUM_ELEMS()>();
will cause about 250K page faults. Similarly, the following line of the code:
std::array<inttype, NUM_ELEMS()> *cpptr = new std::array<inttype, NUM_ELEMS()>();
will cause another 250K page faults. All of these page faults are minor, i.e., they can be handled without accessing the disk drive. Allocating two 1GB arrays will not cause any major faults for a system with much more physical memory.
At this point, about 500K page faults have already occurred (there will be other pages faults caused by other memory accesses from the program, of course, but they can be neglected). The execution of std::fill will not cause any minor faults but the virtual pages of the arrays have already been mapped to dedicated physical pages.
The execution of the program then proceeds to forking the child process and creating the worker threads of the parent process. The creation of the child process by itself is sufficient to make a snapshot of the array, so there is really no need to do anything in the child process. In fact, when the child process is forked, the virtual pages of both arrays are marked as copy-on-write. The child process reads from arrayptr and writes to cpptr, which results in additional 250K minor faults. The parent process also writes to arrayptr, which also results in additional 250K minor faults. So making a copy in the child process and unmapping the pages does not improve performance. On the contrary, the number of page faults is doubled and performance is significantly degraded.
You can measure the number of minor and major faults using the following command:
perf stat -r 3 -e minor-faults,major-faults ./binary
This will, by default, count minor and major faults for the whole process tree. The -r 3 option tells perf to repeat the experiment three times and report the average and standard deviation.
I noticed also that the total number of threads is 28 + 4. The optimal number of threads is approximately equal to the total number of online logical cores on your system. If the number of threads is much larger or much smaller than that, performance will be degraded due to the overhead of creating too many threads and switching between them.
Another potential issue may exist in the following loop:
for (it = array.begin() + tid; it < array.end(); it += NUM_WORKERS) {
*it = tid;
Different threads may try to write more than once to the same cache line at the same time, resulting in false sharing. This may not be a significant issue depending on the size of the cache line of your processor, the number of threads, and whether all cores are running at the same frequency, so it's hard to say without measuring. A better loop shape would be having the elements of each thread to be contiguous in the array.

What could cause a mutex to misbehave?

I've been busy the last couple of months debugging a rare crash caused somewhere within a very large proprietary C++ image processing library, compiled with GCC 4.7.2 for an ARM Cortex-A9 Linux target. Since a common symptom was glibc complaining about heap corruption, the first step was to employ a heap corruption checker to catch oob memory writes. I used the technique described in to divert all calls to free/malloc to my own function, padding every allocated chunk of memory with some amount of known data to catch out-of-bounds writes - but found nothing, even when padding with as much as 1 KB before and after every single allocated block (there are hundreds of thousands of allocated blocks due to intensive use of STL containers, so I can't enlarge the padding further, plus I assume any write more than 1KB out of bounds would eventually trigger a segfault anyway). This bounds checker has found other problems in the past so I don't doubt its functionality.
(Before anyone says 'Valgrind', yes, I have tried that too with no results either.)
Now, my memory bounds checker also has a feature where it prepends every allocated block with a data struct. These structs are all linked in one long linked list, to allow me to occasionally go over all allocations and test memory integrity. For some reason, even though all manipulations of this list are mutex protected, the list was getting corrupted. When investigating the issue, it began to seem like the mutex itself was occasionally failing to do its job. Here is the pseudocode:
pthread_mutex_t alloc_mutex;
static bool boolmutex; // set to false during init. volatile has no effect.
void malloc_wrapper() {
// ...
if (boolmutex) {
printf("mutex misbehaving\n");
__THROW_ERROR__; // this happens!
boolmutex = true;
// manipulate linked list here
boolmutex = false;
// ...
The code commented with "this happens!" is occasionally reached, even though this seems impossible. My first theory was that the mutex data structure was being overwritten. I placed the mutex within a struct, with large arrays before and after it, but when this problem occurred the arrays were untouched so nothing seems to be overwritten.
So.. What kind of corruption could possibly cause this to happen, and how would I find and fix the cause?
A few more notes. The test program uses 3-4 threads for processing. Running with less threads seems to make the corruptions less common, but not disappear. The test runs for about 20 seconds each time and completes successfully in the vast majority of cases (I can have 10 units repeating the test, with the first failure occurring after 5 minutes to several hours). When the problem occurs it is quite late in the test (say, 15 seconds in), so this isn't a bad initialization issue. The memory bounds checker never catches actual out of bounds writes but glibc still occasionally fails with a corrupted heap error (Can such an error be caused by something other than an oob write?). Each failure generates a core dump with plenty of trace information; there is no pattern I can see in these dumps, no particular section of code that shows up more than others. This problem seems very specific to a particular family of algorithms and does not happen in other algorithms, so I'm quite certain this isn't a sporadic hardware or memory error. I have done many more tests to check for oob heap accesses which I don't want to list to keep this post from getting any longer.
Thanks in advance for any help!
Thanks to all commenters. I've tried nearly all suggestions with no results, when I finally decided to write a simple memory allocation stress test - one that would run a thread on each of the CPU cores (my unit is a Freescale i.MX6 quad core SoC), each allocating and freeing memory in random order at high speed. The test crashed with a glibc memory corruption error within minutes or a few hours at most.
Updating the kernel from 3.0.35 to 3.0.101 solved the problem; both the stress test and the image processing algorithm now run overnight without failing. The problem does not reproduce on Intel machines with the same kernel version, so the problem is specific either to ARM in general or perhaps to some patch Freescale included with the specific BSP version that included kernel 3.0.35.
For those curious, attached is the stress test source code. Set NUM_THREADS to the number of CPU cores and build with:
<cross-compiler-prefix>g++ -O3 test_heap.cpp -lpthread -o test_heap
I hope this information helps someone. Cheers :)
// Multithreaded heap stress test. By Itay Chamiel 20151012.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#define NUM_THREADS 4 // set to number of CPU cores
// Each thread constantly allocates and frees memory. In each iteration of the infinite loop, decide at random whether to
// allocate or free a block of memory. A list of 500-1000 allocated blocks is maintained by each thread. When memory is allocated
// it is added to this list; when freeing, a random block is selected from this list, freed and removed from the list.
void* thr(void* arg) {
int* alive_flag = (int*)arg;
int thread_id = *alive_flag; // this is a number between 0 and (NUM_THREADS-1) given by main()
int cnt = 0;
timeval t_pre, t_post;
gettimeofday(&t_pre, NULL);
const int ALLOCATE=1, FREE=0;
const unsigned int MINSIZE=500, MAXSIZE=1000;
const int MAX_ALLOC=10000;
char* membufs[MAXSIZE];
unsigned int membufs_size = 0;
int num_allocs = 0, num_frees = 0;
int action;
// Decide whether to allocate or free a memory block.
// if we have less than MINSIZE buffers, allocate.
if (membufs_size < MINSIZE) action = ALLOCATE;
// if we have MAXSIZE, free.
else if (membufs_size >= MAXSIZE) action = FREE;
// else, decide randomly.
else {
action = ((rand() & 0x1)? ALLOCATE : FREE);
if (action == ALLOCATE) {
// choose size to allocate, from 1 to MAX_ALLOC bytes
size_t size = (rand() % MAX_ALLOC) + 1;
// allocate and fill memory
char* buf = (char*)malloc(size);
memset(buf, 0x77, size);
// add buffer to list
membufs[membufs_size] = buf;
assert(membufs_size <= MAXSIZE);
else { // action == FREE
// choose a random buffer to free
size_t pos = rand() % membufs_size;
assert (pos < membufs_size);
// free and remove from list by replacing entry with last member
membufs[pos] = membufs[membufs_size-1];
assert(membufs_size >= 0);
// once in 10 seconds print a status update
gettimeofday(&t_post, NULL);
if (t_post.tv_sec - t_pre.tv_sec >= 10) {
printf("Thread %d [%d] - %d allocs %d frees. Alloced blocks %u.\n", thread_id, cnt++, num_allocs, num_frees, membufs_size);
gettimeofday(&t_pre, NULL);
// indicate alive to main thread
*alive_flag = ALIVE_INDICATOR;
return NULL;
int main()
int alive_flag[NUM_THREADS];
printf("Memory allocation stress test running on %d threads.\n", NUM_THREADS);
// start a thread for each core
for (int i=0; i<NUM_THREADS; i++) {
alive_flag[i] = i; // tell each thread its ID.
pthread_t th;
int ret = pthread_create(&th, NULL, thr, &alive_flag[i]);
assert(ret == 0);
while(1) {
// check that all threads are alive
bool ok = true;
for (int i=0; i<NUM_THREADS; i++) {
if (alive_flag[i] != ALIVE_INDICATOR)
printf("Thread %d is not responding\n", i);
ok = false;
for (int i=0; i<NUM_THREADS; i++)
alive_flag[i] = 0;
return 0;

Windows7 memory management - how to prevent concurrent threads from blocking

I'm working on a program consisting of two concurrent threads. One (here "Clock") is performing some computation on a regular basis (10 Hz) and is quite memory-intensive. The other one (here "hugeList") uses even more RAM but is not as time critical as the first one. So I decided to reduce its priority to THREAD_PRIORITY_LOWEST. Yet, when the thread frees most of the memory it has used the critical one doesn't manage to keep its timing.
I was able to condense down the problem to this bit of code (make sure optimizations are turned off!):
while Clock tries to keep a 10Hz-timing the hugeList-thread allocates and frees more and more memory not organized in any sort of chunks.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <forward_list>
#include <time.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <vector>
void wait_ms(double _ms)
clock_t endwait;
endwait = clock () + _ms * CLOCKS_PER_SEC/1000;
while (clock () < endwait) {} // active wait
void hugeList(void)
SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_LOWEST);
unsigned int loglimit = 3;
unsigned int limit = 1000;
for(signed int cnt=loglimit; cnt>0; cnt--)
printf(" Countdown %d...\n", cnt);
printf(" Filling list...\n");
std::forward_list<double> list;
for(unsigned int cnt=0; cnt<limit; cnt++)
limit *= 10;
printf(" Clearing list...\n");
void Clock()
clock_t start = clock()-CLOCKS_PER_SEC*100/1000;
std::vector<double> dummyData(100000, 42.0); // just get some memory
printf("delta: %d ms\n", (clock()-start)*1000/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
start = clock();
int main()
DWORD dwThreadId;
if (CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)&Clock, (LPVOID) NULL, 0, &dwThreadId) == NULL)
printf("Thread could not be created");
if (CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)&hugeList, (LPVOID) NULL, 0, &dwThreadId) == NULL)
printf("Thread could not be created");
while(true) {;}
return 0;
First of all I noticed that allocating memory for the linked list is way faster than freeing it.
On my machine (Windows7) at around the 4th iteration of the "hugeList"-method the Clock-Thread gets significantly disturbed (up to 200ms). The effect disappears without the dummyData-vector "asking" for some memory in the Clock-Thread.
Is there any way of increasing the priority of memory allocation for the Clock-Thread in Win7?
Or do I have to split both operations onto two contexts (processes)?
Note that my original code uses some communication via shared variables which would require for some kind of IPC if I chose the second option.
Note that my original code gets stuck for about 1sec when the equivalent to the "hugeList"-method clears a boost::unordered_map and enters ntdll.dll!RtIInitializeCriticalSection many many times.
(observed by systinernals process explorer)
Note that the effects observed are not due to swapping, I'm using 1.4GB of my 16GB (64bit win7).
just wanted to let you know that up to now I haven't been able to solve my issue. Splitting both parts of the code onto two processes does not seem to be an option since my time is rather limited and I've never worked with processes so far. I'm afraid I won't be able to get to a running version in time.
However, I managed to reduce the effects by reducing the number of memory deallocations made by the non-critical thread. This was achieved by using a fast pooling memory allocator (like the one provided in the boost library).
There does not seem to be the possibility of explicitly creating certain objects (like e.g. the huge forward list in my example) on some sort of threadprivate heap that would not require synchronisation.
For further reading:
Do threads have a distinct heap?
Memory Allocation/Deallocation Bottleneck?
Replacing std::forward_list with a std::list, I ran your code on a corei7 4GB machine until 2GB is consumed. No disturbances at all. (In debug build)
Yes. The release build recreates the issue. I replaced the forward list with an array
double* p = new double[limit];
for(unsigned int cnt=0; cnt<limit; cnt++)
p[cnt] = 42.0;
for(unsigned int cnt=0; cnt<limit; cnt++)
p[cnt] = -1;
delete [] p;
It does not recreates then.
It seems thread scheduler is punishing for asking for lot of small memory chunks.

C++ Low-Latency Threaded Asynchronous Buffered Stream (intended for logging) – Boost

3 while loops below contain code that has been commented out. I search for ("TAG1", "TAG2", and "TAG3") for easy identification. I simply want the while loops to wait on the condition tested to become true before proceeding while minimizing CPU resources as much as possible. I first tried using Boost condition variables, but there's a race condition. Putting the thread to sleep for 'x' microseconds is inefficient because there is no way to precisely time the wakeup. Finally, boost::this_thread::yield() does not seem to do anything. Probably because I only have 2 active threads on a dual-core system. Specifically, how can I make the three tagged areas below run more efficiently while introducing as little unnecessary blocking as possible.
I have an application that logs a lot of data. After profiling, I found that much time is consumed on the logging operations (logging text or binary to a file on the local hard disk). My objective is to reduce the latency on logData calls by replacing non-threaded direct write calls with calls to a threaded buffered stream logger.
Options Explored:
Upgrade 2005-era slow hard disk to SSD...possible. Cost is not prohibitive...but involves a lot of work... more than 200 computers would have to be upgraded...
Boost ASIO...I don't need all the proactor / networking overhead, looking for something simpler and more light-weight.
Producer and consumer thread pattern, the application writes data into a buffer and a background thread then writes it to disk sometime later. So the ultimate goal is to have the writeMessage function called by the application layer return as fast as possible while data is correctly / completely logged to the log file in a FIFO order sometime later.
Only one application thread, only one writer thread.
Based on ring buffer. The reason for this decision is to use as few locks as possible and ideally...and please correct me if I'm wrong...I don't think I need any.
Buffer is a statically-allocated character array, but could move it to the heap if needed / desired for performance reasons.
Buffer has a start pointer that points to the next character that should be written to the file. Buffer has an end pointer that points to the array index after the last character to be written to the file. The end pointer NEVER passes the start pointer. If a message comes in that is larger than the buffer, then the writer waits until the buffer is emptied and writes the new message to the file directly without putting the over-sized message in the buffer (once the buffer is emptied, the worker thread won't be writing anything so no contention).
The writer (worker thread) only updates the ring buffer's start pointer.
The main (application thread) only updates the ring buffer's end pointer, and again, it only inserts new data into the buffer when there is available space...otherwise it either waits for space in the buffer to become available or writes directly as described above.
The worker thread continuously checks to see if there is data to be written (indicated by the case when the buffer start pointer != buffer end pointer). If there is no data to be written, the worker thread should ideally go to sleep and wake up once the application thread has inserted something into the buffer (and changed the buffer's end pointer such that it no longer points to the same index as the start pointer). What I have below involves while loops continuously checking that condition. It is a very bad / inefficient way of waiting on the buffer.
On my 2009-era dual-core laptop with SSD, I see that the total write time of the threaded / buffered benchmark vs. direct write is about 1 : 6 (0.609 sec vs. 0.095 sec), but highly variable. Often the buffered write benchmark is actually slower than direct write. I believe that the variability is due to the poor implementation of waiting for space to free up in the buffer, waiting for the buffer to empty, and having the worker-thread wait for work to become available. I have measured that some of the while loops consume over 10000 cycles and I suspect that those cycles are actually competing for hardware resources that the other thread (worker or application) requires to finish the computation being waited on.
Output seems to check out. With TEST mode enabled and a small buffer size of 10 as a stress test, I diffed hundreds of MBs of output and found it to equal the input.
Compiles with current version of Boost (1.55)
#ifndef BufferedLogStream_h
#define BufferedLogStream_h
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "boost\chrono\chrono.hpp"
#include "boost\thread\thread.hpp"
#include "boost\thread\locks.hpp"
#include "boost\thread\mutex.hpp"
#include "boost\thread\condition_variable.hpp"
#include <time.h>
using namespace std;
#define TEST 0
#define BENCHMARK 1
#define BUFFER_SIZE 10
#define BUFFER_SIZE 33554432 //4 MB
class BufferedLogStream {
void openFile(char* filename);
void flush();
void close();
inline void writeMessage(const char* message, unsigned int length);
void writeMessage(string message);
bool operator() () { return start != end; }
void threadedWriter();
inline bool hasSomethingToWrite();
inline unsigned int getFreeSpaceInBuffer();
void appendStringToBuffer(const char* message, unsigned int length);
FILE* fp;
char* start;
char* end;
char* endofringbuffer;
char ringbuffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
bool workerthreadkeepalive;
boost::mutex mtx;
boost::condition_variable waitforempty;
boost::mutex workmtx;
boost::condition_variable waitforwork;
struct testbuffer {
int length;
char message[BUFFER_SIZE * 2];
void test();
void getNextRandomTest(testbuffer &tb);
FILE* datatowrite;
void runBenchmark();
void initBenchmarkString();
void runDirectWriteBaseline();
void runBufferedWriteBenchmark();
char benchmarkstr[BENCHMARK_STR_SIZE];
int main() {
BufferedLogStream* bl = new BufferedLogStream();
cout << "Done" << endl;
return 0;
int main() {
BufferedLogStream* bl = new BufferedLogStream();
cout << "Done" << endl;
return 0;
#endif //for benchmark
#include "BufferedLogStream.h"
BufferedLogStream::BufferedLogStream() {
fp = NULL;
start = ringbuffer;
end = ringbuffer;
endofringbuffer = ringbuffer + BUFFER_SIZE;
workerthreadkeepalive = true;
void BufferedLogStream::openFile(char* filename) {
if(fp) close();
workerthreadkeepalive = true;
boost::thread t2(&BufferedLogStream::threadedWriter, this);
fp = fopen(filename, "w+b");
void BufferedLogStream::flush() {
void BufferedLogStream::close() {
workerthreadkeepalive = false;
if(!fp) return;
while(hasSomethingToWrite()) {
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> u(mtx);
waitforempty.wait_for(u, boost::chrono::microseconds(MAIN_LOOP_WAIT_MICROSEC));
fp = NULL;
void BufferedLogStream::threadedWriter() {
while(true) {
if(start != end) {
char* currentend = end;
if(start < currentend) {
fwrite(start, 1, currentend - start, fp);
else if(start > currentend) {
if(start != endofringbuffer) fwrite(start, 1, endofringbuffer - start, fp);
fwrite(ringbuffer, 1, currentend - ringbuffer, fp);
start = currentend;
else { //start == work to do
if(!workerthreadkeepalive) return;
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> u(workmtx);
waitforwork.wait_for(u, boost::chrono::microseconds(WORKER_LOOP_WAIT_MICROSEC));
bool BufferedLogStream::hasSomethingToWrite() {
return start != end;
void BufferedLogStream::writeMessage(string message) {
writeMessage(message.c_str(), message.length());
unsigned int BufferedLogStream::getFreeSpaceInBuffer() {
if(end > start) return (start - ringbuffer) + (endofringbuffer - end) - 1;
if(end == start) return BUFFER_SIZE-1;
return start - end - 1; //case where start > end
void BufferedLogStream::appendStringToBuffer(const char* message, unsigned int length) {
if(end + length <= endofringbuffer) { //most common case for appropriately-sized buffer
memcpy(end, message, length);
end += length;
else {
int lengthtoendofbuffer = endofringbuffer - end;
if(lengthtoendofbuffer > 0) memcpy(end, message, lengthtoendofbuffer);
int remainderlength = length - lengthtoendofbuffer;
memcpy(ringbuffer, message + lengthtoendofbuffer, remainderlength);
end = ringbuffer + remainderlength;
void BufferedLogStream::writeMessage(const char* message, unsigned int length) {
if(length > BUFFER_SIZE - 1) { //if string is too large for buffer, wait for buffer to empty and bypass buffer, write directly to file
while(hasSomethingToWrite()); {
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> u(mtx);
waitforempty.wait_for(u, boost::chrono::microseconds(MAIN_LOOP_WAIT_MICROSEC));
fwrite(message, 1, length, fp);
else {
//wait until there is enough free space to insert new string
while(getFreeSpaceInBuffer() < length) {
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> u(mtx);
waitforempty.wait_for(u, boost::chrono::microseconds(MAIN_LOOP_WAIT_MICROSEC));
appendStringToBuffer(message, length);
void BufferedLogStream::getNextRandomTest(testbuffer &tb) {
tb.length = 1 + (rand() % (int)(BUFFER_SIZE * 1.05));
for(int i = 0; i < tb.length; i++) {
tb.message[i] = rand() % 26 + 65;
tb.message[tb.length] = '\n';
tb.message[tb.length] = '\0';
void BufferedLogStream::test() {
cout << "Buffer size is: " << BUFFER_SIZE << endl;
testbuffer tb;
datatowrite = fopen("orig.txt", "w+b");
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 7000000; i++) {
if(i % 1000000 == 0) cout << i << endl;
writeMessage(tb.message, tb.length);
fwrite(tb.message, 1, tb.length, datatowrite);
void BufferedLogStream::initBenchmarkString() {
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < BENCHMARK_STR_SIZE - 1; i++) {
benchmarkstr[i] = rand() % 26 + 65;
benchmarkstr[BENCHMARK_STR_SIZE - 1] = '\n';
void BufferedLogStream::runDirectWriteBaseline() {
clock_t starttime = clock();
fp = fopen("BenchMarkBaseline.txt", "w+b");
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < NUM_BENCHMARK_WRITES; i++) {
fwrite(benchmarkstr, 1, BENCHMARK_STR_SIZE, fp);
clock_t elapsedtime = clock() - starttime;
cout << "Direct write baseline took " << ((double) elapsedtime) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " seconds." << endl;
void BufferedLogStream::runBufferedWriteBenchmark() {
clock_t starttime = clock();
cout << "Opend file" << endl;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < NUM_BENCHMARK_WRITES; i++) {
writeMessage(benchmarkstr, BENCHMARK_STR_SIZE);
cout << "Wrote" << endl;
cout << "Close" << endl;
clock_t elapsedtime = clock() - starttime;
cout << "Buffered write took " << ((double) elapsedtime) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " seconds." << endl;
void BufferedLogStream::runBenchmark() {
cout << "Buffer size is: " << BUFFER_SIZE << endl;
Update: November 25, 2013
I updated the code below use boost::condition_variables, specifically the wait_for() method as recommended by Evgeny Panasyuk. This avoids unnecessarily checking the same condition over and over again. I am currently seeing the buffered version run in about 1/6th the time as the unbuffered / direct-write version. This is not the ideal case because both cases are limited by the hard disk (in my case a 2010 era SSD). I plan to use the code below in an environment where the hard disk will not be the bottleneck and most if not all the time, the buffer should have space available to accommodate the writeMessage requests. That brings me to my next question. How big should I make the buffer? I don't mind allocating 32 MBs or 64 MB to ensure that it never fills up. The code will be running on systems that can spare that. Intuitively, I feel that it's a bad idea to statically allocate a 32 MB character array. Is it? Anyhow, I expect that when I run the code below for my intended application, the latency of logData() calls will be greatly reduced which will yield a significant reduction in overall processing time.
If anyone sees any way to make the code below better (faster, more robust, leaner, etc), please let me know. I appreciate the feedback. Lazin, how would your approach be faster or more efficient than what I have posted below? I kinda like the idea of just having one buffer and making it large enough so that it practically never fills up. Then I don't have to worry about reading from different buffers. Evgeny Panasyuk, I like the approach of using existing code whenever possible, especially if it's an existing boost library. However, I also don't see how the spcs_queue is more efficient than what I have below. I'd rather deal with one large buffer than many smaller ones and have to worry about splitting splitting my input stream on the input and splicing it back together on the output. Your approach would allow me to offload the formatting from the main thread onto the worker thread. That is a cleaver approach. But I'm not sure yet whether it will save a lot of time and to realize the full benefit, I would have to modify code that I do not own.
//End Update
General solution.
I think you must look at the Naggle algorithm. For one producer and one consumer this would look like this:
At the beginning buffer is empty, worker thread is idle and waiting for the events.
Producer writes data to the buffer and notifies worker thread.
Worker thread woke up and start the write operation.
Producer tries to write another message, but buffer is used by worker, so producer allocates another buffer and writes message to it.
Producer tries to write another message, I/O still in progress so producer writes message to previously allocated buffer.
Worker thread done writing buffer to file and sees that there is another buffer with data so it grabs it and starts to write.
The very first buffer is used by producer to write all consecutive messages, until second write operation in progress.
This schema will help achieve low latency requirement, single message will be written to disc instantaneously, but large amount of events will be written by large batches for greather throughput.
If your log messages have levels - you can improve this schema a little bit. All error messages have high priority(level) and must be saved on disc immediately (because they are rare but very valuable) but debug and trace messages have low priority and can be buffered to save bandwidth (because they are very frequent but not as valuable as error and info messages). So when you write error message, you must wait until worker thread is done writing your message (and all messages that are in the same buffer) and then continue, but debug and trace messages can be just written to buffer.
Spawning worker thread for each application thread is to costly. You must use single writer thread for each log file. Write buffers must be shared between threads. Each buffer must have two pointers - commit_pointer and prepare_pointer. All buffer space between beginning of the buffer and commit_pointer are available for worker thread. Buffer space between commit_pointer and prepare_pointer are currently updated by application threads. Invariant: commit_pointer <= prepare_pointer.
Write operations can be performed in two steps.
Prepare write. This operation reserves space in a buffer.
Producer calculates len(message) and atomically updates prepare_pointer;
Old prepare_pointer value and len is saved by consumer;
Commit write.
Producer writes message at the beginning of the reserved buffer space (old prepare_pointer value).
Producer busy-waits until commit_pointer is equal to old prepare_pointer value that its save in local variable.
Producer commit write operation by doing commit_pointer = commit_pointer + len atomically.
To prevent false sharing, len(message) can be rounded to cache line size and all extra space can be filled with spaces.
// pseudocode
void write(const char* message) {
int len = strlen(message); // TODO: round to cache line size
const char* old_prepare_ptr;
// Prepare step
old_prepare_ptr = prepare_ptr;
if (
prepare_ptr + len) == old_prepare_ptr
// retry if another thread perform prepare op.
// Write message
memcpy((void*)old_prepare_ptr, (void*)message, len);
// Commit step
const char* old_commit_ptr = commit_ptr;
if (
old_commit_ptr + len) == old_commit_ptr
// retry if another thread commits
concurrent_queue<T, Size>
The question that I have is how to make the worker thread go to work as soon as there is work to do and sleep when there is no work.
There is boost::lockfree::spsc_queue - wait-free single-producer single-consumer queue. It can be configured to have compile-time capacity (the size of the internal ringbuffer).
From what I understand, you want something similar to following configuration:
template<typename T, size_t N>
class concurrent_queue
// T can be wrapped into struct with padding in order to avoid false sharing
mutable boost::lockfree::spsc_queue<T, boost::lockfree::capacity<N>> q;
mutable mutex m;
mutable condition_variable c;
void wait() const
unique_lock<mutex> u(m);
c.wait_for(u, chrono::microseconds(1)); // Or whatever period you need.
// Timeout is required, because modification happens not under mutex
// and notification can be lost.
// Another option is just to use sleep/yield, without notifications.
void notify() const
void push(const T &t)
void pop(T &result)
When there are elements in queue - pop does not block. And when there is enough space in internal buffer - push does not block.
I want to reduce both formatting and write times as much as possible so I plan to reduce both.
Check out Herb Sutter talk at C++ and Beyond 2012: C++ Concurrency. At page 14 he shows example of concurrent<T>. Basically it is wrapper around object of type T which starts separate thread for performing all operations on that object. Usage is:
concurrent<ostream*> x(&cout); // starts thread internally
// ...
// x acts as function object.
// It's function call operator accepts action
// which is performed on wrapped object in separate thread.
int i = 42;
x([i](ostream *out){ *out << "i=" << i; }); // passing lambda as action
You can use similar pattern in order to offload all formatting work to consumer thread.
Small Object Optimization
Otherwise, new buffers are allocated and I want to avoid memory allocation after the buffer stream is constructed.
Above concurrent_queue<T, Size> example uses fixed-size buffer which is fully contained within queue, and does not imply additional allocations.
However, Herb's concurrent<T> example uses std::function to pass action into worker thread. That may incur costly allocation.
std::function implementations may use Small Object Optimization (and most implementations do) - small function objects are in-place copy-constructed in internal buffer, but there is no guarantee, and for function objects bigger than threshold - heap allocation would happen.
There are several options to avoid this allocation:
Implement std::function analog with internal buffer large enough to hold target function objects (for example, you can try to modify boost::function or this version).
Use your own function object which would represent all type of log messages. Basically it would contain just values required to format message. As potentially there are different types of messages, consider to use boost::variant (which is literary union coupled with type tag) to represent them.
Putting it all together, here is proof-of-concept (using second option):
#include <boost/lockfree/spsc_queue.hpp>
#include <boost/optional.hpp>
#include <boost/variant.hpp>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstddef>
#include <thread>
#include <chrono>
#include <mutex>
using namespace std;
template<typename T, size_t N>
class concurrent_queue
mutable boost::lockfree::spsc_queue<T, boost::lockfree::capacity<N>> q;
mutable mutex m;
mutable condition_variable c;
void wait() const
unique_lock<mutex> u(m);
c.wait_for(u, chrono::microseconds(1));
void notify() const
void push(const T &t)
void pop(T &result)
template<typename T, typename F>
class concurrent
typedef boost::optional<F> Job;
mutable concurrent_queue<Job, 16> q; // use custom size
mutable T x;
thread worker;
concurrent(T x)
: x{x}, worker{[this]
Job j;
if(!j) break;
(*j)(this->x); // you may need to handle exceptions in some way
void operator()(const F &f)
struct LogEntry
struct Formatter
typedef void result_type;
ostream *out;
void operator()(double x) const
*out << "floating point: " << x << endl;
void operator()(int x) const
*out << "integer: " << x << endl;
boost::variant<int, double> data;
void operator()(ostream *out)
boost::apply_visitor(Formatter{out}, data);
int main()
concurrent<ostream*, LogEntry> log{&cout};
for(int i=0; i!=1024; ++i)

OpenMP share file handler

I've got a loop, which I parallelize using OpenMP. In this loop, I read a triangle from a file, and perform some operations on this data. These operations are independent from each triangle to another, so I thought this would be easy to parallelize, as long as I kept the actual reading of files in a critical section.
Order in which triangles are read is not important
Some triangles are read and get discarded pretty quickly, some need some more algorithmic work (bbox construction, ...)
I'm doing binary I/O
Using C++ ifstream *tri_data*
I'm testing this on an SSD
ReadTriangle calls and reads 12 floats from an ifstream.
#pragma omp parallel for shared (tri_data)
for(int i = 0; i < ntriangles ; i++) {
vec3 v0,v1,v2,normal;
#pragma omp critical
(working with the triangle here)
Now, the behaviour I'm observing is that with OpenMP enabled, the whole process is slower.
I've added some timers to my code to track time spent in the I/O method, and time spent in the loop itself.
Without OpenMP:
Total IO IN time : 41.836 s.
Total algorithm time : 15.495 s.
With OpenMP:
Total IO IN time : 48.959 s.
Total algorithm time : 44.61 s.
My guess is, since the reading is in a critical section, the threads are just waiting for eachother to finish using the file handler, resulting in a longer waiting time.
Any pointers on how to resolve this? My program would really benefit from the possibility to process read triangles with multiple processes. I've tried toying with thread scheduling and related stuff, but that doesn't seem to help a lot in this instance.
Since I'm working on an out-of-core algorithm, introducing a buffer to hold a multitude of triangles is not really an option.
So, the solution I would propose is based on a master/slave strategy, where:
the master (thread 0) performs all the I/O
the slaves do some work on the retrieved data
The pseudo-code would read something like the following:
vector<vec3> v0;
vector<vec3> v1;
vector<vec3> v2;
vector<vec3> normal;
vector<int> tdone;
int nthreads;
int triangles_read = 0;
/* ... */
#pragma omp parallel shared(tri_data)
int id = omp_get_thread_num();
* Initialize all the buffers in the master thread.
* Notice that the size in memory is similar to your example.
#pragma omp single
nthreads = omp_get_num_threads();
if ( id == 0 ) { // Producer thread
int next = 1;
while( triangles_read != ntriangles ) {
if ( tdone[next] ) { // If the next thread is free
readTriangle(tri_data,v0[next],v1[next],v2[next],normal[next]); // Read data and fill the correct buffer
tdone[next] = 0; // Set a flag for thread next to start working
#pragma omp flush (tdone[next],triangles_read) // Flush it
next = next%(nthreads - 1) + 1; // Set next
} // while
} else { // Consumer threads
while( true ) { // Wait for work
if( tdone[id] == 0) {
/* ... do work here on v0[id], v1[id], v2[id], normal[id] ... */
tdone[id] == 1;
#pragma omp flush (tdone[id]) // Flush it
if( tdone[id] == 1 && triangles_read == ntriangles) break; // Work finished for all
#pragma omp barrier
I am not sure if this is still valuable to you but that was a nice teaser anyhow!