How to properly check multiple times statment - c++

if(a=='b' && b=='b' && c=='b' ...)
Is it the proper way to do this?
I already found other way to solve my problem but would like to know for future times how to do this

If all you have are discrete variables, then you'll have to do this check this way.
There are a few things you'll want to consider though:
It's bad practice to keep using 'b' over and over and over. Either assign it as a constant or have all the other variables compare against the first one, so that if you need to change that 'b' to a 'c' you only have to do it once in the code.
if(a=='b' && a == b && a == c && a == d/*...*/)
Also, this is still a lot of code to maintain. Depending on how long the chain goes (do you go up to a==g && a==h && a == i or further?) You might want to wrap those variables into a vector and iteratively check them.
bool equal = std::find_if_not(
characters.begin(), characters.end(),
[](const char & c) {return c == 'b';}
) == characters.end();

if you'd like a succinct way to describe intent then a little pair of template functions can help you:
template<class X, class Y>
bool all_equal(X&& x, Y&& y)
return (x == y);
template<class X, class Y, class...Rest>
bool all_equal(X&& x, Y&& y, Rest&&
return all_equal(std::forward<X>(x), std::forward<Y>(y))
&& all_equal(x, std::forward<Rest>(rest)...);
which allows code like this:
int main()
int a = 10;
int b = 10;
int c = 10;
int d = 11;
std::cout << std::boolalpha << all_equal(a, b) << std::endl;
std::cout << std::boolalpha << all_equal(a, b, c) << std::endl;
std::cout << std::boolalpha << all_equal(a, b, c, d) << std::endl;

Your way looks proper. Some coding standards require extra parens like this
if((a=='b') && (b=='b') && (c=='b') ...)
I personally don't think that it is necessary, if you know your operator precedence. see and search for precedence.


How to write custom datatype (std::array filled with std::pairs) to a filestream

I am quite new to c++ and I am building a model studying certain mutations in genes. My "genes" are defined as a function of two doubles, a and b. A single gene is saved in a std::pair format. The whole genome consists of four of these genes collected in a std:array.
I perform some changes on the genes and want to write the information in a text file for analysis. The way I have currently implemented this is tedious. I have separate functions (8 in total) which collect the information like g[i].first, g[i[.second etc. for every i in the array. I feel this could be done much more efficiently.
Relevant code:
Declaration of data type:
using gene = std::pair<double, double>;
using genome = std::array<gene, 4>;
Function in which I create a genome called g:
genome Individual::init_Individual()
double a1, a2, a3, a4 = -1.0;
double b1, b2, b3, b4 = 0.0;
gene g1{ a1,b1 };
gene g2{ a2,b2 };
gene g3{ a3,b3 };
gene g4{ a4,b4 };
genome g{g1,g2,g3,g4};
return g;
Example of collect function:
double get_Genome_a1() { return g[0].first; };
Function in which I write information to a text file:
void Individual::write_Statistics(unsigned int &counter)
//Generate output file stream
std::ofstream ofs;"data.txt", std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::app);
ofs << counter << std::setw(14) << get_Genome_a1() << std::setw(14)
<< get_Genome_a2() << std::setw(14) << get_Genome_b1() <<
std::setw(14) << get_Genome_b2() << "\n";
etc, etc. So the final result of my data file in this example looks like this:
1 a1 a2 b1 b2
2 a1 a2 b1 b2
3 a1 a2 b1 b2
etc, etc.
My question:
I am currently storing the two doubles in a std::pair, which I collect in a std::array. Is this an efficient storage mechanism or can this be improved?
Is there a way to directly reference an individual element from my custom data type "genome" using only one function to write every element away in the exact same manner as I am doing now (with fourteen spaces between every element)? Something in pseudocode like: get_Genome() {return g;};, and when you call it you can specify the element like: get_Genome([0].first) which would be the first value stored in the first pair of the array, for example.
Happy to learn, any insight is appreciated.
Your storage is good. Neither pair nor array requires indirect/dynamic allocation, so this is great for cache locality.
As for referencing elements, no, not exactly like that. You could have an enum with members FIRST, SECOND then pass that as another argument to get_Genome. But, honestly, this doesn't seem to me to be worthwhile.
Overall, your approach looks great to me. My only suggestions would be:
Re-use one ofstream
…rather than opening and closing the file for every sample. You should see substantial speed improvements from that change.
You could make one in your main or whatever, and have write_Statistics take a std::ostream&, which would also be more flexible!
Initialise a bit quicker
All those declarations in init_Individual may get optimised, but why take the risk? The following is pretty expressive:
genome Individual::init_Individual()
const double a = -1.0;
const double b = 0.0;
return {{a, b}, {a, b}, {a, b}, {a, b}};
It's worth noting here that your double initialisations were wrong: you were only initialising a4 and b4; your compiler ought to have warned you about this. But, as shown, we don't need all of those anyway as they [are intended to] have the same values!
Your array looks good, however using std::pair in this situation might make it a bit more tedious. I would create 2 simple classes or structures one to represent a gene and the other to represent your genome. I'd still use array. The class might look something like this:
#include <array>
const int genesPerGenome = 4; // change this to set how many...
struct Gene {
double a_;
double b_;
Gene() = default;
Gene(double a, double b) : a_(a), b_(b) {}
struct Genome {
std::array<Gene, genesPerGenome> genome_;
int geneCount_{0};
Genome() = default;
void addGene(const Gene& gene) {
if ( geneCount_ >= genesPerGenome ) return;
genome_[geneCount_++] = gene; // post increment since we added one
Then I would have a stand alone function that would generate your genome as such:
void generateGenome( Genome& genome ) {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
// When looking at your example; I notices that the genes were all
// initialized with [-1.0,0.0] so I used Gene's constructor to init
// them with those values.
Gene gene(-1.0, 0.0);
Then to couple these together, I'll just print them to the console for demonstration. You can then take this approach and apply it to what ever calculations that will be done and then writing the results to a file.
#include <array>
#include <iostream>
int main() {
Genome genome;
generateGenome( genome );
// printing to console here is where you would do your calculations then write to file
for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
if ( i >= genome.geneCount_ ) break; // prevent accessing beyond array bounds
std::cout << (i+1) << " [" << genome.genome_[i].a_ << "," << genome.genome_[i].b_ << "]\n";
return 0;
-Output- - No calculations, only the initialized values:
1 [-1,0]
2 [-1,0]
3 [-1,0]
4 [-1,0]
Maybe this will help. From here you can write a operartor<<() function that will take an ostream reference object and a const reference to a Genome and from there you should be able to print the entire Genome to file in a single function call.
User t.niese left a comment with a valid point that I had overlooked. I was using a static variable in the addGene() function. This would work okay as long as you are working only with a single Genome, but if you had more than one Genome object, every time you'd call the addGene() function this value would increase and you wouldn't be able to add more than gene to each genome due to the condition of the if statement in the addGene() function.
I had modified the original code above to fix this limitation. Here I removed the static variable and I introduced two new variables; one is a const int that represents how many genes per genome as it will be used to define the size of your array as well as checking against how many genes to add to that genome. The other variable I added is a member variable to the Genome class itself that keeps track of how many genes there are per each Genome object.
Here is an example of what i meant in my comment by overloading the operator [].
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
class Genome {
typedef std::pair<double, double> gene;
double a1 = -1.0, a2 = -1.0, a3 = -1.0, a4 = -1.0;
double b1 = 0.0, b2 = 0.0, b3 = 0.0, b4 = 0.0;
gene g1{ a1,b1 };
gene g2{ a2,b2 };
gene g3{ a3,b3 };
gene g4{ a4,b4 };
Genome() {}
const double operator[] (std::string l) const {
if (l == "a1") {return g1.first;}
else if (l == "b1") {return g1.second;}
else if (l == "a2") {return g2.first;}
else if (l == "b2") {return g2.second;}
else if (l == "a3") {return g3.first;}
else if (l == "b3") {return g3.second;}
else if (l == "a4") {return g4.first;}
else if (l == "b4") {return g4.second;}
else {
throw std::invalid_argument("not valid label");
void setvalue(std::string l, double x) {
if (l == "a1") {g1.first = x;}
else if (l == "b1") {g1.second = x;}
else if (l == "a2") {g2.first = x;}
else if (l == "b2") {g2.second = x;}
else if (l == "a3") {g3.first = x;}
else if (l == "b3") {g3.second = x;}
else if (l == "a4") {g4.first = x;}
else if (l == "b4") {g4.second = x;}
else {
throw std::invalid_argument("not valid label");
void write_Statistics(unsigned int counter) {
std::ofstream ofs;"data.txt", std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::app);
ofs << counter
<< std::setw(14) << (*this)["a1"] << std::setw(14) << (*this)["a2"]
<< std::setw(14) << (*this)["b1"] << std::setw(14) << (*this)["b2"] << "\n";
I don't know if you may find useful to access to the individual genes by a label instead of an index, but this is what this overload do.
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
Genome a = Genome();
std::cout << a["b1"] << std::endl; #this prints 0
a.setvalue("b2", 3.0);
std::cout << a["b2"] << std::endl; #this prints 3
return 0;

Return from calling function inside lambda

Lambdas are an awesome way to create reusable code inside a function/method without polluting the parent class. They're a very functional replacement for C-style macros most of the time.
However, there's one bit of syntactic sugar from macros that I can't seem to replicate with a lambda, and that's the ability to exit from the containing function. For example, if I need to return while checking the range of a series of ints, I can do that easily with a macro:
const int xmin(1), xmax(5);
#define CHECK_RANGE(x) { if((x) < xmin || (x) > xmax) return false; }
bool myFunc(int myint) {
int anotherint = myint + 2;
return true;
Obviously this is an oversimplified example, but the basic premise is that I'm performing the same check over and over on different variables, and I think it's more readable to encapsulate the check and related exits. Still, I know that macros aren't very safe, especially when they get really complex. However, as far as I can tell, trying to do the equivalent lambda requires awkward additional checks like so:
const int xmin(1), xmax(5);
auto check_range = [&](int x) -> bool { return !(x < xmin || x > xmax); };
bool myFunc(int myint) {
if(!check_range(myint)) return false;
int anotherint = myint + 2;
if(!check_range(anotherint)) return false;
return true;
Is there a way to do this with a lambda? Or am I missing some alternative solution?
Edit: I recognize that returning from inside a macro is generally a bad idea unless significant precautions are taken. I'm just wondering if it's possible.
You are correct--there's no way to return from the caller from inside a lambda. Since a lambda can be captured and stored to be called later, from inside an arbitrary caller, doing so would result in unpredictable behavior.
class Foo
Foo(std::function<void(int)> const& callMeLater) : func(callMeLater) {}
void CallIt(int* arr, int count)
for (index = count; index--;)
// do other stuff here.
std::function<void(int)> func;
int main()
auto find3 = [](int arr)
if (arr == 3)
return_from_caller; // making up syntax here.
Foo foo(find3);
Is there a way to do this with a lambda?
Not exactly like the macro but your lambda, instead of returning a bool, can throw a special exception (of type bool, by example)
auto check_range
= [](int x) { if ( (x < xmin) || (x > xmax) ) throw bool{false}; };
and the function myFunc() can intercept this special type
bool myFunc (int myint)
int anotherint = myint + 2;
return true;
catch ( bool e )
{ return e; }
For a single check_range() call, this is (I suppose) a bad idea; if you have a lot of calls, I suppose can be interesting.
The following is a full working example
#include <iostream>
constexpr int xmin{1}, xmax{5};
auto check_range
= [](int x) { if ( (x < xmin) || (x > xmax) ) throw bool{false}; };
bool myFunc (int myint)
int anotherint = myint + 2;
return true;
catch ( bool e )
{ return e; }
int main ()
std::cout << myFunc(0) << std::endl; // print 0
std::cout << myFunc(3) << std::endl; // print 1
std::cout << myFunc(7) << std::endl; // print 0
No better way to do this than just to use the return value of the lambda and then return from the calling function. Macros are ew for this.
As it stands in C++, that is the idiomatic way to exit from a function that uses another condition to determine whether or not to exit.
Not C++11, but people have hacked C++2a coroutines to basically do this.
It would look a bit like:
co_await check_range(foo);
where the co_await keyword indicates that in some cases, this coroutine could return early with an incomplete result. In your cases, this incomplete result would be non-resumabable error.
The playing around I saw was with optionals, and required using a shared ptr, but things may improve before it is standardized.

conditional in value assignment

In c++, I want to use conditionals when assigning values, for example:
int i = true && 5 || 3;
For example, using Lua you can write this:
i = true and 5 or 3
I am not sure that this is possible
Here is something that I tried:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
void main()
int test = (true && 5) || 1;
int test2 = (false && 6) || 2;
std::cout << "Test: " << test << std::endl << "Test2: " << test2 << std::endl;
C++ isn't Lua.
In Lua, true and 5 expression results in 5. That's simply how Lua works with boolean expressions.
And that's not how C++ works with boolean expressions. In C++, a boolean expression results in a boolean value. That is, either true or false.
If you want to select between two values based on a condition, we have an operator for that:
int i = true ? 5 : 3;
If the condition is true, you get the value before the :. If it's false, you get the value after the :.
I suspect you're looking for int test = true ? 5 : 1;
What you need is a conditional expression:
int i = true ? 2 : 5;
In this case i will be 2.
If we really wanted to, as of c++11 (which gives us the and and or keywords as a synonyms for && and ||), we could almost strong-arm the c++ compiler into compliance, and get it to compile this:
int x = when_true(b) and 5 or 6;
In order to do this we would need to provide some scaffolding:
#include <iostream>
struct maybe_int {
bool cond;
int x;
operator int() const { return x; }
int operator || (const maybe_int& l, int r) {
if (l.cond) return l.x;
return r;
struct when_true {
when_true(bool condition)
: _cond(condition)
auto operator&&(int x) const {
return maybe_int { _cond, x };
bool _cond;
int main()
using namespace std;
auto b = false;
int x = when_true(b) and 5 or 6;
cout << x << endl;
return 0;
My suggestion would be that you don't try this kind of thing at work.

Check Array in MFC C++

This code that I have is not working as it should.
for (int i = 0; i <= 140; i++)
if (OneLine_Array.GetAt(i) == "Pass" || "Fail" || "Warn" || "Active")
It will work though if i have it as
for (int i = 0; i <= 140; i++)
if ((OneLine_Array.GetAt(i) == "Pass") || (OneLine_Array.GetAt(i) == "Fail") || (OneLine_Array.GetAt(i) == "Warn") || (OneLine_Array.GetAt(i) == "Active"))
I was wondering is there a shorter way of doing this rather than replicating the same line of code over and over again?
You can store the result of GetAt before you get to the condition, then you don't need to evaluate it multiple times:
auto x = OneLine_Array.GetAt(i);
if (x == "Pass" || x == "Fail" || x == "Warn" || x == "Active")
For a sufficiently short variable name (but please call it something nicer than x), this will be shorter than your second example.
The reason your original condition doesn't work is because each of "Fail", "Warn", and "Active" are true, so the logical OR will also be true. They are true because they are of array type which can be converted to a pointer to their first elements (char*). A non-null pointer is converted to true.
you can't do this ( OneLine_Array.GetAt(i) == "Pass" || "Fail" || "Warn" || "Active") ==> this is not possible in C++
it will be better to save the string of the OneLine_Array.GetAt(i) in variable and make the "=="
Since you mention MFC C++. With a better performance, I'd suggest using CMap ( to store your strings. It does speed up the comparision.
Although I prefer what #sftrabbit answered, you could write a little helper for this.
template<typename A, typename B>
bool equals_one_of(const A& a, const B& b)
return a == b;
template<typename A, typename B, typename... Args>
bool equals_one_of(const A& a, const B& b, const Args&... args)
return equals_one_of(a, b) || equals_one_of(a, args...);
int f()
if (equals_one_of(OneLine_Array.GetAt(i), "Pass", "Fail", "Warn", "Active"))
// ....

How to implement logic based on a relationship matrix

Consider that I have a symmetrical relationship matrix, similar to this:
Except that each "outcome" is a small piece of code.
My scenario: I have a bunch of Entity objects that "collide" with eachother. Each entity has a CollisionType value (an enum). In the design, a relationship matrix exists which describes how the entities behave when different CollisionTypes meet each other.
I'm wondering: How would I represent the relationships, and also implement logic on top of it, in an clean and high-performance manner which is easy to add new CollisionTypes to? In my mind it looks something like a 2D Switch statement.
Example (poor) solution:
void CollideEntities( Entity e1, Entity e2 ) {
CollisionType t1 = e1.GetCollisionType();
CollisionType t2 = e2.GetCollisionType();
// perform basic logic based on t1 & t2
if ( (t1 == COL_SOLID && t2 == COL_SQUISHY) || (t1 == COL_SQUISHY && t2 == COL_SOLID) ) {
// do stuff..
} else if ( (t1 == COL_SOLID && t2 == COL_DAMAGE) || (t1 == COL_DAMAGE && t2 == COL_SOLID) ) {
// do other stuff..
} // and so on...
Many potential solutions are apparent to me, but none of them strike me as particularly clean or efficient or easy to add new types to...
I wouldn't do it that way. I'd have a Map where the key would look up a Command object containing the desired behavior.
Another possibility would be a Visitor pattern (aka "double dispatch").
Try this:
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
class Symmetric_matrix {
size_t size1;
// The next should be <bool> rather than <int>,
// but the writer's compiler objects.
std::vector<int> outcomes;
size_t size() const { return size1; }
int &operator()(const size_t i, const size_t j) {
const size_t a = i <= j ? i : j;
const size_t b = i <= j ? j : i;
return outcomes[(b*(b-1))/2 + a];
Symmetric_matrix(const size_t size0)
: size1(size0), outcomes((size()*(size()-1))/2, false) {}
// Here is a test driver.
int main() {
Symmetric_matrix sm(5);
sm(0, 1) = true;
sm(0, 3) = true;
sm(1, 3) = true;
sm(2, 3) = true;
sm(3, 4) = true;
std::cout << "buyer-approver : " << sm(0, 2) << "\n";
std::cout << "approver-buyer : " << sm(2, 0) << "\n";
std::cout << "approver-requisition: " << sm(2, 3) << "\n";
std::cout << "requisition-approver: " << sm(3, 2) << "\n";
return 0;
Your question is an interesting one. As you have observed, one need only store the upper or the lower triangle of the matrix, not both.
But what's the (b*(b-1))/2 about, you ask? Answer: it comes of the curious arithmetical fact that 0 + 1 + 2 + ... + (b-1) == (b*(b-1))/2 (try it).
Of course, my sample code could stand some improvement. For one thing, for some reason (advice is requested), my code fails when it uses a std::vector<bool>, so I have used a std::vector<int> as a workaround. For another, it does not include proper handling for the case i == j. What it does do however is to convey the essential technique. You can fill out details at your discretion.
(Update: It has later occurred to my why the std::vector<bool> fails. It fails because std::vector<bool> is implemented as an array of bits, whereas a single bit cannot be an lvalue because it has no address of its own. With clever coding, by having the operator()() return a manipulator of some specially defined type, one could probably finesse the problem without altering main(), but it is probably easiest just to define and use a set() member function if the <bool> is what we want to use.)