psql parse string with no delimiter - regex

I kindly request regexp help parsing the following string:
The out put needs to be formatted like this:
The string length is always the same the the break points (-) are always the same.
Many thanks!
PostgreSQL 9.1.9

Use following regex with capturing group
Regex explanation here.
Regex can be use with regex_replace()
TheColumn, '^(\d)(\d{5})(\d{5})(\d{5})(\d{2})$', '\1-\2-\3-\3-\4'


Regular Expression to extract a string based on delimiter

I am trying to extract a substring from a string based on delimiter '.'(period). Can someone share your thoughts on how to do it using regexp_extract please. Thanks.
- Input:-
From this answer, it appears that you can use parentheses to capture of the match, as you would in most regex systems. That is, match the whole ".[0-9]+", but only capture the numeric portion, by surrounding it with parentheses, like this:
select regexp_extract(input, r'\.([0-9]+)');
This says to match a period followed by one or more numbers, and to extract the numeric portion only. I think that the leading r marks that string as a regular expression, but I can't find documentation on it.
It seems that you will want to use REGEXP_EXTRACT
REGEXP_EXTRACT(number, r'\.(\d+)')

Regex for url route with query string

I am having hard time learning regex and honestly I have no time at the moment.
I am looking for a regex expression that would match url route with query string
What I need is regex to match population?filter=nation of course where nation can be any string.
Based on my current regex knowledge I have also tried with regex expression /^population\/(?P<filterval>\d+)\/filter$/ to match population/nation/filter but this does not work.
Any suggestion and help is welcome.
This does match only your first query string format:
Addiotionally it allows for - and _ as bindings between words. If you know, that your string ends right there, you can also add an $ to the end to mark it so.
If you know that the nation is only alphabetical characters, yu can use the simplified version:

Regex replace keeping part of a string and adding data

I have this file with thousands of records (more thank 300.000) and I have to replace all the occurrences of a particular string but keeping some of it.
I'll give you an example, the string would be
so basically I would have to convert these strings in to
does anyone have a quick solution for this?
Many thanks
Try this -
Regex - \\(\d+)
Replace with - '|''|'\1'
Demo here
Use this regex:
You should use g(global) modifier to match all. So your final regex would become:
and replace it with:

RegEx: capture entire group content

I am writing a parser for some Oracle commands, like
INTO TABLE aaa.bbb
( some parameters... )
I already created a regex to match the entire command. I am now looking for a way to capture the name of the input file ("/DD/DATEN" for instance here).
My problem is that using the following regex will only return the last character of the first group ("N").
^\s*LOAD DATA\s*INFILE\s*(\w|\\|/)+\s*$
Debuggex Demo
Any ideas?
Many thanks in advance
EDIT: following #HamZa 's question, here would be the entire regex to parse Oracle LOAD DATA INFILE command (simplified though):
^\s*LOAD DATA\s*INFILE\s*((?:\w|\\|/)+)\s*((?:TRUNCATE|PRESERVE BLANKS)\s*){0,2}\s*INTO TABLE\s*((?:\w|\.)+)\s*\(\s*((\w+)\s*POSITION\s*\(\s*\d+\s*\:\s*\d+\s*\)\s*((DATE\s*\(\s*(\d+)\s*\)\s*\"YYYY-MM-DD\")|(INTEGER EXTERNAL)|(CHAR\s*\(\s*(\d+)\s*\)))\s*\,{0,1}\s*)+\)\s*$
Debuggex Demo
Let's point out the wrongdoer in your regex (\w|\\|/)+. What happens here ?
You're matching either a word character or a back/forwardslash and putting it in group 1 (\w|\\|/) after that you're telling the regex engine to do this one or more times +. What you actually want is to match those characters several times before grouping them. So you might use a non-matching group (?:) : ((?:\w|\\|/)+).
You might notice that you could just use a character class after all ([\w\\/]+). Hence, your regex could look like
^\s*LOAD DATA\s*INFILE\s*([\w\\/]+)\s*$
On a side note: that end anchor $ will cause your regex to fail if you're not using multiline mode. Or is it that you intentionally didn't post the full regex :) ?
Not tested but...
^\s*LOAD DATA\s*INFILE\s*(\S+)\s*$

Postgresql regex replace text field

Hi guys I have question about regex, can you help me extract date from text like:
Start 20130918 14:35:00
I wan extract 20130918 only from text.
I've tried something like this:
Better to use substring than regex_replace for this type of problem:
select substring('Start 20130918 14:35:00' from '[0-9]{8}')
You can use the following expression for matching the line:
and then a replacement string: \1.
NOTE: You might need to double escape each backslash if you are passing the expression as a string, so you might need to use:
EDIT: You can use the following statement:
SELECT regexp_replace('Start 20130918 14:35:00','Start\s+([0-9]{8})\s.*','\1')
and here is an SQL Fiddle Demo