Audio issue in After Effects - after-effects

I am learning after effects. I have got one template for after effect and trying to render it. all thing is working fine but just issue in audio output. I have selected audio output also in render but I am not getting audio, as well in preview ram. what I am missing ?

Audio is simply muted. Check speaker icon, must help

Check your mute button or click RAM preview. Wait for video to render and click RAM preview button several times. I think it will solve the problem. I got this problem too but I clicked the RAM preview button and waited for it to render. And boom it worked.


Do not show Desktop between 2 videos

I´m working with OMXPlayer on Raspberry.
Right now I have a loop(with Python2.7) to show videos and it works correctly.
But I have two problems:
1. When one video is finished, the Desktop will be shown for one second. And I don't want it. How can I change quickly to another video without showing the Desktop?
2. Another problem is that I wanna show some pictures too.. I know that OMXPlayer does not show images... Can I use another program in my code? But the user should not notice the change.
I was trying to figure this out too but I'm afraid it's not possible. It seams to me that omxplayer is only able to play a single video at a time and to play another video you have to run a new instance of the program. It takes a while to initialize, hence the gap between the videos.
That said, I figured a nasty way to get around it. When playing a video, you can extract it's last frame into a PNG file with ffmpeg. Then, you can play the video with omxplayer and use whatever graphical tools you have to display the picture fullscreen in the background. When the video ends, it disappears but the picture stays there and since it's the last frame of the video, it appears to just freeze at the end for a second, before the next video starts. Then, you just repeat the process. Hope it helps.

How to load the loading scene background in cocos2d without blanking out?

I have a cocos2d game that has a loading scene where we load a bunch of assets. The game starts with the splash screen, and then launches the loading scene. The loading scene starts by loading the background, so the user sees the loading scene background while the assets are being loaded.
I load the loading scene background by calling CCSprite::spriteWithFile: and passing the filepath: loadingbackground.pvr.ccz
It seems to work differently on different devices:
On iphone (3gs) simulator, I see the loading scene as expected.
On iphone retina simulator, I don't see the loading scene (there aren't many assets yet, so may be happening quickly) and it goes directly to the main menu scene.
On the ipad 3 device, the splash screen comes up, and then there is a half second of black screen, and then the main menu scene shows up.
I want to see what I can do to avoid that black screen showing up on iPad 3. I suspect this is because of the time taken to load the loading background.
I have tried the following optimizations (mostly based on #Steffen's blog post on memory optimization):
Moved the loading background (originally 2.3 MB RGB8 png file) into a pvr.ccz spritesheet by itself, which reduced its size to 1.8 MB.
Removed the image from the texture soon after use.
I still see a black screen on iPad 3. Any suggestions?
Update: Found the issue - I had some code where I was overriding OnEnter and calling [[CCDirector sharedDirector]replaceScene] in it, and also calling the same from the background thread. Removed the OnEnter overload and it worked without flicker.
Ignore whatever happens in Simulator. That's not relevant, focus on the device.
When the loading scene initializes and you add the loading scene's background, make sure you schedule update and load your assets in the update method. Otherwise if you load the assets in init, the background won't be drawn because you're loading all the assets before cocos2d gets to redraw the screen.
If this still fails, simply send the visit message to the background sprite followed by [[CCDirector sharedDirector] drawScene]. This forces a redraw of the scene.
Is this cocos2d-iphone or cocos2d-x ? make sure the tags are correct :)
I think you're referring to the startup flicker, there are a few ways to avoid that.
first thing you need to make sure you're handling the rootViewController correctly for iOS 6 and iOS 5 and below, there are a little changes for each.
You can find a little reference here:
Second thing you need to know that simulator's behaviour is not stable, you should always rely on real devices for testing, but it's very likely you'll still have the flicker issues.
Sorry I didn't provide example code, but you haven't supported enough information to know what's the real issue here.

Change the icon on windows 7 taskbar for a pinned application

My software Pomodoro Timer is going to display a dynamic icon on Windows 7 taskbar. You may wonder why the application icon need to be dynamic. It's actually a counting down timer for me to help me focus on current task, so called the pomodoro technique:
My way to change the icon is to simply change the Window icon. It works fine when I start the application, but after I pinned it to taskbar, it will display the default icon for the application. The dynamic counter down number will disappear. More worse, after I unpinned it from taskbar, the default behavior will never be recovered, that is, the dynamic icon will not able to be updated correctly. When I start the application again, it will display the default icon, unless I pinned it and unpinned it again, the counting down icon displays again.
I've searched this forum, and Change pinned taskbar icon (windows 7), and tried to change the overlay icon. It works, but not fulfill my requirement, the overlay icon can only display 16x16, and no enough room to display 4 digits.
I also read the MSDN article Application User Model IDs, but i am still not clear whether it can make it or not.
Anyone can help on this? Thanks a lot!
Windows 7 supports having a green progress bar be shown over an icon, and pinning doesnt effect the progress bar. So, instead of changing the icon every second, why not change it every few seconds, but have the progress bar count down from 100% of the original set counter value?
The pinned items in the Taskbar are stored as a shortcut at:
%appdata%\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned\TaskBar
You can try changing the icon of the Shortcut of your program.
My final solution is:
on Windows: use icon overlay. You can get more screen shots here.
on Mac: use different icon. You can get more screen shots here.
I use different solution for Windows and Mac.
Generally an application would make use of the System Tray to show interactive state such as this to the user. There is a whole API set for interacting with it, setting icons, menus, providing text feedback (balloons), and so on.
The following is a good article on how such functionality can be achieved:

Can flash detect a screenshot (or GDI bitcopy) being taken?

Can pixels be read covertly from a browser window containing flash + HTML?
(Is it possible for flash or the browser to detect a screenshot being taken?)
What about for other methods of capturing pixels? (Like the one described here: How to read the screen pixels?)
EDIT: (background info)
A C++ application is going to read pixels from a browser window (which happens to contain Flash and some regular HTML and JavaScript). The browser window would like, if possible, to detect the fact that it's pixels have been read. The method of getting the pixels could be any (short of taking a photo of the screen itself).
For sure, you cannot detect someone using a framegrabber card to get a screenshot. There is no way you can be aware of this happening, as it happens behind the graphics card output. So for this way, no, no way you can detect it.
Otherwise, it's also pretty simple: Some application can hook your browser and prevent any event from arriving, so the user can press PrintScreen as much as he wants and your browser (let alone your Flash runtime) never gets notified. Your browser app is limited to the browser, while a desktop app has lots of means to hook and do things without notifying the browser.
(Think also about stuff like Linux/X-Windows, which will send the pixels over the wire, or RDP.)

directshow disable activemovie window in C++ console application

I am creating a video frame output program in a c++ console application using direct show. I have the video loading in and playing fine, however, the video pops up in an ActiveMovie Window. Is there any way I can possibly disable this that way I can just output frame information to the command line window? Thanks in advance.
What kind of frame information do you want to output to the console? To not have the ActiveMovie video popup, you could just use the null renderer filter.