How do I resolve linker error LNK2019 while including "zlib" in my Visual Studio 2013? - c++

I got the precompiled "lib" and "dll" from here:
I am compiling my project in x64.
I added directory into "Additional Include Directories"
I added the "zdll.lib" to Linker -> Additional Dependencies.
I added the library directory to Linker -> Additional Library Directories.
I also added the Post-Build Event "xcopy ..\oem\zlib\*.dll "$(TargetDir)"
But I still get the Linker error:
: error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol inflateInit_ referenced in function

IS that a 32-bit dll? If so, you'll have to obtain, or build your own, 64-bit version.
The linker error happens with the lib file, if you have the right headers it'll compile, if you have the right lib, it'll link, if you have the right dll, it'll run.


Include all source file for build

I have C++ project in my Visual Studio. Additionally I placed directory with source files in it in order to use them like library in my main project.
Everything works fine while code browsing. I can define includes of library headers and navigate to functions.
I got problem during project build. I got a lot of linking errors which tells that system can't link to functions from library.
Error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol lv_task_create referenced in function monitor_init testLVGL C:\cpp_test\testLVGL\monitor.obj 1
Error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol lv_tick_inc referenced in function "int __cdecl tick_thread(void *)" (?tick_thread##YAHPEAX#Z) testLVGL C:\cpp_test\testLVGL\testLVGL.obj 1
Error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol lv_task_handler referenced in function SDL_main testLVGL C:\cpp_test\testLVGL\testLVGL.obj 1
Looks like Visual C++ is even not trying to build library.
How to tell Visual C++ to include all library files located in subdirectory in order to build and link to project?
Visual Studio does not include all the files in a directory on its own. You need to explicitly include them (you dont have to do this if you add a file within the Solution Explorer or within Visual Studio). Else it wont be listed to the compiler.
To include them, go to the solution explorer and select "Show all files". This will show you all the files in the directory. Then you can see the unlisted files marked with a red icon. Right click it and hit "Include in project" and the red icon will disappear. After this, the file will be listed as one of the project's file.

Problems linking Nlopt-2.4.2 in visual studio 2017

Some back story: I am trying to get the bolt-lmm software to compile on a Windows machine, because it would be a nice addition to the research group I am in. The developers of the software have only made a linux static executeable, but made the source code available. I am used to programming in R or python, and this is my first ever encounter with C++.
I have solved a fair bit of problems, but for some reason I have not been able to get visual studio to link properly with Nlopt-2.4.2.
I downloaded it
and followed the steps given there on how to install it.
I can tell I have done the same to link the Nlopt library to the project as is described in How to add additional libraries to Visual Studio project?
I still get errors like:
Error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol __imp__nlopt_create referenced in function "public: __thiscall nlopt::opt::opt(enum nlopt::algorithm,unsigned int)" (??0opt#nlopt##QAE#W4algorithm#1#I#Z) boltCompiler C:\Users\au483192\source\repos\boltCompiled\boltCompiler\NonlinearOptMulti.obj 1
(there are a total of 12 of this type of error, and an error link 1120, which just tells me there are 12 unresolved eternals.)
I hope this is enough information to provide a hint of what is going wrong.
I did some more digging, and it seems the linker needed more than just the folder for the .lib file.
This post sums it up:
Linking a static library to my project on Visual Studio 2010
Essentially you just need to tell the linker the placement of the lib and the actual name of the .lib file.
Hopefully this will help others who forgot/did not know that added library names manually could be needed for some libraries.
open configuration properties for the project > linker > general
Then add the path to the .lib file in the "addition library directories" line
Then (still in configuration properties) go to linker > input
add the .lib file name to the "addition dependencies" line, e.g. libnlopt-0.lib (don't forget to separate with ";")

C++ LNK2019 Error, lib has been added to linker

First time I actually started writing a project in C++, for purposes. I'd like to include the TNL library.
The header files are already defined correctly and can use them. For the linker, when i try to use a function that's in the lib file it still gives me a LNK2019 error. The lib is added to the linker.
Error message example:
Here are some screenshots with the paths. I 'think' that i've put them correctly but could definitely looked over something.
Additional Dependencies:
Additional Library Directories
Actual Library Lib's are located at:
I'm probably tunnel-visioning on something. But I'm stuck right now and I'm clueless.
The unresolved symbol is _closesocket#4, which should probably resolve to closesocket() from the Windows sockets library. Try adding "Ws2_32.lib" to the Additional Dependencies line.

Visual Studio 2015 (C++) sqlite3.dll unresolved external symbol

I cannot figure out how to get sqlite3.dll (or any dll for that matter) to work with my C++ project in Visual Studio.
The error message I get is LNK2001 unresolved external symbol sqlite3_open
Here's what I did so far:
I put the .dll in myProjectFoler/Resources/sqlite3.dll
I generated sqlite3.lib using Visual Studio Developer Command Prompt using a command lib /def:sqlite3.def
I referenced the directory with the lib in Project -> Preferences -> Linker -> General -> Additional Library directories, and then referenced the .lib in Project -> Preferences -> Linker -> Input-> Additional dependencies
I placed sqlite3.h in my project and #included it
(pretty much followed the instructions seen here)
Thank you for help
The issue is that by default the header file assumes that sqlite is linked statically, as opposed to dynamic linking to a dll.
This part of sqlite3.h is responsible for that:
#ifndef SQLITE_API
# define SQLITE_API
If you set a per-project define in project properties:
this should resolve your link error.
Alternatively, you can put
#define SQLITE_API __declspec(dllimport)
right before where you #include sqlite3.h.
It's difficult to tell exactly why the problem occurred. There are lots of reasons which could cause LNK2001 error. MSDN contains good check list.
You could try to use /VERBOSE option to determine which files the linker references. Put this option in Project -> Preferences -> Linker -> Command Line -> Additional Options. Output should contains similar strings:
Searching e:\SQLite\sqlite-dll-win32-x86-3150100\sqlite3.lib:
Found _sqlite3_open
Referenced in ConsoleApplication2.obj
Loaded sqlite3.lib(sqlite3.dll)
Pay attention to the VS runtime libraries, there should be no mixup between Debug and Release libraries.

Installed MPI but still linker error LNK2019 appears

I've installed MS-MPIv5 from Microsoft and also the debugger for msmpi. In proejct properties in VS2012, I've changed C/C++ -> Additional include libraries adding "$(MSMPI_INC); $(MSMPI_INC)\x64" and also Linker -> All options->Additional Dependencies adding "msmpi.lib;", but VS is still giving me al lot of linker errors such as
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _MPI_Barrier#4
unresolved external symbol _MPI_Bcast#20
and so on, with all the mpi functions or type of variables. Is there something I forgot to change or add?
I haven't used 2012, but if it's similar to the older versions of VS then this detailed link may help. In general make sure to do these 3 things:
Add the "Additional Include Directories"
Add the "Additional Library Directories"
Add the "Additional Dependencies" (msimpi.lib)
It sounds like you may be missing the 2nd step?
Try $(MSMPI_INC)x64 (no \)
In my PC
MSMPI_INC=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\MPI\Include\