How do I make a number go down? - c++

Here I have made a program that asks how old the user is and how much money they have. Lets say for example the user puts that he/she has $500 and buys a bat for $50. How do I make the $500 go down to $450?
Here is the code:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int age;
int money;
cout << "How old are you?" << endl;
cin >> age;
if (age <= 12) {
cout << "Not for kids. Sorry!" << endl;
else {
cout << "How much money do you have?" << endl;
cin >> money;
if (money <= 50) {
cout << "Sorry not enough" << endl;
else {
cout << "Here are the items you can buy" << endl;
cout << " a = $50 Bat\n b = $100 Beats\n c = $500 Xbox One\n d = $500 PS4\n";
int a;
int b;
int c;
int d;
if (cin >> a) {
money -= 50; //This is the part where I tried to make the $500 go down
cout << "You have " << money << "left" << endl;
return 0;
This is the part where I tried to make the $500 go down to $450:
if (cin >> a) {
money -= 50; //This is the part where I tried to make the $500 go down
cout << "You have " << money << "left" << endl;
return 0;
Also if there is a way to make my program have the same output as my code but shorter, that would also be great!

You must modify your code to make it logical and readable.
I write this for you.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int age, money;
int priceA = 50, priceB = 100, priceC = 500, priceD = 500;
char choice;
cout << "How old are you?" << endl;
cin >> age;
if (age <= 12) {
cout << "Not for kids. Sorry!" << endl;
return 0;
cout << "How much money do you have?" << endl;
cin >> money;
if (money <= 50) {
cout << "Sorry not enough" << endl;
return 0;
cout << "Here are the items you can buy" << endl;
cout << " a = $ " << priceA << " Bat" << endl;
cout << " b = $ " << priceB << " Bat" << endl;
cout << " c = $ " << priceC << " Bat" << endl;
cout << " d = $ " << priceD << " Bat" << endl;
cin >> choice;
switch (choice) {
case 'a':
if(money >= priceA) {
money -= priceA;
} else {
cout << "You have not enough money!" << endl;
return 0;
case 'b':
if(money >= priceB) {
money -= priceB;
} else {
cout << "You have not enough money!" << endl;
return 0;
case 'c':
if(money >= priceC) {
money -= priceC;
} else {
cout << "You have not enough money!" << endl;
return 0;
case 'd':
if(money >= priceD) {
money -= priceD;
} else {
cout << "You have not enough money!" << endl;
return 0;
cout << "Wrong input" << endl;
return 0;
cout << "You have " << money << " left" << endl;
return 0;

If you are representing your user input's choice with a character, read it into a char.
Dispatch based on their choice:
char choice;
if (cin >> choice) {
switch (choice) {
case 'a':
money -= 50;
case 'b':
money -= 100;
case 'c':
money -= 500;
case 'd':
money -= 500;
std::cerr << "invalid choice";
} else {
std::cerr << "invalid choice";

Here's the proper way to solve this question.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int age, money;
int priceA = 50, priceB = 100, priceC = 500, priceD = 500;
char choice;
cout << "How old are you?" << endl;
cin >> age;
if (age <= 12) {
cout << "Not for kids. Sorry!" << endl;
return 0;
cout << "How much money do you have?" << endl;
cin >> money;
if (money <= 50) {
cout << "Sorry not enough" << endl;
return 0;
cout << "Here are the items you can buy" << endl;
cout << " a = $ " << priceA << " Bat" << endl;
cout << " b = $ " << priceB << " Bat" << endl;
cout << " c = $ " << priceC << " Bat" << endl;
cout << " d = $ " << priceD << " Bat" << endl;
cin >> choice;
if(choice=='a' && money >=50)
if(choice=='b' && money >=100)
if(choice=='c' && money >=500)
if(choice=='d' && money>=500)
cout << "You have " << money << " left" << endl;
return 0;


gotoxy prints wrong in c++

I am making a menu for a store with 4 options; add product, delete product, see table of created products and exit the program.
I finished the option to add products and exit, they both work fine.
Now I have to make the option to see the product table, supposedly I had already finished it but I noticed a problem ...
The first time I go in to see the product table, it prints it to me normally, like this.
enter image description here
But when I go to the menu and go back to the product table, it prints it like this.
enter image description here
Like I said, it only prints it right the first time I see it, then it prints it wrong.
Do you know how I can solve it?
This is the part of the code where I print the product table.
void table()
int c = k, m = 7;
cout << endl;
cout << "Table of created products";
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << " number of order ";
cout << "| Name of product |";
cout << " Product code |";
cout << " Amount |";
cout << " Unit price |";
cout << " Subtotal |";
cout << " IVA |";
cout << " total price |";
cout << endl;
cout << "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
cout << endl;
for (int L = 2; L <= c; L++)
cout << " ";
cout << "| |";
cout << " |";
cout << " |";
cout << " |";
cout << " |";
cout << " |";
cout << " |";
cout << endl;
cout << "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
cout << endl;
for (int h = 1; h < c; h++)
gotoxy(8, m);
cout << product[h].numor;
gotoxy(20, m);
cout << product[h].descr;
gotoxy(52, m);
cout << product[h].cod;
gotoxy(70, m);
cout << product[h].cant;
gotoxy(83, m);
cout << "$" << product[h].preuni;
gotoxy(96, m);
cout << "$" << product[h].subt;
gotoxy(107, m);
cout << "$" << product[h].IVA;
gotoxy(119, m);
cout << "$" << product[h].total;
m = m + 4;
cout << "\n\n\n";
This is my complete code (maybe I have one or another library too many because I have been experimenting).
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
using namespace std;
struct products
int numor{},
float preuni{},
string cod{};
string descr{};
void add();
void intro_code();
int val_code(char codigo[]);
void table();
void gotoxy(int x, int y);
int i = 1; //Product No. (counter)
int k = 1; //Consecutive number (counter)
int main()
char opc;
cout << " Welcome ";
cout << endl;
cout << "\n1.- Add product.";
cout << "\n2.- Delete product.";
cout << "\n3.- Table of created products.";
cout << "\n4.- Exit";
cout << endl;
cout << "\nWhat do you want to do today?: "; cin >> opc;
switch (opc)
case '1':
cout << "\nAdd product";
return main();
case '2':
cout << "\nDelete product";
return main();
case '3':
return main();
case '4':
cout << "Warning: the data entered is not correct, try again.\n\n";
return main();
return 0;
void add()
int can;
cout << "\nHow many products do you want to register?: "; cin >> can;
if (can <= 0 || can > 51)
cout << "Warning: The amount of products entered is not valid, try again";
return add();
for (int p = 1; p <= can;)
if (i < 51)
if (k <= 51) // In this part, consecutive numbers are generated automatically
cout << "\nNumber of order: ";
cout << k;
cout << endl;
product[i].numor = k;
cout << "Name of product: ";
getline(cin, product[i].descr);
cout << "Quantity to sell: "; cin >> product[i].cant;
cout << "unit price: $"; cin >> product[i].preuni;
product[i].subt = product[i].preuni * product[i].cant;
cout << "Subtotal: $" << product[i].subt;
product[i].IVA = product[i].subt * 0.16;
cout << "\nIVA: $" << product[i].IVA;
product[i].total = product[i].subt + product[i].IVA;
cout << "\nTotal price: $" << product[i].total;
cout << "\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
cout << endl;
/*In this function the product code is entered, if the user enters a code
less than or greater than 5 characters the program displays an error message and allows the
user try again.*/
void intro_code()
char hello[10];
int xyz;
do {
cout << "Code of product (5 digits): ";
cin.getline(hello, 10, '\n');
if (strlen(hello) != 5)
cout << "The data entered is incorrect, try again ...";
cout << endl;
return intro_code();
xyz = val_code(hello);
} while (xyz == 0);
product[i].cod = hello;
/*As the requirement for "product code" is that it does not contain letters, special characters or blank spaces
create the function val_code to go through each character entered in the code, check character by character with the isdigit function
to see if the character is numeric or not, if it is not numeric it prints a warning message and allows the user to try again
without leaving the console.*/
int val_code(char hello[]) {
int abc;
for (abc = 0; abc < strlen(hello); abc++) {
if (!(isdigit(hello[abc]))) {
cout << "The data entered is incorrect, try again ...";
cout << endl;
return 0;
return 1;
void table()
int c = k, m = 7;
cout << endl;
cout << "Table of created products";
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << " number of order ";
cout << "| Name of product |";
cout << " Product code |";
cout << " Amount |";
cout << " Unit price |";
cout << " Subtotal |";
cout << " IVA |";
cout << " total price |";
cout << endl;
cout << "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
cout << endl;
for (int L = 2; L <= c; L++)
cout << " ";
cout << "| |";
cout << " |";
cout << " |";
cout << " |";
cout << " |";
cout << " |";
cout << " |";
cout << endl;
cout << "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
cout << endl;
for (int h = 1; h < c; h++)
gotoxy(8, m);
cout << product[h].numor;
gotoxy(20, m);
cout << product[h].descr;
gotoxy(52, m);
cout << product[h].cod;
gotoxy(70, m);
cout << product[h].cant;
gotoxy(83, m);
cout << "$" << product[h].preuni;
gotoxy(96, m);
cout << "$" << product[h].subt;
gotoxy(107, m);
cout << "$" << product[h].IVA;
gotoxy(119, m);
cout << "$" << product[h].total;
m = m + 4;
cout << "\n\n\n";
void gotoxy(int x, int y)
HANDLE hcon;
hcon = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
COORD dwPos;
dwPos.X = x;
dwPos.Y = y;
SetConsoleCursorPosition(hcon, dwPos);
Thank you very much in advance :)
The main reason for this problem is that after the size of the console changes, the position of the symbols you draw has also changed. At the same time, the line break determined by cout<<endl; also has a problem. For example, after the window becomes larger, the line length of the console becomes larger, but cout<<endl; is still the original line length.
However, there is no good solution. I suggest you directly set the console size and m=5, m=m+2.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
using namespace std;
struct products
int numor{},
float preuni{},
string cod{};
string descr{};
void add();
void intro_code();
int val_code(char codigo[]);
void table();
void gotoxy(int x, int y);
int i = 1; //Product No. (counter)
int k = 1; //Consecutive number (counter)
int main()
HWND console = GetConsoleWindow();
GetWindowRect(console, &r);
MoveWindow(console, r.left,, 1400, 400, TRUE);
char opc;
cout << " Welcome ";
cout << endl;
cout << "\n1.- Add product.";
cout << "\n2.- Delete product.";
cout << "\n3.- Table of created products.";
cout << "\n4.- Exit";
cout << endl;
cout << "\nWhat do you want to do today?: "; cin >> opc;
switch (opc)
case '1':
cout << "\nAdd product";
return main();
case '2':
cout << "\nDelete product";
return main();
case '3':
return main();
case '4':
cout << "Warning: the data entered is not correct, try again.\n\n";
return main();
return 0;
void add()
int can;
cout << "\nHow many products do you want to register?: "; cin >> can;
if (can <= 0 || can > 51)
cout << "Warning: The amount of products entered is not valid, try again";
return add();
for (int p = 1; p <= can;)
if (i < 51)
if (k <= 51) // In this part, consecutive numbers are generated automatically
cout << "\nNumber of order: ";
cout << k;
cout << endl;
product[i].numor = k;
cout << "Name of product: ";
getline(cin, product[i].descr);
cout << "Quantity to sell: "; cin >> product[i].cant;
cout << "unit price: $"; cin >> product[i].preuni;
product[i].subt = product[i].preuni * product[i].cant;
cout << "Subtotal: $" << product[i].subt;
product[i].IVA = product[i].subt * 0.16;
cout << "\nIVA: $" << product[i].IVA;
product[i].total = product[i].subt + product[i].IVA;
cout << "\nTotal price: $" << product[i].total;
cout << "\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
cout << endl;
/*In this function the product code is entered, if the user enters a code
less than or greater than 5 characters the program displays an error message and allows the
user try again.*/
void intro_code()
char hello[10];
int xyz;
do {
cout << "Code of product (5 digits): ";
cin.getline(hello, 10, '\n');
if (strlen(hello) != 5)
cout << "The data entered is incorrect, try again ...";
cout << endl;
return intro_code();
xyz = val_code(hello);
} while (xyz == 0);
product[i].cod = hello;
/*As the requirement for "product code" is that it does not contain letters, special characters or blank spaces
create the function val_code to go through each character entered in the code, check character by character with the isdigit function
to see if the character is numeric or not, if it is not numeric it prints a warning message and allows the user to try again
without leaving the console.*/
int val_code(char hello[]) {
int abc;
for (abc = 0; abc < strlen(hello); abc++) {
if (!(isdigit(hello[abc]))) {
cout << "The data entered is incorrect, try again ...";
cout << endl;
return 0;
return 1;
void table()
int c = k, m = 5;
cout << endl;
cout << "Table of created products";
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << " number of order ";
cout << "| Name of product |";
cout << " Product code |";
cout << " Amount |";
cout << " Unit price |";
cout << " Subtotal |";
cout << " IVA |";
cout << " total price |";
cout << endl;
cout << "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
cout << endl;
for (int L = 2; L <= c; L++)
cout << " ";
cout << "| |";
cout << " |";
cout << " |";
cout << " |";
cout << " |";
cout << " |";
cout << " |";
cout << endl;
cout << "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
cout << endl;
for (int h = 1; h < c; h++)
gotoxy(8, m);
cout << product[h].numor;
gotoxy(20, m);
cout << product[h].descr;
gotoxy(52, m);
cout << product[h].cod;
gotoxy(70, m);
cout << product[h].cant;
gotoxy(83, m);
cout << "$" << product[h].preuni;
gotoxy(96, m);
cout << "$" << product[h].subt;
gotoxy(107, m);
cout << "$" << product[h].IVA;
gotoxy(119, m);
cout << "$" << product[h].total;
m = m + 2;
cout << "\n\n\n";
void gotoxy(int x, int y)
HANDLE hcon;
hcon = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
COORD dwPos;
dwPos.X = x;
dwPos.Y = y;
SetConsoleCursorPosition(hcon, dwPos);
In addition, it is not recommended that you use cmd to make gui.

Calling a class array inside of a class array C++

so I have a school project where I'm trying to create a bank account. So I have an array of class customer containing the customer name etc, this customer can have multiple accounts, so I have created an array of class accounts inside of customer. My problem is, I can't call a getter function inside of the account array, I have tried using customerArray[curr_id]->accountArray[curr_acc_num]->get_balance() however I am getting an error telling my that it is unaccessable.
Here is the code, any input would be apprechiated as it is still a work in progress.
#include <iostream>.
#include <windows.h>
#include "account.h"
#include "customer.h"
using namespace std;
bool quit;
int amount;
double bal;
bool valid_pin;
customer* customerArray[200];
account* accountArray[5];
int curr_id;
int curr_acc_num;
//1st name, 2nd name, ID
customer cust1("Paul", "Smith", 2233);
//ID, Deposit, Pin
account Paul(112, 222, 6716);
//Welcome screen function
void welcome_screen() {
cout << endl << endl << endl;
cout << "\tAbertay Banking" << endl;
cout << "\t System " << endl << endl << endl;
//Display account balance function
void account_balance() {
cout << endl << endl;
cout << "\tBank of Abertay" << endl << endl;
cout << " " << customerArray[curr_id]->get_name() << endl;
cout << " ID: " << customerArray[curr_id]->get_custid() << endl << endl;
cout << " Balance: " << char(156) << customerArray[curr_id]->accountArray[curr_acc_num]->get_balance() << endl;
//Display any outstanding loans
if (Paul.get_loan() > 0) {
cout << endl << endl;
cout << " Outstanding loan: -" << char(156) << Paul.get_loan();
//User has no loan on this account
else {
//Withdrawl function
void withdrawl() {
bal = Paul.get_balance();
cout << endl << endl;
cout << "\tBank of Abertay" << endl << endl;
cout << "Enter the amount you wish to withdraw: ";
cin >> amount;
//customer has sufficent funds, withdrawl accepted
if (amount <= bal + Paul.get_overdraft()) {
bal -= amount;
cout << endl << endl;
cout << "\tBank of Abertay" << endl << endl; cout << "You have withdrawn: " << char(156) << amount << endl;
cout << "You now have a balance off: " << char(156) << bal << endl;
cout << "Do you wish to carry out another transaction?"; //do you wish to carry out another transaction.
//customer doesn't have enough funds to carry out withdrawl
else {
char choice;
cout << endl << endl;
cout << "\tBank of Abertay" << endl << endl;
cout << "You have insufficient funds in your account" << endl;
//Deposit function
void deposit() {
//balance from user account
bal = Paul.get_balance();
char check;
double ln;
cout << endl << endl;
cout << "\tBank of Abertay" << endl << endl;
cout << "Enter the amount you wish to deposit: ";
cin >> amount;
//Option to pay off loan, if applicable
if (Paul.get_loan() > 0) {
cout << endl << endl;
cout << "\tBank of Abertay" << endl << endl;
cout << "Do you want to pay off your loan? (Y/N)" << endl;
cin >> check;
cout << "\tBank of Abertay" << endl << endl;
//User selected to pay off loan
if (check == 'y') {
//deposit paid into loan
if (amount < Paul.get_loan()) {
ln = Paul.get_loan() - amount;
cout << "Your loan is now at: -" << char(156) << Paul.get_loan() << endl;
//loan is payed of, any extra money is deposited into balance
else {
ln = amount - Paul.get_loan() + Paul.get_balance();
cout << "You have payed your loan off!" << endl;
//user has no loan or doesn't wish to pay off loan
else {
bal += amount;
cout << "You have deposited: " << char(156) << amount << endl;
cout << "You now have a balance off: " << char(156) << bal << endl;
cout << "Would you like to select another option with this account?"; //do you wish to carry out another transaction.
//Apply for overdraft
void overdraft() {
char choice;
cout << endl << endl;
cout << "\tTake out an overdraft of " << char(156) << "300? " << endl;
cout << "\t (Y/N)" << endl;
cin >> choice;
if (choice == 'y') {
//Calculating interest rates
double interest_rate(int loan) {
//Up to £3,000 rate of 11%
if (loan < 3000) {
return 1.11;
//From £3,000 to £7,000 rate of 9%
else if (loan > 3000 && loan < 7000) {
return 1.09;
//From £7,000 to £21,000 rate of 7%
else if (loan > 7000 && loan < 21000) {
return 1.07;
//From £21,000 over rate of 5%
else if (loan < 21) {
return 1.05;
//Loan eligibility funcition
void loan_elgibility() {
double max_loan;
double loan;
//Calculating loan eligibility
cout << endl << endl;
cout << "\tBank of Abertay" << endl << endl;
cout << "Caculating loan eligibility";
max_loan = (2 * Paul.get_balance());
//Loan and rates
cout << endl << endl;
cout << "\tBank of Abertay" << endl << endl;
cout << " You are eligible to borrow up to: " << char(156) << max_loan << endl << endl;
cout << " Interest rates are as follows" << endl << endl;
cout << " - " << char(156) << "3,000 at 11%" << endl;
cout << " " << char(156) << "3,000 - " << char(156) << "7,000 at 9%" << endl;
cout << " " << char(156) << "7,000 - " << char(156) << "21,000 at 7%" << endl;
cout << " " << char(156) << "21,000 - at 5%" << endl;
//User input loan request
cout << endl << endl;
cout << " Bank of Abertay" << endl << endl;
cout << " Enter loan request: " << char(156);
cin >> loan;
//Processing loan request
cout << endl << endl;
cout << " Bank of Abertay" << endl << endl;
cout << " We are processing your request..." << endl;
//Loan has been approved, loan deposited into account
if (loan <= Paul.get_balance()) {
cout << endl << endl;
cout << " Bank of Abertay" << endl << endl;
cout << "Your loan has been approved" << endl;
bal = Paul.get_balance() + loan;
loan = interest_rate(loan) * loan;
//Loan has not been approved
else {
cout << endl << endl;
cout << " Bank of Abertay" << endl << endl;
cout << "You do not qualify for a loan of this amount";
//Quit function
void quit_screen() {
char choice;
cout << endl << endl;
cout << " Bank of Abertay" << endl << endl;
cout << " Do you want to quit? (Y/N) " << endl;
cout << " ";
cin >> choice;
// customer wants to quit, end while loop and program
if (choice == 'y') {
system("cls"); //clear screen
cout << endl << endl << endl;
cout << " Thanks for using," << endl;
cout << " Bank of Abertay!"<< endl;
quit = true;
else {
quit = false;
//Request user pin number
bool pin_request() {
double pin;
int counter = 0;
do {
cout << endl << endl;
cout << "\tBank of Abertay" << endl << endl;
cout << "\tEnter pin: ";
cin >> pin;
if (pin == Paul.get_pin()) {
return true;
else if (counter == 3) {
cout << "You have entered an invalid pin too many times!";
return false;
else {
cout << endl << endl;
cout << " Bank of Abertay" << endl << endl;
cout << "You have entered an invalid pin" << endl;
valid_pin = false;
} while (valid_pin == false && counter < 3);
//Adding a new customer
int counter = 0;
void add_customer(string first_nom, string second_nom, int cust_ID) {
customer* new_customer = new customer(first_nom, second_nom, cust_ID);
customerArray[counter] = new_customer;
//creating new bank account
void create_account()
int input_custid;
double input_balance;
int input_pin;
string first_nom;
string second_nom;
int cust_ID;
char choice;
//Request new customer information
cout << endl << endl;
cout << "\tBank of Abertay" << endl << endl;
cout << "Enter first name: ";
cin >> first_nom;
cout << endl;
cout << "Enter surname: ";
cin >> second_nom;
cout << endl;
cout << "Customer ID: ";
cin >> cust_ID;
//create new customer class array
add_customer(first_nom, second_nom, cust_ID);
//creating new account array
cout << endl << endl;
cout << "\tBank of Abertay" << endl << endl;
cout << "Enter The account No. :";
cin >> input_custid;
cout << "Initial deposit in new account: ";
cin >> input_balance;
cout << "Create pin: ";
cin >> input_pin;
cout << " We are processing your request..." << endl;
cust1.add_account(input_custid, input_balance, input_pin);
cout << "Account Created.." << endl;
cout << "Thank you for joining the Bank of Abertay";
//find user account
bool find_account() {
int custID;
int counter;
bool found_account;
cout << endl << endl;
cout << " Bank of Abertay" << endl << endl;
cout << " Enter your customer ID: ";
cin >> custID;
cout << " - ";
cin >> curr_acc_num;
//not happy about this!!
for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) {
if (customerArray[i]->get_custid() == custID) {
curr_id = i;
return true;
else if (i == 199) {
return false;
//an option to send money to another account?
// need a function that takes user back to option menu if wrong pin enter!
int main() {
//welcome screen
//while loop until player decides to quit
do {
int option_choice;
system("cls"); //clear screen, updating board every time function called
cout << endl << endl;
cout << "\tBank of Abertay" << endl << endl;
cout << "\t Menu" << endl << endl;
cout << "\t1. View Balance" << endl;
cout << "\t2. Withdraw" << endl;
cout << "\t3. Deposit" << endl;
cout << "\t4. Loan eligibility" << endl;
cout << "\t5. New account" << endl;
cout << "\t6. Overdraft" << endl;
cout << "\t7. Quit" << endl << endl;
cout << "\t\tSelect: ";
cin >> option_choice;
//ensure option screen only runs through once unless an invalid option is chosen
int valid_number_check = 0;
// do {
switch (option_choice) {
//Display account balance
case 1:
if (find_account() == true && pin_request() == true) {
else {
cout << "Your request has been denied";
//Account withdrawl
case 2:
if ( find_account() == true && pin_request() == true) {
else {
cout << "Your request has been denied";
//Account deposit
case 3:
if (find_account() == true && pin_request() == true) {
else {
cout << "Your request has been denied";
//Loan eligibility
case 4:
if (find_account() == true && pin_request() == true) {
else {
cout << "Your request has been denied";
//Create new account
case 5:
case 6:
if (find_account() == true && pin_request() == true) {
else {
cout << "Your request has been denied";
case 7:
//Invalid number entered
cout << endl << endl;
cout << " Bank of Abertay" << endl << endl;
cout << "Please enter a valid number";
} while (quit == false);
// main
Account .h
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include "account.h"
using namespace std;
class customer
int custid;
string name;
account* accountArray[5];
int counter = 0;
int get_custid();
customer(string, string, int);
string get_name();
void add_account(int, double, int);
#include "customer.h"
#include "account.h"
#include <string>
using namespace std;
customer::customer(string first_nom, string second_nom, int cust_ID) {
string first_name = first_nom;
string sur_name = second_nom;
//counting the number of accounts
//identification of customer array
//custid = counter + 1000;
custid = cust_ID;
int customer::get_custid() {
return custid;
void customer::add_account(int id, double dep, int pin) {
account* new_account = new account(id, dep, pin);
accountArray[counter] = new_account;
string customer::get_name() {
return name;
#pragma once
class account
double balance;
int custid;
double loan_amount;
double overdraft;
int pin;
int account_number;
account(int, double, int);
double get_balance();
double get_loan();
double get_pin();
double get_overdraft();
void set_overdraft(double over);
void set_balance(double bal);
void set_loan(double loan);
#include "account.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
using namespace std;
account::account(int input_custid, double input_balance, int input_pin)
custid = input_custid;
balance = input_balance;
pin = input_pin;
loan_amount = 0;
overdraft = 0;
double account::get_balance()
return balance;
double account::get_loan()
return loan_amount;
double account::get_pin()
return pin;
double account::get_overdraft()
return overdraft;
void account::set_balance(double bal)
balance = bal;
void account::set_loan(double loan)
loan_amount = loan;
void account::set_overdraft(double over)
overdraft = over;

Left of '.getDrinkPrice' must have class/struct/union

This is a project from a c++ book I'm learning from.
I keep getting the error
"left of '.getDrinkPrice' must have class/struct/union"
I have tried fixing it but I just keep messing it up further. The visual studio error lists aren't too friendly for new users and this is really bothering me. I obviously don't want the code to be reposted fixed but I do want to be pointed in the right direction.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <Windows.h>
using namespace std;
double wallet = 10.00;
int change;
bool isRunning;
bool isChoosing;
int userChoice;
double pricePaid;
class Soda {
string drinkName;
double drinkPrice;
int drinkAmt;
Soda() {
drinkPrice = .75;
drinkAmt = 20;
void setDrinkName(string name) {
drinkName = name;
string getDrinkName() {
return drinkName;
void setDrinkPrice(double price) {
drinkPrice = price;
double getDrinkPrice() {
return drinkPrice;
void setDrinkAmt(int amt) {
drinkAmt = amt;
void setNewDrinkAmount(int amt, int i) {
drinkAmt = amt - i;
int getDrinkAmt() {
return drinkAmt;
// Declares classes
Soda * Cola = new Soda;
Soda * RootBeer = new Soda;
Soda * LemonLime = new Soda;
Soda * Grape = new Soda;
Soda * Cream = new Soda;
Soda *soda = new Soda;
static void init() {
// Pushes the Vending Machine data to the screen
cout << "Drink Name: " << " " << "Drink Cost: " << " " << "Number in machine: \n";
cout << *Cola->getDrinkName << " " << *Cola->getDrinkPrice << " " << *Cola->getDrinkAmt <<endl;
cout << *RootBeer->getDrinkName << " " << *RootBeer->getDrinkPrice << " " << *RootBeer->getDrinkAmt << endl;
cout << *LemonLime->getDrinkName << " " << *LemonLime->getDrinkPrice << " " << *LemonLime->getDrinkAmt << endl;
cout << *Grape->getDrinkName << " " << *Grape->getDrinkPrice << " " << *Grape->getDrinkAmt << endl;
cout << *Cream->getDrinkName << " " << *Cream->getDrinkPrice << " " << *Cream->getDrinkAmt << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "You have $" << wallet << endl;
cout << endl;
void checkValidPurchase(Soda soda, double w, double p) {
double priceOfDrink = soda.getDrinkPrice();
int amountOfDrink = soda.getDrinkAmt;
// If there are enough drinks are in the machine
if (amountOfDrink > 0) {
// If user has enough money
if (w >= priceOfDrink) {
// If amount paid is greater than drink price
if (p > priceOfDrink) {
// Calculate price and change
w = w - p;
double getChange = p - priceOfDrink;
// Return Change
cout << "Paid " << p << " returning " << getChange << endl;
// Update amounts
int j = soda.getDrinkAmt;
soda.setNewDrinkAmount(j, 1);
w = w + getChange;
// If amount paid is equal to drink price
else if (p == priceOfDrink) {
// Calculate price
w = w - p;
cout << "Paid " << p << endl;
// Update amounts
int j = soda.getDrinkAmt;
soda.setNewDrinkAmount(j, 1);
// If amount paid is less than drink price
else if (p < priceOfDrink) {
// Prompt error and return to drink select
cout << "You did not enter enough money, returning to drink select. \n";
// If user does not have enough money
else {
cout << "Not enough money in wallet. \n";
double amtNeeded = w + (w - priceOfDrink);
cout << "You have: " << w << " Needed for purchase: " << amtNeeded << endl;
// If there are not enough drinks in machine
else {
cout << "Not enough of " << soda.getDrinkName << " in machine. \n";
void sodaMachine() {
// Starts the drink select loop
isChoosing = true;
while (isChoosing) {
// gets user input
cout << "Enter the number of the soda you would like: \n";
cout << "Or to quit, press escape \n";
switch (userChoice) {
case 1:
cout << "Dispensing Cola \n";
cout << "Cost is .75 \n";
cin >> pricePaid;
checkValidPurchase(*Cola, wallet, pricePaid);
isChoosing = false;
case 2:
cout << "Dispensing Root Beer \n";
cout << "Cost is .75 \n";
cin >> pricePaid;
checkValidPurchase(*RootBeer, wallet, pricePaid);
isChoosing = false;
case 3:
cout << "Dispensing Lemon Lime \n";
cout << "Cost is .75 \n";
cin >> pricePaid;
checkValidPurchase(*LemonLime, wallet, pricePaid);
isChoosing = false;
case 4:
cout << "Dispensing Grape \n";
cout << "Cost is .80 \n";
cin >> pricePaid;
checkValidPurchase(*Grape, wallet, pricePaid);
isChoosing = false;
case 5:
cout << "Dispensing Cream \n";
cout << "Cost is .80 \n";
cin >> pricePaid;
checkValidPurchase(*Cream, wallet, pricePaid);
isChoosing = false;
case WM_CHAR:
if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_ESCAPE)) {
cout << "Exiting program \n";
isRunning = false;
isChoosing = false;
int main() {
// Sets class values
Cola->setDrinkName("1. Cola");
RootBeer->setDrinkName("2. RootBeer");
LemonLime->setDrinkName("3. LemonLime");
Grape->setDrinkName("4. Grape");
Cream->setDrinkName("5. Cream");
isRunning = true;
while (isRunning) {
// Run Program
return 0;
*Cola->getDrinkName is not correct.
Use either Cola->getDrinkName() or (*Cola).getDrinkName() instead; same for all other calls of the same kind in your code.

Program builds but displays nothing

I am working on an assignment. The problem I am having is every time I try to run my program to see what it displays, nothing shows up on the command prompt. However, if I press any key and then enter, the program starts looping uncontrollably. The program doesn't even display the initial cout message, just a blinking "_". Thanks
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void PizzaMenu();
void SizePrices();
int main()
double personal = 10.00;
double medium = 14.50;
double large = 19.00;
double xlarge = 23.50;
double FlavorChoice=0;
int SizeChoice;
int PizzaCountP=(cin >> PizzaCountP, PizzaCountP);
int PizzaCountM = (cin >> PizzaCountM, PizzaCountM);
int PizzaCountL = (cin >> PizzaCountL, PizzaCountL);
int PizzaCountXL = (cin >> PizzaCountXL, PizzaCountXL);
double orderTotal = (personal * PizzaCountP) + (medium * PizzaCountM) + (large * PizzaCountL) + (xlarge * PizzaCountXL);
cout << "Welcome to Joes pizza place!" << endl;
cout << "\nPlease chose a pizza from the menu(1-6): ";
cin >> FlavorChoice;
cin >> SizeChoice;
if (SizeChoice > 0 && SizeChoice < 5)
switch (SizeChoice)
case 1:
cout << "How many personal pizzas? "; cin >> PizzaCountP;
case 2:
cout << "How many medium pizzas?"; cin >> PizzaCountM;
case 3:
cout << "How many large pizzas?"; cin >> PizzaCountL;
case 4: cout << "How many extra large pizzas?"; cin >> PizzaCountXL;
default: cout << "please enter a choice (1-4)"; cin >> SizeChoice;
if (PizzaCountP > 0 || PizzaCountM > 0 || PizzaCountXL > 0 || PizzaCountL > 0)
printf("Your total is: %a", orderTotal);
} while (FlavorChoice != 6);
cout << "Thank you for visiting Joes place pizza! "<<endl;
void PizzaMenu()
cout << "\nSpecialty Pizza Menu" << endl;
cout << "\n1)Pizza 1" << endl << "\n2)Pizza 2" << endl << "\n3)Pizza 3" <<endl << "\n4)Pizza 4" << endl << "\n5)Pizza 5" << endl << "\n6)Pizza 6" << endl;
void SizePrices()
cout << "1) 10'' Personal" << "\t" << "- $10.00" << endl;
cout << "2) 14'' Medium" << "\t" << "- $14.50" << endl;
cout << "3) 16'' Large" << "\t" << "- $19.00" << endl;
cout << "4) 18'' Extra Large" << "\t" << "- $23.50" << endl;
cout << "Your choice (1-4)? ";
There were a few logical errors in the program. Right now, it should work fine...
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void PizzaMenu()
cout << "Specialty Pizza Menu:" << endl;
cout << "1) Pizza 1" << endl << "2) Pizza 2" << endl << "3) Pizza 3" << endl << "4) Pizza 4" << endl << "5) Pizza 5" << endl << "6) Exit" << endl;
void SizePrices()
cout << "Size Prices:" << endl;
cout << "1) 10'' Personal" << "\t" << "- $10.00" << endl;
cout << "2) 14'' Medium" << "\t" << "- $14.50" << endl;
cout << "3) 16'' Large" << "\t" << "- $19.00" << endl;
cout << "4) 18'' Extra Large" << "\t" << "- $23.50" << endl;
cout << "Your choice (1-4)? ";
int main()
double personal = 10.00;
double medium = 14.50;
double large = 19.00;
double xlarge = 23.50;
int FlavorChoice = 0;
int SizeChoice = 0;
int PizzaCountP = 0;
int PizzaCountM = 0;
int PizzaCountL = 0;
int PizzaCountXL = 0;
double orderTotal = 0.0;
cout << "Welcome to Joes pizza place!" << endl;
cout << "Please choose from the main menu(1-6): " << endl;
cin >> FlavorChoice;
while(FlavorChoice != 6) {
cin >> SizeChoice;
if (SizeChoice > 0 && SizeChoice < 5)
switch (SizeChoice)
case 1:
cout << "How many personal pizzas? ";
cin >> PizzaCountP;
orderTotal += personal * PizzaCountP;
case 2:
cout << "How many medium pizzas?";
cin >> PizzaCountM;
orderTotal += medium * PizzaCountM;
case 3:
cout << "How many large pizzas?";
cin >> PizzaCountL;
orderTotal += large * PizzaCountL;
case 4: cout << "How many extra large pizzas?";
cin >> PizzaCountXL;
orderTotal += xlarge * PizzaCountXL;
default: cout << "please enter a choice (1-4)";
cin >> SizeChoice;
// orderTotal = (personal * PizzaCountP) + (medium * PizzaCountM) + (large * PizzaCountL) + (xlarge * PizzaCountXL);
if (PizzaCountP > 0 || PizzaCountM > 0 || PizzaCountXL > 0 || PizzaCountL > 0)
// printf("Your total is: %a", orderTotal);
cout << "Your total is: $" << orderTotal << endl;
cout << "Please choose from the main menu(1-6): " << endl;
cin >> FlavorChoice;
cout << "Thank you for visiting Joes place pizza! " << endl;
// system("pause");
return 0;

Subtracting from file, outputting calculation (c++)

Lets say I have a text file that contains the value 1000 and the user inputs how much they want to subtract from the 1000, as many times as they like. Is there any way to output the actual calculation?
int read_balance(void);
void write_balance(int balance);
using namespace std;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
int selection;
int total;
int attempts = 0;
string name;
string number;
int amount = 0;
do {
cout << "1. Transfer an amount" <<endl;
cout << "2. List recent transactions"<<endl;
cout << "3. Display account details and current balance"<<endl;
cout << "4. Quit" << endl;
cout << "Please enter menu number"<<endl;
cout << "" << endl;
cin >> selection;
int amount = 0;
case 1:
cout << "You have choosen to transfer an amount" << endl;
cout << "How much do you wish to transfer from the shop account?"<<endl;
cout << "transfer funds" << endl;
if (std::cin >> amount)
std::cout << "Transferred Amount:" << amount << "\n";
int balance = read_balance();
if (amount <= 0)
std::cout << "Amount must be positive\n";
else if (balance < amount)
std::cout << "Insufficient funds\n";
int new_balance = balance - amount;
std::cout << "New account balance: " << new_balance << std::endl;
fstream infile("time.txt", ios::app);
std::time_t result = std::time(nullptr);
std::string timeresult = std::ctime(&result);
infile << amount << std::endl;
infile << timeresult << std::endl;
case 2:
cout << "Here are you're recent transactions" <<endl;
cout << "" << endl;
cout << "" << endl;
case 3:
cout << "The account names is:" << endl;
cout << "The account number is:" << endl;
std::cout << "The current account balance is " << read_balance() << std::endl;
case 4:
return 0;
cout << "Ooops, invalid selection!" << endl;
}while(selection != 4);
return 0;
int read_balance(void)
std::ifstream f;
f.exceptions(std::ios::failbit | std::ios::badbit);"shop.txt");
int balance;
f >> balance;
return balance;
void write_balance(int balance)
std::ofstream f;
f.exceptions(std::ios::failbit | std::ios::badbit);"shop.txt");
f << balance;