AWS EB and S3: DL and manipulate archive content from the cloud - amazon-web-services

I am developing a web-app which will be hosted in an AWS EB. So far, I am done with the entire back-end, and am currently working on the build for deployment.
One thing bothers me however: my back-end accesses data from an AWS S3 Bucket, downloads the files locally (!), works it's magic on it and uploads it to a different bucket.
Since the data being downloaded is being downloaded in a local folder on my computer which won't be available once deployed, how can or should I modify this to make it run in the AWS EB instance? I absolutely need to DL the files (archives) to extract and modify them. How can I achieve this in the cloud ? Or am I looking at it the wrong way?
Any help would be appreciated, please be gentle I'm kind of new to the entire EE world ...


AWS How to deploy my internet site created with Typescript on AWS

I have create a website using VS Code in NodeJS with typescript language.
Now I want to try to deploy it on AWS. I read so many things about EC2 , Cloud9 , Elastic Beanstalk, etc...
So I'm totally lost about what to use to deploy my website.
Honestly I'm a programmer, not a site manager or sysops.
Right Now I create an EC2 instances. One with a Key name and One with no key Name.
In the Elastic Beanstalk, I have a button Upload and Deploy.
Can someone send me the way to create my project as a valid package to upload and deploy it ?
I never deploy a website. (Normally it was the sysops at the job). So I don't know what to do to have a correct distributing package.
Does I need to create both EC2 and Beanstalk ?
If you go with ElasticBeanstalk, it will take care of creating the EC2 instances for your.
It actually takes care of creating EC2 instance, DB, loadbalancers, CloudWatch trails and many more. This is pretty much what it does, bundles multiple AWS services and offers on panel of administration.
To get started with EB you should install the eb cli.
Then you should:
go to your directory and run eb init application-name. You'll start a wizard from eb cli asking you in which region you want to deploy, what kind of db and so on
after that your need to run eb create envname to create a new env for your newly create application.
at this point you should head to the EB aws panel and configure the start command for your app, it usually is something like this npm run prod
because you're using TS there are a few steps you need to do before being able to deploy. You should run npm run build, or whatever command you have for transpiling from TS to JS. You'll be deploying compiled scripts and not your source code.
now you are ready to deploy, you can run eb deploy, as this is your only env it should work, when you have multiple envs you can do eb deploy envname. For getting a list of all envs you can run eb list
There are quite a few steps to take care before deploying and any of them can cause multiple issues.
If your website contains only static pages you can use Amazon S3 to deploy your website.
You can put your build files in S3 bucket directly and enable static web hosting.
This will allow anyone to access your website from a url globally, for this you have to make your bucket public also.
Instead you can also use cloudfront here to keep your bucket private but allowing access to bucket through cloudfront url.
You can refer to below links for hosting website through s3.

Deploying SPA(angular2) on S3 vs EC2

I have angular application with nodejs backend(REST API). I am confused with S3 and EC2. which one is better and what are the pros and cons deploying to each.Considering average load. Help will be highly appreciate.
I figured it out by myself.
S3 is used to store static assets like videos, photos, text file and
any other format file. It is highly scalable, reliable, fast, inexpensive
data storage infrastructure.
EC2 is a like your own server. And it is on Cloud so computing
capacity can be decreased or increased instantly as per server need.
So here my confusion is clear as ...
When we build Angular2 Application it generates .js files which called
bundle in term of angular2. Now, these files can be hosted on S3 Bucket. And can be accessed through CloudFront in front of it. Which is very fast cache enabled. And pricing model is pay per request.
But EC2 is like running own server. And we have to configure server it
self so for angular application it is not good. It is good for node
Applicationas it can do computation.
You can setup a popular ubuntu server in EC2 with
Nginx to serve your angular frontend and proxy request for your
NodeJs Api
S3 is a file storage mainly for serving static content and media files (jpg, fonts, mp4 etc)
Theoretically you can host everything in your EC2 instance, but with S3 it is easier to scale, backup, migrate your static asset.
You can probably start with one simple EC2 instance to run everything, when everything's working fine you can try move the static asset to S3

Proper Amazon S3 Deployment Process

I am currently putting together an angular application which I would like to deploy as a static website using Amazon S3.
What is the best way of doing this? If the website is live and I would like to deploy a new version, should I deploy the new version to a new bucket and change the DNS redirect? Or should I push it to a new folder inside the bucket and modify the index file to refer to that folder?
I would appreciate any further advice from anyone that has experience doing this.
There are multiple ways to handle this, but best is to test your angular app/site locally and then redeploy it on S3. It will result in little downtime but that should be fine. Other ways like deploy somewhere else and then point it there require resources and do not guarantee success (what if you missed some config at new bucket etc).
Here is a blog for deploying app to S3 -
Hope this helps!

How to Upload files to AWS from Ubuntu 15.04

I'm doing a project and have to access AWS in order to maintain files and other stuffs.
I've connected to my AWS instance and now want to upload some files from my own computer system. There I can use only terminal.
My question is that how can I upload those files or directories to my AWS instance from my computer or any other method like first I upload those files to any third party server like github and then download or clone it from there?
Please suggest me an easy way of uploading from my own computer or present me with an alternative.
Pushing your code to Github and pulling from Github when you ssh into an AWS instance is a good way to deploy.

Where to store public data and how to deploy it from GitHub

I'm working on my project which is placed on AWS EC2 instance. I used CodeDeploy to deploy app from GitHub to EC2. But I want to store public data as stylesheets, JS, images etc on S3. It's even possible to deploy app on EC2 and S3 in one step? Or should I place all files to EC2 instance only?
I've been learning AWS documentation about Elastic Beanstal, CodeDeploy, CodePipeline, Ops Works and others for two days, but I confused.
It sounds like you want to have two steps in your deployment. One where you update your static assets in S3 and another where you update your servers and dynamic content on EC2 instances.
Here are some options:
Since they are static, just have every EC2 host upload the S3 assets to your bucket as a BeforeInstall script. You would need to include the static content as part of your bundle you use with CodeDeploy.
Use a leader election algorithm to do (1) from a single host. You could deploy something like Zookeeper as part of your CodeDeploy deployment.
Upload your static assets as a separately from your CodeDeploy deployment. You might want to look ad CodePipeline as a solution for a more complex multistage deployment (which can use CodeDeploy for your server deployment).
In either case, you will want to make sure that you aren't just overwriting your static assets or you'll end up in the situation where you old server code is trying to use new static assets. You should always be careful that you can run both versions of your code side by side during a deployment.
I won't complicate it. I'll put all files to EC2 include CSS and JS by CodeDeploy from GitHub, because there is no simple and ideal solution for this.