A simple example of producing.
protocol.onConnect(function() end, function () end, ...)
Now in c, i want to get the functions which are in args #1, #2.
In strings, numbers,... we can get them using (lua_getstring,..), But I at-least didn't found how to get a function.
int luaProtocolOnConnect(lua_State* L)
int base_func // func #1
int call_func // func #2
You cannot really "get" a Lua function. Lua functions, like Lua tables, are pure-Lua objects. As such, they have no C or C++ analog. If you want to call a Lua function, that's done through lua_call, lua_pcall or similar functions. This is done in-situ on the Lua stack.
So you can't take a Lua function and turn it into a C++ value. What you can do is take a Lua function and manipulate it in the various ways that all Lua objects can be manipulated.
For example, let's say you want to store a Lua function in a C++ object, then later call whatever Lua function was stored there. Well obviously, you can't convert the Lua function directly into a C++ value. What you can do is store that Lua function in a place which C++ can access. You use some value which does have a C++ analog to reference that stored Lua function. The value must be unique for every object you want to store like this. The value you get when storing the object will be saved in your C++ object. When the time comes to retrieve the Lua function, you simply use the stored value to retrieve it.
Because this is an exceedingly common operation, Lua has ways to facilitate this. The first is the Lua registry, a table that C++ can access but Lua code cannot (not unless you give it access).
The second is the luaL_ref series of functions. luaL_ref takes whatever is at the top of the stack and sticks it in a table you provide, returning to you an integer key that can be used to retrieve it later. lua_rawgeti can be used to retrieve the function from the table by the key, and luaL_unref takes the table and the integer key, removing the referenced function from the table when you're done with it.
So if you want to store such functions, you simply need to create such a table, stick it in a known place in the registry (so that you can fetch it whenever you need to), and then use luaL_ref to store those functions. When it comes time to call them, retrieve them with lua_rawgeti. When you're finished using them, destroy them with luaL_unref.
You can use lua_isfunction to check if it's a function, use lua_pushvalue to push its value on top of the stack and then use luaL_ref (luaL_ref(L,LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);) to turn it into a unique key you can later reference to retrieve the value (lua_rawgeti(L,LUA_REGISTRYINDEX,ref)) and call the function.
I want to add some static fields to my Lua userdata objects coming from C++. The objects in question are vectors, they're created in C++ land and they work as they are but I've tried lua_setfield on my userdata but I get a attempt to index a Vector value error and I don't really want to have to use .x(), .y(), .z() due to the cost of having to call a function, push to stack and then read on the Lua side.
Is there any way to register fields on userdata for Lua access?
Userdata doesn't have "fields". What it can have is a metatable, for which you can define the __index and __newindex metamethods. Given such a metatable, the former function is called when reading the value of a field of the userdata, while the latter is called when assigning a value to a field from the outside (ud.some_field = 4 or an equivalent). If you want fields to be read only (to some degree), you can just implement __index, and attempts by the user to use __newindex will fail.
So in your C++ code, after creating the userdata, you can use lua_setmetatable to assign it a table that has these methods defined within it. Of course, these functions will need to access the actual C++ object from the userdata and fetch the specific values you're interested in.
So with the Lua C API you can save a Lua value in the registry and retrieve it later. There are different ways to do it, you can create a variable and use it's pointer as the key in the registry as it's always unique. You would push the pointer as light userdata.
You can also create a reference using LuaL_ref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX). What is the advantage of one over the other? When to use references and when to use pointers?
Also with references, as it is called a reference, if the Lua garbage collector collects the Lua value, will the value in the registry be nil? What if Lua updates the Lua value, will the value in the registry also change?
Lua registry is just another lua table, easily accessible via predefined "special" index. I guess you don't need explanations on how Lua table is different from light userdata.
It doesn't really matter how you will index registry table, as long as you can store that key on C/C++ side. For your convenience there's already functions (luaL_ref/luaL_unref) giving you integer key that is easy to store and move around.
About garbage collection - rules are always the same. As long as value is stored in table that wasn't marked as weak table (registry is not weak table), that value won't be cleared. You must explicitly remove value from the registry.
Changing value will obey normal Lua rules. Assigning new immutable value to some variable won't change value stored in registry, i.e. registry won't follow updates to some variable. But changing content of mutable value (table etc) is ok, since registry and variable will refer same value.
In addition to previous answer:
Differences between Lua lightuserdata and userdata
lightuserdata is a special Lua type (as well as nil, boolean, number, string, table, thread etc.) containing C pointer. Nothing more. You can't assign metatable to lightuserdata. On the contrary, you can assign metatable to userdata type. For example see Lua File operations, where file handle is userdata with methods. f:read("*all") f is userdata the command is equivalent to f.read(f, "*all")
Indexing LUA_REGISTRYINDEX with integer or C pointer
There are two methods that are widely used on registry table.
Create new reference to Lua value with luaL_ref and store the return integer value somewhere in your code. I.e. to access the Lua value you'll need to read C variable holding the reference and index registry table with lua_rawgeti(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, i) where is that integer value. lua_rawseti(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, i) is also possible, but don't try rewrite to a nil value with this method!
You creating a static C variable static int myvar; and then use lua_rawgetp(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, &myvar) and lua_rawsetp(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, &myvar) for manipulation of stored Lua value straight-forward.
Unfortunately I can't compare the performance of both methods. I think they are almost the same.
I would like to know is there a way to pass a struct pointer to a lua script,
and reach it's members from lua without copy (for read and write purposes).
So, for example is it possible to overwrite a member of a c struct directly through of its pointer?
(I am using luajit)
In addition to Tim's answer, you can also go for light userdata. You don't end up with a copy of your data in the Lua stack, all you push to Lua is a pointer.
Lua has no understanding of what is in this pointer, whether it still points to valid memory, or how to access any objects in this pointer, so you'll have to handle all of this yourself in C. I am usually sending a pointer to an item on a list, so if there's any risk that entry has been deleted from the list, I first iterate over the list to validate the pointer (not a big deal if your lists are short). To access items within the pointer in Lua, you need to write get/set functions in C that you can call from Lua.
To get started, here are the entries on pushing and retrieving the lightuserdata:
lua_pushlightuserdata - push an entry on the stack
lua_touserdata - retrieve the pointer value
lua_islightuserdata - validate entry is light userdata
Programming in Lua entry on light userdata
Seeing as you have tagged this for luajit, you can combine the light userdata (as mentioned by others) with FFI for direct struct member access, see the tutorial here: http://luajit.org/ext_ffi_tutorial.html
The way to do this is with a lua userdata. Here are a couple examples: link, another link.
I'm implementing Lua scripting in my game using LuaBind, and one of the things I'm not clear on is the logistics of reloading the scripts live ingame.
Currently, using the LuaBind C++ class luabind::object, I save references to Lua callbacks directly in the classes that use them. Then I can use luabind::call_function using that object in order to call the Lua code from the C++ code.
I haven't tested this yet, but my assumption is that if I reload the scripts, then all the functions will be redefined, BUT the references to the OLD functions will still exist in the form of the luabind::object held by the C++ code. I would like to be able to swap out the old for the new without manually having to manage this for every script hook in the game.
How best to change this so the process works?
My first thought is to not save a reference to the function directly, but maybe save the function name instead, and grab the function by name every time we want to call it. I'm looking for better ideas!
My first thought is to not save a reference to the function directly, but maybe save the function name instead, and grab the function by name every time we want to call it.
If your classes are calling global functions with known names, then that pretty much solves your problem. No need to grab a reference in advance; it's not going to make a measurable performance difference. I think call_function supports passing the function name as a string anyway, right?
You typically store reference to a function value when the Lua script is registering a callback. In that case, it's much better than storing a name, because it allows the Lua script to register functions which are local, anonymous, ect.
If you really had to grab the value value in advance, as you're doing now (and there's really no reason to do that, but we'll pretend it's necessary), I would add a layer of indirection. You could have a LuaFunctionReference class which encapsulates a global name. During instantiation, it grabs a reference to the function the global contains. These objects could be acquired from a factory which maintains a list of all such references. When you reload a script, you could have the factory/manager/pool/etc. object iterate through the references and have them update themselves, so all the references tucked away in classes throughout the system would be updated.
I am using swig-lua. I have a function in Lua which I call and it returns me a pointer (userdata). right now I know what this pointer is, but how can I tell Lua from within Lua?
From the Lua Reference Manual:
setmetatable (table, metatable)
Sets the metatable for the given
table. (You cannot change the
metatable of other types from Lua,
only from C.)
You cannot "tell Lua" what a userdata is within Lua. It must be given a metatable or manipulated through bound function calls using the C API. See chapter 28.1 of Programming in Lua (Pil) for more information.
The very definition of userdata is that Lua does not, can not, and doesn't want to know what it is. It's your data- what it is is your problem. If you want to manipulate it, then you must call C functions with it (operator overloads available by metatable setting).
Tell SWIG about the data type pointed at by that void pointer. If SWIG is aware of the type, then it will pass it to Lua as a userdata with a suitable metatable attached that allows the Lua side to access and modify the individual data fields, (and if it is a class, call call its methods).
This might mean telling SWIG about some data types that aren't otherwise required by the library, but is probably worth the effort in the long run.
All Lua knows about what type a userdata is is contained in its metatable. Two userdata values are the same type if they have the same metatable. That metatable is responsible for mediating all access to the its content from the Lua side, and is usually made up of methods implemented in C so that is possible to do. Without such a metatable, then the Lua side can only treat a userdata as an opaque blob.