Add custom module in Flex Relate field (vTiger) - vtiger

I am trying to add my custom module "My Calls" in Flex relate field. Now there are by default Campaign, Accounts, Leads modules are there.
I am trying to add module using tpl files but I dont think so it will work.
If anyone has some idea on this then please give me some hints.

can you please use below sql query for that.
INSERT INTO vtiger_fieldmodulerel (fieldid, module, relmodule, status, sequence) VALUES ('237', 'Products', 'Calendar', NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO vtiger_ws_referencetype (fieldtypeid, type) VALUES ('34', 'Products');


Opencart 3: how to insert to any page data from own module?

I have own module with several fields. I want to show this data in contact page and in the header. How to connect this module for exemple to contact page controller?
I have tried connect it like this:
$data['mymodule'] = $this->load->controller('extension/module/mymodule');
But nothing. What I need to do?
PS. My own mudule doesn't have model. Cotroller and language only.
As I thought, it's very easy to do. But I had to figure out exactly how.
First of all, we need to connect the modules model in the controller. Then connect the module that we need by ID. At the end, according to the standard opencart scheme, we specify variables for outputting data from the array.
$my_variable = $this->model_setting_module->getModule('module id');
$data['any_variable'] = $my_variable['any_variable'];
In the template
{{ any_variable }}

Create function in database using django ORM

In my project I want to get people who have birthday between some days, I hope to find a solution which does not force any limitations to queries.
I have found this solution which seems efficient and suite for my problem. But now I have a second problem to create the function in database using django ORM, because this must be portable and works with test database also. I could not find any proper way to able to define the function and the index based on it in django.
In brief I want to create below function in database using django:
SELECT to_char($1, 'MM-DD');
$BODY$ language 'sql' IMMUTABLE STRICT;
CREATE INDEX person_birthday_idx ON people (indexable_month_day(dob));
To answer your question, using RunSQL you can insert raw SQL into a migration
-- it looks like you should be able to put this raw SQL into a migration file, including the function that would create the custom index. So running the migration would create the custom in
But don't do this -- you should just use Django to index the dob field, i.e.
dob = models.DateField(db_index=True)
and use Django to write your queries as well.

Export CSV file in ServiceNow using URL containing personalized list columns

I'm trying to export a CSV file in ServiceNow using the URL. I've applied my various filters and I've personalized the list columns I need. The problem is, when I use the URL to obtain the records, I get ALL the columns and not my personalized list columns. Can anyone tell me why this is happening?
The URL I'm using is as follows (sample, not the real URL):
Can someone guide me as to whats missing in the URL?
There's a URL parameter sysparm_view that you can add to specify the name of the view you want to use, but it sounds like you may still be missing something.
There's a difference between "Personalizing" a list layout and "Configuring" a list layout:
The former ("personalizing") is a layout that is visible only to you.
There's no way to give a URL to someone that will give them that
particular list layout.
The latter ("configuring") is what you'll
need to use to define list layout configuration that is accessible to
any user, and which can be targeted via the sysparm_view URL
This wiki article defines views:
If you follow the steps in "Creating Views", you'll end up with a view name (as specified by you when you created it, say you called it kage77. Then you'd be able to send someone a URL with sysparm_view=kage77 and they'd see the list layout you associated with that view:
You have to include the file type as well like CSV/ XLSX/PDF
you can add few parameters,
More reference:

How to get Django Report Builder working properly?

Documentation provided by Burke isn't very thorough and there isn't a lot of information on Django Report Builder yet, not even youtube videos. Does anybody have any information on how to get work Report Builder Working in Django? I currently keep getting this error message:
(1146, "Table 'epic_test2.report_builder_report' doesn't exist")
I've installed it, but I can't create reports yet and the documentation I do have isn't very helpful. Any advice would be great! Thanks!
UPDATE TO POST/ 5.12.15 -
I fixed the first issue, but now I have a new error. :) Yay. It's a Field Error
"Cannot Resolve keyword 'name' into field. Choices are: app_label, id, logentry, model, permission, report.
ANY clues for this one would be helpful... going into third hour of troubleshooting. :)
Sounds like you may need to run a migrate to create the Report Builder tables required.
python migrate
I would suggest you do a full search in your code for "name", something like: grep -R "name" ., and see where it's defined, is it a valid field in, etc.
I've had similar error before, turned out, I updated my variable name from something like "name" to "new_name" in my model. The way report-builder works, it saves column (field) name in the database. If it's an old field name, there will be error. Luckily this is easy to fix: go to report-builder UI, remove the row for that column, then add the column back, then the new field name would be saved.
Hope this helps.

Real example of Ember.js

Please give me real example of emberjs. This example will help me understand how to write in emberjs.
Description of example:
Please open this link first:
(this is prototype to better understand what i am talking about)
And then read:
Emberjs download Groups.owner by JSON from json.php?name=groups-owner&user_id=58 and Groups.member from json.php?name=groups-member&user_id=58. Both in Groups.all.
In object Groups i have all values of arrays what i read from JSON. I want example read something like that: owner[2][name].
Then from CreateGroupsSelect i want read Groups.all and create ListBox with values group_id and names name. And when i change select i want change <p>You select {{name}} with id {{id}}</p> and refresh data in other View emberjs objects.
I will be really gratefull for help. I am trying learn emberjs but i totally block with this example.
Ok, so i have many questions :)
How to bind value form input select to attribute in controller
var val = $('select option:selected').val();
Where can i find list of possible ussage like a "select option:selected". Any documentatin for that? Where?
How can i know i should use this? How should i looking in documentation to know that? Why not Ember.Select.Change for that?
Why author use "View", i thought for select i should use class "select"?
Seriously this is my first language when i fill all is so random and i dont have any idea how to know what i can write and where. I fill really stupid with that. Any hint how to understand that?
Ok so step by step...
First of all i want read JSON and prepare data to use.
Organizer.Groups = Ember.Object.extend({
owner: [],
member: [],
all: function(){
var owner = this.get('owner');
var member = this.get('member');
return owner.concat(member);
}.property('owner', 'member'),
a) "Object" is good choice for that?
b) I want fill "owner" by array from "json.php?name=groups-owner&user_id=58". How to do that? Did i define "owner" corretly or i should write "ArrayController" or something else for that? Mayby just "Array" or "ArrayProxy"? I am filling so confuse now.
c) How should i initiate load data from JSON? I want do this only one time on the beginning.
PS Sorry if you fill my questions are so stupid but i really dont know answers and i dont hide this :)
Here is an example of how to work with select menu in Ember js
select dropdown with ember
Here is an example of working with routes and outlet helper
Right way to do navigation with Ember
If you use routing make sure you have ember latest, routing is still not released.
Router / StateManager - can't make it work
When using latest emberjs refer to documentation in source code, the documentation in ember site will be for present stable release.
The links to routing is provided from your fidle title "Router with dynamic routes"
It will be hard to solve your complete problem, give it a try starting with the routing example from above, when you are stuck ask more specific questions, we'll be happy to help.
EDIT : Some of the links are already outdated.