Extract variables from string with Regex - regex

I'm trying to extract from a string variables with the following format: ${var}
Given this string:
val s = "This is a string with ${var1} and ${var2} and {var3}"
The result should be
This is the attempt, it ends in an exception. What's wrong with this regex?
val pattern = """\${([^\s}]+)(?=})""".r
val s = "This is a string with ${var1} and ${var2} and {var3}"
val vals = pattern.findAllIn(s)
and the exception:
Exception in thread "main" java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException:
Illegal repetition near index 1 \${([^\s}]+)(?=})

NOTE :- { in regex have special meaning. It denotes range. e.g. a{2,10} denotes match a in between 2 to 10 times. So you need to escape {.
Solution 1
val pattern = """\$\{([^\s}]+)(?=})""".r
You need to access the first capturing group for finding the result and then change it to list.
Solution 2
You can also use lookbehind like
val pattern = """(?<=\$\{)[^\s}]+(?=})""".r
Ideone Demo


Scala regex : capture between group

In below regex I need "test" as output but it gives complete string which matches the regex. How can I capture string between two groups?
val pattern = """\{outer.*\}""".r
println(pattern.findAllIn(s"try {outer.test}").matchData.map(step => step.group(0)).toList.mkString)
Input : "try {outer.test}"
expected Output : test
current output : {outer.test}
You may capture that part using:
val pattern = """\{outer\.([^{}]*)\}""".r.unanchored
val s = "try {outer.test}"
val result = s match {
case pattern(i) => i
case _ => ""
The pattern matches
\{outer\. - a literal {outer. substring
([^{}]*) - Capturing group 1: zero or more (*) chars other than { and } (see [^{}] negated character class)
\} - a } char.
NOTE: if your regex must match the whole string, remove the .unanchored I added to also allow partial matches inside a string.
See the Scala demo online.
Or, you may change the pattern so that the first part is no longer as consuming pattern (it matches a string of fixed length, so it is possible):
val pattern = """(?<=\{outer\.)[^{}]*""".r
val s = "try {outer.test}"
// => test
See this Scala demo.
Here, (?<=\{outer\.), a positive lookbehind, matches {outer. but does not put it into the match value.

Scala regex get parameters in path

regex noob here.
example path:
Using regex, how do I grab everything after the "=" between the /Joseph/ path and /etc? I'm trying to create a list like
[20, human, 170]
So far I have
val pattern = ("""(?<=Joseph/)[^/]*""").r
val matches = pattern.findAllIn(path)
The pattern lets me just get "age=20" but I thought findAllIn would let me find all of the "parameter=" matches. And after that, I'm not sure how I would use regex to just obtain the "20" in "age=20", etc.
See regex in use here
See code in use here
object Main extends App {
val path = "home://Joseph/age=20/race=human/height=170/etc"
val pattern = ("""(?:(?<=/Joseph/)|\G(?!\A)/)[^=]+=([^=/]+)""").r
pattern.findAllIn(path).matchData foreach {
m => println(m.group(1))
(?:(?<=/Joseph/)|\G(?!\A)/) Match the following
(?<=/Joseph/) Positive lookbehind ensuring what precedes matches /Joseph/ literally
\G(?!\A)/ Assert position at the end of the previous match and match / literally
[^=]+ Match one or more of any character except =
= Match this literally
([^=/]+) Capture one or more of any character except = and / into capture group 1
Your pattern looks for the pattern directly after Joseph/, which is why only age=20 matched, maybe just look after =?
val s = "home://Joseph/age=20/race=human/height=170/etc"
// s: String = home://Joseph/age=20/race=human/height=170/etc
val pattern = "(?<==)[^/]*".r
// pattern: scala.util.matching.Regex = (?<==)[^/]*
// res3: List[String] = List(20, human, 170)

Cannot retrive a group from Scala Regex match

I am struggling with regexps in Scala (2.11.5), I have a followin string to parse (example):
val string = "http://sth.com/sth/56,57597,14058913,Article_title,,5.html"
I want to extract third numeric value in the string above (it needs to be third after a slash because there can be other groups following), in order to do that I have the following regex pattern:
val pattern = """\/\d+,\d+,(\d+)""".r
I have been trying to retrieve the group for the third sequence of digits, but nothing seems to work for me.
val matchList = pattern.findAllMatchIn(string).foreach(println)
val matchListb = pattern.findAllIn(string).foreach(println)
I also tried using matching pattern.
string match {
case pattern(a) => println(a)
case _ => "What's going on?"
and got the same results. Either whole regexp is returned or nothing.
Is there an easy way to retrieve a group form regexp pattern in Scala?
You can use group method of scala.util.matching.Regex.Match to get the result.
val string = "http://sth.com/sth/56,57597,14058913,Article_title,,5.html"
val pattern = """\/\d+,\d+,(\d+)""".r
val result = pattern.findAllMatchIn(string) // returns iterator of Match
.headOption // returns None if match fails
.map(_.group(1)) // select first regex group
// or simply
val result = pattern.findFirstMatchIn(string).map(_.group(1))
// result = Some(14058913)
// result will be None if the string does not match the pattern.
// if you have more than one groups, for instance:
// val pattern = """\/(\d+),\d+,(\d+)""".r
// result will be Some(56)
Pattern matching is usually the easiest way to do it, but it requires a match on the full string, so you'll have to prefix and suffix your regex pattern with .*:
val string = "http://sth.com/sth/56,57597,14058913,Article_title,,5.html"
val pattern = """.*\/\d+,\d+,(\d+).*""".r
val pattern(x) = string
// x: String = 14058913

Splitting string using Regex and pattern matching throws an exception

Could you guys please tell me what I'm doing incorrectly trying to extract using regex pattern-matching? I have following code
val Pattern = "=".r
val Pattern(key, value) = "key=value"
And I get following exception in runtime
Exception in thread "main" scala.MatchError: key=value (of class java.lang.String)
That's more of a regular expression problem: your regex does not capture any groups, it just matches a single = character.
val Pattern = "([^=]*)=(.*)".r
you will get:
scala> val Pattern(key, value) = "key=value"
key: String = key
value: String = value
Also, that won't match if the input string is empty. You can change the pattern to make it match, or (better) you can pattern match with the regex, like so:
"key=value" match {
case Pattern(k, v) => // do something
case _ => // wrong input, do nothing
If what you actually wanted was to split the input text with whatever the regex matches, that is also possible using Regex.split:
scala> val Pattern = "=".r
Pattern: scala.util.matching.Regex = =
scala> val Array(key, value) = Pattern.split("key=value")
key: String = key
value: String = value

Using RegEx split the string

I have a string like '[1]-[2]-[3],[4]-[5],[6,7,8],[9]' or '[Computers]-[Apple]-[Laptop],[Cables]-[Cables,Connectors],[Adapters]', I'd like the Pattern to get the list result, but don't know how to figure out the pattern. Basically the comma is the split, but [6,7,8] itself contains the comma as well.
the string: [1]-[2]-[3],[4]-[5],[6,7,8],[9]
the result:
the string: [Computers]-[Apple]-[Laptop],[Cables]-[Cables,Connectors],[Adapters]
the result:
This pattern splits on any comma that is followed by a bracket, but keeps the bracket within the result text.
The (?=*stuff*) is known as a "lookahead assertion". It acts as a condition for the match but is not itself part of the match.
In C# code:
String inputstring = "[Computers]-[Apple]-[Laptop],[Cables]-[Cables,Connectors],[Adapters]";
foreach(String s in Regex.Split(inputstring, #",(?=\[)"))
In Java code:
String inputstring = "[Computers]-[Apple]-[Laptop],[Cables]-[Cables,Connectors],[Adapters]";
Pattern p = Pattern.compile(",(?=\\[)"));
for(String s : p.split(inputstring))
Either produces:
Although I believe the best approach here is to use split (as presented by #j__m's answer), here's an approach that uses matching rather than splitting.
Example usage:
String input = "[Computers]-[Apple]-[Laptop],[Cables]-[Cables,Connectors],[Adapters]";
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(\\[.*?\\](?!-))");
Matcher m = p.matcher(input);
while (m.find()) {
Resulting output:
An answer that doesn't use regular expressions (if that's worth something in ease of understanding what's going on) is:
substitute "]#[" for "],["
split on "#"