I'm new to fortran. I'm trying to get a pointer to an array slice but the compiler gives the error:
ptr => output_conv(i,:,:)
Error: Syntax error in argument list at (1)
The relevant code is below:
subroutine dummyRoutine(output_conv,upperlimit)
implicit none
integer::i, upperlimit
real, dimension(:,:,:), target::output_conv
real, dimension(:,:), pointer::ptr
do i = 1, upperlimit
ptr => output_conv(i,:,:)
end do
end subroutine
What am I doing wrong? Is there some syntax quirk I'm unaware of?
I have the following simple Fortran code
program test
type vec
integer :: x(3)
end type
type(vec) :: v(2)
call sub(v)
subroutine sub (v)
class(vec), intent(in) :: v(:)
integer :: k, q(3)
q = [ (v(1)%x(k), k = 1, 3) ] ! <-- fails here
end subroutine
end program
which, when compiled by GNU Fortran 11 (but not other versions) with -fcheck=bounds, fails with the error
At line 19 of file test.f90
Fortran runtime error: Index '3' of dimension 1 of array 'v%_data%x' above upper bound of 2
It look as if the compiler simply interchanged the lengths of x and v and this can be confirmed by changing the numbers.
When the word class is replaced by type, the problem goes away.
I believe that the code is valid as it is. Or is it violating some Fortran language restriction that results in this surprising behaviour?
UPDATE: My modified code looks like this:
program run_module_test
use module_test
implicit none
TYPE(newXYZ), allocatable, intent(inout) :: xyzArray(:)
call update(xyzArray)
end program run_module_test
module module_test
implicit none
TYPE :: newXYZ
real(4) :: x, u
real(4) :: y, v
real(4) :: z, w
real(4),dimension(3) :: uvw
integer(4) :: shape = 3
subroutine update(xyzArray)
integer(4) :: i
TYPE(newXYZ), allocatable, intent(inout) :: xyzArray(:)
allocate( xyzArray(shape) )
do i = 1, shape
xyzArray(i)%x = 0
xyzArray(i)%y = 0
xyzArray(i)%z = 0
xyzArray(i)%u = 0
xyzArray(i)%v = 0
xyzArray(i)%w = 0
xyzArray(i)%uvw = (/0,0,0/)
end do
end subroutine update
end module module_test
When they are compiled, they generate a similar error:
TYPE(newXYZ), allocatable, intent(inout) :: xyzArray(:)
Error: ALLOCATABLE attribute conflicts with DUMMY attribute at (1)
When I eliminate the argument in update() subroutine, I receive a contradictory error:
TYPE(newXYZ), allocatable, intent(inout) :: xyzArray(:)
Error: Symbol at (1) is not a DUMMY variable
Have I eliminated the sources of error pointed out in the helpful suggestions? Could this be a compiler related error (using mpi90)?
~~~First Edit~~~
I have a subroutine whose input argument is an array of user defined type XYZ. I wish to deallocate xyzArray and allocate/modify it to a different size in the body of the subroutine. I attempted the method suggested by changing array dimensions in fortran, but when I do the following:
subroutine update(xyzArray, ...)
TYPE (XYZ), allocatable :: xyzArray(:)
I receive an error message:
Error: ALLOCATABLE attribute conflicts with DUMMY attribute at (1)
When I try:
subroutine update(xyzArray, ...)
deallocate( xyzArray(myshape) )
allocate( xyzArray(newshape) )
I receive error messages:
Error: Expression in DEALLOCATE statement at (1) must be ALLOCATABLE or a POINTER
Error: Expression in ALLOCATE statement at (1) must be ALLOCATABLE or a POINTER
What do I need to do to change the size of the array in the subroutine?
To do this:
The dummy argument must be allocatable. Allocatable dummy arguments require a compiler that implements the relevant part of the Fortran 2003 standard (or a Fortran 95 compiler that implements the so called "allocatable" TR).
An explicit interface to the procedure is required (the procedure must be a module procedure, an internal procedure or have an interface block in the calling scope).
The dummy argument must not be intent(in). If you are not using the allocation status or other aspects of the value of the dummy argument at all in the subroutine then intent(out) may be appropriate (if allocated beforehand the dummy argument will be automatically deallocated when the procedure is called), otherwise intent(inout) or no intent.
(Your second block of example code has a syntax error with the deallocate statement - you should simply specify the xyzArray variable, leave off the (myshape) shape specification))
For example, in a module:
subroutine update(xyzArray)
type(xyz), allocatable, intent(inout) :: xyzArray(:)
if (allocated(xyzArray)) deallocate(xyzArray)
If you are sure, you want to deallocate the array in your subroutine, you can declare the dummy argument being intent(out), so that it is deallocated automatically when the subroutine is entered:
module whatever
implicit none
type :: xyz
end type xyz
subroutine update(xyzArray)
type(xyz), allocatable, intent(out) :: xyzArray(:)
end subroutine update
end module whatever
As already noted by IanH, the process must have an explicit interface (e.g. being enclosed in a module) and in the caller program you must declare the actual argument allocatable:
program test
use whatever
implicit none
type(xyz), allocatable :: array(:)
call update(array)
end program test
I have a small code declaring a pointer to array of derived type which has a field that is an allocatable array of another derived type having a real variable as a field.
Using gnu fortran (8.2) I obtain different results for each location in the array or as a vector.
Using intel fortran (2019.4) compiler succeeded.
program test
implicit none
integer, parameter :: length = 2
real(8), dimension(length) :: a, b
integer :: i
type point
real(8) :: x
end type point
type stored
type(point), dimension(:), allocatable :: np
end type stored
type(stored), dimension(:), pointer :: std=>null()
std(1)%np(1)%x = 0.3d0
std(1)%np(2)%x = 0.3555d0
do i = 1, length
write(*, "('std(1)%np(',i1,')%x = ',1e22.14)") i, std(1)%np(i)%x
end do
do i = 1, length
write(*, "('std(1)%np(1:',i1,') = ',2e22.14)") i, std(1)%np(1:i)%x
end do
a = std(1)%np(1:2)%x
b = [std(1)%np(1)%x, std(1)%np(2)%x]
if (norm2(a - b) .gt. 1d-3) then
write(*,*) 'failure'
write(*, *) 'success'
end if
end program test
the code terminates successfully, but using gfortran one obtains 'failure' on screen and inconsistent prints above and using Intel compiler one obtains 'success' on screen and consistent prints above.
It's not clear to me what your question is, unless it's the title. If so, no, pointers to derived types are fine. Your program correctly allocates std as an extent-1 array and then allocates std(1)%np(2). It then assigns to the x subcomponents of both np elements. Looks fine to me.
There are several things that could potentially cause "failure" - you should run the gfortran code in the debugger to see what is going wrong.
The problem presented in the code above was resolved in the following [link] https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=91077
I'm new to Fortran programming and I'm trying to understand the call between subroutines. So I wrote a simple program to test it
Here is my code
program dummy
real, allocatable, dimension(:) :: zz,yy
call test2(zz,yy)
print *, zz, yy
subroutine test1(ar1,ar2,arsum)
real, dimension(:) :: ar1,ar2
real, allocatable, dimension(:) :: arsum
arsum(1:size(ar1)) = ar1
arsum(size(ar1)+1:size(ar1)+size(ar2)) = ar2
end subroutine test1
subroutine test2(sg1,sg2)
real, dimension(3) :: g1,g3
real, dimension(4) :: g2,g4
real, allocatable,dimension(:) :: sg1,sg2,dum
g1 = 1.0
g2 = 2.0
g3 = 3.0
g4 = 4.0
call test1(g1,g3,dum)
sg1 = 2*dum
call test1(g2,g4,dum)
sg2 = 3*dum
end subroutine test2
end program dummy
However this throws me the following error
forrtl: severe (151): allocatable array is already allocated
Image PC Routine Line Source
dummy.exe 0000000000409B1C Unknown Unknown Unknown
dummy.exe 0000000000402E70 MAIN__ 26 dummy.f90
dummy.exe 0000000000402A2E Unknown Unknown Unknown
libc-2.23.so 00002B3E716C7830 __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
dummy.exe 0000000000402929 Unknown Unknown Unknown
The test1 subroutine simply concatenates any two given arrays. Test2 subroutine defines the arrays to be concatenated and does some algebra on the output and stores them in new arrays. The program dummy simply prints the new arrays.
What is it that I'm doing wrong here?
Let's look at the flow of the program here. There's some terminology involved here, but what is used can hopefully be explored through other documentation.
The main program calls the subroutine test2 with a couple of arguments. For the problem here, those arguments are of no interest. Instead, look at the local (to the subroutine) variable dum.
dum is an allocatable array. It starts life at execution of test2 as not allocated. It's first an (actual) argument to the call of test1 and later as an (actual) argument to another call of test1. So, what goes wrong?
Intent of the arguments is crucial here. Really crucial. One should read up on intents elsewhere before continuing with this answer.
So, we're now familiar with argument intents.
On entering the subroutine test1 the dummy argument arsum has the same allocation status as the actual argument dum. During test1's execution there is an allocate statement.
An allocate statement may only attempt to allocate a thing not already allocated. This is fine on the first call: on entry dum/arsum is not allocated. During execution of the subroutine arsum is allocated, and this affects the allocation status of test2's dum.
On the second call to test1 arsum is now allocated because the actual argument dum is allocated. The allocate statement fails, with the error message given, because of this.
That's the problem; how to fix? We need to ensure arsum is not allocated. There are two obvious ways:
test the allocation status of arsum and respond accordingly (perhaps with a deallocate);
deallocate dum between calls of test1.
But there is a possibly more appropriate way. Note that dum is useful only as returning to test2 the value of some operation. Think back to intents: this is what intent(out) signifies.
If we rewrite the subroutine test1 as
subroutine test1(ar1,ar2,arsum)
real, dimension(:) :: ar1,ar2
real, allocatable, dimension(:), intent(out) :: arsum
arsum(1:size(ar1)) = ar1
arsum(size(ar1)+1:size(ar1)+size(ar2)) = ar2
end subroutine test1
then, because of the intent(out), attribute arsum/dum is automatically deallocated if it is allocated on entry.
Finally (and not shown), one could even consider using a function to return arsum or even use automatic arrays rather than allocatable ones. Or, even Fortran 2003 automatic allocation and an array constructor:
subroutine test1(ar1,ar2,arsum)
real, dimension(:) :: ar1,ar2
real, allocatable, dimension(:) :: arsum ! Or with `intent(out)`
arsum = [ar1,ar2]
end subroutine test1
I seem to have hit a wall while coding these past few days. from what i can gather, it is possible to make arrays of arrays in fortran ala Fortran array of variable size arrays
type par
.... !data
integer :: location
end type par
type locations
....! data
type (par), allocatable, dimension(:) :: pars
end type locations
type (par), allocatable, dimension(:) :: all_pars
type (locations), allocatable, dimension(:) :: all_loc
.... !read numpars, numlocs from file etc
!initialize all_pars
do n = 1:numpars
all_pars(n)%location = some_location
!get particles in each location
do n = 1:numlocs
allocate(all_locs(n)%pars(count(all_pars(:)%location .ne. n)))
all_locs(n)%pars = pack(all_pars, (all_pars(:)%location .ne. n)) !ERROR: An assignment of different structure types is invalid.
the compiler does not complain with my equivalent lines of code for the stack overflow example above, but it indeed does have an issue when i attempt to use that array to store the result of a pack function call. i suspect that it may be the case that the allocate function is not behaving as expected, but since the code does not compile, i cannot debug it....
the squirrely idea for pack usage comes from http://flibs.sourceforge.net/fortran_aspects.html , about halfway down the page.
I am running on a linux system, with ifort
any help is much appreciated
This may be an extended comment rather than an answer ...
to get it to compile I modified your posted code to;
program main
implicit none
integer :: numpars, numlocs, n
type par
integer :: location
end type par
type locations
! data
type (par), allocatable, dimension(:) :: pars
end type locations
type (par), allocatable, dimension(:) :: all_pars
type (locations), allocatable, dimension(:) :: all_locs
!read numpars, numlocs from file etc
numpars = 10
numlocs = 4
!initialize all_pars
all_pars(1:numpars:4)%location = 1
all_pars(2:numpars:4)%location = 2
all_pars(3:numpars:4)%location = 3
all_pars(4:numpars:4)%location = 4
!get particles in each location
do n = 1,numlocs
! allocate(all_locs(n)%pars(count(all_pars(:)%location .ne. n)))
all_locs(n)%pars = pack(all_pars, (all_pars(:)%location .ne. n))
end program
and it compiles without a hitch on my Mac with Intel Fortran 13.something. Of course, since you've only posted a syntactically-slightly-incorrect part of your code I can't be sure that this tells you very much.
Since you don't show that your code uses implicit none your error might be down to the difference between all_loc and all_locs or some other similar issue.
Note, in passing, that with Fortran allocatable arrays you don't need to allocate all_locs(n)%pars prior to setting its value with the call to pack, the compiler will take care of that for you. This, though, is not the source of your error.