How to read files asynchroneusly in c++? - c++

I need to read file asynchroneously
string read(string path) {
DWORD readenByte;
int t;
char* buffer = new char[512];
HANDLE hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, "read");
overlap.hEvent = hEvent;
if(!hFile) {
Debug::error(GetLastError(), "fileAsync.cpp::read - ");
t = ReadFile(hFile, buffer, MAX_READ - 1, &readenByte, &overlap);
if(!t) {
Debug::error(GetLastError(), "fileAsync.cpp::read - ");
t = WaitForSingleObject(hEvent, 5000);
if(t == WAIT_TIMEOUT) {
Debug::error("fail to read - timeout, fileAsync.cpp::read");
buffer[readenByte] = '\0';
string str = buffer;
return str;
I've got the error at ReadFile - 38: reached the end of the file
How to read asynchroneusly file in c++ with use of winapi?

There are several bugs in your code that need to be addressed, some cause failure, others catastrophic failure.
The first bug leads to the error code you get: You have an uninitialized OVERLAPPED structure, instructing the following ReadFile call to read from the random file position stored in the Offset and OffsetHigh members. To fix this, initialize the data: OVERLAPPED overlap = {0};.
Next, you aren't opening the file for asynchronous access. To subsequently read asynchronously from a file, you need to call CreateFile passing FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED for dwFlagsAndAttributes. If you don't you're off to hunting a bug for months (see What happens if you forget to pass an OVERLAPPED structure on an asynchronous handle?).
The documentation for ReadFile explains, that lpNumberOfBytesRead parameter is not used for asynchronous I/O, and you should pass NULL instead. This should be immediately obvious, since an asynchronous ReadFile call returns, before the number of bytes transferred is known. To get the size of the transferred payload, call GetOverlappedResult once the asynchronous I/O has finished.
The next bug only causes a memory leak. You are dynamically allocating buffer, but never call delete[] buffer;. Either delete the buffer, or allocate a buffer with automatic storage duration (char buffer[MAX_READ] = {0};), or use a C++ container (e.g. std::vector<char> buffer(MAX_READ);).
Another bug is, where you try to construct a std::string from your buffer: The constructor you chose cannot deal with what would be an embedded NUL character. It'll just truncate whatever you have. You'd need to call a std::string constructor taking an explicit length argument. But even then, you may wind up with garbage, if the character encoding of the file and std::string do not agree.
Finally, issuing an asynchronous read, followed by WaitForSingleObject is essentially a synchronous read, and doesn't buy you anything. I'm assuming this is just for testing, and not your final code. Just keep in mind when finishing this up, that the OVERLAPPED structure need to stay alive for as long as the asynchronous read operation is in flight.
Additional recommendations, that do not immediately address bugs:
You are passing a std::string to your read function, that is used in the CreateFile call. Windows uses UTF-16LE encoding throughout, which maps to wchar_t/std::wstring when using Visual Studio (and likely other Windows compilers as well). Passing a std::string/const char* has two immediate drawbacks:
Calling the ANSI API causes character strings to be converted from MBCS to UTF-16 (and vice versa). This both needlessly wastes resources, as well as fails in very subtle ways, as it relies on the current locale.
Not every Unicode code point can be expressed using MBCS encoding. This means, that some files cannot be opened when using MBCS character encoding.
Use the Unicode API (CreateFileW) and UTF-16 character strings (std::wstring/wchar_t) throughout. You can also define the preprocessor symbols UNICODE (for the Windows API) and _UNICODE (for the CRT) at the compiler's command line, to not accidentally call into any ANSI APIs.
You are creating an event object that is only ever accessed through its HANDLE value, not by its name. You can pass NULL as the lpName argument to CreateEvent. This prevents potential name clashes, which is all the more important with a name as generic as "read".

1) You need to include the flag FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED in the 6th argument (dwFlagsAndAttributes) of the call to CreateFile. That is why most likely the overlapped read fails.
2) What is the value of MAX_READ? I hope it's less than 513 otherwise if the file is bigger than 512 bytes bad things will happen.
3) ReadFile with the overlapped structure pointer being not NULL will give you the error code 997 (ERROR_IO_PENDING) which is expected and thus you cannot evaluate the t after calling ReadFile.
4) In the case of asynchronous operation the ReadFile function does not store the bytes read in the pointer you pass in the call, you must query the overlapped result yourself after the operation is completed.
Here is a small working snippet, I hope you can build up from that:
#include <Windows.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
class COverlappedCompletionEvent : public OVERLAPPED
COverlappedCompletionEvent() : m_hEvent(NULL)
m_hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
if (m_hEvent == NULL)
auto nError = GetLastError();
std::stringstream ErrorStream;
ErrorStream << "CreateEvent() failed with " << nError;
throw std::runtime_error(ErrorStream.str());
ZeroMemory(this, sizeof(OVERLAPPED));
hEvent = m_hEvent;
if (m_hEvent != NULL)
HANDLE m_hEvent;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
if (argc != 2)
std::stringstream ErrorStream;
ErrorStream << "usage: " << argv[0] << " <filename>";
throw std::runtime_error(ErrorStream.str());
COverlappedCompletionEvent OverlappedCompletionEvent;
char pBuffer[512];
if (hFile == NULL)
auto nError = GetLastError();
std::stringstream ErrorStream;
ErrorStream << "CreateFileA() failed with " << nError;
throw std::runtime_error(ErrorStream.str());
if (ReadFile(hFile, pBuffer, sizeof(pBuffer), nullptr, &OverlappedCompletionEvent) == FALSE)
auto nError = GetLastError();
if (nError != ERROR_IO_PENDING)
std::stringstream ErrorStream;
ErrorStream << "ReadFile() failed with " << nError;
throw std::runtime_error(ErrorStream.str());
::WaitForSingleObject(OverlappedCompletionEvent.hEvent, INFINITE);
DWORD nBytesRead = 0;
if (GetOverlappedResult(hFile, &OverlappedCompletionEvent, &nBytesRead, FALSE))
std::cout << "Read " << nBytesRead << " bytes" << std::endl;
catch (const std::exception& Exception)
std::cout << Exception.what() << std::endl;


Buffer Allocation With GetModuleFileNameEx

I am currently trying to get the full filepath from my executable by providing a process ID, and this works "fine" in the since that its able to return some of the information needed, however for some reason it becomes corrupted and this can be seen when trying to return it as a plain string: C and if you iterate over each char and print each letter you get even more of a mess. Where is my current coding wrong when attempting allocate my buffer?
std::string User::getFullPath() {
char buffer[MAX_PATH];
if (hProcess != NULL)
GetModuleFileNameEx(hProcess, NULL, (LPWSTR)buffer, MAX_PATH);
for (char i : buffer) {
std::cout << i<<std::endl;
return buffer;
How do I properly allocate the memory in this case to prevent corruption
First off, the contents of your array are uninitialized if OpenProcess() fails. There is no need to use OpenProcess() on the calling process ID. Use GetCurrentProcess() instead, or simply use GetModuleFileName() instead.
That said, the real problem is not with memory allocation, but rather is that you are mixing ANSI and Unicode incorrectly. You are typecasting a char[] buffer to wchar_t*, which won't work.
You need to either:
use a wchar_t[] instead:
std::wstring User::getFullPath() {
wchar_t buffer[MAX_PATH] = {};
GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, buffer, MAX_PATH);
std::wcout << buffer << std::endl;
return buffer;
use GetModuleFileName(Ex)A() instead:
std::string User::getFullPath() {
char buffer[MAX_PATH] = {};
GetModuleFileNameA(NULL, buffer, MAX_PATH);
std::cout << buffer << std::endl;
return buffer;

C++ Windows can't add program to startup

I'm using this function to add my program to startup. But it doesn't work and I don't know why weird ascii characters and words are showing up in startup applications. What am I doing wrong?
Instead this is being added to starup. U㫅萹㐀蠀渐晁Ɉ U㫆萺㝈耀 U㫆萺㝈耀 and C. Which has no file location and also no details.
HKEY NewVal;
char loggeduser[UNLEN + 1];
std::ostringstream fileinhome;
GetUserNameA(loggeduser, &len);
fileinhome << "C:\\Users\\" << loggeduser << "\\AppData\\Roaming\\snetwork\\snetwork.exe";
std::string fp = fileinhome.str();
const char* file = fp.c_str();
if (RegOpenKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, _T("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run"), &NewVal) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
if (RegSetValueEx(NewVal, _T("CLI-Social-Network"), 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)file, sizeof(file)) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
else {
// std::cout << "Program added to Startup.\n";
// Do nothing, Program was added to Startup
A possibility: You have UNICODE and/or _UNICODE defined, so RegSetValueEx is actually RegSetValueExW. Therefore, this function passes Unicode data into the buffer file. But file is an ASCII buffer, so the otherwise-valid Unicode data is incorrectly parsed as ASCII, leading to the strange output.
To fix, use std::wstring and W functions explicitly.
Unicode considerations aside, you can't use a const char * as a buffer for receiving data. You must allocate sufficient memory for the buffer first.

[WIN API]Why sharing a same HANDLE of WriteFile(sync) and ReadFile(sync) cause ReadFile error?

I've search the MSDN but did not find any information about sharing a same HANDLE with both WriteFile and ReadFile. NOTE:I did not use create_always flag, so there's no chance for the file being replaced with null file.
The reason I tried to use the same HANDLE was based on performance concerns. My code basically downloads some data(writes to a file) ,reads it immediately then delete it.
In my opinion, A file HANDLE is just an address of memory which is also an entrance to do a I/O job.
This is how the error occurs:
CreateFile(OK) --> WriteFile(OK) --> GetFileSize(OK) --> ReadFile(Failed) --> CloseHandle(OK)
If the WriteFile was called synchronized, there should be no problem on this ReadFile action, even the GetFileSize after WriteFile returns the correct value!!(new modified file size), but the fact is, ReadFile reads the value before modified (lpNumberOfBytesRead is always old value). A thought just came to my mind,caching!
Then I tried to learn more about Windows File Caching which I have no knowledge with. I even tried Flag FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING, and FlushFileBuffers function but no luck. Of course I know I can do CloseHandle and CreateFile again between WriteFile and ReadFile, I just wonder if there's some possible way to achieve this without calling CreateFile again?
Above is the minimum about my question, down is the demo code I made for this concept:
int main()
//step one write 12345 to file
std::string test = "12345";
char * pszOutBuffer;
pszOutBuffer = (char*)malloc(strlen(test.c_str()) + 1); //create buffer for 12345 plus a null ternimator
ZeroMemory(pszOutBuffer, strlen(test.c_str()) + 1); //replace null ternimator with 0
memcpy(pszOutBuffer, test.c_str(), strlen(test.c_str())); //copy 12345 to buffer
DWORD wmWritten;
WriteFile(hFile, pszOutBuffer, strlen(test.c_str()), &wmWritten, NULL); //write 12345 to file
//according to msdn this refresh the buffer
std::cout << "bytes writen to file(num):"<< wmWritten << std::endl; //got output 5 here as expected, 5 bytes has bebn wrtten to file.
//step two getfilesize and read file
//get file size of C://temp//TEST.txt
DWORD dwFileSize = 0;
dwFileSize = GetFileSize(hFile, NULL);
if (dwFileSize == INVALID_FILE_SIZE)
return -1; //unable to get filesize
std::cout << "GetFileSize result is:" << dwFileSize << std::endl; //got output 5 here as expected
char * bufFstream;
bufFstream = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*(dwFileSize + 1)); //create buffer with filesize & a null terminator
memset(bufFstream, 0, sizeof(char)*(dwFileSize + 1));
std::cout << "created a buffer for ReadFile with size:" << dwFileSize + 1 << std::endl; //got output 6 as expected here
if (bufFstream == NULL) {
return -1;//ERROR_MEMORY;
DWORD nRead = 0;
bool bBufResult = ReadFile(hFile, bufFstream, dwFileSize, &nRead, NULL); //dwFileSize is 5 here
if (!bBufResult) {
return -1; //copy file into buffer failed
std::cout << "nRead is:" << nRead << std::endl; //!!!got nRead 0 here!!!? why?
return 0;
then the output is:
bytes writen to file(num):5
GetFileSize result is:5
created a buffer for ReadFile with size:6
nRead is:0
nRead should be 5 not 0.
Win32 files have a single file pointer, both for read and write; after the WriteFile it is at the end of the file, so if you try to read from it it will fail. To read what you just wrote you have to reposition the file pointer at the start of the file, using the SetFilePointer function.
Also, the FlushFileBuffer isn't needed - the operating system ensures that reads and writes on the file handle see the same state, regardless of the status of the buffers.
After first write file cursor points at file end. There is nothing to read. You can rewind it back to the beginning using SetFilePointer:
::DWORD const result(::SetFilePointer(hFile, 0, nullptr, FILE_BEGIN));
::DWORD const last_error(::GetLastError());
if(NO_ERROR != last_error)
// TODO do error handling...
when you try read file - from what position you try read it ?
FILE_OBJECT maintain "current" position (CurrentByteOffset member) which can be used as default position (for synchronous files only - opened without FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED !!) when you read or write file. and this position updated (moved on n bytes forward) after every read or write n bytes.
the best solution always use explicit file offset in ReadFile (or WriteFile). this offset in the last parameter OVERLAPPED lpOverlapped - look for Offset[High] member - the read operation starts at the offset that is specified in the OVERLAPPED structure
use this more effective and simply compare use special api call SetFilePointer which adjust CurrentByteOffset member in FILE_OBJECT (and this not worked for asynchronous file handles (created with FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED flag)
despite very common confusion - OVERLAPPED used not for asynchronous io only - this is simply additional parameter to ReadFile (or WriteFile) and can be used always - for any file handles

Microsoft Windows API Serial ReadFile Producing Unexpected Output

I am currently trying to write a program that will read Bluetooth output from an Arduino HC-05 module on a Serial Communications Port.
When I open a Putty terminal and tell it to listen to COM4, I am able to see the output that the program running on the Arduino is printing.
However, when I run the following program to try to process incoming data on the serial port programatically, I get the output shown.
#include <Windows.h>
#include <string>
#include <atltrace.h>
#include <iostream>
int main(int argc, char** argv[]) {
HANDLE hComm = CreateFile(
std::cout << "Error opening COM4" << std::endl;
return 1;
DWORD dwRead;
BOOL fWaitingOnRead = false;
OVERLAPPED osReader = { 0 };
char message[100];
osReader.hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
if (osReader.hEvent == NULL) {
std::cout << "Error creating overlapping event" << std::endl;
return 2;
while (1) {
if (!fWaitingOnRead) {
if (!ReadFile(
)) {
if (GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING) {
std::cout << "Communications error" << std::endl;
return 3;
else {
message[100] = '\0';
std::cout << message << std::endl;
return 0;
I have made changes to the handle and the ReadFile function call so that it will be making the calls synchronously in an infinite loop. However, Visual Studio pops up a warning saying that the program has stopped working then asks to debug or close program. My assumption is that it must be stalling somewhere or failing to execute some WindowsAPI function somewhere up the stack.
Any help, pointers, greatly appreciated.
At least IMO, using overlapped I/O for this job is pretty severe overkill. You could make it work, but it would take a lot of extra effort on your part, and probably accomplish very little.
The big thing with using comm ports under Windows is to set the timeouts to at least halfway meaningful values. When I first did this, I started by setting all of the values to 1, with the expectation that this would sort of work, but probably consume excessive CPU time, so I'd want to experiment with higher values to retain fast enough response, while reducing CPU usage.
So, I wrote some code that just set all the values in the COMMTIMEOUTS structure to 1, and setup the comm port to send/read data.
I've never gotten around to experimenting with longer timeouts to try to reduce CPU usage, because even on the machine I was using when I first wrote this (probably a Pentium II, or thereabouts), it was functional, and consumed too little CPU time to care about--I couldn't really see the difference between the machine completely idle, and this transferring data. There might be circumstances that would justify more work, but at least for any need I've had, it seems to be adequate as it is.
That's because message has the wrong type.
To contain a string, it should be an array of characters, not an array of pointers to characters.
Additionally, to treat it as a string, you need to set the array element after the last character to '\0'. ReadFile will put the number of characters it reads into dwRead.
Also, it appears that you are not using overlapped I/O correctly. This simple program has no need for overlapped I/O - remove it. (As pointed out by #EJP, you are checking for ERROR_IO_PENDING incorrectly. Remove that too.)
See comments below, in your program:
if (!fWaitingOnRead) {
if (!ReadFile( // here you make a non-blocking read.
)) {
// Windows reports you should wait for input.
if (GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING) {
std::cout << "Communications error" << std::endl;
return 3;
else { // <-- remove this.
// insert call to GetOverlappedcResult here.
std::cout << message << std::endl;
return 0; // instead of waiting for input, you exit.
After you call ReadFile() you have to insert a call for GetOverlappedResult(hComm, &osReader, &dwBytesRceived, TRUE) to wait for the read operation to complete and have some bytes in your buffer.
You will also need to have a loop in your program if you don't want to exit prematurely.
If you do not want to do overlapped i/o (which is a wise decision) , do not pass an OVERLAPPED pointer to ReadFile. ReadFile will block until it has some data to give you. You will then obviously not need to call GetOverlappedresult()
For the serial port, you also need to fill in a DCB structure.
You can use BuildCommDCB()to initialize it. There is a link to it in the MS doc, CallGetCommState(hComm, &dcb) to initialize the serial port hardware. The serial port needs to know which baud rate etc. you need for your app.

Reading data off of a cluster

I need help reading data off of the last cluster of a file using CreateFile() and then using ReadFile(). First I'm stuck with a zero result for my ReadFile() because I think I have incorrect permissions set up in CreateFile().
/**********CreateFile for volume ********/
hDevice = CreateFile(L"\\\\.\\C:",
wcout << "error at hDevice at CreateFile "<< endl;
/******* Read file from the volume *********/
DWORD nRead;
TCHAR buff[4096];
if (BOOL fileFromVol = ReadFile(
) == 0) {
cout << "Error with fileFromVol" << "\n\n";
Next, I have all the cluster information and file information I need (file size, last cluster location of the file,# of clusters on disk, cluster size,etc). How do I set the pointer on the volume to start at a specfied cluster location so I can read/write data from it?
The main problem is that you specify 0 for dwDesiredAccess. In order to read the data you should specify FILE_READ_DATA.
On top of that I seriously question the use of TCHAR. That's appropriate for text when you need to support Windows 9x. On top of not needing to support Windows 9x, the data is not text. Your buffer should be of type unsigned char.
Obviously you need the buffer to be a multiple of the cluster size. You've hard coded 4096, but the real code should surely query the cluster size.
When either of these API calls fail, they indicate a failure reason in the last error value. You can obtain that by calling GetLastError. When your ReadFile fails it will return ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED.
You can seek in the volume by calling SetFilePointerEx. Again, you will need to seek to multiples of the cluster size.
dist.QuadPart = ClusterNum * ClusterSize;
BOOL res = SetFilePointerEx(hFile, dist, nullptr, FILE_BEGIN);
if (!res)
// handle error
If you are reading sequentially that there's no need to set the file pointer. The call to ReadFile will advance it automatically.
When doing random-access I/O, just don't mess with the file pointer stored in the file handle at all. Instead, use an OVERLAPPED structure and specify the location for each and every I/O operation.
This works even for synchronous I/O (if the file is opened without FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED).
Of course, as David mentioned you will get ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED if you perform operations using a file handle opened without sufficient access.