OpenGL - glDrawElements vs Vertex Array Objects - opengl

I need help to see the trade-offs between them.
It looks to me that glDrawElements() needs to get the index-data "live" as a parameter.
On the other side if I use VAOs then during startup I buffer the data and the driver might decide to put it on the GPU, then during rendering I only bind the VAO and call glDrawArrays().
Is there no way to combine the advantages? Can we buffer the index-data too?
And how would that look in the vertex shader? Can it use the index and look it up in the vertex positions array?

This information is really a bit hard to find, but one can use glDrawElements also in combination with a VAO. The index data can then (but doesn't have to) be supplied by a ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER. Indexing works then as usual, one does not have to do anything special in the vertex shader. OpenGL ensures already that the indices are used in the correct way during primitiv assembly.
The spec states to this in section 10.3.10:
DrawElements, DrawRangeElements, and DrawElementsInstanced source
their indices from the buffer object whose name is bound to ELEMENT_-
ARRAY_BUFFER, using their indices parameters as offsets into the buffer object
This basically means, that whenever a ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER is bound, the indices parameter is used as an offset into this buffer (0 means start from the beginning). When no such buffer is bound, the indices pointer specifies the address of a index array.


Could I change a vertex attribute's target vbo? [duplicate]

OpenGL 4.3 and OpenGL ES 3.1 added several alternative functions for specifying vertex arrays: glVertexAttribFormat, glBindVertexBuffers, etc. But we already had functions for specifying vertex arrays. Namely glVertexAttribPointer.
Why add new APIs that do the same thing as the old ones?
How do the new APIs work?
glVertexAttribPointer has two flaws, one of them semi-subjective, the other objective.
The first flaw is its dependency on GL_ARRAY_BUFFER. This means that the behavior of glVertexAttribPointer is contingent on whatever was bound to GL_ARRAY_BUFFER at the time it was called. But once it is called, what is bound to GL_ARRAY_BUFFER no longer matters; the buffer object's reference is copied into the VAO. All this is very unintuitive and confusing, even to some semi-experienced users.
It also requires you to provide an offset into the buffer object as a "pointer", rather than as an integer byte offset. This means that you perform an awkward cast from an integer to a pointer (which must be matched by an equally awkward cast in the driver).
The second flaw is that it conflates two operations that, logically, are quite separate. In order to define a vertex array that OpenGL can read, you must provide two things:
How to fetch the data from memory.
What that data looks like.
glVertexAttribPointer provides both of these simultaneously. The GL_ARRAY_BUFFER buffer object, plus the offset "pointer" and stride define where the data is stored and how to fetch it. The other parameters describes what a single unit of data looks like. Let us call this the vertex format of the array.
As a practical matter, users are far more likely to change where vertex data comes from than vertex formats. After all, many objects in the scene store their vertices in the same way. Whatever that way may be: 3 floats for position, 4 unsigned bytes for colors, 2 unsigned shorts for tex-coords, etc. Generally speaking, you have only a few vertex formats.
Whereas you have far more locations where you pull data from. Even if the objects all come from the same buffer, you will likely want to update the offset within that buffer to switch from object to object.
With glVertexAttribPointer, you can't update just the offset. You have to specify the whole format+buffer information all at once. Every time.
VAOs mitigate having to make all those calls per object, but it turns out that they don't really solve the problem. Oh sure, you don't have to actually call glVertexAttribPointer. But that doesn't change the fact that changing vertex formats is expensive.
As discussed here, changing vertex formats is pretty expensive. When you bind a new VAO (or rather, when you render after binding a new VAO), the implementation either changes the vertex format regardless or has to compare the two VAOs to see if the vertex formats they define are different. Either way, it's doing work that it doesn't need to be doing.
glVertexAttribFormat and glBindVertexBuffer fix both of these problems. glBindVertexBuffer directly specifies the buffer object and takes the byte offset as an actual (64-bit) integer. So there's no awkward use of the GL_ARRAY_BUFFER binding; that binding is solely used for manipulating the buffer object.
And because the two separate concepts are now separate functions, you can have a VAO that stores a format, bind it, then bind vertex buffers for each object or group of objects that you render with. Changing vertex buffer binding state is cheaper than vertex format state.
Note that this separation is formalized in GL 4.5's direct state access APIs. That is, there is no DSA version of glVertexAttribPointer; you must use glVertexArrayAttribFormat and the other separate format APIs.
The separate attribute binding functions work like this. glVertexAttrib*Format functions provides all of the vertex formatting parameters for an attribute. Each of its parameters have the exact same meaning as the parameters from the equivalent call to glVertexAttrib*Pointer.
Where things get a bit confusing is with glBindVertexBuffer.
Its first parameter is an index. But this is not an attribute location; it is merely a buffer binding point. This is a separate array from attribute locations with its own maximum limit. So the fact that you bind a buffer to index 0 means nothing about where attribute location 0 gets its data from.
The connection between buffer bindings and attribute locations is defined by glVertexAttribBinding. The first parameter is the attribute location, and the second is the buffer binding index to fetch that attribute's location with. Since the function's name starts with "VertexAttrib", you should consider this to be part of the vertex format state and thus is expensive to change.
The nature of offsets may be a bit confusing at first as well. glVertexAttribFormat has an offset parameter. But so too does glBindVertexBuffer. But these offsets mean different things. The easiest way to understand the difference is by using an example of an interleaved data structure:
struct Vertex
GLfloat pos[3];
GLubyte color[4];
GLushort texCoord[2];
The vertex buffer binding offset specifies the byte offset from the start of the buffer object to the first vertex index. That is, when you render index 0, the GPU will fetch memory from the buffer object's address + the binding offset.
The vertex format offset specifies the offset from the start of each vertex to that particular attribute's data. If the data in the buffer is defined by Vertex, then the offset for each attribute would be:
glVertexAttribFormat(0, ..., offsetof(Vertex, pos)); //AKA: 0
glVertexAttribFormat(1, ..., offsetof(Vertex, color)); //Probably 12
glVertexAttribFormat(2, ..., offsetof(Vertex, texCoord)); //Probably 16
So the binding offset defined where vertex 0 is in memory, while the format offsets define where the each attribute's data comes from within a vertex.
The last thing to understand is that the buffer binding is where the stride is defined. This may seem odd, but think about it from the hardware perspective.
The buffer binding should contain all of the information needed by the hardware to turn a vertex index or instance index into a memory location. Once that's done, the vertex format explains how to interpret the bytes in that memory location.
This is also why the instance divisor is part of the buffer binding state, via glVertexBindingDivisor. The hardware needs to know the divisor in order to convert an instance index into a memory address.
Of course, this also means that you can no longer rely on OpenGL to compute the stride for you. In the above cast, you simply use sizeof(Vertex).
Separate attribute formats completely covers the old glVertexAttribPointer model so well that the old function is now defined entirely in terms of the new:
void glVertexAttrib*Pointer(GLuint index​, GLint size​, GLenum type​, {GLboolean normalized​,} GLsizei stride​, const GLvoid * pointer​)
glVertexAttrib*Format(index, size, type, {normalized,} 0);
glVertexAttribBinding(index, index);
GLuint buffer;
glGetIntegerv(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING, buffer);
if(buffer == 0)
glErrorOut(GL_INVALID_OPERATION); //Give an error.
if(stride == 0)
stride = CalcStride(size, type);
GLintptr offset = reinterpret_cast<GLintptr>(pointer);
glBindVertexBuffer(index, buffer, offset, stride);
Note that this equivalent function uses the same index value for the attribute location and the buffer binding index. If you're doing interleaved attributes, you should avoid this where possible; instead, use a single buffer binding for all attributes that are interleaved from the same buffer.

Difference between glBindBuffer and glBindBufferBase

I think what glBindBuffer(target, buffer) do is to store the buffer's address on the target, which is a special address.
But I found the glBindBufferBase(target, index, buffer). I think target should be a array, this operation stores the buffer address to the array according to the index.
If what I thought is right, then the glBindBuffer is equivalent to glBindBufferBase(target, someindex, buffer)?
Maybe someindex is 0?
They're not used for the same purpose.
glBindBuffer is used to bind a buffer to a specific target so that all operations which modify that target are mapped to that buffer afterwards.
glBindBufferBase is used for a totally different purpose, it's used bind a buffer to a specific binding point in an indexed array (when data is not supposed to be directly modified but rather used). While this may seem convoluted it's really easy to see. Assume you want to pass an uniform block to your shader, then you have a table which maps named buffers to specific indices in an array which are then mapped to bindings in a shader like in the following figure:
so glBindBufferBase is creating the arrows on the right in which you specify the index, while glBindBuffer is just binding the buffer to the specific target.
You would then use glGetUniformBlockIndex to get the correct index in the shader which is then linked to the binding point (the left arrows) through glUniformBlockBinding.

glVertexAttribPointer and glVertexAttribFormat: What's the difference?

OpenGL 4.3 and OpenGL ES 3.1 added several alternative functions for specifying vertex arrays: glVertexAttribFormat, glBindVertexBuffers, etc. But we already had functions for specifying vertex arrays. Namely glVertexAttribPointer.
Why add new APIs that do the same thing as the old ones?
How do the new APIs work?
glVertexAttribPointer has two flaws, one of them semi-subjective, the other objective.
The first flaw is its dependency on GL_ARRAY_BUFFER. This means that the behavior of glVertexAttribPointer is contingent on whatever was bound to GL_ARRAY_BUFFER at the time it was called. But once it is called, what is bound to GL_ARRAY_BUFFER no longer matters; the buffer object's reference is copied into the VAO. All this is very unintuitive and confusing, even to some semi-experienced users.
It also requires you to provide an offset into the buffer object as a "pointer", rather than as an integer byte offset. This means that you perform an awkward cast from an integer to a pointer (which must be matched by an equally awkward cast in the driver).
The second flaw is that it conflates two operations that, logically, are quite separate. In order to define a vertex array that OpenGL can read, you must provide two things:
How to fetch the data from memory.
What that data looks like.
glVertexAttribPointer provides both of these simultaneously. The GL_ARRAY_BUFFER buffer object, plus the offset "pointer" and stride define where the data is stored and how to fetch it. The other parameters describes what a single unit of data looks like. Let us call this the vertex format of the array.
As a practical matter, users are far more likely to change where vertex data comes from than vertex formats. After all, many objects in the scene store their vertices in the same way. Whatever that way may be: 3 floats for position, 4 unsigned bytes for colors, 2 unsigned shorts for tex-coords, etc. Generally speaking, you have only a few vertex formats.
Whereas you have far more locations where you pull data from. Even if the objects all come from the same buffer, you will likely want to update the offset within that buffer to switch from object to object.
With glVertexAttribPointer, you can't update just the offset. You have to specify the whole format+buffer information all at once. Every time.
VAOs mitigate having to make all those calls per object, but it turns out that they don't really solve the problem. Oh sure, you don't have to actually call glVertexAttribPointer. But that doesn't change the fact that changing vertex formats is expensive.
As discussed here, changing vertex formats is pretty expensive. When you bind a new VAO (or rather, when you render after binding a new VAO), the implementation either changes the vertex format regardless or has to compare the two VAOs to see if the vertex formats they define are different. Either way, it's doing work that it doesn't need to be doing.
glVertexAttribFormat and glBindVertexBuffer fix both of these problems. glBindVertexBuffer directly specifies the buffer object and takes the byte offset as an actual (64-bit) integer. So there's no awkward use of the GL_ARRAY_BUFFER binding; that binding is solely used for manipulating the buffer object.
And because the two separate concepts are now separate functions, you can have a VAO that stores a format, bind it, then bind vertex buffers for each object or group of objects that you render with. Changing vertex buffer binding state is cheaper than vertex format state.
Note that this separation is formalized in GL 4.5's direct state access APIs. That is, there is no DSA version of glVertexAttribPointer; you must use glVertexArrayAttribFormat and the other separate format APIs.
The separate attribute binding functions work like this. glVertexAttrib*Format functions provides all of the vertex formatting parameters for an attribute. Each of its parameters have the exact same meaning as the parameters from the equivalent call to glVertexAttrib*Pointer.
Where things get a bit confusing is with glBindVertexBuffer.
Its first parameter is an index. But this is not an attribute location; it is merely a buffer binding point. This is a separate array from attribute locations with its own maximum limit. So the fact that you bind a buffer to index 0 means nothing about where attribute location 0 gets its data from.
The connection between buffer bindings and attribute locations is defined by glVertexAttribBinding. The first parameter is the attribute location, and the second is the buffer binding index to fetch that attribute's location with. Since the function's name starts with "VertexAttrib", you should consider this to be part of the vertex format state and thus is expensive to change.
The nature of offsets may be a bit confusing at first as well. glVertexAttribFormat has an offset parameter. But so too does glBindVertexBuffer. But these offsets mean different things. The easiest way to understand the difference is by using an example of an interleaved data structure:
struct Vertex
GLfloat pos[3];
GLubyte color[4];
GLushort texCoord[2];
The vertex buffer binding offset specifies the byte offset from the start of the buffer object to the first vertex index. That is, when you render index 0, the GPU will fetch memory from the buffer object's address + the binding offset.
The vertex format offset specifies the offset from the start of each vertex to that particular attribute's data. If the data in the buffer is defined by Vertex, then the offset for each attribute would be:
glVertexAttribFormat(0, ..., offsetof(Vertex, pos)); //AKA: 0
glVertexAttribFormat(1, ..., offsetof(Vertex, color)); //Probably 12
glVertexAttribFormat(2, ..., offsetof(Vertex, texCoord)); //Probably 16
So the binding offset defined where vertex 0 is in memory, while the format offsets define where the each attribute's data comes from within a vertex.
The last thing to understand is that the buffer binding is where the stride is defined. This may seem odd, but think about it from the hardware perspective.
The buffer binding should contain all of the information needed by the hardware to turn a vertex index or instance index into a memory location. Once that's done, the vertex format explains how to interpret the bytes in that memory location.
This is also why the instance divisor is part of the buffer binding state, via glVertexBindingDivisor. The hardware needs to know the divisor in order to convert an instance index into a memory address.
Of course, this also means that you can no longer rely on OpenGL to compute the stride for you. In the above cast, you simply use sizeof(Vertex).
Separate attribute formats completely covers the old glVertexAttribPointer model so well that the old function is now defined entirely in terms of the new:
void glVertexAttrib*Pointer(GLuint index​, GLint size​, GLenum type​, {GLboolean normalized​,} GLsizei stride​, const GLvoid * pointer​)
glVertexAttrib*Format(index, size, type, {normalized,} 0);
glVertexAttribBinding(index, index);
GLuint buffer;
glGetIntegerv(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING, buffer);
if(buffer == 0)
glErrorOut(GL_INVALID_OPERATION); //Give an error.
if(stride == 0)
stride = CalcStride(size, type);
GLintptr offset = reinterpret_cast<GLintptr>(pointer);
glBindVertexBuffer(index, buffer, offset, stride);
Note that this equivalent function uses the same index value for the attribute location and the buffer binding index. If you're doing interleaved attributes, you should avoid this where possible; instead, use a single buffer binding for all attributes that are interleaved from the same buffer.

Use of Vertex Array Objects and Vertex Buffer Objects

I am trying to understand these two, how to use them and how they are related. Let's say I want to create a simple terrain and a textured cube. For both objects I have the array of triangles vertices and for the cube I have an array containing the texture's data. My question is: how do I use VAOs and VBOs to create and render these two?
Would I have to create a VAO and VBO for each object?
or should create a VAO for each object's VBO (vertices, texture data, etc.)?
There are many tutorials and books but I still don't get the very idea of how these concepts must be understood and used.
Fundamentally, you need to understand two things:
Vertex Array Objects (VAOs) are conceptually nothing but thin state wrappers.
Vertex Buffer Objects (VBOs) store actual data.
Another way of thinking about this is that VAOs describe the data stored in one or more VBOs.
Think of VBOs (and buffer objects in general) as unstructured arrays of data stored in server (GPU) memory. You can layout your vertex data in multiple arrays if you want, or you can pack them into a single array. In either case, buffer objects boil down to locations where you will store data.
Vertex Array Objects track the actual pointers to VBO memory needed for draw commands.
They are a little bit more sophisticated than pointers as you would know them in a language like C, however. Vertex pointers keep track of the buffer object that was bound when they were specified, the offset into its address space, stride between vertex attributes and how to interpret the underlying data (e.g. whether to keep integer values or to convert them to floating-point [0.0,1.0] by normalizing to the data type's range).
For example, integer data is usually converted to floating-point, but it is the command you use to specify the vertex pointer (glVertexAttribPointer (...) vs. glVertexAttribIPointer (...)) that determines this behavior.
Vertex Array Objects also track the buffer object currently bound to GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER.
GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER is where the command: glDrawElements (...) sources its list of indices from (assuming a non-zero binding) and there is no glElementArrayPointer (...) command. glDrawElements (...) combines the pointer and draw command into a single operation, and will use the binding stored in the active Vertex Array Object to accomplish this.
With that out of the way, unless your objects share vertex data you are generally going to need a unique set of VBOs for each.
You can use a single VAO for your entire software if you want, or you can take advantage of the fact that changing the bound VAO changes nearly the entire set of states necessary to draw different objects.
Thus, drawing your terrain and cube could be as simple as changing the bound VAO. You may have to do more than that if you need to apply different textures to each of them, but the VAO takes care of all vertex data related setup.
Your question is not easily answerable here, but rather in a tutorial. You probably already know these two websites, but if not, I'm leaving the references.
Now trying to elucidate your questions, a Vertex Array Object is an OpenGL object designed with the goal of reducing API overhead for draw calls. You can think of it as a container for a Vertex Buffer and its associated states. Something similar perhaps to the old display-lists.
Normally, there is a 1 to 1 relationship between a VAO and a VBO; that is, each VAO contains a unique VBO. But this is not strictly necessary. You could have several VAOs referencing the same VBO.
The simplest way to model this in code, I think, would be for you to have a VAO class/type and a method to attach a VBO to it. Then give an instance of VAO to each mesh. The mesh in turn can have a reference to a VBO type that may be its own or a shared one.

OpenGL vertex buffer confusion

Would someone care to explain the difference to be between a VertexBuffer, a VertexArray, a VertexBufferObject, and a VertexArrayObject? I'm not even sure if these are all terms for different things, but I've seen all of them appear in the OpenGL spec.
I know that a VertexBuffer simply contains vertices and nothing else, once bound, and once I've set the vertex pointers, I can use DrawArrays to draw it. I've done it this way many times.
I am using what I think is a VertexArray, which stores the state of any vertex buffers that are set, and also any vertex pointers. Binding a VertexArray automatically binds the vertex buffer and sets the vertex pointers. I have used this (mostly) successfully too.
But what is a VertexBufferObject, and a VertexArrayObject? Are they better? Doesn't VertexArray give me everything I need?
A vertex array is simply some data in your program (inside your address space) that you tell OpenGL about by providing a pointer to it.
While more efficient than specifying every single vertex individually, they still have performance issues. The GL must make a copy at the time you call DrawElements (or a similar function), because that is the only time it can be certain that the data is valid (after all, nothing prevents you from overwriting the data right away). This means that there is a significant hindrance to parallelism, and thus a performance issue.
Vertex buffer objects ("vertex buffers") are raw blocks of data that you do not own, i.e. they are not in your address space. You can either copy data into the buffer object with Copy(Sub)Data or by temporarily mapping it to your address space. Once you unmap the buffer, it does no longer belong to you. The huge advantage is that now the GL can decide what to do with it, and when to upload it. It knows that the data will be valid, because you cannot access it. This makes CPU/GPU parallelism a lot easier.
Vertex array abjects are a bit of a misnomer. There are no vertices or arrays in them. They are merely a kind of "state description block" which encapsulate the bindings of one or several vertex buffer objects (including any VertexAttribPointer calls). As such, they are both a convenience function and somewhat more efficient (fewer function calls), but not strictly necessary. You could do anything that a VAO does by hand, too.
BufferObject: a GPU allocated memory buffer
Vertex Buffer Object: a BufferObject containing vertices informations (colors, position, custom data used by a shader, ...)
Pixel Buffer Object: a BufferObject containing pixel or texel informations. Mainly used to upload textures.
Element Buffer Object: a BufferObject containing indices (used by glDrawElements).
Vertex Array: memory used by gl*Pointer call. Might be host memory or a Vertex Buffer Object if it is bound using glBindBuffer command with GL_ARRAY_BUFFER.
Element Array: memory used by glDrawElements call. Might be host memory or an Element Buffer Object if it is bound using glBindBuffer command with GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER.