Can't select "Nuget Packet Manager" in my Visual Studio 2015 Solution - django

I'm building a basic Django Project in Visual Studio 2015 (Update 2). I have installed the Nuget extention. However, I can't select the "Manage Nuget Package for Solution...".
I've already spent hours on the web (and largely here) trying to figure out how to manage that...
I'm not in debug mode...
I'm quite a newbie in Visual Studio, any help appreciated! Thanks,


VS 2017 won't open VS 2015 ETL solution

I inherited a project that was created in Visual Studio 2015 with SQL Server Data Tools version 14.
I'm running VS 2017 version 15.6.0 with SQL Server Data Tools 15.1.61801.210
When I try to open the solution it just fails with the below error message. What do I need to do in order to "upgrade" the solution so I can work with it?
This version of Visual Studio is unable to open the following projects. The project types may not be installed or this version of Visual Studio may not support them.
For more information on enabling these project types or otherwise migrating your assets, please see the details in the "Migration Report" displayed after clicking OK.
- LabSOR, "C:\Users\GROSCH\Documents\LabSOR\ETL\LabSOR_SSIS\LabSOR\LabSOR.dtproj"
No changes required
These projects can be opened in Visual Studio 2015, Visual Studio 2013, Visual Studio 2012, and Visual Studio 2010 SP1 without changing them.
- LabSOR, "C:\Users\GROSCH\Documents\LabSOR\ETL\LabSOR_SSIS\LabSOR.sln"
Ended up the SSDT integration elements hadn't installed. Once I did that I could right-click on the project in the solution explorer and reload it, and then it started working.

Reporting Template (RDLC) not exists in Visual Studio 2017

Reporting template Component (RDLC) not exists to as New Item in Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise.
How to resolve this?
I have tried by installing SQL Server Data Tools.
Previously it works for me in Visual Studio 2015.
There is a bug in the extension Microsoft Rdlc Report Designer for Visual Studio that the ReportViewer shows up as a non-visual component.
Instead use the NuGet Package Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportViewerControl.WinForms for each project that will use the ReportViewer. Part of the solution involves removing the ReportViewer from the toolbox after use and restarting Visual Studio before opening the next project/solution.
Please see this answer to a similar question for step by step details.
The RDLC editor for VS2017 is only available as a VSIX installer from the marketplace: Download
I have just used VS2015 to add the new item. All other stuff seems to be fine in VS2017 (bearing in mind that you installed the VSIX extension)

Visual Studio 15 Preview 2 - Where is the Nuget Package Manager?

I just installed Visual Studio 15 Preview 2 (The newest one) and I have notice when right clicking on your solution there is no "Manage Nuget Packages" option (or what ever the old one was called) has the nuget thing been totally removed or not? can someone help me with this because Microsoft hasn't really helped me much with it and google hasn't given me much help either..
You'll need to install the NuGet Package Manager for Visual Studio 15 Preview extension.
Tools > Extensions and Updates > Online
Then search for NuGet and download the official NuGet Package Manager extension by Microsoft Corporation.
I had the same problem with Visual Studio 2017 RC. You have to rerun the installer (vs_installer.exe) then go to the "Individual Components" tab, scroll down to "Code tools" and add "Nuget package manager".

Visual Studio 2015 OpenGL freeglut.dll Linker Error

So I was playing around with the OpenGL and C++ in Visual Studio 2013 Pro (from dreamspark for students) and everything was fine. Then I decided to try out Visual 2015 Community. After upgrading and rebuilding the project, I'm getting the LNK1104 error with "cannot open freeglut.lib".
I've searched through the properties and everything seems fine. I originally installed OpenGL libs with PM by installing nupengl.core and adding #include"GL\glut.h". I tried to do some #defines as someone pointed out in this and this thread, but it's probably outdated by now and I'm not able to follow the instructions at some points. I reinstalled the nupengl.core too.
I'm not really fluent with Visual, I've been using it for like a year now and I'm trying my best to understand it more. If anyone has an answer, please make it as clear as possible. Cheers! :D
And of course, sorry for language mistake, as I'm not a native english speaker!
Install the new version of NupenGL and you shouldn't run into any issues. More details:
Why NupenGL had this issue?
The nupengl.core nuget package installs some files (header and lib) that are necessary to run your OpenGL GLUT application.
In its version, it put out the lib files (including freeglut.lib) under the v120 folder. Visual Studio 2015 looks in the v140 folder.
To resolve the issue in that version, you could create another copy of the folder and name it v140, or change the "Platform Toolset" setting in your Visual Studio 2015 project from "Visual Studio 2015 (v140)" to "Visual Studio 2013 (v120)".
There is no need to do that though since this has been fixed in the version of nupengl.core nuget package.
Github page for project:
Hope that helps.

Can I use visual studio unit test framework with Visual Studio Community?

For the life of me, I cannot figure out how to add Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting to my project in Visual Studio 2013 Community version.
I tried adding it through nuget, which doesn't work -- I can only find Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.UnitTestingFramework, which seems to be different.
I tried adding it from C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\PublicAssemblies\ (as mentioned here Where to find "Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting" missing dll?), but that directory doesn't exist for me.
I'm kind of at a loss now. Can I not use that with the community version of visual studio?
I had this today after uninstalling older VS products. I had VS2012 Express and VS2013 Professional installed, as well as using VS2015 Community Edition.
I'm afraid I don't have an explanation, but creating a new Unit Test project, recreating references and copying the code from the old Unit Test project has sorted out the issue. There must be something under the hood that changed.
I hope that helps someone else if they find themselves in the same boat!