Any possible way of single sign on service with django rest framework? - django

I am trying to develop mobile native apps with ionic2 and django rest framework. And I found django-rest-framework-jwt library that support great jwt authentication. However it doesn't refresh token automatically so that users of mobile apps should type their username and password whenver the token expires..
I already checked another stackoverflow question below.
JWT (JSON Web Token) automatic prolongation of expiration
Is there any way that users don't have to type their username and password again? Or Is it ok let token not to be expired and save it local storage of mobile apps so that users don't have to login again?
Thanks in advance!

I've run into the same scenario with our Django and DRF-based projects, and we wanted to implement Single sign-on using JWT. Since the djangorestframework-jwt library had very little focus on providing SSO capabilities between different projects, I have created a new library for this that properly sets up trust definitions and public/private key pairs.
This library provides two types of JWT tokens:
non-expiring session tokens for your primary login application (aka. "refresh tokens")
short-lived authorization tokens for accessing your other apps (these contain permissions given by the primary app)
The client is expected to first login to your primary login application by POSTing an username and password. The client will receive a permanent session token that will allow subsequent requests to the same server be authenticated. These tokens do not contain any permissions/authorization information and cannot be used for SSO into other apps.
Afterwards, the client is expected to obtain and keep updating authorization tokens using the session token. These secondary tokens are short-lived (15mins..1 hour) and contain the permissions that the user has at the time of issuance. These tokens are used to access other services, which then trust the permissions in the JWT payload for the lifetime of the token.
The current version is v0.0.3 (alpha), but we are moving very fast towards a beta and finally production quality release. The API is already relatively stable and should be final by June 30th 2016. The framework will also have full test coverage in the coming weeks, when we reach the beta stage.
Please check the project page and github for the README.
Please let me know if this would fit your use case, and if it has all the features required. I'll be happy to help with the setup.


Is saving user's id and login token in local storage a good idea?

I am developing Django + React project and I'm caught with this security approach concerning login and managing views for the logged in user.
I am using django-rest-framework or DRF for my RESTful API. And I'm using django-rest-knox for authenticating user logins since I am implementing Token-based authentication (instead of session-based which uses CSRF).
Question: Is it a good idea to save user's id and token in local storage?
Currently, I have a /auth/login/ API endpoint that handles the backend logic of logging in user and returns JSON response of login details upon successful login (including user id and token).
In my frontend, I use redux and redux-persist so the user's login details are kept even when the site is refreshed. The way redux-persist do it is that it saves the response in local storage. This means that the user id and token can be accessed and changed anytime thru dev tools.
If user will then make a POST request to an API that requires a Token authentication header, the frontend will look into that local storage for the token value to be supplied to the request header.
If user will then make a POST request to an API where the user id is required in the request data, the frontend will also look for the id in the local storage.
Localstorage is not safe, especially for storing tokens and ids. Any user can go to the browser's developer tools, see and also edit its contents, for example.
You could check on Django's sessions, so you can store data securely at server side and keep its contents associated with a specific user. There is a great tutorial at Mozilla that explains sessions in a clearer way than the official documentation.

Understanding the Client's Responsibilities in OAuth 2.0

I've been trying to learn the inner workings of OAuth 2.0 in my own RESTful app, and I can't seem to find any good explanation of how my Javascript client handles the process.
At this point, I have the client (an Angular 2 SPA) ask the user for their username and password (running Django Rest Framework along with Django Oauth Toolkit). The client makes an AJAX post to the server (specifically to /o/token), and using the resource owner password credentials flow is authenticated and receives the response with the token.
Now, assuming I'm doing everything correctly up to this point, I'm unsure how to properly handle the token from that point forward.
At this point, I'm having my Angular app save the token in a variable and attach the authorization header (with the token) to the calls made to the API. This works as far as granting the correct permissions, but im having a hard time understanding how to maintain persistence of the header (so if the user navigates to a different page, the token is still callable). Initially I stored it in a cookie, but I have concerns with security.
So, first, am I understanding all this correctly? What kind of security concerns should I take into account here? And, of course, how can I save the token on the client?
Yes, you need to store access tokens as user session data because they should be persistent. For example if user leaves your site and then reopens he expects to see himself logged in.
It will be better if you make your sessions server-side: user-agent will store only session ID and all user data will be in your database. User don't need his access token, only your application does.
Instructions for implementation of server-side sessions for Django look pretty simple:
If you want to use a database-backed session, you need to add 'django.contrib.sessions' to your INSTALLED_APPS setting.
Once you have configured your installation, run migrate to install the single database table that stores session data.

Secure authentication between ReactJS and Django

Been reading and watching quite a bit, and asking a lot of questions regarding ReactJS and Django.
This particularly helped me to understand the the flow of data from Django REST Framework to ReactJS and from ReactJS to Django REST Framework.
Django Forms and Authentication with Front-end Framework (AngularJS/ReactJS)
However, the one thing I am trying to understand is authentication to the Django REST Framework. I understand from the documentation that it has built in authentication. Since this is sensitive data, I would obviously want it protected people retrieving it just by going to
I would need to setup ReactJS to be the only thing that can request data from the API whether that is through a key or username/password credentials. I am just curious how this is handled? Obviously I don't want that hard coded in ReactJS because it will compile with the rest of ReactJS.
Here's how I'd approach it: I'd use a JSON Web Token (JWT) for authentication and authorization.
You'd use your back-end to protect ALL API requests from invalid JWT's except for routes where a user won't have a token (ie, registration/log-in pages).
Here's how the flow of the application will go:
A new user registers to your app with standard credentials such as email and password.
Your back-end will create a new user, sign a new JWT token (usually with the user's ID). You'll probably use a third-party library to sign/verify tokens (I don't have experience in the Django community but I am sure a quick Google search will give you answers). Your back-end will send back this token. This is the only time the back-end will receive email, passwords or any other sensitive information on registration.
From this point on React will only use this token for authorization. React will save this token somewhere (ie, localStorage) and send this token along with the other parts of a request to the API routes you created with your back-end. You'll send this token in the authorization headers in the request.
Your back-end will validate this token using a third-party library. If it's invalid the request stops and an unauthorized error is returned. If it's valid the request continues.
This achieves the following:
Your API routes are protected against unauthenticated users
Each request to your API is verified for authorized users which protects anyone from requesting any part of your API.
You can further solidify this by only allowing requests for users to modify their own data. For example, protect Suzy's profile from being modified by people other than herself by only allowing her token with her ID to modify her account/data.
Important Note- Your backend will never save these tokens in storage. It will verify the token on each request. Read more about JSON Web Tokens (JWT) and how it works.
Django Rest Framework has built-in token authentication and a third party package for JWT Token Auth.
If you the standard token auth would work for you, then it could be pretty simple with drf-redux-auth. If you need JWT for some reason, as suggested by Keith above, you could easily fork the above...

JSON Web Token expiration and remember me functionality

I am starting to work on an authentication system for an angular 2 Single Page Application using django-rest framework as back-end. I'd also like to have some kind of "remember me" functionality that is going to keep users logged in for a certain amount of time.
From what I have read so far, it seems that the best authentication method for this kind of Angular 2 SPA/REST API is using jwt (json web token). For jwt authentication, I looked at the django-rest-framework-jwt (
The problem that I see is that the token needs to have a short life span (few minutes to a few hours...) in order to minimize security issues if the token get stolen. The token now needs to be refreshed frequently to avoid the user from being disconnected while using the application. In this case, a "remember me" functionality is posing problem since the token have a short life span.
I thought about a solution involving a second token that would serve as a refresh token. It would be opaque, have a longer life span and would contain information specific to the user (ip address or something like that) so that if it get stolen, the information specific to the user being different would render this refresh token invalid.
So here are my questions:
1- I would like to know if they are existing solutions addressing this problem. As any security/authentication issues, I prefer to rely on well tested solutions to avoid getting my API compromised.
2- Would the refresh token based on specific user infos be a good idea?
3- Any other ideas how I could implement what I want?
For your situation, you really need a way to store issued tokens.
I always use an OAuth2.0 server setup that manages the auth and returns tokens the OAuth setup uses a database to manage everything so it's easy to manage and revoke tokens.
The database schema would be like this the problem with using just JWT without any management over the issued tokens with long expiration you have that security issue of not being able to revoke easily.
I would advise against including any such thing as a password in the JWT and requiring them to change it what if they use that password everywhere, then they would have to change that everywhere.
Updated from comments
Sessions Authentication use session_id which most the time is stored in a cookie and this is attached to every outgoing request. It is stateful. It is nothing more than a unique identifier that associates a user account that the server has in memory/database. For example, this can course problems when running multiple servers/instances when scaling your infrastructure.
Token Authentication no session is persisted on the server so this means it is stateless. It normally uses the header Authorization: Bearer REPLACE-WITH-TOKEN . This means that this token can be passed to multiple different servers/instances because the authentication is not limited to the server that you initiated the authentication on. This helps with scaling your infrastructure. Tokens can also be passed to other clients.
RESTful API's are stateless so there must not be a session state stored on the server. Instead, it must the handled entirely by the client so that's why token authentication is used.
I had the exact problem when trying to use JWT with an application that needed a lot more than JWT was designed for. OAuth2.0 has a lot more options that I believe are necessary to meet your requirement in the safest manner possible and even features that you may find very useful in the future as your Application may grow and need more features with regards authentication.

Do you logout a user who login via OAuth2 by expiring their Access Token?

I am doing some work in Django, using the Django Rest Framework.
Users login via Oauth2 to facilitate integration with mobile applications.
I am using the Oauth2 authentication library that is packaged together with the Django Rest Framework.
To logout a user, I am expiring their access tokens, is this the correct way of doing things?
It's not correct. Normally, the access token expires when it reaches its expiration time.
Or in some these cases:
1. User revoke this access token.
2. Users change their password.
3. When refresh token is revoked, its issued access tokens will be deleted.
And here is a reference about log out.
I think what you mean is that you are creating a oauth2 provider?
If I am correct I would recommend switching to using token authentication. To create a oauth2 provider there are many restrictions and rules to follow and I assume when you create a oauth2 provider that it will be a public system that can be used by many people (that can and will misuse your service if it's has leaks)