Is it possible to bypass the 32 limit when using azure webjob and queue? - azure-webjobs

I am learning azure webjob and queue, in the company I work for, every night, we calculate like 7 million records. The calculation is quite simple, but the quantity is quite big (as there around 7 million records in db).
As the company is moving to Azure, I am wondering can azure queue be used to handle this? In theory, I can create some code to populate the queue (as there is a 64kb message size limit, I guess I can put like 10 records in one message,
so total message will be like 700k?). Then I will have webjob that triggered by the queue and do the calculation.
However, according to here,there is a max limit of 32 in message retrieving.
Does this mean that there will be a maximum of 32 webjob triggered concurrently?If that is the case, 700000/32 = 21875, which means it will take quite a while to finish.
Is there a way to trigger more webjob to run concurrently other than the 32 limit?

You can get much higher concurrency by combining BatchSize and NewBatchThreshold. The best way to look at it is that the concurrency limit is the sum of the two flags. So if you leave BatchSize at 32 and set NewBatchThreshold to 100, the concurrency limit will be 132.
See more for details.


Dataflow job stuck and not reading messages from PubSub

I have a dataflow job which reads JSON from 3 PubSub topics, flattening them in one, apply some transformations and save to BigQuery.
I'm using a GlobalWindow with following configuration.
.apply(Window.<PubsubMessage>into(new GlobalWindows()).triggering(AfterWatermark.pastEndOfWindow()
The job is running with following configuration
Max Workers : 20
Disk Size: 10GB
Machine Type : n1-standard-4
Autoscaling Algo: Throughput Based
The problem I'm facing is that after processing few messages (approx ~80k) the job stops reading messages from PubSub. There is a backlog of close to 10 Million messages in one of those topics and yet the Dataflow Job is not reading the messages or autoscaling.
I also checked the CPU usage of each worker and that is also hovering in single digit after initial burst.
I've tried changing machine type and max worker configuration but nothing seems to work.
How should I approach this problem ?
I suspect the windowing function is the culprit. GlobalWindow isn't suited to streaming jobs (which I assume this job is, due to the use of PubSub), because it won't fire the window until all elements are present, which never happens in a streaming context.
In your situation, it looks like the window will fire early once, when it hits either that element count or duration, but after that the window will get stuck waiting for all the elements to finally arrive. A quick fix to check if this is the case is to wrap the early firings in a Repeatedly.forever trigger, like so:
This should allow the early firing to fire repeatedly, preventing the window from getting stuck.
However for a more permanent solution I recommend moving away from using GlobalWindow in streaming pipelines. Using fixed-time windows with early firings based on element count would give you the same behavior, but without risk of getting stuck.

How to do a very large number of HTTP requests in shortest time

So we have a very huge database which has around 300,000 urls. These urls have to be pinged and get data from.(these urls are radio stations which are playing song. The data is metadata)
Some of them are sometimes inactive and sometimes active.
On any given time, around 80,000 are active. Some respond slow, some respond quickly. I have a server and I am thinking to do this using c++
My goal is to ping and parse(or crawl) them within 1 minute and keep repeating the process because information(the song playing on them) can change over time. ranging from 2-7 minutes mostly. But I am not sure if it is possible.
What should be my approach to do it?
I have thought of creating two programs, one to test if the url is active or not and run it twice a day. And how much time it generally takes to respond. Does it usually respond slow or whether it is responding slower now.
And the other to do the actual crawling where fastest will be crawled first and some dedicated threads for urls which respond faster.
Please i would love more better ideas or better solutions for it. Can any one tell me how to do the maths to find out the number of dedicated threads i should allot to each for getting the results in least number of time
You don't need performance of your CPU (not your bottleneck at the moment), but you need to avoid network layer stall... if the request timeout is 60 seconds, and you have 16 threads, and hit 16 very slow servers (which will time-out eventually), you are generally stalled for 60 seconds and not processing anything more.
So I would start with let's say 500 threads (and like 15-30s timeout, if you know the very slow radios are capable to fit even this), and keep some statistic about their turnaround, and keep adding more working threads dynamically for every original which didn't get response within 2-3 secs. 80000/500 = 160, so each "normally quick" worker thread has then to ping around 160 urls, if each does take 2 seconds, that's still 320 = 5min! So 500 sounds like minimum.
That said, having 500+ threads will somewhat burden CPU and memory (not sure how much, with decent thread/memory model implementation 500 doesn't sounds like much for modern x86 CPU with GB of RAM, even 5000 sounds still reasonable), but I would worry lot more about the network layer and about possible firewalls around, you need server-grade like network for such amount of requests (if I would try something like that from my home, my own router would filter me out with default settings, detecting it as some kind of DoS attack).
So get some statistic how long the request on average take, then take your target time (2-7min), and divide the number of urls by those, like average ping 5s, round time 3min = 300,000/(3*60/5) = 8333.33 threads at least needed. Then you will have to profile your app to verify, that with 8000 threads it will not choke on something else, but it will really handle the task as expected.
(other option is to fire asynchronous http request from single thread, but that sort of creates its own threads for each task any way, so I would rather manage the threads myself, and use synchronous http calls)
And thinking about dynamic grow mechanics... you can keep some counters about how many new requests were added in last second, and how many finished (either responded or failed), and after few seconds of running these should start to form some kind of "throughput" statistic, then if throughput is under desired threshold, you can add more threads.
About active/inactive... keep the response time/last-seen/last-check together with url, and add some further logic to check url only when it makes sense (like not within next 60s, if it did just respond, or check inactive just after 6h from last test). You need also avoid checking the same url in two different threads at the same time, so some central manager code should feed the threads with target (maybe some FIFO thread-safe queue ... actually you can use its size to estimate how well the worker threads are processing it, so you can add more threads when you see the queue is not emptying fast enough = that avoids adding the statistic code to thread themselves).

Delay job in AWS

I have messages inside amazon SQS. for some of the messages I need to perform a delay of six hours before I can start working on them (the delay is a giving).
one solution would be to do Thread.Sleep(6h).
I don't like this solution because I'm afraid something will happen to the thread and I'll lose the data. another solution will be to read the message see if 6 hours have passed, and if not return the message to the queue. again I don't like it because the procedure will happen a lot.
Is there any better solution ??
Can you create individual Multiple Queues and put the queue items separately.
Example 1:
You can have 6 queues like Queue0, Queue1, Queue2, Queue3, Queue4, Queue5 and use a hash-function like hash(x) = current-hour % 6 - this function will return values from 0 to 5 and you can put the items in Queue_f(x) and read the queues individually based on current time.
Example 2:
If the current time is 01:00 Hours you can create separate queues like Queue0700Hours, if the current time is 02:00 hours you can create a another new queue as Queue0800Hours like wise and go.
This way you are decoupling the need to wait / stop a processing and pick up the producers and consumers independently based on the current timestamp.

What is optimal value for Phusion passenger PassengerMaxRequestQueueSize

I know this depends on the box hardware, but for example if there are set 100 processes, the default queue is also 100. Does it makes sense to increase PassengerMaxRequestQueueSize to 200 or 300? Probably this depends on free memory. Thoughts?
The best answer will be explaining the setting and probably one or two examples, assuming the server process requests for 2-3 seconds.
Thanks in advance!
Why you should limit queuing
Any requests that aren't immediately handled by an application process, are queued. Queuing is usually is bad: it often means that your server cannot handle the requests quickly enough.
A larger queue means that requests are less likely to be dropped. But this comes with a drawback: during busy times, the larger the queue, the longer your visitors have to wait before they see a response. This causes them to click reload, making the queue even longer (their previous request will stay in the queue; the OS does not know that they've disconnected until it tries to send data back to the visitor), or causes them to leave in frustration.
So having a limit on the queue is a good thing. It limits the impact of the above situation.
You should ensure that requests are queued as little as possible. That could mean:
Making your app faster (if your workload is CPU bound).
Upgrading to faster hardware (if your workload is CPU bound).
Increasing your app's concurrency settings (if your workload is I/O bound), e.g. by increasing the number of processes or threads.
If you cannot prevent requests from being queued, then the next best thing to do is to keep the queue short, and to display a friendly error message upon reaching the queue limit. Something like, "We're sorry, a lot of people are visiting us right now. Please try again later." The documentation for PassengerMaxRequestQueueSize tells you how to do that.
Optimal value for the queue size
It's hard to say what the optimal queue size should be. A good rule of thumb is: set the request queue size to the maximum number of requests you can handle in one second. Depending on your situation you may have to tweak things a little bit.
This rule of thumb comes from the notion of expected burst traffic. How many simultaneous requests do you expect on your server?
Suppose that your queue size is 100, and that for whatever reason you receive 150 requests at the same time. Suppose that your server is fast enough to handle 150 requests in half a second, so you know it's not a performance problem. But if you have a request queue size of 100, then 50 of those requests will be dropped with a "Request queue full" error.
In such a situation, you should set the queue size to the maximum number of concurrent requests that you think you can safely handle without performance issues.
This SO question and the Passenger docs here talk more about working with this. If you want more information about why this is happening on your server you can try running passenger-status (usually you need to run this as root).
If you would like to set a custom error page when visitors see this issue you can use the following (in Apache) to set a custom error page:
PassengerErrorOverride on
ErrorDocument 503 /error503.html
As mentioned by Hongli you can also change the setting PassengerMaxRequestQueueSize to a higher number to queue more requests. You can also set this to 0 and disable it (for most situations this is not an optimal solution however).
For reference, the default error message a visitor to your site will see when bumping against this limit is:
This website is under heavy load
We're sorry, too many people are accessing this website at the same time. We're working on this problem. Please try again later.

Cannot create a new thread because the task queue has reached it maximum limit 5000

I'm using quite a few cfthreads in a scheduled task (because cf runs out of memory otherwise), and now I'm getting the following error:
Cannot create a new thread because the task queue has reached it maximum
limit 5000.
So here are my questions:
what is the "task queue" exactly, and where are the docs?
how do I increase this limit?
how can I determine what the limit is dynamically? and how many threads are already in the queue?
Why not use the run-join idiom I provided as an answer to another question of yours: many queries in a task to generate json? You could alter that code example to create several threads and then join if you're looking for things work asynchronously. In addition, having as many threads as your question describes actually slow things down because the server spends too much time context switching between threads.
It looks like the limit is a built-in limit that cannot be changed.
The message above is an error message though, so you could wrap the cfthread in a cftry to find out when the limit is reached.