Is there query API for Google Photos ( - google-photos

We can choose cat photos taken in a location in the google photos app, but I wonder if there is any API for that?
I did some search and people suggested we can use the old google+ API for upload, but I'm looking into getting a list of photos that match the search.
Or, perhaps to get a list of photos in a given public photo albums?


Select some photos from witnin an album and Create a url to share them using Google Photo APIs

I managed to create a Google Photo Album and upload many photos to this album using the Google Photo API.
I need also using Google Photo API again, to select only a couple of these photos and create a url in order to share this.
I would appreciate any help,

Fetch a random photo from Google Photos with API

I want to write an app that fetches a random photo from my Google Photos set of photos using the Google Photos API. This is the new Google Photos, not the old one that was linked to a Google Drive.
In my review of the API Docs, it seems that you can list albums, and perhaps list what the albums contain, but it's not obvious to me how to download a photo itself. Can anyone figure it out?
Try with this API:
It lets you list the photos from your library and returns two parameters, productUrl and baseUrl, that you could use to get the photo.

Google Photos API - Can I access existing enrichments?

I'm using the Google Photos Java API to create a small program to access the contents of a pre-existing album. I have been able to get code up and running that can report the album's name, and the media items it contains and so on, but not the text added between photos. I understand that the API considers these texts a form of enrichment and I can see there are functions for adding such enrichments to an album, but is there any way to list the enrichments already in an album? Or otherwise access the text a user has previous added between photos via the platform's desktop browser interface?
Unfortunately the Google Photos Library API does not provide a way to access existing album enrichments when accessing the contents of an album.
This has been filed as a feature request on the issue tracker for the API. You can 'star' it to draw attention to it and be notified of any updates:

FQL doesn't return mobile photos groups uploaded via the Facebook Camera app

It looks like the FQL query to return photos from a user's Mobile Uploads album doesn't return all of a user's uploaded the photos. This is the case for any photo groups (when uploading more than 1 photo at a time) from the Facebook Camera app. These photos get grouped into their own data entity, and do not get returned when I query for all photos from Mobile Uploads via FQL. However, if I do the same query but via the Graph Api, all those photos do get returned, so it looks like there's an inconsistency between the way the Graph Api returns the photos data and the way FQL returns it. The Graph Api seems to return a more comprehensive set of results.
I've found that if you upload multiple photos they gets categorised as a status update and you need the user's "user_status" permission to access them through the API, even though they're in the mobile uploads album (any other photo in there you can access with only the user_photos permission)

Search photo & videos from facebook

Can we search public photos & videos from facebook by tags as input perameter as we do in flickr using the tags we search photos and flickr API returns list of photos.
Any help or suggestion would be greatly appriciated.
last time I checked, photos uploaded to Facebook do not have tags. Therefore, it isn't possible to return photos that match a tag. What you could do, is search for groups or apps on Facebook and then retrieve the public photos there.
The search URL format is, where q is your query. More info can be found here.
Here is an app that allows you to search facebook photos!
The below api query will return everything that has that object_id tagged.[object_id]/tagged
An example of this would be looking for everything tagging Heat Ultra Lounge (a project I'm working on). To get the objects tagged with this tag, I would use the below get address and include &access_token=[my or my app's access token]. Like so:[youraccesstoken]