I have a DataPipeline that exports data from a local DB to Redshift via S3 (very similar to Incremental copy of RDS MySQL table to Redshift template). I have defined primary key and set insertMode to "OVERWRITE_EXISTING" in pipeline definition, however, I noticed that some rows eventually were duplicated. In what cases does it happen and how do I prevent it?
In Redshift it wont enforce primary key to restrict duplicate values.
We do use temp table to load incremental data then we do upsert(using merge) to target table by checking whether record exist or not.
In this way you can achieve.
Just found this post after several years, adding an answer in case it helps someone else:
In addition to primary keys Redshift also uses distkeys to determine which lines to overwrite. So in my case an updated value in distkey column forced Redshift to create a duplicate row, although the primary key remained unchanged.
In my use case, I need to periodically update a Dynamo table (like once per day). And considering lots of entries need to be inserted, deleted or modified, I plan to drop the old table and create a new one in this case.
How could I make the table queryable while I recreate it? Which API shall I use? It's fine that the old table is the target table. So that customer won't experience any outage.
Is it possible I have something like version number of the table so that I could perform rollback quickly?
I would suggest table name with a common suffix (some people use date, others use a version number).
Store the usable DynamoDB table name in a configuration store (if you are not already using one, you could use Secrets Manager, SSM Parameter Store, another DynamoDB table, a Redis cluster or a third party solution such as Consul).
Automate the creation and insertion of data into a new DynamoDB table. Then update the config store with the name of the newly created DynamoDB table. Allow enough time to switchover, then remove the previous DynamoDB table.
You could do the final part by using Step Functions to automate the workflow with a Wait of a few hours to ensure that nothing is happening, in fact you could even add a Lambda function that would validate whether any traffic is hitting the old DynamoDB.
I am trying to automatically generate a data documentation in the Redshift cluster for all the maintained data products, but I am having trouble to do so.
Is there a way to fetch/store metadata about tables/columns in redshift directly?
Is there also some automatic way to determine what are the unique keys in a Redshift table?
For example an ideal solution would be to have:
Table location (cluster, schema, etc.)
Table description (what is the table for)
Each column's description (what is each column for, data type, is it a key column, if so what type, etc.)
Column's distribution (min, max, median, mode, etc.)
Columns which together form a unique entry in the table
I fully understand that getting the descriptions automatically is pretty much impossible, but I couldn't find a way to store the descriptions in redshift directly, instead I'd have to use 3rd party solutions or generally a documentation outside of the SQL scripts, which I'm not a big fan of, due to the way the data products are built right now. Thus having a way to store each table's/column's description in redshift would be greatly appreciated.
Amazon Redshift has the ability to store a COMMENT on:
You can use these comments to store descriptions. It might need a bit of table joining to access.
See: COMMENT - Amazon Redshift
I'm interested in setting up some automated jobs that will periodically export data from our Redshift instance and store it on S3, where ideally it will then be bubbled back up into Redshift via an external table running in Redshift Spectrum. One thing I'm not sure of how to best deal with is the case of certain tables I'm working with changing in schema over time.
I'm able to both UNLOAD data from Redshift to S3 without a problem, and I'm also able to set up an external table within Redshift and have that S3 data available for querying. However, I'm not sure how to best deal with cases where our tables will change columns over time. For example, in the case of certain event data we capture through Segment, traits that get added will result in a new column on the Redshift table that won't have existed in previous UNLOADs. In Redshift, the column value for data that came in before the column existed will just result in NULL values.
What are best way to deal deal with this gradual change in data structure over time? If I just update the new fields in our external table will Redshift be able to deal with the fact that these fields don't necessarily exist on the older UNLOADs, or do I need to go some other route?
Im am configuring AWS pipline to load a redshift table with data from JSON S3 file.
Im using RedshiftActivity and everything was good until i try to configure KEEP_EXISTING load method. I really do not want to truncate my table with each load but keep existing information and ADD new records.
Redshift activity seems to require PRIMARY KEY defined in the table in order towork (OK) ... now it's also requresting me to configure DISTRIBUTION KEY, but i am interested in EVEN distribution and it seems that DISTRIBUTION KEY cannot work aside with EVEN distribution style.
Can i simulate EVEN distribution using a distribution key?
I don't bother with primary key when creating tables in Redshift. For distkey, you want to pick a field whose values are randomly distributed, ideally.
In your case of incremental insertion, what I normally do is just use SQLActivity to copy the data from s3 to a staging table in Redshift. Then I perform the update/insert/dedup and whatever steps, depending on business logic. Finally I drop the staging table. Done.
With an existing dynamodb table, is it possible to modify the table to add a global secondary index? From the dynamodb control panel, it looks like I have to delete the table and create a new one with the global index.
Edit (January 2015):
Yes, you can add a global secondary index to a DynamoDB table after its creation; see here, under "Global Secondary Indexes on the Fly".
Old Answer (no longer strictly correct):
No, the hash key, range key, and indexes of the table cannot be modified after the table has been created. You can easily add elements that are not hash keys, range keys, or indexed elements after table creation, though.
From the UpdateTable API docs:
You cannot add, modify or delete indexes using UpdateTable. Indexes can only be defined at table creation time.
To the extent possible, you should really try to anticipate current and future query requirements and design the table and indexes accordingly.
You could always migrate the data to a new table if need be.
Just got an email from Amazon:
Dear Amazon DynamoDB Customer,
Global Secondary Indexes (GSI) enable you to perform more efficient
queries. Now, you can add or delete GSIs from your table at any time,
instead of just during table creation. GSIs can be added via the
DynamoDB console or a simple API call. While the GSI is being added or
deleted, the DynamoDB table can still handle live traffic and provide
continuous service at the provisioned throughput level. To learn more
about Online Indexing, please read our blog or visit the documentation
page for more technical and operational details.
If you have any questions or feedback about Online Indexing, please
email us.
Sincerely, The Amazon DynamoDB Team
According to the latest new from AWS, GSI support for existing tables will be added soon
Official statement on AWS forum