how to use a video stream as input in python/opencv programme - python-2.7

I am able to stream and receive webcam feed in two terminal via udp
command for streaming:
ffmpeg -i /dev/video0 -b 50k -r 20 -s 858x500 -f mpegts udp://
command for recieving:
ffplay udp://
Now i have to use this received video stream as input in python/opencv how can i do that.
I will be doing this using rtp and rstp as well.
But in case of rtsp it is essential to initiate the receiving terminal, but if I do that then port will become busy and my program will not be able to take the feed.How could it be resolved.
I am currently using opencv 2.4.13, python 2.7 in ubuntu 14.04

Check this tutorial, and use cv2.VideoCapture("udp://"). You will need to build opencv with FFmpeg so that it works.


Capture and play MJPEG - Network Video stream over UDP with OpenCV and ffmpeg

I'm trying to receive and display a udp live mjpeg - network video stream from a network cam.
I can play the video stream by starting VLC with the Argument --demux=mjpeg and then typing udp://#:1234 in the network stream field. Or with gstreamer by the console line: gst-launch -v udpsrc port=1234 ! jpegdec ! autovideosink. My Cam has the IP Address and it sends the stream to the address
I've tried to capture the stream with OpenCV with:
cv::VideoCapture cap;"udp://#");
I tried also:"udp://#:1234")"udp://#localhost:1234")"udp://")"udp://")
But the function hangs until I press ctrl+C. I have the same problem when I use ffmpeg with: ffmpeg -i udp://# -vcodec mjpeg
What did I do wrong? When i installed ffmpeg i couldn't install the dependency libsdl1.2-dev. Is that the problem?
If so, there is any way to read the udp-frames from the socket and then decode the JPEG pictures and display it with OpenCV?
I have the OS Ubuntu linaro oneiric 11.10 with the kernel 3.0.35 from Freescale
thanks any way. i have fixed this problem by installing a newr version of ffmpeg and using the C-Api of ffmpeg

OpenCV stream video from Netcat

I am using Netcat and Mplayer to stream video from one device to another like this:
cat [video file] | nc [client ip address] [port] (server)
nc -L -p [port] | mplayer [options] (client)
I would like to ask if there is a way to pick up the stream with OpenCV to perform some image processing.
I have tried something like
VideoCapture stream("udp://#<ip>:<port>/");
but the process gets stuck at this point.
Thank you for your help !
I'm doing a similar thing myself, was able to get it working by simply piping through stdin:
nc -L -p [port] | ./opencvprogram
and then in the opencv program:
VideoCapture stream("/dev/stdin");
Did you try
VideoCapture stream("udp://#:6000"); //6000 is just an example
Are you sure that your video is streaming as UDP?
You can check this code too.

FFMPEG command for audio file streaming

I am trying to stream an audio file in mp3 format using the FFMPEG library to a remote computer, located on the same LAN as the sender. The command i used to stream at the sender is given below:
ffmpeg -re -f mp3 -i sender.mp3 -ar 8000 -f mulaw -f rtp rtp://
I got the below command on FFMPEG documentation page that generates audio and streams it to port number 1234 on remote computer
ffmpeg -re -f lavfi -i aevalsrc="sin(400*2*PI*t)" -ar 8000 -f mulaw -f rtp rtp://
I thought i had made relevant changes to this so that the mp3 streaming command will work, but only to know encounter the error which reads
"Error while opening encoder for output stream #0:0 - maybe incorrect parameters such as bit_rate, rate, width or height"
Can anyone tell me what is the wrong parameter here and how to rectify it?
I could figure out the way to stream an audio file using FFMPEG. The command for the same is given below:
ffmpeg -re -f mp3 -i sender.mp3 -acodec libmp3lame -ab 128k -ac 2 -ar 44100 -f rtp rtp://
Here the audio file 'sender.mp3' is located in the same folder as ffmpeg.exe. In case of a different folder, the full path should be mentioned in the command.

youtube-dl command saves as flv and not mp3

So below is my command that I am running. It should be converting it to mp3 but it still exports as a video in flv. What am I doing wrong?
$cmd = '/usr/local/bin/youtube-dl -o "%(title)s.%(ext)s" -x --audio-format mp3 -- '.escapeshellarg($url).'';
youtube-dl will download the video before converting it. Most likely, you don't have ffprobe or ffmpeg installed. Make sure both programs are available (i.e. you get a sensible output for ffprobe --help and ffmpeg --help).
You can directly download the .mp3 file from the youtube site.
For e.g in ubuntu terminal youtube-dl -f 141 .Most probably 141 is the .mp3 file format code for better quality.

Capturing jpegs from an h264 stream with gstreamer on a Raspberry Pi

I have one of the new camera add-ons for a Raspberry Pi. It doesn't yet have video4linux support but comes with a small program that spits out a 1080p h264 stream. I have verified this works and got it pushing the video to stdout with:
raspivid -n -t 1000000 -vf -b 2000000 -fps 25 -o -
I would like to process this stream such that I end up with a snapshot of the video taken once a second.
Since it's 1080p I will need to use the rpi's hardware support for H264 encoding. I believe gstreamer is the only app to support this so solutions using ffmpeg or avconv won't work. I've used the build script at to make gstreamer and the plugin for hardware H264 encoding and it appears to work:
root#raspberrypi:~/streamtest# GST_OMX_CONFIG_DIR=/etc/gst gst-inspect-1.0 | grep 264
omx: omxh264enc: OpenMAX H.264 Video Encoder
omx: omxh264dec: OpenMAX H.264 Video Decoder
So I need to construct a gst-launch pipeline that takes video on stdin and spits out a fresh jpeg once a second. I know I can use gstreamer's 'multifilesink' sink to do this so have come up with the following short script to launch it:
root#raspberrypi:~/streamtest# cat
export GST_OMX_CONFIG_DIR=/etc/gst
raspivid -n -t 1000000 -vf -b 2000000 -fps 25 -o - | \
gst-launch-1.0 fdsrc fd=0 ! decodebin ! videorate ! video/x-raw,framerate=1/1 ! jpegenc ! multifilesink location=img_%03d.jpeg
Trouble is it doesn't work: gstreamer just sits forever in the prerolling state and never spits out my precious jpegs.
root#raspberrypi:~/streamtest# ./
Setting pipeline to PAUSED ...
Pipeline is PREROLLING ...
[waits forever]
In case it's helpful output with gstreamer's -v flag set is at
Can anyone explain what I'm doing wrong?
We finally found a solution to this. My gstreamer pipeline was mostly right but two problems combined to stop it working:
raspivid doesn't add timestamps to the h264 frames it produces
recent versions of gstreamer have a bug which stop it handling untimestamped frames
Run a 1.0 build of gstreamer (be sure to build from scratch & remove all traces of previous attempts) and the problem goes away.
See for the mailing list thread.