ODOO [V8] Unit Tests - unit-testing

I'm actually trying to run the unittests I've created thanks to Odoo's documentation.
I've built my module like this :
- __init__.py
- tests
Inside 'module_test/tests/init.py', I do have "import test_1"
Inside, 'module_test/tests/test_1.py", I do have : "import tests + a test scenario I've written.
Then I launch the command line to run server, and I add :
'-u module_test --log-level=test --test-enable' to update the module and activate the tests run
The shell returns : "All post-tested in 0.00s, 0 queries".
So in fact, no tests are run.
I then added a syntax error, so the file can't be compiled by the server, but shell returned the same sentence. It looks like the file is ignored, and the server is not even trying to compile my file... I do not understand why ?
I've checked some Odoo source module, the 'sale' one for example.
I've tried to run sale tests, shell returned the same value than before.
I added syntax error inside sale tests, shell returned the same value again, and again.
Does anyone have an idea about this unexpected behavior ?

You should try using post_install decorator for test class:
from openerp.tests import common
class TestPost(common.TransactionCase):
def test_post_method(self):
response = self.env['my_module.my_model'].create_post('hello')
self.assertEqual(response['success'], True)
To make the tests perform faster without updating your module, you should be able to run tests without
-u module_test
if you use
I have to admit that odoo testing documentation is really bad. It took me a week to figure out how to make unit testing work in odoo.


jest manual ES6 class mock is not active and I want to understand why

I am having problems using Jest manual mocks (the one in a parallel __mocks__ directory) in my project.
I think I understand how to use it and it actually works fine if I remove a single line in a file specified in the Jest setupFiles array.
In that file a global helper is installed (into global.createComp) that uses the vuex store.
This is a vue + vuex project but even running the stripped down spec using only jest gives unexpected results.
Can somebody look at my minimal reproducible example repo at https://github.com/thenoseman/jest-manual-mock-not-working, do a npm i and npm run test:unit and help me understand why the mock is not active?
You can find the line that need to be commented out in test/unit/support/helpers.js.
Also the README shows a screenshot and further explains what the problem looks like.
setupFiles are evaluated before test files. As the reference states,
A list of paths to modules that run some code to configure or set up the testing environment. Each setupFile will be run once per test file. Since every test runs in its own environment, these scripts will be executed in the testing environment immediately before executing the test code itself.
JavaScript modules are evaluated once on first import. Importing #/store/modules/internetAtHome in helpers.js results in importing original #/api/DslService.
The mock in test file doesn't affect #/api/DslService because it has already been evaluated earlier:
import DslService from "#/api/DslService";
In case helpers.js needs mocked #/api/DslService, jest.mock needs to be moved there.
In case helpers.js needs original #/api/DslService but tests need mocked one, the module (and any module that depends on it) needs to be re-imported with jest.resetModules or jest.isolatedModules:
let DslService;
jest.isolateModules(() => {
DslService = require("#/api/DslService").default;
For a module that was imported with original implementation and needs to be re-imported as a mock, jest.requireMock can be used, it doesn't need jest.mock('#/api/DslService'):
let DslService = jest.requireMock("#/api/DslService").default;

Make running tests mandatory before runserver in django

Is there any way to make running tests compulsory before running the server in django? I have a project on which many people will be working on so i want to make the testing compulsory before running it and all tests must pass before it runs. So basically lock the runserver command until all the tests pass successfully. This implementation will be just for some time and not for long.
Add this line execute_from_command_line([sys.argv[0], 'test']) before execute_from_command_line(sys.argv) in function main() in module manage.py. It can solve your problem. The main() will look like this:
def main():
# settings, import execute_from_command_line in 'try except' block
if (os.environ.get('RUN_MAIN') != 'true') & (sys.argv[1] == 'runserver'): # just run once when execute command 'manage.py runserver' but not other commands
execute_from_command_line([sys.argv[0], 'test']) # run ALL the test first
or you can specify the module for testing: execute_from_command_line([sys.argv[0], 'test', 'specific_module'])
or with file pattern:
execute_from_command_line([sys.argv[0], 'test', '--pattern=tests*.py'])
I agree with #LFDMR that this is probably a bad idea and will make your development process really inefficient. Even when with test-driven development, it is perfectly sensible to use the development server, for example, to figure out why your tests don't pass. I think you would be better served with a Git pre-commit or pre-push hook or the equivalent in your version control system.
That being said, here is how you can achieve what you are after:
You can overwrite an existing management command by adding a management command of the same name to one of your apps.
So you have to create file management/commands/runserver.py in one of your apps which looks like this:
from django.core import management
from django.core.management.commands.runserver import BaseRunserverCommand
class Command(BaseRunserverCommand):
def handle(self, *args, **kwargs):
call_command('test') # calls `sys.exit(1)` on test failure
super().handle(*args, **kwargs)
If I were a developer in your team, the first thing I would do is deleting this file ;)
In my experience it will be a terrible idea.
What you should really look into is Continuous integration
It is whenever someone push something all tests should run and a email will be send to the user who have pushed is something fail.

Django unit tests fail when ran as a whole and there is GET call to the API

I am facing an issue when I run the tests of my django app with the command
python manage.py test app_name OR
python manage.py test
All the test cases where I am fetching some data by calling the GET API, they seem to fail because there is no data in the response in spite of there being in the test data. The structure which I have followed in my test suite is there is a base class of django rest framework's APITestCase and a set_up method which creates test objects of different models used in the APIs and I inherit this class in my app's test_views class for any particular API
such as
class BaseTest(APITestCase):
def set_up(self):
create the test objects which can be accessed by the main test
self.person1= Person.objects.create(.......)
class SomeViewTestCase(BaseTest):
def setUp(self):
def test_some_api(self):
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
So whenever I run the test as
./manage.py test abc.tests.test_views.SomeViewTestCase
it works fine, but when I run as
./manage.py test abc
The test above response.data has 0 entries and similarly, with the other tests within the same class the data is just not fetched and hence all the asserts fail.
How can I ensure the successful run of the test when they are run as a whole because during deployment they have to go through CI?
The versions of the packages and system configuration are as follows:
Django Version -1.6
Django Rest Framework - 3.1.1
Python -2.7
Operating System - Mac OS(Sierra)
Appreciate the help.Thanks.
Your test methods are executed in arbitrary order... And after each test, there's a tearDown() method that takes care to "rollback to initial state" so you have isolation between tests execution.
The only part that is shared among them is your setUp() method. that is invoked each time a test runs.
This means that if the runner start from the second test method and you only declare your response.data in your first test, all tests are gonna fail apart the posted one.
Hope it helps...

Go: how to run tests for multiple packages?

I have multiple packages under a subdirectory under src/,
running the tests for each package with go test is working fine.
When trying to run all tests with go test ./... the tests are running but it fails..
the tests are running against local database servers, each test file has global variables with db pointers.
I tried to run the tests with -parallel 1 to prevent contention in the db, but the tests still fail.
what can be the issue here?
EDIT: some tests are failing on missing DB entries, I completely clear the DB before and after each test. the only reason I can think of why this is happening is because of some contention between tests.
each one of my test files has 2 global variables (using mgo):
var session *mgo.Session
var db *mgo.Database
also it has the following setup and teardown functions:
func setUp() {
s, err := cfg.GetDBSession()
if err != nil {
session = s
db = cfg.GetDB(session)
func tearDown() {
each tests startup with setUp() and defer tearDown()
also cfg is:
package cfg
import (
func GetDBSession() (*mgo.Session, error) {
session, err := mgo.Dial("localhost")
return session, err
func GetDB(session *mgo.Session) *mgo.Database {
return session.DB("test_db")
I changed cfg to use a random database, the tests passed.
it seems that the tests from multiple packages are running somewhat in parallel.
is it possible to force go test to run everything sequentially across packages ?
Update: As pointed out by #Gal Ben-Haim, adding the (undocumented) go test -p 1 flag builds and tests all packages in serial. As put by the testflag usage message in the Go source code:
-p=n: build and test up to n packages in parallel
Old answer:
When running go test ./..., the tests of the different packages are in fact run in parallel, even if you set parallel=1 (only tests within a specific package are guaranteed to be run one at a time). If it is important that the packages be tested in sequence, like when there is database setup/teardown involved, it seems like the only way right now is to use the shell to emulate the behavior of go test ./..., and forcing the packages to be tested one by one.
Something like this, for example, works in Bash:
find . -name '*.go' -printf '%h\n' | sort -u | xargs -n1 -P1 go test
The command first lists all the subdirectories containing *.go files. Then it uses sort -u to list each subdirectory only once (removing duplicates). Finally all the subdirectories containing go files get fed to go test via xargs. The -P1 indicates that at most one command is to be run at a time.
Unfortunately, this is a lot uglier than just running go test ./..., but it might be acceptable if it is put into a shell script or aliased into a function that's more memorable:
function gotest(){ find $1 -name '*.go' -printf '%h\n' | sort -u | xargs -n1 -P1 go test; }
Now all tests can be run in the current directory by calling:
gotest .
apparently running go test -p 1 runs everything sequentially (including build), I haven't see this argument in go help test or go help testflag
I am assuming that because the packages individually pass that in this situation you are also dropping the DB before that test as well.
Therefore it sounds like the state of the DB for each package test is expected to be empty.
So between each set of the package tests the DB must be emptied. There are two ways around this, not knowing your entire situation I will briefly explain both options:
Option 1. Test Setup
Add an init() function to the start of each package _test file which you then put processing to remove the DB. This will be run before the init() method of the actual package:
func init() {
fmt.Println("INIT TEST")
// My test state initialization
// Remove database contents
Assuming that the package also had a similar print line you would see in the output (note the stdout output is only displayed when the a test fails or you supply the -v option)
Option 2. Mock the database
Create a mock for the database (unless that is specifically what you are testing). The mock db can always act like the DB is blank for the starting state of each test.
Please try out the following github repository.
Copy coverage.sh to /usr/local/bin/coverage and change permission.
$ curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/appleboy/golang-testing/master/coverage.sh /usr/local/bin/coverage
$ chmod +x /usr/local/bin/coverage

How do you run OpenERP yaml unit tests

I'm trying to run unit tests on my openERP module, but no matter what I write it doesnt show if the test passes or fails! Anyone know how to output the results of a test? (Using Windows OpenERP version 6.1)
My YAML test is:
I test the tests
!python {model: mymodelname}: |
assert False, "Testing False!"
assert True, "Testing True!"
The output when I reload the module with
openerp-server.exe --update mymodule --log-level=test -dtestdb
shows that the test ran but has no errors?!
... TEST testdb openerp.tools.yaml_import: I test the tests
What am I doing wrong?
Edit: ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Ok so after much fiddling with the !python, I tried out another test:
I test that the state
!assert {model: mymodel, id: mymodel_id}:
- state == 'badstate'
Which gave the expected failure:
WARNING demo_61 openerp.tools.yaml_import: Assertion "NONAME" FAILED
test: state == 'badstate'
values: ! active == badstate
So I'm guessing it is something wrong with my syntax which may work as expected in version 7.
Thanks for everyone's answers and help!
This is what I've tried. It seems to work for me:
!python {model: sale.order}: |
assert True, "Testing True!"
assert False, "Testing False!"
(Maybe you forgot the "|" character)
And then :
bin/start_openerp --init=your_module_to_test -d your_testing_database --test-file=/absolute/path/to/your/testing_file.yml
You might want to create your testing database before :
createdb mytestdb --encoding=unicode
Hope it helps you
UPDATE: Here are my logs ( I called my test file sale_order_line_test.yml)
ERROR mytestdb openerp.tools.yaml_import: AssertionError in Python code : Testing False!
mytestdb openerp.modules.loading: At least one test failed when loading the modules.
loading test file /path/to/module/test/sale_order_line_test.yml
AssertionError in Python code : Testing False!
Looking at the docs (e.g. here and here), I can't see anything obviously wrong with your code.
However, I'm not familiar with --log-level=test. Maybe try running it with the -v, --debug or --log-level=debug flags instead of --log-level=test? You may also need to try the uppercase variants for the --log-level argument, i.e. --log-level=DEBUG.
test certainly isn't one of the standard Python logging module's logging levels, and while I can't exclude the possibility of them adding a custom log level, I don't think that's the case.
It might also be worthwhile trying to remove the line obj = self.browse(cr, uid, ref("HP001")), just in case..
Try to type following path on your terminal when you start your server.
./openerp-server --addons-path=<..Path>...--test-enable
:Enable YAML and unit tests.
./openerp-server --addons-path=<..Path>...--test-commit
:Commit database changes performed by YAML or XML tests.
Try this in your terminal it will work.
./openerp-server --addons-path=<..Path> --log-level=test --test-enable
Hope This will help you.