Is treating two uint8_ts as a uint16_t less efficient - c++

Suppose I created a class that took a template parameter equal to the number uint8_ts I want to string together into a Big int.
This way I can create a huge int like this:
SizedInt<1000> unspeakablyLargeNumber; //A 1000 byte number
Now the question arises: am I killing my speed by using uint8_ts instead of using a larger built in type.
For example:
SizedInt<2> num1;
uint16_t num2;
Are num1 and num2 the same speed, or is num2 faster?

It would undoubtedly be slower to use uint8_t[2] instead of uint16_t.
Take addition, for example. In order to get the uint8_t[2] speed up to the speed of uint16_t, the compiler would have to figure out how to translate your add-with-carry logic and fuse those multiple instructions into a single, wider addition. I'm sure that some compilers out there are capable of such optimizations sometimes, but there are many circumstances which could make the optimization unlikely or impossible.
On some architectures, this will even apply to loading / storing, since uint8_t[2] usually has different alignment requirements than uint16_t.
Typical bignum libraries, like GMP, work on the largest words that are convenient for the architecture. On x64, this means using an array of uint64_t instead of an array of something smaller like uint8_t. Adding two 64-bit numbers is quite fast on modern microprocessors, in fact, it is usually the same speed as adding two 8-bit numbers, to say nothing of the data dependencies that are introduced by propagating carry bits through arrays of small numbers. These data dependencies mean that you will often only be add one element of your array per clock cycle, so you want those elements to be as large as possible. (At a hardware level, there are special tricks which allow carry bits to quickly move across the entire 64-bit operation, but these tricks are unavailable in software.)
If you desire, you can always use template specialization to choose the right sized primitives to make the most space-efficient bignums you want. Otherwise, using an array of uint64_t is much more typical.
If you have the choice, it is usually best to simply use GMP. Portions of GMP are written in assembly to make bignum operations much faster than they would be otherwise.

You may get better performance from larger types due to a decreased loop overhead. However, the tradeoff here is a better speed vs. less flexibility in choosing the size.
For example, if most of your numbers are, say, 5 bytes in length, switching to unit_16 would require an overhead of an extra byte. This means a memory overhead of 20%. On the other hand, if we are talking about really large numbers, say, 50 bytes or more, memory overhead would be much smaller - on the order of 2%, so getting an increase in speed would be achieved at a much smaller cost.


is using an integer to store many bool worth the effort?

I was considering ways to reduce memory footprint, and it is constantly mentioned that a bool takes up more memory than it logically needs to, as a byproduct of processor design.
it is also sometimes mentioned that one could store several bool within an int.
I am wondering if this would actually be more memory efficient?
if we have a usecase where we can use a significant portion of 32 (or 64) bool. and we decide to store all of them in a single int. then on the surface we have saved
7 (bits) * 32 (size of int) = 224 (bits) or 28 (bytes)
but in order to get each of those bits from the int, we needed to use some method of masking
such as:
bit shifting the int both directions (int<<x)>>y here we need to load and store x,y which are probably an int, but you could get them smaller depending on the use case
masking the int: int & int2 here we also store an additional int, which is stored and loaded
even if these aren't stored as variables, and they are defined statically within the code, it still ends up using additional memory, as it will increase the memory footprint of the instructions. as well as the instructions for the masking steps.
is there any way to do this that isn't actually worse for memory usage than just taking the hit on 7 wasted bits?
You are describing a text book example of a trade-off.
Yes, several bools in one int is hugeley more memory efficient - in itself.
Yes, you need to spend code to use that.
Yes, for only a few bools (for different values of "few"), the code might take more space than you save.
However, you could look at the kind of memory which is used. In some environments, RAM (which is saved by your idea) is much more expensive than ROM (which has to be paid for your idea).
Also, the price to pay is mostly paid once for implementation and only paid a fraction for using, especially when the using code is reused, e.g. in loops.
Altogether, in case of many bools, you can save more than you pay.
The point of actually saving needs to be determined for the special case.
On the other hand, you have missed on "currency" on the price-tag for the idea. You not only pay in memory, you also pay in execution time. You focused your question on memory, so I won't elaborate here. But for anything time critical, you should take the longer execution time into conisderation. You might find that saving memory is quite achievable with your idea, but the whole thing gets unbearably slow.
Again from the other side, as Eric Postpischil points out in a comment, execution speed can also improve due to cache effects from better memory footprint.
I am wondering if this would actually be more memory efficient?
Potentially yes. Storing multiple bools inside a single object may use less storage compared to having distinct bool object for each, if the number of bools is great enough to offset the cost in memory use of the instructions.
Also consider that there are more considerations than space efficiency. Most typically, people are concerned about time efficiency as well. In this regard, compacting bools may more or less efficient depending on the details of the use case.
is using an integer to store many bool worth the effort?
It can be worth the effort. It can also be counter productive. The difference can be minuscule or significant. Both in terms of time and space efficiency. Most accurate way to find out is to measure it.
It's not necessary to implement this yourself though, since there are solutions in the standard library. std::vector<bool> and std::bitset both implement compact storage of bools. Using bitfields may also be an option (just remember to not rely on the internal representation).

Should I store numbers in chars to save memory?

The question is pretty simple. Should I store some numbers which will not surpass 255 in a char or uint_8t variable types to save memory?
Is it common or even worth it saving a few bytes of memory?
Depends on your processor and the amount of memory your platform has.
For 16-bit, 32-bit and 64-bit processors, it doesn't make a lot of sense. On a 32-bit processor, it likes 32-bit quantities, so you are making it work a little harder. These processors are more efficient with 32-bit numbers (including registers).
Remember that you are trading memory space for processing time. Packing values and unpacking will cost more execution time than not packing.
Some embedded systems are space constrained, so restricting on size makes sense.
In present computing, reliability (a.k.a. robustness) and quality are high on the priority list. Memory efficiency and program efficiency have gone lower on the priority ladder. Development costs are also probably higher than worrying about memory savings.
It depends mostly on how many numbers you have to store. If you have billions of them, then yes, it makes sense to store them as compactly as possible. If you only have a few thousand, then no, it probably does not make sense. If you have millions, it is debatable.
As a rule of thumb, int is the "natural size" of integers on your platform. You many need a few extra bytes of code to read and write variables with other sizes. Still, if you got thousands of small values, a few extra bytes of code is worth the savings in data.
So, std::vector<unsigned char> vc; makes a lot more sense than just a single unsigned char c; value.
If it's a local variable, it mostly doesn't matter (from my experience different compilers with different optimization options do (usually negligibly) better with different type choices).
If it's saved elsewhere (static memory / heap) because you have many of those entities, then uint_least8_t is probably the best choice (the least and fast types are generally guaranteed to exists; the exact-width types generally are not).
unsigned char will reliably provide enough bits too (UCHAR_MAX is guaranteed to be at least 255 and since sizeof(unsigned char) is guaranteed to be 1 and sizeof(AnyType) >= 1, there can be no unsigned integer type that's smaller).

Does int32_t have lower latency than int8_t, int16_t and int64_t?

(I'm referring to Intel CPUs and mainly with GCC, but poss ICC or MSVC)
Is it true using int8_t, int16_t or int64_t is less efficient compared with int32_tdue to additional instructions generated to to convert between the CPU word size and the chosen variable size?
I would be interested if anybody has any examples or best practices for this? I sometimes use smaller variable sizes to reduce cacheline loads, but say I only consumed 50 bytes of a cacheline with one variable being 8-bit int, it may be quicker processing by using the remaining cacheline space and promote the 8-bit int to a 32-bit int etc?
You can stuff more uint8_ts into a cache line, so loading N uint8_ts will be faster than loading N uint32_ts.
In addition, if you are using a modern Intel chip with SIMD instructions, a smart compiler will vectorize what it can. Again, using a small variable in your code will allow the compiler to stuff more lanes into a SIMD register.
I think it is best to use the smallest size you can, and leave the details up to the compiler. The compiler is probably smarter than you (and me) when it comes to stuff like this. For many operations (say unsigned addition), the compiler can use the same code for uint8, uint16 or uint32 (and just ignore the upper bits), so there is no speed difference.
The bottom line is that a cache miss is WAY more expensive than any arithmetic or logical operation, so it is nearly always better to worry about cache (and thus data size) than simple arithmetic.
(It used to be true a long time again that on Sun workstation, using double was significantly faster than float, because the hardware only supported double. I don't think that is true any more for modern x86, as the SIMD hardware (SSE, etc) have direct support for both single and double precision).
Mark Lakata answer points in the right direction.
I would like to add some points.
A wonderful resource for understanding and taking optimization decision are the Agner documents.
The Instruction Tables document has the latency for the most common instructions. You can see that some of them perform better in the native size version.
A mov for example may be eliminated, a mul have less latency.
However here we are talking about gaining 1 clock, we would have to execute a lot of instruction to compensate for a cache miss.
If this were the whole story it would have not worth it.
The real problems comes with the decoders.
When you use some length-changing prefixes (and you will by using non native size word) the decoder takes extra cycles.
The operand size prefix therefore changes the length of the rest of the instruction. The predecoders are unable to resolve this problem in a single clock cycle. It takes 6 clock cycles to recover from this error. It is therefore very important to avoid such length-changing prefixes.
In, nowadays, no longer more recent (but still present) microarchs the penalty was severe, specially with some kind arithmetic instructions.
In later microarchs this has been mitigated but the penalty it is still present.
Another aspect to consider is that using non native size requires to prefix the instructions and thereby generating larger code.
This is the closest as possible to the statement "additional instructions [are] generated to to convert between the CPU word size and the chosen variable size" as Intel CPU can handle non native word sizes.
With other, specially RISC, CPUs this is not generally true and more instruction can be generated.
So while you are making an optimal use of the data cache, you are also making a bad use of the instruction cache.
It is also worth nothing that on the common x64 ABI the stack must be aligned on 16 byte boundary and that usually the compiler saves local vars in the native word size or a close one (e.g. a DWORD on 64 bit system).
Only if you are allocating a sufficient number of local vars or if you are using array or packed structs you can gain benefits from using small variable size.
If you declare a single uint16_t var, it will probably takes the same stack space of a single uint64_t, so it is best to go for the fastest size.
Furthermore when it come to the data cache it is the locality that matters, rather than the data size alone.
So, what to do?
Luckily, you don't have to decide between having small data or small code.
If you have a considerable quantity of data this is usually handled with arrays or pointers and by the use of intermediate variables. An example being this line of code.
t = my_big_data[i];
Here my approach is:
Keep the external representation of data, i.e. the my_big_data array, as small as possible. For example if that array store temperatures use a coded uint8_t for each element.
Keep the internal representation of data, i.e. the t variable, as close as possible to the CPU word size. For example t could be a uint32_t or uint64_t.
This way you program optimize both caches and use the native word size.
As a bonus you may later decide to switch to SIMD instructions without have to repack the my_big_data memory layout.
The real problem is that programmers have spent far too much time worrying about efficiency in the wrong places and at the wrong times; premature optimization is the root of all evil (or at least most of it) in programming.
D. Knuth
When you design your structures memory layout be problem driven. For example, age values need 8 bit, city distances in miles need 16 bits.
When you code the algorithms use the fastest type the compiler is known to have for that scope. For example integers are faster than floating point numbers, uint_fast8_t is no slower than uint8_t.
When then it is time to improve the performance start by changing the algorithm (by using faster types, eliminating redundant operations, and so on) and then if it is needed the data structures (by aligning, padding, packing and so on).

How to save integer greater than 64 bits in C++?

I want to store integers with greater than 64 bits in length. Number of bits per integer can go up to millions as each entry gets added in the application.
And then for 64 such integers (of equal length) bit-wise AND operation has to be performed.
So what would be the best C++ data structure for operations to be time efficient?
Earlier i had considered vectors for it as it would allow to increase the length dynamically. Other option is to use std:bitset.
But i am not sure how to performs bit-wise ANDs with both these approaches so that its done in most time-efficient manner.
The GNU Multiprecision Library is a good arbitrary-precision integer library. It is most likely heavily optimized down to specifics for your compiler/CPU, so I'd go with that as a first start and if it's not fast enough roll your own specific implementation.
It is quite expensive to reallocate memory for vector when taking large data, so i would define
struct int_node{
bitset<256> holder;
int_node *next_node;
I think this approach would save time on memory management and save some cycles on bitwise ops.

Which is more efficient: Bit, byte or int?

Let's say that you were to have a structure similar to the following:
struct Person {
int gender; // betwwen 0-1
int age; // between 0-200
int birthmonth; // between 0-11
int birthday; // between 1-31
int birthdayofweek; // between 0-6
In terms of performance, which would be the best data type to store each of the fields? (e.g. bitfield, int, char, etc.)
It will be used on an x86 processor and stored entirely in RAM. A fairly large number will need to be stored (50,000+), so processor caches and such will need to be taken into account.
Edit: OK, let me rephrase the question. If memory usage is not important, and the entire dataset will not fit into the cache no matter which datatypes are used, is it generally better to use smaller datatypes to fit more of the data into the CPU cache, or is it better to use larger datatypes to allow the CPU to perform faster operations? I am asking this for reference only, so code readability and such should not be considered.
Don't worry about it; use what is semantically correct, and most readable
There is no answer that is correct all the time. It depends on the platform and compiler. If you really care, then you have to test.
In general, I would stay stick with ints... except for gender which should probably be an enum.
int_fast#_t from <stdint.h> or <boost/cstdint.hpp>.
That said, you'll give up simplicity and consistency (these types may be a character type, for example, which are integer types in C/C++, and that might lead to surprising function resolutions) instead of just using an int.
You'll see much more significant performance benefits by concentrating on other areas, like algorithmic complexity and access patterns.
It will be used on an x86 processor and stored entirely in RAM. A fairly large number will need to be stored (50,000+), so processor caches and such will need to be taken into account.
You still have to worry about cache (after you're at that level of optimization), even if the whole data won't be cached. For example, do you access every item in sequence? unpredictable? or just one field from every item in sequence? Compare struct { int a, b; } data[N]; to int data_a[N], data_b[N];. (Imagine you need all the 'a' at once, but can ignore the other, which way is more cache friendly?) Again, this doesn't sound like the main area on which you should focus.
Amount of bits used:
gender; 1/2 (2 if you want to include intersexuality :))
age; 8 (0-255)
birthmonth; 4 (16)
birthday; 5 (32)
birthdayofweek; 3 (8)
Bits at all: less than 22.
Knowing that it is running on x86 we have the int datatype with 32 bits.
So build your own routines which can accept an int
read(gender, int* pValue);
write(gender, int* pValue);
by using shift and bit mask operators to store and
retrieve the information. For the fields you can
use typesafe enums.
That is very fast and has an extremely low memory footprint.
it depends. Are you running out of memory? Then memory efficiency becomes paramount. Is it taking too long? Then CPU time, or at least perceived user response time, becomes paramount.
It depends. Many processors can directly access words, but require additional instructions to access octets or bits. Depending on the the compiler and processor, int might be the same as the addressable word. But is speed really going to matter? Readability and maintainability is likely to be more important.
In General
Each type has advantages and disadvantages, and specifically there are scenarios where each one will have the highest performance.
Addressable types (byte, char, short, int, and on x86-64 "long int") can all be loaded from memory in a single operation and so they have the least CPU overhead on a per-operation basis.
But, bit fields or flags packed into one or more bits might result in an overall faster program because:
they use the cache more efficiently, and this is a huge win, easily paying for a few extra cpu ops needed to unpack each item
they require fewer I/O operations to read in from disk, and this additional huge win easily pays for more CPU ops, even tho once again the cpu ops must be paid per item
Processor speeds have been advancing faster than disk and network speeds for decades, and now individual CPU ops are rarely a concern, particularly in your C/C++ case. You are already using the fastest code generator in the arsenal.
The in-RAM/not-in-cache scenario you mentioned
As it happens there is a still a cache factor to consider. Because the CPU is so fast, it is likely that execution time will be dominated by DRAM access on cache loads. If this is true, there is still an advantage to packing the data but it is dimished somewhat for a linear scan through the table. As it happens, modern DRAM is far more efficiently read in order, so you can fill an entire cache block in not much more time than is required to randomly read a single address. If execution time is dominated by an in-order traversal of the data structure, this works in your favor and would tend to flatten the performance difference between using addressable units and packed data structures.
Worry about important things
Finally, it's probably obvious but I will say it anyway: the data structure in terms of maps like hashes and trees, and the choice of algorithm typically has much more influence than machine ops tuning, which gives only an essentially linear optimization.
Worrying about memory bloat does matter, and it matters a lot if there is any possibility that your app won't fit in memory. Virtual storage turned out to be really important for protection and OS-kernel-level memory management, but one thing it never managed to do was allow programs to grow bigger than available RAM without bogging everything down.
Int is the fastest.
If you're using it in an array, you'll waste more memory however, so you may want to stick with byte in that case.
What Chris said. If this is a hypothetical program you're designing, trying to pick int versus uint8 at this stage isn't going to help you one bit in the long run. Focus your effort elsewhere.
If, when it comes down to it, you have a giant complex system you've made several rounds of optimizations on, and you're curious what the effect is, switching int to uint8 is probably (should be anyway) pretty easily anyway. At that stage you can make a statistically valid comparison in a real-world use case - not before.
enum Gender { Female, Male };
struct Date {...};
class Person
Gender gender;
Date date_of_birth;
//no age field - can be computed from date_of_birth
There are many reasons why either version could be faster.
Packing the structure by making each member into a minimal number of bits means less memory traffic and cache usage, which will cause a speedup. It also means more work to extract and access/modify individual fields, which will cost you performance. It will probably mean marginally more code as well, which will take up more of the instruction cache and so cost a bit of performance.
It's really impossible to say for sure which factor will be dominant. In most cases, it will be most efficient to use ints and bytes as needed. Don't bother with bitfields.
But in some cases, that won't be true. So measure, benchmark, profile. Find out how each implementation performs in your code.
In most cases you should stick to the default word size supported by the CPU. In many situations most CPUs will pad or require the compiler to pad values that are smaller than the default word size (so that structures can be word aligned), so any memory usage gain from a smaller data type can be rendered moot.
The main exception to this where you may have a large array, for example loading a file into an array of byte[] is preferable to int[].
In general model the problem cleanly and do the simple obvious thing first, then profile to see if you have memory issues. Looking at the case supplied, it is worth noting a couple of points:
The field age is a de-normalisation of the model and is a function of birthmonth, birthday, birthdayofweek, which could be represented as a single long birthtimestamp. So, just by looking at the model you can trim 8 bytes easily.
4 (bytes per int) * 5 (number of fields) * 50 000 (number of instances) = ~1MB. My laptop has 4MB L2 cache, you're unlikely to have memory issues.
This depends on exactly one thing:
What is the ratio of blindly copying the data and actually reading the data?
If you treat the data mostly as cookies, and seldom have to access an actual record, use bit fields which consume fewer space and are more IO-friendly.
If you access it a lot, and seldom copy it (as a part of container reallocation) or serialize it to disk, use larger integers that are CPU-friendly.
The processors word size is the smallest unit the computer can read/write to/from memory. If you read or write a bit, char, short or int the CPU, northbridge overhead is the same in all cases given reasonable system/compiler behavior. There is obviously a sram cache benefit to smaller field sizes. The one gotcha for x86 is to ensure proper alignment at word sized multiples. Other architectures such as sparc are much less forgiving and will actually crash if memory access is unaligned.
I tend to shy away from data types smaller than the computers word size in performant multi-threaded apps as changes to one field within a word shared with other fields in the same word can have unintended dependancies if access to all fields within the word are not externally synchronized.
struct Person
uint8_t gender; // betwwen 0-1
uint8_t age; // between 0-200
uint8_t birthmonth; // between 0-11
uint8_t birthday; // between 1-31
uint8_t birthdayofweek; // between 0-6
If you need to access them sequentially, cache optimisation might win. Thus, reducing the data structure to the strict minimum of information may be better.
One might argue that the CPU will have to fetch a 32 bits block in memory anyway, then need to extract the byte thus requiring more time. However that is an arbitrary choice of the CPU and it should not influence your data structures. Imagine if tomorrow CPUs started working with 64 bits blocks, your "optimisation" would immediately become futile because there would be an extraction anyway. However, it's almost certain that memory cache optimisation will always be relevant. This is why I like to privilege making the application as light as it can be, memory-wise, even when concerned with performance.
Furthermore, if you are very concerned with memory you can obviously go below bytes, by packing some of those variables together. But then you'll need to use bit operations, thus additional instructions, and your code could quickly become unreadable / unmaintainable unless you formalize the storage into some sort of generic container / structure.
Thing is, I don't see large fields of Person being evaluated. Therefore, speed is not the issue here.
What IS an issue is consistence. You have a structure with public members that one could easily set to the wrong data, being it out of range or off by an index.
I mean, you are not consistent yourself here, are you?
int birthmonth; // between 0-11
int birthday; // between 1-31
Why are months starting at zero but days are not?
And even if you had this consistent, maybe one guy who uses your structure goes with "months start by zero", one guy with "months start by one". This invites error. Why has age a restriction? Sure, we will not find a 200 years old guy, but why not say max of type?
Rather use things like an enum class, a special type that restricts your range like template<int from, int to> class RangedInt or an already existing type, like Date (especially since such a type can check how many days february has in that year et cetera).
Some people commented on the gender with gender theory stuff here, but in any case, zero is not a gender. You mean male and female, but while we have some intuition when you say that day is in range 0..31, how would we guess if zero is male or female? Shouldn't be governed by comments. (And if you actually want to address gender theory stuff, I'd say that the right type is string.)
Also, in most cases, you would not change anything about a person once it is created. Changes that happen in real life (like getting a different name through marriage) would happen at database level or the like, not in class level. Therefore, I'd made this a class in which you can set only by constructor. Although, of course, this is dependent on the usage obviously. But if you can do it immutable, do it immutable.
Edit: And it's easy to make age inconsistent with the date of birth. That's no good. Remove the redundant data, make it a method or the like. Although the year is missing? Strange design, I must say.