CFolderPickerDialog - No MFC - c++

I'm trying to figure out if it is possible to use OR re-create the CFolderPickerDialog dialog without using MFC, or if there has been an attempt. So far I did not find a lot of hints. This old question does not seem to help me either.
I currently open the normal folder dialog with SHBrowseForFolder. But I need an Explorer-style dialog.
Here is the Explorer-style dialog (MFC) from another application:
#include <afxdlgs.h> requires MFC. I cannot use MFC in this specific project.
Is there a way to do this without using MFC ?

Honestly, I didn't even know that MFC had wrapped this. My class library has its own implementation. And, as Barmak points out, the MFC implementation may even be buggy, and certainly has usage caveats that would not be obvious had you failed to read the documentation carefully.
That said, in general, it is good advice to use functionality that is already wrapped up in a library because this makes your life easier. If you don't want to use the whole library, but still want to see how it implements a particular feature, you can check the library's source code. MFC is provided with reference source so that you can do this easily (also so you can debug it). Although it would probably be a violation of the license to copy and paste code directly out of MFC (it would also be nigh-impossible, since it uses so many MFC-specific idioms), you can look at the code to see what they're doing, then go back to the Windows SDK documentation to figure out how to write the code yourself.
In this case, the relevant SDK documentation is here. Modern versions of Windows (since Vista) use the Common Item Dialog API to display open/save file/folder dialogs. The API consists of a base IFileDialog interface, with two sub-interfaces, IFileOpenDialog and IFileSaveDialog. There is a lot of flexibility here; the details are in the documentation, along with sample code.
Note that the Common Item Dialog is only available on Windows Vista and later. If you need to support older operating systems (I still support Windows XP), you need a fallback. The SHBrowseForFolder dialog is that fallback. It certainly has its design flaws, but it is better than nothing.
If all you want is a simple folder-picker dialog, here is an approximation of the code that I use. It uses a couple of ATL/MFC types, like the CString and CComPtr wrapper classes, but you can translate that to alternate classes of your own choosing (such as std::wstring and _com_ptr_t). It displays a simple browse-for-folder dialog, appropriate for the current operating system, with a caller-specified title and starting path. If it succeeds, it returns a string containing the path to the folder selected by the user; otherwise, it returns an empty string.
HRESULT Downlevel_SHCreateItemFromParsingName(PCWSTR pszPath, IBindCtx* pbc, REFIID riid, void** ppv)
const HINSTANCE hinstLib = GetModuleHandle(TEXT("shell32"));
if (hinstLib)
typedef HRESULT (WINAPI * pfSHCreateItemFromParsingName)(PCWSTR, IBindCtx*, REFIID, void**);
const pfSHCreateItemFromParsingName pf = reinterpret_cast<pfSHCreateItemFromParsingName>(GetProcAddress(hinstLib, _CRT_STRINGIZE(SHCreateItemFromParsingName)));
if (pf)
hResult = pf(pszPath, pbc, riid, ppv);
return hResult;
int CALLBACK BrowseForFolderCallbackProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, LPARAM /* lParam */, LPARAM lData)
// Start with BFFM_SETSELECTION, which is always available.
SendMessage(hWnd, BFFM_SETSELECTION, TRUE, lData);
#ifdef UNICODE
// If possible, also try to use BFFM_SETEXPANDED, which was introduced with
// version 6.0 of the shell (Windows XP).
SendMessage(hWnd, BFFM_SETEXPANDED, TRUE, lData);
// You can also set the caption for the dialog's "OK" button here, if you like
// (e.g., by loading a string from a resource).
// 0,
// reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(pszOKBtnCaption));
#endif // UNICODE
return 0;
CString ShowFolderBrowserDialog(HWND hwndOwner, const CString& strDlgTitle, const CString& strStartPath)
if (IsWinVistaOrLater())
CComPtr<IFileOpenDialog> pFileOpenDlg;
if (SUCCEEDED(pFileOpenDlg.CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(FileOpenDialog))))
if (SUCCEEDED(pFileOpenDlg->SetTitle(strDlgTitle)))
if (SUCCEEDED(pFileOpenDlg->GetOptions(&options)))
CComPtr<IShellItem> psiStartPath;
if (SUCCEEDED(Downlevel_SHCreateItemFromParsingName(static_cast<const TCHAR*>(strStartPath),
if (SUCCEEDED(pFileOpenDlg->SetFolder(psiStartPath)))
if (SUCCEEDED(pFileOpenDlg->Show(hwndOwner)))
CComPtr<IShellItem> pShellItemResult;
CComHeapPtr<TCHAR> pszSelectedItem;
if (SUCCEEDED(pShellItemResult->GetDisplayName(SIGDN_FILESYSPATH, &pszSelectedItem)))
return pszSelectedItem;
TCHAR szBuffer[MAX_PATH + 1];
szBuffer[0] = TEXT('\0');
bi.hwndOwner = hwndOwner;
bi.pidlRoot = nullptr;
bi.pszDisplayName = szBuffer;
bi.lpszTitle = strDlgTitle;
bi.lpfn = BrowseForFolderCallbackProc;
bi.lParam = reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(static_cast<const TCHAR*>(strStartPath));
CComHeapPtr<ITEMIDLIST> pidl(SHBrowseForFolder(&bi));
if (pidl && SHGetPathFromIDList(pidl, szBuffer))
return pszSelectedItem;
return TEXT("");
The dialog only shows actual folders in the filesystem. Although the Common Item Dialog API supports other types of special folders and namespaces, I don't need that in my app, so my code doesn't deal with the complexity. Use this as a starting point, along with the documentation, if you need more features. The most notable aspect is probably the use of SHCreateItemFromParsingName (which I have wrapped up in a dynamic call so that the code continues to run on older operating systems) to translate the caller-specified starting path (which is a string) to a Shell item object (as required by the Common Item Dialog API).


MSDN CommonFileDialogModes, altering for my purposes

I hope this falls within the realm of this forum:
I want to use the windows shell(?) to allow users to select a number of files before allowing my programme to do a few things to them. For this I found the MSDN sample "CommonFileDialogModes" -
In the sample under this class:
class CFileOpenBasketPickerCallback : public IFileDialogEvents, public IFileDialogControlEvents
they have this function:
// IFileDialogEvents
IFACEMETHODIMP OnFileOk(IFileDialog *pfd)
// if this button is in the "Add" mode then do this, otherwise return S_OK
IFileOpenDialog *pfod;
HRESULT hr = pfd->QueryInterface(IID_PPV_ARGS(&pfod));
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
IShellItemArray *psia;
hr = pfod->GetSelectedItems(&psia);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
ReportSelectedItems(pfd, psia);
return S_FALSE; // S_FALSE keeps the dialog up; return S_OK to allow it to dismiss.
which calls:
void ReportSelectedItems(IUnknown *punkSite, IShellItemArray *psia)
DWORD cItems;
HRESULT hr = psia->GetCount(&cItems);
for (DWORD i = 0; SUCCEEDED(hr) && (i < cItems); i++)
IShellItem *psi;
hr = psia->GetItemAt(i, &psi);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
PWSTR pszName;
hr = GetIDListName(psi, &pszName);
// .. I've cut some of this out for the example
Now I know pszName contains the names of the files selected. So I can add some extra code in to write this to disk. That works fine. But I dont want to write it to disk. I want to pass it back to the original functions that called this. The arguments for ReportSelectedItems can be altered, but IFACEMETHODIMP OnFileOk(IFileDialog *pfd) cannot as it is inherited. Adding a vector& file_names to the argument will stop it compiling.
So how should I deal with this? I could use a global variable for file_names, but everything I am learning about programming is telling me not to. It would be a quick fix, but I worry that would encourage me to be lazy in the future. I find it difficult to read the windows code and I don't really want to delve too much into the details of it. I can't even find what is calling the OnFileOk function, even though I know it is from one of the two base classes.
Do I really need to work at understanding all the library code just to get this one function doing what I'd like? Is there an faster way of going about this?
So to summarize, how would I get information from this inherited function without using a global variable or writing to disk? As I mentined before, I don't have much of a grasp of the code I am working with. And for future reference, how should I deal with this type of situation? I use c++ and would like to avoid c# and c as much as possible.
Thanks as always.
It seems a fairly big omission for Microsoft to have left out any sort of user data associated with the IFileDialog callbacks, but that does seem to be the case.
I'm assuming that simply calling GetSelectedItems() once the dialog returns is something you don't want to do for some reason - because that would obviously be the simplest solution.
From a quick look at the docs one way you may be able to pass data back from the event callback is using the owner window that you pass to IFileDialog::Show() (which is actually IModalWindow::Show()).
In the event handler, you get given the IFileDialog* pointer. From this, you can QI the address of the IOleWindow interface which will give you the dialog's window:
IFACEMETHODIMP OnFileOk(IFileDialog *pfd)
CComPtr<IOleWindow> pWindow;
if (SUCCEEDED(pfd->QueryInterface(IID_IOleWindow, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&pWindow))))
HWND hwndDlg;
if (SUCCEEDED(pWindow->GetWindow(&hwndDlg)))
HWND hwndOwner;
if (hwndOwner = GetWindow(hwndDlg, GW_OWNER))
// hwndOwner is the owner window of the dialog
// more code
Now assuming that hwndOwner is your own window, you can associate any data you like with it using SetProp()/GetProp() - so you could use this as a mechanism to pass data back from within the callback.
A simple solution was to add member data inside the inherited class and link it from the constructor:
class CFileOpenBasketPickerCallback : public IFileDialogEvents, public IFileDialogControlEvents
CFileOpenBasketPickerCallback(vector<wstring>& files) : files_(files)
// functions
vector<wstring>& files_;
When constructing the object
vector<std::wstring> files
CFileOpenBasketPickerCallback foacb(files);
And in IFACEMETHODIMP OnFileOk(IFileDialog *pfd)
ReportSelectedItems(pfd, psia, files_);
ReportSelectedItems is not a member so you can alter the arguments.

Subclassing descendant of VCL TWinControl

Using pseudo funcs for subclassing:
CreateSpecialHandle(TWinControl *Control, const TCreateParams &Params, const AnsiString SubClass)
set Control DefWndProc to SubClass.lpfnWndProc
set Control WindowHandle from CreateWindowEx
subclass(TWinControl *Control);
subclass(TWinControl *Control)
oldWProc = (void*)GetWindowLong(Control->Handle, GWL_WNDPROC);
oldDefWProc = (void*)(Control->DefWndProc);
oldWindowProc = Control->WindowProc;
MakeObjectInstance(newWProc) for SetWindowLong
MakeObjectInstance(newDefWProc) for Control->DefWndProc
Control->WindowProc = newWindowProc;
Now, we have unexpected behavior of subclassed control.
WM_NCHITTEST result 0, etc...
For example when newWProc intercepts WM_NCHITTEST and sets Result to HTCLIENT
we have mouse response, but, is that not responding without setting msg.result to 1 for msg.msg WM_NCHITTEST consequence of my mistake and wrong subclassing, what else we need to handle manually?
newWProc make callback of oldWProc
newDefWProc make callback of oldDefWProc
newWindowProc calls oldWindowProc
Do we have to subclass parent control of subclassed control as well?
Also, sending WM_GETTEXT results with empty buffer.
Obviously, we are doing something wrong here. We need explanation,
Thank You all in advance
in TDCEdit:public TCustomEdit overriding CreateWindowHandle
void __fastcal CreateWindowHandle(const TCreateParams &Params)
void CreateSpecialHandle(TWinControl *Control,const TCreateParams &Params, AnsiString SubClass)
Control->WindowHandle = CreateWindowEx(...,"EDIT",....);
subclass(TWinControl* Control)
oldWProc = (void*)GetWindowLong(Control->Handle, GWL_WNDPROC);
oldDefWProc = (void*)(Control->DefWndProc);
oldWindowProc = Control->WindowProc;
MakeObjectInstance(newWProc) for SetWindowLong
MakeObjectInstance(newDefWProc) for Control->DefWndProc
Control->WindowProc = newWindowProc;
Now, when I use TDCEdit and intercept Message.Msg == WM_NCHITTEST
inside newWProc Message.Result is 0 and stay 0 through all message process chain.
Note that subclassing TCustomEdit is one among other controls we need to subclass
in project and we try to use same subclass(TWinControl*) function for all.
Here is part of newWProc with few more lines to focus on problem
void __fastcall TControlWrapper::newWProc(Messages::TMessage &Message)
if(Message.Msg == WM_NCHITTEST ) // TEST
if(Message.Result == 0)
Message.Result=1;//<- WHY I NEED TO DO THIS
if( Message.Msg == WM_DESTROY) {
CallWindowProcW( (int(__stdcall*)())oldWProc,
Handle, Message.Msg, Message.WParam,
if(Message.Msg == WM_NCHITTEST )
if(Message.Result == 0)Message.Result=1;//<- OR THIS
This is a confusing question - it doesn't help that your code samples are not C++.
set Control DefWndProc to SubClass.lpfnWndProc
is not a line in a C++ function, for example. Can you show your actual code please?
I can make a guess at what you're trying to do: are you trying to subclass a window (perhaps a form?) so that it moves when the mouse is clicked on it? If so, you don't need to do any raw Windows API-style subclassing, the way you appear to be doing with GetWindowLong. In C++ Builder, the VCL is an object-oriented wrapper around the Windows API, and you can do this in one of two much cleaner ways:
Create a new WindowProc and set it; this is a property pointing to a new window procedure, and you simply call the old one too;
Create a descendant class of your TWinControl (if you're using a form, you already have one) and implement the virtual method WndProc.
An example of #1, in Delphi (but you should be easily able to convert it to C++) is in the Embarcadero documentation on subclassing WndProc.
An example of #2, the cleanest OO version, is here, and this actually shows how to do what you're trying to do, too: C++Builder: Create a TForm with BorderStyle bsNone that is nevertheless movable and resizable
Given what you appear to want to do, I would suggest going with #2.

Get the window handle of an externally running program through C++

There is an externally running program that i need the capability to resize. The kicker for me is that part of the title is the version and other specific information related to that instance. I know the substring that should be consistent across versions.
I have attempted the Findwindow() function, which works well if you have the exact wording of the title, but not when you only have a portion. I have also tried EnumWindows, but i believe that has the same limitations (i didn't have much luck with it).
I feel the simplest thing i could do (if possible) would be to get the window handle from the image name in order to do my resizing.
Here's a working piece of code I just tested on MSVS 2010 that works perfectly:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <windows.h>
BOOL CALLBACK FindWindowBySubstr(HWND hwnd, LPARAM substring)
const DWORD TITLE_SIZE = 1024;
TCHAR windowTitle[TITLE_SIZE];
if (GetWindowText(hwnd, windowTitle, TITLE_SIZE))
//_tprintf(TEXT("%s\n"), windowTitle);
// Uncomment to print all windows being enumerated
if (_tcsstr(windowTitle, LPCTSTR(substring)) != NULL)
// We found the window! Stop enumerating.
return false;
return true; // Need to continue enumerating windows
int main()
const TCHAR substring[] = TEXT("Substring");
EnumWindows(FindWindowBySubstr, (LPARAM)substring);
EnumWindows was meant specifically for this. You create your own callback function to pass to EnumWindows, and it will call your callback function for each window it enumerates and pass it the hwnd of the window. You can call GetWindowText inside of your callback function to get the window title and search that text like any other. What problem did you have with that code? Why don't you post it?

Notify CDialog-Window when selecting another window

I got a dialog-based MFC-Tool that is supposed to show the title of a window of another application in a messagebox when i click on it.
My Problem is that the WM_KILLFOCUS doesn't work here. Maybe I'm doing it wrong.
I do the following:
void CMyDlg::OnKillFocus( CWnd* pNewWnd )
HWND hwnd(GetForegroundWindow());
TCHAR buf[512];
::GetWindowText(hwnd, buf, 512);
Any idea what's wrong?
This is my guess
Replace HWND hwnd(GetForegroundWindow()); with GetActiveWindow(void) .
I solved it, thanks for your efforts.
Yes, i do use CStrings, this was just a little example of a bit more complex thing i do. My problem was not the function itself but the event WM_KILLFOCUS that didn't seem to work.
Maybe I was not clear enough here, sorry.
WM_ACTIVATE does what i need. It notifies my dialog when the focus is set and/or lost.
The code you've shown shouldn't even compile. The GetForegroundWindow function provided by MFC doesn't return an HWND, so you can't initialize the hwnd variable using its return value.
If you want to get an HWND, you need to call GetForegroundWindow from the Windows API by escaping the call with ::, just like you did for GetWindowText. So simply rewrite your code as follows:
void CMyDlg::OnKillFocus( CWnd* pNewWnd )
HWND hwnd(::GetForegroundWindow());
TCHAR buf[512];
::GetWindowText(hwnd, buf, 512);
Beyond that, in looking at your code, one wonders that you seem to be ignoring the object-orientation MFC so humbly attempts to bring to the Windows API. You shouldn't need to work directly with window handles. And one could argue that the most compelling reason to use MFC is its CString class. There's no reason you should have to deal with an array of TCHARs anymore. I might write this instead:
void CMyDlg::OnKillFocus( CWnd* pNewWnd )
CWnd* pForeWnd = GetForegroundWindow();
CString windowText;

Transparent background for MFC-hosted Windows Forms UserControl

I am using CWinFormsControl to host a Windows Forms UserControl in an MFC dialog. I have set the property DoubleBufferd to true. According to the docs this results in AllPaintingInWmPaint and UserPaint to be set to true too (not sure if this matters). How can I force (or fake) the UserControl to draw its background transparent?
This is what I have set in the contructor of my UserControl:
this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor, true);
this.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
this.DoubleBuffered = true;
I have a potential solution that may work, although I would need more information on how your animated controls work to be sure. There is one unfortunate side effect in my solution, and that is that the DoubleBuffering property only works correctly in .NET control containers. When hosted in MFC, your controls will flicker on resize and other similar display-tearing refreshes. This may cause issues with animated controls, depending on how they are performing drawing work.
To start, I first looked for issues when hosting a .NET UserControl in MFC. After quite a while of reading through the instantiation code of CWinFormsControl::CreateControl() and everything beneath, nothing out of the ordinary came up. In fact, aside from the quirks of loading managed references, the code is identical to how transparent ActiveX controls are loaded.
After learning that piece of information, I used Spy++ to look at whether the .NET control is instantiated with a windowed container. Indeed, it is. After a rather lengthy investigation, this control container appears to be controlled by an instance of a utility class, System.Windows.Forms.Control.AxSourcingSite, which has no documentation and almost no visibility. This was a little bit surprising to me, as usually it is the reverse. MFC and the lesser used WTL have great support for in-place activation, and usually controls can work with whatever the host has setup, whether windowed or not.
From here, I checked on whether this same container exists when the .NET control is hosted in a .NET control container. I assumed that perhaps the control would have its own window, without any special adapters. Turns out, I was wrong. The control works the same way as in-place non-windowed controls. This means that in order to preserve behavior, a solution must allow the regular .NET activation to proceed as normal, and when windowed, it should do something else.
A close look at the MFC hosted version reveals an off-white background drawn in by the .NET UserControl. After more spading and testing, this off-white background is definitely drawn in by a hidden layer in the window message handling chain. This means we can hack together a solution by using AllPaintingInWmPaint.
To demonstrate this, here is the source code for a UserControl that can be hosted in both .NET and the MFC managed container. This control relies on the following things to work around the transparency issues.
Add a member variable, m_ReroutePaint, to allow us to know when we need to override the default WM_PAINT behavior.
Override base.CreateParams and add the WS_EX_TRANSPARENT flag. When this property is called, set m_ReroutePaint to true. This property was not called when the Control is activated in a .NET container.
Override the WndProc() method, and patch up WM_PAINT to our liking if we are rerouting painting activities.
Use BeginPaint()/EndPaint() via Interop to setup/teardown WM_PAINT. Use the provided HDC as the initializer for a Graphics object.
Here are some caveats:
The background color of the control cannot be changed through the BackColor .NET property after the control has been instantiated. One can add workarounds for this, but to keep the sample short and simple, I left out code to do this as the intended goal is for transparent controls. However, if you start with a background color that isn't transparent, the workaround is unnecessary. I did leave code in for this case.
In attaching a HDC to a Graphics object in the WM_PAINT handler via Graphics.FromHdc(), the documentation suggests that Graphics.ReleaseHdc() should be called. However, by doing this, a GDI handle leak occurs. I have left it commented out here, but perhaps someone with GDI+ internals knowledge can figure this out.
This UserControl was created in a project named 'UserCtrlLibrary1'. The DebugPrintStyle() items may be safely removed. Also, handlers were added for resize and paint, which are both in a separate designer file, but trivial to add. AllPaintingInWmPaint should be true through the lifetime of the control.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace UserCtrlLibrary1
public partial class CircleControl : UserControl
public CircleControl()
DebugPrintStyle(ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor, "initial");
DebugPrintStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, "initial");
DebugPrintStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, "initial");
this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor, true);
this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true);
this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true);
DebugPrintStyle(ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor, "current");
DebugPrintStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, "current");
DebugPrintStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, "current");
public void DebugPrintStyle(ControlStyles cs, string prefix)
Debug.Print("{0}: {1}={2}", prefix, cs.ToString(), this.GetStyle(cs).ToString());
bool m_ReroutePaint;
const int WS_EX_TRANSPARENT = 0x0020;
protected override CreateParams CreateParams
if (this.BackColor == Color.Transparent)
m_ReroutePaint = true;
CreateParams cp = base.CreateParams;
return cp;
return base.CreateParams;
private void CircleControl_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
Graphics g = e.Graphics;
using (SolidBrush b = new SolidBrush(Color.Orange))
g.FillEllipse(b, 0, 0, this.Width, this.Height);
private void CircleControl_Resize(object sender, EventArgs e)
const int WM_PAINT = 0x000F;
static extern IntPtr BeginPaint(IntPtr hwnd, out PAINTSTRUCT lpPaint);
static extern bool EndPaint(IntPtr hWnd, [In] ref PAINTSTRUCT lpPaint);
[Serializable, StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]
public struct RECT
public int Left;
public int Top;
public int Right;
public int Bottom;
public IntPtr hdc;
public bool fErase;
public RECT rcPaint;
public bool fRestore;
public bool fIncUpdate;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 32)]
public byte[] rgbReserved;
protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
if ((m.Msg == WM_PAINT) && (m_ReroutePaint))
BeginPaint(this.Handle, out ps);
using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromHdc(ps.hdc))
using (PaintEventArgs e = new PaintEventArgs(g, new Rectangle(ps.rcPaint.Left, ps.rcPaint.Top, ps.rcPaint.Right - ps.rcPaint.Left, ps.rcPaint.Bottom - ps.rcPaint.Top)))
// HACK: This is supposed to be required...
// but it leaks handles when called!
EndPaint(this.Handle, ref ps);
base.WndProc(ref m);
In case anyone other than the OP would like to test this, here are the details to get this up and running in MFC. I created a MFC SDI project, without document-view architecture, with ActiveX control support. This results in generation of typical «project-name» class, ChildView class, and MainFrm classes.
Inside the ChildView.h header, add the following header material before the class (but after #pragma once). Alter the name of the .NET control library if yours is different.
#include <afxwinforms.h>
#using "UserCtrlLibrary1.dll"
using namespace UserCtrlLibrary1;
Add a member variable for the .NET control host. Arbitrarily, I placed mine under the Attributes section.
// Attributes
CWinFormsControl<CircleControl> m_Circle;
Also, I added handlers for OnCreate() and OnSize(). public/protected visibility may be adjusted as you need.
// Generated message map functions
afx_msg void OnPaint();
afx_msg int OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct);
afx_msg void OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy);
In ChildView.cpp, I added function bodies for all the items listed above. The message map also needs updates if you didn't use ClassWizard to add the windows message handlers.
void CChildView::OnPaint()
CPaintDC dc(this); // device context for painting
RECT rt;
rt.right = (rt.right + rt.left)/2;
dc.FillSolidRect(&rt, RGB(0xFF, 0xA0, 0xA0));
int CChildView::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)
if (CWnd::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1)
return -1;
RECT rt;
m_Circle.CreateManagedControl(WS_VISIBLE, rt, this, 1);
return 0;
void CChildView::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy)
CWnd::OnSize(nType, cx, cy);
RECT rt;
m_Circle.MoveWindow(rt.left,, rt.right - rt.left, (rt.bottom -, TRUE);
These changes create an instance of the UserControl, and anchor it against the top half of the view. The OnPaint() handler draws a pink band in the left half of the view. Together, transparency should be apparent in the top left quadrant of the view.
To get the MFC project to compile and run, a copy of the UserCtrlLibrary1 output needs to be placed in the same location as the executables for UserCtrlMFCHost. Also, another copy needs to be placed in the same directory as the project source code files for the #using statement. Last, the MFC project should be modified to use the /clr compilation script. In the Configuration Properties section, General subsection, this switch is listed under Project Defaults.
One interesting thing of note, is that this allows the ^ suffix for access to managed classes. At some points in developing this solution, I debated adding methods to be called only when instantiated from MFC, but given that there are ways to detect windowed/non-windowed activation, this wasn't necessary. Other implementations may need this, though, so I feel it is good to point this out.
How to: Compile MFC and ATL code with /clr