how can I get a string from the raspberry UART? - c++

I'm programming the Raspberry Pi to get data from an Android application by bluetooth with a HC-05 module.
I am using the wiringSerial library to accomplish it, because I just need to get some bytes of information (colours, timers, etc)
The problem is that with the serialGetchar function I just get the ASCII codes of the string I send from the Android app and not the whole string. How can I get the string as it was sent?
I have this code for now:
int main () {
connection = serialOpen(/dev/ttyAMA0, 9600);
while (serialDataAvail(connection) > -1) {
std::cout << (char) serialGetchar(connection);
Edit: the whole code is:
#include <wiringSerial.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <wiringPi.h>
#include <iostream>
int main()
char opcion;
int conexion;
int dato;
char datos[1024];
int i = 0;
std::cout << "Select option\n";
std::cout << "a --> bluetooth write test\n";
std::cout << "b --> bluetooth read test\n";
opcion = getchar();
conexion = serialOpen("/dev/ttyAMA0", 9600);
while (true){
if (opcion == 'a') {
serialPrintf(conexion, "Hola\n");
} else if (opcion == 'b') {
while (serialDataAvail(conexion) > -1){
dato = serialGetchar(conexion);
printf("%d\n", dato);
datos[i] = dato;
if (dato == 65){

I think you are confused by the output? std::cout << (char)<char_code>; is probably displaying the char_code as number (so for the char 65 (ASCII 'A') it will run number formatter and display '6' and '5' ("65") instead of "A")?
You should probably allocate some reasonably huge char buffer like char uartInput[1024];, then read the characters into it till it's either full, or some termination mark is reached. Let's say you will send string "Hello" from android as ASCII bytes terminated by zero, that means that over the wire will go these bytes: 72, 101, 108, 108, 111, 0 (any internal UART protocol bits removed).
So those values will be read by the serialGetchar, stored into uartInput, and then you can show them as ASCII string, for that a mere std::cout << uartInput; should work (as cout can handle ASCII char[] zero terminated string well), or printf("%s", uartInput); is other option with the *printf functions family (I like these a tad more, although they are not C++ like).
Make sure the bytes sent from Android are in expected format (i.e. ASCII encoded, zero terminated, in order you expect them). For more robust application probably add some checksums and error handling, some data structure markers and protocol version numbers can be handy too, etc...
Edit (on new code version):
You look to be still confused what is ASCII, string, character and number in computer. I will try to show it with some code examples.
printf("%d ", 65);
// will output three glyphs from font forming visually "65 "
//first is "6" (ASCII code 0x36 = 54)
//second is "5" (ASCII code 0x35 = 53)
//third is space " " (ASCII code 0x20 = 32)
// (^^ usually a font glyph consisting of zero pixels drawn :))
printf("%c ", 65);
// will output two glyphs from font forming visually "A "
//first is "A" (ASCII code 0x41 = 65)
//second is space " " (ASCII code 0x20 = 32)
char charZeroTerminatedString[] = "Hello";
// will allocate somewhere in memory 6 bytes, with values set to:
// 72, 101, 108, 108, 111, 0
// symbol charZeroTerminatedString itself is an address of byte containing the value 72
// so 'H' == 72 == charZeroTerminatedString[0], 111 == charZeroTerminatedString[4]
// or 72 == *charZeroTerminatedString, 111 == *(charZeroTerminatedString+4)
printf("%s\n", charZeroTerminatedString);
// will output six (five+one control) glyphs from font forming visually "Hello" + newline
// First is "H" (value 0x48 = 72 in memory)
// ...
// Sixth "\n" glyph is not as much as glyph,
// as control character just moving virtual cursor to new line
So finally your loop can look like this:
#include <cstring>
constexpr int UART_INPUT_MAX_SIZE = 1024;
char uartInput[UART_INPUT_MAX_SIZE+1];
//^^ +1 to have zero terminator even for 1024+ chars sent
while (true) {
// clear the buffer for next receiving.
int uartInputIndex = 0;
memset(uartInput, 0, UART_INPUT_MAX_SIZE+1);
// now receive data, till they are available
// Or whole string is received
while (serialDataAvail(conexion) > -1 &&
uartInputIndex < UART_INPUT_MAX_SIZE) {
uartInput[uartInputIndex] = serialGetchar(conexion);
if (0 == uartInput[uartInputIndex]) break; //zero terminator received
if (0 == uartInputIndex) break; //No more strings received
printf("%s\n", uartInput); // some string received
// Either terminated by zero in byte stream
// or by serialDataAvail reporting no more data
Please bear in mind, that sending data over serial port takes some time, so exiting your loop while serialDataAvail reports zero available bytes may be too soon, as the rest of the data may be still on it's way trough the wire. So you should have some structural protocol designed to recognize ending of transmission, or have some delays along with time-out mechanism to wait for whole transmission.
The example code works well for me, when I was feeding it with instant fake complete data (in serialDataAvail and serialGetchar), but it will fail on real serial port communication to wait for whole data transmission.


Serial communication - I'm having trouble turning an incoming char array into an int

I'm trying to receive a number from an Arduino as an integer in C++. The full code is below:
#define STRICT
#include <tchar.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "Serial.h"
#include <boost\lexical_cast.hpp>
enum { EOF_Char = 27 };
int __cdecl _tmain(int /*argc*/, char** /*argv*/)
CSerial serial;
// Attempt to open the serial port (COM4)
lLastError = serial.Open(_T("COM4"), 0, 0, false);
// Setup the serial port (9600,8N1, which is the default setting)
lLastError = serial.Setup(CSerial::EBaud9600, CSerial::EData8, CSerial::EParNone, CSerial::EStop1);
// Register only for the receive event
lLastError = serial.SetMask(CSerial::EEventBreak |
CSerial::EEventCTS |
CSerial::EEventDSR |
CSerial::EEventError |
CSerial::EEventRing |
CSerial::EEventRLSD |
// Use 'non-blocking' reads, because we don't know how many bytes
// will be received. This is normally the most convenient mode
// (and also the default mode for reading data).
lLastError = serial.SetupReadTimeouts(CSerial::EReadTimeoutNonblocking);
// Keep reading data, until an EOF (CTRL-Z) has been received
bool fContinue = true;
// Wait for an event
lLastError = serial.WaitEvent();
// Save event
const CSerial::EEvent eEvent = serial.GetEventType();
// Handle data receive event
if (eEvent & CSerial::EEventRecv)
// Read data, until there is nothing left
DWORD dwBytesRead = 0;
char szBuffer[101];
// Read data from the COM-port
lLastError = serial.Read(szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer) - 1, &dwBytesRead);
if (dwBytesRead > 0)
// Finalize the data, so it is a valid string
szBuffer[dwBytesRead] = '\0';
// Display the data
printf("%s", szBuffer);
// Check if EOF (CTRL+'[') has been specified
if (strchr(szBuffer, EOF_Char))
fContinue = false;
} while (dwBytesRead == sizeof(szBuffer) - 1);
} while (fContinue);
// Close the port again
return 0;
I have my Arduino constantly sending out the number 51. This code works fine and consistently displays "51". However, I want an int to manipulate in C++.
First I added
std::stringstream str(szBuffer);
int tester;
str >> tester;
printf("My number is: %d\n", tester+1);
right after
printf("%s", szBuffer);
A typical result looks like:
51My number is: 52
51My number is: 52
51My number is: 52
51My number is: 52
51My number is: 52
5My number is: 6
1My number is: 2
After doing it perfectly 5 or 6 times, the output always separates the incoming digits once or twice in a row (I haven't been able to find a specific pattern yet, but it's always 5-6 and 1-2).
My other attempt was to use the boost library:
int tester = boost::lexical_cast<int>(szBuffer);
printf("My number is: %d\n", tester);
right after
printf("%s", szBuffer);
and I get the same result (1-2 errors after 5-6 correct ones). I don't think the Arduino is sending bad data, since just a
printf("%s", szBuffer);
will never deviate from the number it's supposed to be. Could the conversion be messing up the receiving of data? Thanks.
EDIT: The Arduino code is:
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); // same as in your c++ script
void loop() {
With serial ports, there is no mechanism where a transmitter can inform a receiver how many bytes were transmitted as a block. I.e. there's no "hidden" marker where Serial.print(51); tells the receiver that it sent two characters as one number. You have to add some kind of indication (spaces, commas, line ends, initial byte counts, whatever) to your serial protocol.
Because of this, the number of characters you get from serial.Read depends on the number of characters you asked it to read (the second parameter) and how many characters are in the serial port's receive buffer, whichever is smaller. Most of the time, it seems the Arduino sends both digits before you call serial.Read, but sometimes it only gets one out in time... and the second is read the next time through the loop.
So let's assume you decided to use line ends to separate your numbers. All you have to do on the Arduino end is change to Serial.println(51);. The receive end is a little more complex.
I don't know what your serial library has in it. Most have some kind of "read line" function, and you would just replace the serial.Read call with something like:
serial.Readline(szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer) - 1);
and it will take care of null-terminating the output. If it doesn't take care of null-termination, you'll need to find the line end and change it to a \0 yourself. From this point on, your code will work fine, because the serial.Readline function will block until it gets the whole line.
If you don't have a "read line" or at least a "read until this character" function, it's a bit harder. You have to repeatedly call serial.Read, moving through your buffer, until you see the line end character. Further, you run the risk of reading part or all of the next line, so you can't just discard all the data you read when you're done reading the number; you have to move teh data in the buffer so the next line's data (and further) is at the start of the buffer.
If you're using Boost (are you? it has no CSerial that I see), it looks like it has a read_until function. This takes three parameters: the stream you're reading from, a stream buffer to store the data in, and something to stop on. In this case, the stream buffer for storage is the one in your std::stringstream:
std::stringstream buffer;
size_t chars = boost::asio::read_until(serial, buffer.rdbuf(), '\n');
if(chars == 0) return;
int tester;
buffer >> tester;
printf("My number is: %d\n", tester+1);

Winsock - read integer from Java client in C++

I have a client-server application, with the server part written in C++ (Winsock) and the client part in Java.
When sending data from the client, I first send its length followed by the actual data. For sending the length, this is the code:
where clientSender is of type PrintWriter.
On the server side, the code that reads this is
int iDataLength;
if(recv(client, (char *)&iDataLength, sizeof(iDataLength), 0) != SOCKET_ERROR)
//do something
I tried printing the value of iDataLength within the if and it always turns out to be some random large integer. If I change iDataLength's type to char, I get the correct value. However, the actual value could well exceed a char's capacity.
What is the correct way to read an integer passed over a socket in C++ ?
I think the problem is that PrintWriter is writing text and you are trying to read a binary number.
Here is what PrintWriter does with the integer it sends:
Prints an integer. The string produced by String.valueOf(int) is
translated into bytes according to the platform's default character
encoding, and these bytes are written in exactly the manner of the
write(int) method.
Try something like this:
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <cstring> // for std::strerror()
// ... stuff
char buf[1024]; // buffer to receive text
int len;
if((len = recv(client, buf, sizeof(buf), 0)) == -1)
std::cerr << "ERROR: " << std::strerror(errno) << std::endl;
return 1;
std::string s(buf, len);
int iDataLength = std::stoi(s); // convert text back to integer
// use iDataLength here (after sanity checks)
Are you sure the endianness is not the issue? (Maybe Java encodes it as big endian and you read it as little endian).
Besides, you might need to implement receivall function (similar to sendall - as here). To make sure you receive exact number of bytes specified - because recv may receive fewer bytes than it was told to.
You have a confusion between numeric values and their ASCII representation.
When in Java you write clientSender.print(text.length()); you are actually writing an ascii string - if length is 15, you will send characters 1 (code ASCII 0x31) and 5 (code ASCII 0x35)
So you must either :
send a binary length in a portable way (in C or C++ you have hton and ntoh, but unsure in Java)
add a separator (newline) after the textual length from Java side and decode that in C++ :
char buffer[1024]; // a size big enough to read the packet
int iDataLength, l;
l = recv(client, (char *)&iDataLength, sizeof(iDataLength), 0);
if (l != SOCKET_ERROR) {
buffer[l] = 0;
iDataLength = sscanf(buffer, "%d", &iDataLength);
char *ptr = strchr(buffer, '\n');
if (ptr == NULL) {
// should never happen : peer does not respect protocol
ptr += 1; // ptr now points after the length
//do something
Java part should be : clientSender.println(text.length());
From Remy Lebeau's comment, There is no 1-to-1 relationship between sends and reads in TCP. recv() can and does return arbitrary amounts of data, so you cannot assume that a single recv() will read the entire line of text.
Above code should not do a simple recv but be ready to concatenate multiple reads to find the separator (left as exercise for the reader :-) )

What buffer size should be chosen for serial communication of sensor readings?

I have an arduino board that is connected to a sensor. From Arduino IDE serial monitor, I see the readings are mostly 160, 150, etc. Arduino has a 10 bit ADC, so I assume the readings range from 0 to 1024.
I want to fetch that readings to my computer so that I can do further processing. It must be done this way up to this point. Now, I wrote a c++ program to read serial port buffer with Windows APIs (DCB). The transfer speed of the serial ports are set to 115200 on both the Arduino IDE and the c++ program.
I will describe my problem first: Since I want to send the readings to my computer, I expect the data looks like the following:
But now it looks like
As shown, the data are concatenated. I knew it because I tried to display them with [], and the data are truly messed up.
The section of the code that is doing the serial port reading on the computer is as here:
// Read
int n = 10;
char szBuff[10 + 1] = {0};
DWORD dwBytesRead = 0;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 200; i++){
if(!ReadFile(hSerial, szBuff, n, &dwBytesRead, NULL)){
//error occurred. Report to user.
printf("Cannot read.\n");
printf("%s\n" , szBuff);
The Arduino code that's doing the serial port sending is:
char buffer [10] = { 0 };
int analogIn = 0;
int A0_val = 0;
void setup() {
void loop() {
A0_val = analogRead(analogIn);
sprintf(buffer, "%d", A0_val);
I suspect that the messing up of the data is caused by different size of the buffer used to transmit and receive data in the serial port. What is the good suggestion for the size of the buffer and even better method to guarantee the successful transmission of valid data?
Thanks very much!
Your reciever code cannot assume a single read from the serial port will yield a complete line (i.e. the 2 or 3 digits followed by a '\n' that the arduino continuously sends).
It is up to the receiver to synthetize complete lines of text on reception, and only then try to use them as meaningful numbers.
Since the serial interface is extremely slow compared with your average PC computing power, there is little point in reading more than one character at a time: literally millions of CPU cycles will be spent waiting for the next character, so you really don't need to react fast to the arduino input.
Since in that particular case it will not hinder performances in the slightest, I find it more convenient to read one character at a time. That will save you the hassle of moving bits of strings around. At least it makes writing an educational example easier.
// return the next value received from the arduino as an integer
int read_arduino (HANDLE hserial)
char buffer[4]; // any value longer than 3 digits must come
// from a faulty transmission
// the 4th caracter is used for a terminating '\0'
size_t buf_index = 0; // storage position of received characters
for (;;)
char c; // read one byte at a time
if (!ReadFile(
&c, // 1 byte buffer
1, // of length 1
NULL, // we will read exactly one byte or die trying,
// so length checking is pointless
* This error means something is wrong with serial port config,
* and I assume your port configuration is hard-coded,
* so the code won't work unless you modify and recompile it.
* No point in keeping the progam running, then.
fprintf (stderr, "Dang! Messed up the serial port config AGAIN!");
else // our read succeded. That's a start.
if (c == '\n') // we're done receiving a complete value
int result; // the decoded value we might return
// check for buffer overflow
if (buf_index == sizeof (buffer))
// warn the user and discard the input
fprintf (stderr,
"Too many characters received, input flushed\n");
else // valid number of characters received
// add a string terminator to the buffer
buffer[buf_index] = '\0';
// convert to integer
result = atoi (buffer);
if (result == 0)
* assuming 0 is not a legit value returned by the arduino, this means the
* string contained something else than digits. It could happen in case
* of electricval problems on the line, typically if you plug/unplug the cable
* while the arduino is sending (or Mr Fluffy is busy gnawing at it).
fprintf (stderr, "Wrong value received: '%s'\n", buffer);
else // valid value decoded
// at last, return the coveted value
return res; // <-- this is the only exit point
// reset buffer index to prepare receiving the next line
buf_index = 0;
else // character other than '\n' received
// store it as long as our buffer does not overflow
if (buf_index < sizeof (buffer))
buffer[buf_index++] = c;
* if, for some reason, we receive more than the expected max number of
* characters, the input will be discarded until the next '\n' allow us
* to re-synchronize.
CAVEAT: this is just code off the top of my head. I might have left a few typos here and there, so don't expect it to run or even compile out of the box.
A couple of basic problems here. First, it is unlikely that the PC can reliably keep up with 115,200 baud data if you only read 10 bytes at a time with ReadFile. Try a slower baud rate and/or change the buffer size and number of bytes per read to something that will get around 20 milliseconds of data, or more.
Second, after you read some data put a nul at the end of it
szBuf[dwBytesRead] = 0;
before you pass it to printf or any other C string code.

C++ - ensuring full serial response

I am trying to read a serial response from a hardware device. The string I read is long and I only need a portion of it. To get to portion of the string I want I use std::string.substr(x,y); . The problem I run into however is sometimes I get an exception error because the buffer I am reading from doesn't have y characters. Here is the code I use now to read values:
char szBuff[50+1] = {0};
char wzBuff[14] = {"AT+CSQ\r"};
DWORD dZBytesRead = 0;
DWORD dwBytesRead = 0;
if(!WriteFile(hSerial, wzBuff, 7, &dZBytesRead, NULL))
std::cout << "Write error";
if(!ReadFile(hSerial, szBuff, 50, &dwBytesRead, NULL))
std::cout << "Read Error";
std:: cout << szBuff;
std::string test = std::string(szBuff).substr(8,10);
std::cout << test;
I am issuing the command "AT+CSQ". This returns:
N, N
It returns two integer values seperated by a comma followed by a new line, followed by "OK".
My question is, how can I make sure I read all values from the serial port before grabbing a substring? From what I understand, the last character received should be a new line.
The interface of your ReadFile function seems to provide you with the number of bytes read. If you know the length that is expected, you should loop trying reading from the file (probably port descriptor) until the expected number of bytes is read.
If the length of the response is not known, you might have to read and check in the read buffer whether the separator token has been read or not (in this case your protocol seems to indicate that a new-line can be used to determine EOM --end of message)
If you can use other libraries, I would consider using boost::asio and the read_until functionality (or the equivalent in whatever libraries you are using). While the code to manage this is not rocket science, in most cases there is no point in reinventing the wheel.
As you said yourself in the last line, you know that the terminator for the response is a new line character. You need to read from the serial until you receive a new line somewhere in the input. Everything you received from the previous new line to the current new line is the response, with everything after the current new line is part of the next response. This is achieved by reading in a loop, handling each response as it is discovered:
char* myBigBuff;
int indexToBuff = 0;
int startNewLine = 0;
while (ReadFile(hSerial, myBigBuff + indexToBuff, 100, &dwBytesRead, NULL))
if (strchr(myBigBuff, '\n') != NULL)
handleResponse(myBigBuff + startNewLine, indexToBuff + dwBytesRead);
startNewLine = indexToBuff + dwBytesRead;
// Move forward in the buffer. This should be done cyclically
indexToBuff += dwBytesRead;
This is the basic idea. You should handle the left overs characters via any way you choose (cyclic buffer, simple copy to a temp array, etc.)
You should use ReadFile to read a certain amount of bytes per cycle into your buffer. This buffer should be filled until ReadFile reads 0 bytes, you have reached your \n or \r\n characters, or filled your buffer to the max.
Once you have done this, there would be no need to substr your string and you can iterate through your character buffer.
For example,
while (awaitResponse) {
ReadFile(hSerial, szBuff, 50, &dwBytesRead, NULL);
if (dwBytesRead != 0) {
// move memory from szBuff to your class member (e.g. mySerialBuff)
} else {
// nothing to read
if (buffCounter > 0) {
// process buffer
else {
// zero out all buffers
Old question, but I modified #Eli Iser code to:
while (ReadFile(hSerial, myBigBuff + indexToBuff, 1, &dwBytesRead, NULL)) {
if (strchr(myBigBuff, '-') != NULL || dwBytesRead < 1)
// Move forward in the buffer. This should be done cyclically
indexToBuff += dwBytesRead;
if (indexToBuff != 0) {
//Do whatever with the code, it received successfully.

Dealing with hex values in C/C++

I receive values using winsock from another computer on the network. It is a TCP socket, with the 4 first bytes of the message carrying its size. The rest of the message is formatted by the server using protobuf (protocol buffers from google).
The problemn, I think, is that it seems that the values sent by the server are hex values sent as char (ie only 10 received for 0x10). To receive the values, I do this :
bytesreceived = recv(sock, buffer, msg_size, 0);
for (int i=0;i<bytesreceived;i++)
data_s << hex << buffer[i];
where data_s is a stringstream. Them I can use the ParseFromIstream(&data_s) method from protobuf and recover the information I want.
The problem that I have is that this is VERY VERY long (I got another implementation using QSock taht I can't use for my project but which is much faster, so there is no problem on the server side).
I tried many things that I took from here and everywhere on the internet (using Arrays of bytes, strings), but nothing works.
Do I have any other options ?
Thank you for your time and comments ;)
not sure if this will be of any use, but I've used a similar protocol before (first 4 bytes holds an int with the length, rest is encoded using protobuf) and to decode it I did something like this (probably not the most efficient solution due to appending to strings):
// Once I've got the first 4 bytes, cast it to an int:
int msgLen = ntohl(*reinterpret_cast<const int*>(buffer));
// Check I've got enough bytes for the message, if I have then
// just parse the buffer directly
MyProtobufObj obj;
if( bytesreceived >= msgLen+4 )
// just keep appending buffer to an STL string until I have
// msgLen+4 bytes and then do
// obj.ParseFromString(myStlString)
I wouldn't use the stream operators. They're for formatted data and that's not what you want.
You can keep the values received in a std::vector with the char type (vector of bytes). That would essentially just be a dynamic array. If you want to continue using a string stream, you can use the stringstream::write function which takes a buffer and a length. You should have the buffer and number of bytes received from your call to recv.
If you want to use the vector method, you can use std::copy to make it easier.
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <vector>
char buf[256];
std::vector<char> bytes;
size_t n = recv(sock, buf, 256, 0);
std::copy(buf, buf + n, std::back_inserter(bytes));
Your question is kind of ambiguous. Let's follow your example. You receive 10 as characters and you want to retrieve this as a hex number.
Assuming recv will give you this character string, you can do this.
First of all make it null terminated:
bytesreceived[msg_size] = '\0';
then you can very easily read the value from this buffer using standard *scanf function for strings:
int hexValue;
sscanf(bytesreceived, "%x", &hexValue);
There you go!
Edit: If you receive the number in reverse order (so 01 for 10), probably your best shot is to convert it manually:
int hexValue = 0;
int positionValue = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < msg_size; ++i)
int digit = 0;
if (bytesreceived[i] >= '0' && bytesreceived[i] <= '9')
digit = bytesreceived[i]-'0';
else if (bytesreceived[i] >= 'a' && bytesreceived[i] <= 'f')
digit = bytesreceived[i]-'a';
else if (bytesreceived[i] >= 'A' && bytesreceived[i] <= 'F')
digit = bytesreceived[i]-'A';
else // Some kind of error!
return error;
hexValue += digit*positionValue;
positionValue *= 16;
This is just a clear example though. In reality you would do it with bit shifting for example rather than multiplying.
What data type is buffer?
The whole thing looks like a great big no-op, since operator<<(stringstream&, char) ignores the base specifier. The hex specifier only affects formatting of non-character integral types. For certain you don't want to be handing textual data to protobuf.
Just hand the buffer pointer to protobuf, you're done.
OK, a shot into the dark: Let's say your ingress stream is "71F4E81DA...", and you want to turn this into a byte stream { 0x71, 0xF4, 0xE8, ...}. Then we can just assemble the bytes from the character literals as follows, schematically:
char * p = getCurrentPointer();
while (chars_left() >= 2)
unsigned char b;
b = get_byte_value(*p++) << 8;
b += get_byte_value(*p++);
Here we use a little helper function:
unsigned char get_byte_value(char c)
if ('0' <= c && c <= '9') return c - '0';
if ('A' <= c && c <= 'F') return 10 + c - 'A';
if ('a' <= c && c <= 'f') return 10 + c - 'a';
return 0; // error