'bool' does not contain a definition for 'Boost' - sitecore

I'am trying to us boost function for busting some results in a sitecore search. You can see the code from bellow:
var predicate = PredicateBuilder.True<SearchResultItem>();
predicate = predicate.Or(p => p.Content.Equals(text).Boost(10));
When I use .Boost(10) I got the following error:
'bool' does not contain a definition for 'Boost' and no extension
method 'Boost' accepting a first argument of type 'bool' could be
What did I have done wrong? Or should I use some specific library?

Put using Sitecore.ContentSearch.Linq; in your code. The extension method resides there.


How to solve graphdoc markdown error in Django

I am trying to output the graphql docs in Django using graphdoc package and the following source code:
return HttpResponse(
however, I get the following error:
A type error related to a __proxy__ often indicates you're referencing a lazy object of some type. Try explicitly passing the .schema through str or another appropriate function to force the lazy object to be evaluated.
Lazy objects are created by the lazy function.

How to declare a java.util.Set as entry parameter of {m:template}

I have a m2doc docx template to generate a Word document from my eclipseRCP application.
I would like to declare a java.util.Set objet as an entry parameter of a {m:template}.
My code is the following :
{m:template t_templateTest(req:request::Request, filters: Set)}
I've got this error message :
{m:template <--- missing classifier literalt_templateTest(req:request::Request, filters: Set)} <---Expression "filters" is invalid: missing classifier literal
I don't know how to declare the classifier for the Set.
Thanks for your help
AQL only support Sequence and OrderedSet and not all collection types you can find in OCL. The definition of an OrderSet also need to define what type of elements will be contained inside it, for instance:
You can have a look at the type syntax of the AQL documentation for more details.

invalid type literal import - How to import and use my custom service

So I created a simple service with a single class, without constructor : services.RecursiveQuery and added it as a plugin to my Eclipse instance as described in this question.
According to the documentation the next step would be to import it in my template file file so I tried this:
However I get this error in the validation file:
Expression "import:services.RecursiveQuery:services" is invalid: invalid type literal import:
What am I doing wrong ? It feels like I'm missing something. Also I was wondering how to use the getAllChildren() method of this service. I would have tried
{m:for child | services.RecursiveQuery.getAllChildren(self)} but that doesnt feel right.
The M2Doc documentation may be unclear on this point: {m:import...} is not a valid statement in a M2Doc template file. It should be used in MS Word document properties, not in the docx template file.
You should use the template properties wizard to change imports along with the solution you mentionned here.
For a better understanding of how to use custom services you can check examples in M2Doc sources.

Nil is not compatible with expected argument type 'NSLayoutAnchor<NSLayoutDimension>' Swift 3

I recently converted my code to Swift 3. When setting a constraint I no longer can pass in nil to set a constant value. I've searched similar posts and the documentation and can't seem to find what to do in this case.
In the documentation for NSLayoutConstraint the type of the first argument is not optional. So, you cannot pass nil. What you're trying to achieve can be done using the constraintEqualToConstant method.

C++ :: Notation with OpenGL

I have this line of code:
model = ArticulatedModel::create(spec);
And I would like to grab the AABox from it using AABox G3D::ArticulatedModel::Part::boxBounds but I'm having trouble getting the C++ syntax to work.
How do I reference the boxBounds?
create() gives you an ArticulatedModel, but that doesn't have boxBounds. That attribute belongs to ArticulatedModel::Part, which is an entirely different class. To get a specific Part from the ArticulatedModel you need to use an ID or a name.