How to consume SOAP webservice in SAP UI5? - web-services

I have a SOAP webservice and details of the service provided are: webservice name: "xyz", username: "Ashish", class name: "Initializer" and method name: "Fetchvalue". I have to call the method "Fetchvalue" in which an object of class "Initializer" is used as a paramter. I am developing a web app using SAP UI5, i tried a lot to call this method but not able to get a proper solution for this. Will you please tell me how can i call this method with specific requiremenst resulting in desired output from the webservice.

It would be possible to call a SOAP method from a UI5 application, but there are no specific UI5 components to help you with that. This means that you'll just have to make do with the lower level function, either provided by jQuery or by calling XMLHttpRequest directly.
jQuery has a specific soap plugin for this purpose, that makes calling SOAP methods quite easy:
url: '',
method: 'helloWorld',
data: {
name: 'Ashish Jain',
msg: 'Hi!'
success: function (soapResponse) {
// do stuff with soapResponse
error: function (SOAPResponse) {
// show error
Please note that the eventual call is made using XMLHttpRequest, which requires CORS headers to be setup on the server hosting your SOAP service. Alternatively, you could setup a proxy on the server that is hosting your UI5 app, that links to the server hosting the SOAP service. If you go this path, you may also want to see if you could have this proxy layer to translate SOAP into JSON for you. That would allow you to easily use a JSONModel from your UI5 app, which makes things easier and cleaner at the UI side.
Since you mentioned that you'll have to call the SOAP service using a username and password, I think a word of caution is mandatory in this answer. UI5 apps run in the browser of your end-user. This means that your end-user can have a look at your Javascript code. Hence, having a username and password in your Javascript code is bad practice. You may want to see if you can push authentication to the SOAP end-point to the proxy if possible.


How do we use uri endpoint mapping in spring integration

I am trying to configure spring integration using annotation. Instead of payloadqnameendpoint mapping I would like to use URI endpoint mapping. I found many examples with default URI endpoint but I required an annotation example without default end point.
Let's take a look to the AnnotationActionEndpointMapping support in the Spring WS! As you see it is based on the division between POJO methods and annotations on the them. The POJO is a main word there. This kind of framework magic allow us to separate low-level protocol from end-application business logic. From other side Spring Integration's AbstractWebServiceInboundGateway implements MessageEndpoint meaning that the whole SOAP hard work will be done in this implementation. It isn't a POJO.
Of course this topic is a different story, but you should understand from here that MessageEndpoint and MethodEndpoint work a bit different. At least they do messaging logic from different levels of SOAP request.
So, we really can't map <int-ws:inbound-gateway> with #Action or similar just because it is a whole SOAP endpoint already.
From other side, having AnnotationActionEndpointMapping from Java config, you can fully get rid of <int-ws:inbound-gateway> and configure your Endpoint to delegate desired #Action to the methods of #MessagingGateway. And it will work beucase the hard SOAP work has been done already by Spring WS framework.
I don't know you that this code will work, but you can check or let me know and I'll test it and come back to again:
public interface OrderEndpoint {
#Gateway(requestChannel = "getOrderChannel")
Order getOrder(OrderRequest orderRequest);
#Gateway(requestChannel = "createOrderChannel")
void order(Order order);

How do I authenticate and consume an external api with backbone?

I'm trying to create a very basic little backbone app that displays stats from my company's Harvest account. They have a REST API which authenticates via Basic Auth or oAuth. I seem to be faced with two problems here:
Cross-origin requests
So I've started with setting the url for my collection to the respective url:
var Projects = Backbone.Collection.extend({
url: '',
And I've tried using this basic auth plugin but I can't tell if that part is working because I'm still getting Access-Control-Allow-Origin errors.
What's the best way to go about this?
This other StackOverflow question is similar and has more details that you should take a look at.
But the general idea is this, if you don't have access to the remote server (which I presume you do not with Harvest) then you need to perform the cross-site requests from your own server that you do control, most likely the one you are deploying this backbone app on. That means writing some server-side code (PHP, Node, etc.) to perform the requests (perfectly legal from server side) and then having your client (Backbone app) request from these scripts.
Here is a brief/pseudo-example with php:
echo file_get_contents('');
var Projects = Backbone.Collection.extend({
url: 'request.php',

How to use Intersystem's session within web services

I am trying to set some session information in one web method and return it in another web method, but the session data is always empty on the second web method. Here is what I tried
Web Method 1 - Sets session information
Method StartSession() As %String [WebMethod]
set %session.NewSession = 1
set %session.Data("key") = "dude"
Quit "Session Started"
Web Method 2 - Gets session information should return dude, but is returning blank
Method TestSession() As %String [WebMethod]
Quit $Get(%session.Data("key"))
To use sessions with Cache web services you need to set the SOAPSESSION class parameter of your web service class equal to 1.
Doing so will cause the web service to return a SOAP session header in the response. If you are using a client that was built to expect this header you may not need to set up anything else. Otherwise, your client application will have to read this header and include it in all further requests, so the server can know which session you are using. An example of this header given in the documentation is:
<csp:CSPCHD xmlns:csp="">value of
CPSCHD token</csp:CSPCHD>
Note that security is a separate issue that your example doesn't address.
Also note that Intersystems has decided that web services will continue to use a license for some period of time after the call has been made. I can't find documentation on this, and I believe it's something like a few seconds per call. I believe that this can cause license issues that would not occur if you used other software to provide web services, and had that other software call Cache via some mechanism other than web services. I believe this is true even when that other software carefully follows all the rules in the license agreement about named and anonymous users. However, I'm not certain about any of this licensing stuff. Still, you might want to do some testing before you commit to an architecture.
As an alternative to psr's answer another way to handle state is to use custom SOAP headers.
For example:
Create a class for your custom SOAP headers like below:
Class Headers.TimeStamp Extends %SOAP.Header
Property TimeSent As %TimeStamp;
In the web method do this:
set h=##class(Headers.TimeStamp).%New()
set h.TimeSent=$ZTIMESTAMP
do ..HeadersOut.SetAt(h,"Timestamp")
This will generate the following SOAP header:
<TimeStamp xmlns:hdr="">
This will allow state to be maintained within the SOAP headers rather than using Cache's session management.

calling web service using jquery

I'm trying to call a local webservice/webApi using jquery, but I have been stuck for days. could somebody help me please.
So my webservice is sitting on localhost port 4011 i.e. localhost:4011/api/poi/
And my javascript is sitting on local host port localhost:4213/ and here is how I call it:
$.get('http://localhost:4011/api/values', function (data) {
When I enter the url into the browser directly, it returned the result. But when I'm calling it using the jquery. I have no response (by looking from the developer tools).
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Please help.
I'm using webApi mvc .net4 if that helps.
This is due to the Same origin policy. Because the API is on a different port to where you're serving the web page the browser will not allow you to make the request.
You can use jsonp to get around this, or by using cross origin policy on your web service.
Use this if you are using a CrossDomain as CrossDomain doesn't work in jQuery!
url: 'ajax/test.html',
crossDomain: true,
success: function(data) {
you might be restricted by the cross origin policy CORS. Configure your web service to accept the requests made from across the domain. You can add Access-Control-Allow-Origin headers like

Asp Mvc 3 - Restful web service for consuming on multiple platforms

I am wanting to expose a restful web service for posting and retrieving data, this may be consumed by mobile devices or a web site.
Now the actual creation of the service isn't a problem, what does seem to be a problem is communicating from a different domain.
I have made a simple example service deployed on the ASP.NET development server, which just exposes a simple POST action to send a request with JSON content. Then I have created a simple web page using jquery ajax to send some dummy data over, yet I believe I am getting stung with the same origin policy.
Is this a common thing, and how do you get around it? Some places have mentioned having a proxy on the domain that you always request a get to, but then you cannot use it in a restful manner...
So is this a common issue with a simple fix? As there seem to be plenty of restful services out there that allow 3rd parties to use their service...
How exactly are you "getting stung with the same origin policy"? From your description, I don't see how it could be relevant. If returns a certain JSON response, then it will return that response regardless of what is requesting the file, unless you have specifically defined required credentials that are not satisfied.
Here is an example of such a web service. It will return the same JSON object regardless of from where the request is made:,+Mountain+View,+CA&sensor=true
Unless I am misunderstanding you (in which case you should clarify your actual problem), the same origin policy doesn't really seem to apply here.
Update Re: Comment
"I make a simple HTML page and load it as file://myhtmlfilelocation/myhtmlfile.html and try to make an ajax request"
The cause of your problem is that you are using the file:// URL scheme, instead of the http:// protocol scheme. You can find information about this scheme in Section 3.10 of RFC 1738. Here is an excerpt:
The file URL scheme is used to designate files accessible on a particular host computer. This scheme, unlike most other URL schemes, does not designate a resource that is universally accessible over the Internet.
You should be able to resolve your issue by using the http:// scheme instead of the file:// scheme when you make your asynchronous HTTP request.