openSUSE:Build Service - Way to find all link packages - opensuse

I configured OpenBuildService with version 2.5.
And I have project called TestProject with 100 packages.
The question is: How can I list up all link packages?
I know the API to check whether the package is linked or not,
I can't find the API to list up whole linked package list.

I just found the solution.
info option exist.


Can not find some dependencies while building dremio-oss
After I clone the project,I try to build the project, but some dependencies are not found .How to find these dependencies,such as
the project accquire calicte:4.0.0-20210722102535-bda216e83f-dremio,which can not find in mavencenter
Any help?
I tried building dremio-oss on Windows the other day and there were no problems with resolving dependencies. You should include more information from the build log. You can also try using the "-U" option to force checking remote repositories which is useful if your local repository cache is out of date. Your error message also doesn't make sense since the correct version for Calcite is this one:

Show all available triplets on server

Commnad below show 7zip library available on server:
vcpkg search 7zip
How to list all available triplets on remote?
vcpkg triplets are configurations that specify how to build a package for a target environment (OS-architecture-linkage).
The term triplet is a bit confusing, since there can be more to a triplet than these 3 values. For instance target compiler or whether or not the crt is linked dynamically or statically.
To informal way to view the available triplets that ship with vcpkg is:
vcpkg install 7zip --triplet=""
The install command will then list available triplets.

Cannot point to DCMTKConfig.cmake

Using Windows 10, I want to configure the source of OpenSceneGraph via CMake to make it build-ready for Visual Studio. I also need some DCMTK functionalities, hence I want to link it.
OpenSceneGraph provides an attempt to link DCMTK in its CMakeLists.txt, but it fails (and since linking it is optional, configuration is finished nevertheless).
-- Trying to find DCMTK expecting DCMTKConfig.cmake
-- Trying to find DCMTK expecting DCMTKConfig.cmake - failed
-- Trying to find DCMTK relying on FindDCMTK.cmake
My DCMTK package does provide a DCMTKConfig.cmake file, and I've set a system environment variable DCMTK_DIR that points to its directory.
Researching the problem, I've found the article on FindDCMTK but I can't get any viable information out of it.
The directories for OpenSceneGraph and DCMTK are next to each other in a specified location.
How do I instruct CMake to find the configuration file of DCMTK?
As suggested by Tsyvarev in the comments above, I would also advise using the CMAKE Gui on Windows - when you attempt to configure, it should display everything it either set or changed with red highlights. Then you can manually edit the DCMTK related variables to point to the correct folders and/or files - you might be able to just edit the Root folders and hit configure again to let it populate based on root. When you are satisfied with the settings and not getting errors, then you can hit Generate to let it create the Visual Studio files.

vcpkg: library not listed in search results, but present in online repo

It's simple. I want to use library p-ranav-csv2. I checked that the library is present in the vcpkg repo ( But it is not present in vcpkg search (vcpkg search p-ranav-csv2).
Is it a different repo my vcpkg is using to search for packages? Or is there another level of complexity?
I realized that in case of vcpkg (and unlike to pip or maven), I need to update the vcpkg itself to obtain the new list of packages. So the solution is to:
go to the vcpkg directory,
git pull and,
run the bootstrap script ( or bootstrap-vcpkg.bat, depending on the platform)

Cmake unable to locate Boost Libraries (Windows)

I'm currently trying to build the Apache qpid messaging broker on Windows using CMake and the Boost (C++). I went through the initial steps of setting up Qpid on Windows as specified in this file. I set the variable BOOST_ROOT to "C:/< Home >/Downloads/boost_1_61_0" initially so that CMake could find the Boost Libraries (e.g. random, math, chrono, etc.) but I got this log saying that it could only find some of the libraries, but not others. I thought that maybe the filepath needed to include the directory where the Boost libraries were actually located (i.e. C:/< Home >/Downloads/boost_1_61_0/boost) but I was unable to reset the BOOST_ROOT environment variable despite deleting it and creating another one.
I was advised on this forum to delete the cache file for CMake using the GUI so I could reset the variable, but that didn't seem to work either.
Am I using the correct file path for BOOST_ROOT? If not, how should I go about changing it?
Some of the Boost libraries (e.g. chrono) need to be compiled first. If you have only downloaded Boost library from the website, you probably have not built these libraries. Check Boost website for instructions how to build on Windows. The site also lists which libraries need to be built. Alternatively, you can search for sites where pre-built Boost libraries are hosted. You can download and install from there.