I am working on testing out the ColdFusion 2016 release on a Windows 2012 server. I've followed through Pete Freitag's excellent lockdown guide and I get to page 31 to restart ColdFusion and test. When I try to start from Services I get:
Windows could not start the ColdFusion 2016 Application Server service on
Local Computer.
Error 5: Access is Denied
When I run the start from an Administrator command prompt, it appears to start (I omitted all of the other output, but there didn't seem to be any errors)
Jun 15, 2016 14:51:56 PM Information [localhost-startStop-1] - Starting WebSocket...
Jun 15, 2016 14:51:57 PM Information [localhost-startStop-1] - ColdFusion started
Jun 15, 2016 14:51:57 PM Information [localhost-startStop-1] - ColdFusion: application services are now available
Once that is done I tried to test the Administrator but it wouldn't connect.
Short of trying to work my way backwards through the guide, step by step until I find what broke it, any tips on what might cause this specifically based on that guide?
You may want to make sure that if you set up an account for ColdFusion to run as and set up your Windows services to use this account, that the account has appropriate rights in the directory where your .cfm is being referenced. (item 2.18 in the lock down guide)
I've installed ColdFusion 11 in my workstation, connnected CF with IIS webserver. Also upgraded CF11 to its 13th update. It was ran fine on the day I've installed ColdFusion. But from the next day, when I launch ColdFusion administrator or, any cfm pages from the webroot directory, it is giving the following error.
HTTP Error 500.0 - The Security service is not available.
While checking coldfusion logs, I found the following message,
coldfusion.server.ServiceFactory$ServiceNotAvailableException: The
Security service is not available.
It happened twice, last time also same problem, but I've uninstalled and reinstalled, now again same problem.
So how can we fix the above error and make the CF to work?
i use jdk1.8.0_92 and want to profile my app deployed on tomcat 8 but it doesnt work ,i'm using windows 7
Profiler error (Fri May 06 18:47:43 EET 2016): exception while trying to connect to the target JVM:
java.net.SocketException: Connection reset
There is a bug in profiler. Try to run jvisualvm from command line like this:
bin\jvisualvm.exe -J-Dorg.netbeans.profiler.separateConsole=true
Source: here
I installed ColdFusion 10 on Windows 10 and the mandatory update with the HotFix no 18 (for Windows 10). After restarting the Windows server the services are not present and I got the following error:
Error loading: D:\\ColdFusion10\\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll
Launch Command prompt as Administrator.
For the main application server service, run this command:
sc create "ColdFusion 10 Application Server" binPath= C:\ColdFusion10\cfusion\bin\coldfusionsvc.exe start= auto DisplayName= "ColdFusion 10 Application Server"
This can be applied to all the other services as well, I will enumerate a few:
ColdFusion 10 .NET Service (C:\ColdFusion10\cfusion\jnbridge\CFDotNetsvc.exe)
ColdFusion 10 Jetty Service (C:\ColdFusion10\cfusion\jetty\jetty.exe -zglaxservice ColdFusion10JettyService)
ColdFusion 10 ODBC Agent (C:\ColdFusion10\cfusion\db\slserver54\bin\swagent.exe "ColdFusion 10 ODBC Agent")
ColdFusion 10 ODBC Server (C:\ColdFusion10\cfusion\db\slserver54\bin\swstrtr.exe "ColdFusion 10 ODBC Server")
For CF11, the paths inside the CF installation are the same. There is one additional service, ColdFusion 11 Add-on Services (C:\ColdFusion11\cfusion\jetty\jetty.exe -zglaxservice ColdFusion11Add-onServices), instead of the Jetty Service that CF10 has.
I'm running ColdFusion 8 Enterprise Edition on RHEL 4 32bit. I tried applying the ColdFusion 8 Update 1 (8.0.1) but the installation fails with the error below. Can anyone help?
Thank you.
Installation Aborted
The installation of the Adobe ColdFusion 8.0.1 did not complete successfully.
Please make sure that the ColdFusion MX server has been shut down prior to
running the installer again.
All services related to coldfusion, webserver, jrun are stopped alerady.
I do not know about Red Hat but if you get this error on Windows then you need to stop all the JRun services to complete the update.
This article here has a section on starting a CF service on Linux http://www.aaronwest.net/blog/index.cfm/2011/2/7/Super-Guide-Installing-ColdFusion-9-on-CentOS-Linux I am pretty sure if you substitute start for stop in that command you might have some joy.
Sonar fails to show Build stability information from Jenkins, though Jenkins claims data has been collected
It has not worked at any point for me.
The process I use:
Run the project build on Jenkins.
Wait for Jenkins to finish with success.
Go to sonar and reload the project.
There is no build server information.
Please see below for part of the Jenkins output which states that is has retrieved 6 builds.
Is there a way in which that I can check that the plugin is being loaded?
(I can't get tech dept to work either).
What is 'Global/Project/Module Settings -> Build Stability' How do I find it?
(Step 4 on http://docs.codehaus.org/display/SONAR/Build+Stability+Plugin)
Any ideas on where I can start looking for the problem?
X86, 32bit
OS: Ubuntu 11.10
Sonar: 2.13.1
Build stability plugin: 1.1.2
Jenkins: 1.424.3
mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.1.58, for debian-linux-gnu (i686) using readline 6.2
java version "1.6.0_23"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.11pre) (6b23~pre11-0ubuntu1.11.10.2)
Jenkins build output:
[INFO] [20:33:29.673] Sensor org.sonar.plugins.buildstability.BuildStabilitySensor#1858aa4...
[INFO] [20:33:29.673] CI URL: Hudson:http://localhost:8080/job/AgileTest/
[INFO] [20:33:30.944] Retrieved 6 builds since Thu Feb 02 20:33:29 CET 2012
[INFO] [20:33:30.957] Sensor org.sonar.plugins.buildstability.BuildStabilitySensor#1858aa4 done: 1284 ms