Running .net based exe application without .NET Framework - c++

I just created a clr c++ aplication that combine c++ code and windows form
as resoalt the exe prodused from visual studio cannot use /mt and its not standalone (it require the wright .net installed on the computer)
are there ANY way to make a fully standalone exe from clr c++ exe?
i tried to check out spoon studio and Cameyo but it's look like they work only on files that includes instalation ...

The point is what a standalone application would buy you here? There is no such thing as a "standalone application" anyway - depending on how hard you look at it. You'll always have dependencies at least on the Windows version you intent your application to run on.
In the end it boils down to deployment or distribution issues. If you don't want your users to install a (newer) version of the .NET framework just to run your application, then start by determining the lowest Windows version you want to support with your application. Then check here for the .NET version that comes preinstalled with that version of windows. Then target your application against that version of .NET.


Build UWP apps using Ninja?

Can we use ninja to build UWP apps and hence create the appx package for the same?
I don't feel there is an online article for the same. I know how to do it using VS and Make.
In theory: Yes
Notable one thing: Ninja just official support C++, I can't find any result Ninja support other programming languages
With C++ we have 2 options:
C++/CX: You should activate flag /ZW for Windows Metadata
C++/WinRT: With WinRT you just compile without any restrict, this doesn't need Windows Metadata anymore
C++/CX: we have long story behind Windows Runtime development before C++ 11/14 became official so Microsoft add their own implementation features to MSVC. So with C++/CX you can compile with very old SDK like 10240, 10586, ... and in theory it also work with Windows 8.0/8.1 SDK, Windows Phone 8.0/8.1 SDK. Another attemp try to compile UWP with C++/CX on FastBuild (system build like Ninja) is successful, you can read as a reference here:
C++/WinRT is reunion attempt make Windows Runtime back to standard C++ 17. C++/WinRT can also compile with Clang/GCC. Base on answer from Kenny Kerr (creator of C++/WinRT): C++/WinRT is not limit with old SDK, but he recommended to use newer SDK like 17134. Link his answer
Some useful links for C++ UWP:
you can create uwp apps in following ways:
c# and xaml
web technologies like html, css and js. and you can use any
third party js libraries with it. you can even use hosted web apps
as uwp apps or latest technologies like pwas can also be shipped as
uwp apps. more here :
c++ and xaml : with this approach you can use c++ libraries (if they comply by uwp platform) the reason you do not have much support online for this is because majority of uwp developers use c# and xaml approach.
There are some work around for that, and one of them is to create a Desktop app and then package that in MSIX packaging , which packages a windows Desktop app into a uwp app and you can even distribute it through Microsoft store.
CMake can't be used to generate UWP package. However, you could use make.exe or Visual Studio to generate UWP package. For more you could refer to Create an app package with the MakeAppx.exe tool and Package a UWP app with Visual Studio.

Visual Studio Application dependency

I am making application in Visual Studio C++ 2010 Express Edition.
After I compile the program and then copy the .exe to my friend computer, but when I want to run it, the computer tell me that .NET Framework is needed.
Previously I work with MinGW and it's only console application, when I copy to another computer the program need "libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll" so I just copy that file and it's work.
But when I make the Windows Form Application or Console Application the program need the .NET Framework.
My question is, do my friend have to install the .NET Framework to run my application or I only need to copy one or several files to fulfill my application dependencies?
You need to install the .NET Framework and I suspect the C++ Runtime & Redistributable as well. For any recent system (Windows Vista or newer) you'll find that these are prerequisites of the operating system and that they're almost certainly installed (.NET Framework 3.0 or better). Windows XP shipped with an old version of .NET and would require you to install the newer version of the Framework (Windows Update pushes the framework by default, unless you suppress the installation).
Which version of the framework shipped with which version of Windows can be found here.
There are 3rd party commercial solutions available that can link the whole .NET framework dependency into your application. Salamander .NET Linker is one and the Spoon.NET platform (previously Xenocode) is another. There might be others, but these are the ones I've seen used in the past.

How to run C++ executable in Windows PE?

I have an executable I made using a CLI console application with Visual Basic 2010. I can run the program completely fine from my developer machine.
However, when I copy the executable over to another machine, re-boot to a pre-installation environment and run the executable again, nothing happens at all. There are no errors shown or anything.
My guess is the executable can't run without certain dependencies that aren't loaded at this environment, but I need it to work in a PE.
Any ideas on whats going on?
First of all, since the question is tagged "c++" and you mention C++/CLI several times, I assume that "Visual Basic 2010" is a typo for "Visual Studio 2010". But either way, whether you've written the application in Visual Basic (VB.NET) or C++/CLI, the problem is exactly the same.
My guess is the executable can't run without certain dependencies that aren't loaded at this environment, but I need it to work in a PE.
That's exactly correct. You've written an application that targets the .NET Framework. Somewhat like Java applications requiring a JVM, .NET applications require that the .NET Framework be installed in order to run (or a compatible alternative implementation, like Mono). Unfortunately, Windows PE does not support the .NET Framework.
Note that it is irrelevant whether you've written a WinForms, WPF, or Console application. Although they present their UI in very different ways, they all depend on the .NET Framework being installed.
You will need to (re-)write the application in a different programming language, one that generates native code without any dependencies on the .NET Framework. C and C++ are popular choices. If you choose to use C++, make sure that you create what Visual Studio calls a "Win32" project. This is one that targets the underlying operating system APIs directly (i.e. a native application) and does not have a dependency on the .NET Framework. Stay away from anything that has ".NET" or "CLR" in its description.
I don't really have a full comprehension of when an application is using .NET or not... I am just used to Linux C/C++ development. I hate Microsoft shit
It uses .NET whenever you use the .NET Framework libraries/classes in your code. I'm not really sure why this is so difficult to understand. The same problem could easily exist on Linux if you were using a third-party library that was not available in certain environments for whatever reason. This is not Microsoft's problem, it's an issue of using the wrong tools for the job. The .NET Framework is an object-oriented wrapper around the native APIs that makes it much easier for people to get up and running writing programs for Windows. But if you're "used to Linux C/C++ development", you should have little trouble writing a simple console application that targets the native APIs directly without using .NET.
If your hatred for "Microsoft shit" has turned into an allergy, you can avoid Visual Studio entirely and download MinGW, which is a Windows port of the GCC compiler you're probably used to. Combined with your favorite Windows port of Vi, you're working in an environment very similar to the one you're used to. And since GCC doesn't support C++/CLI or the .NET Framework, you won't have to worry about getting stuck picking the wrong option.
The .Net framework has been supported as an optional package install during your PE build process for the past couple versions of WinPE. I write code in C# that I run in WinPE everyday. I have yet to find a good way to debug in a manner where I can walk through break points, etc... though. My best option has just been a lot of logging and a global Exception catch around my main entry point that will write out a full stack dump. You can attach to your app as a remote process in a VM running WinPE, but if you need to catch something early in the execution you'll have a difficult time.

Windows forms application in VS2010 WITHOUT .NET?

I want to create more or less portable (stand-alone, no install, WinXP to Win7) Win32 forms application in Visual Studio 2010. When I create a new project, it appears that the only way I can do it is if I use .NET/CLR, which makes me think it will be very unportable.
What is the preferred way of creating such apps?
Depending on what you mean with portable. An .NET application will function on all versions of Windows that runs the correct version of .NET (even other OS'ses in some cases You will only have a dependency of a hudge framework, that I think most people running Windows have by now.
Besides .NET you have other alternatives such as MFC or native Win32 API.
you can either use C/C++ with MFC in VS 2010 or use something different altogehter creating a "native application" like C++ Builder or Delphi.
On the other hand .NET is installed by default in Windows XP SP3 and up - at least .NET 2.0 is always available... see
You can use .NET in conjunction with a linker (example 1 and 2) if you don't mind large executable sizes.
Otherwise, C/C++ without managed extensions.

Porting .NET C++ standalone to Mac

I need to give an estimate for porting a standalone program to a Mac from a .NET platform. I have all the source code which is in C++ and is both code I wrote and a modified version of GLUT/GLUI because the program uses OpenGL and GLUT/GLUI as a UI.
I don't think the C++ code will be a problem or the OpenGL environment, please tell me if you think it will be. In .NET, I use OpenGL32.DLL and deploy it with my app. I need to find out how this is done for a Mac?
I really need to know what the current deployment method is for Mac's these days and how hard it will be for me to write for it. For .NET, I use Visual Studio for the application development and deployment, I make a new VS project to build the deployable MS installer.
The deployment process also allows things like placing a desktop shortcut, associate a unique icon with the program ... What deployment options can one select on a Mac? What do you think the biggest obstacles will be?
There's no .NET framework calls within the code. The deployment phase produces a .NET assembly with all the security features. I think that is the main relationship with .NET since it is straight C++ not C#.
Development should be rather straight-forward. You'll be able to do OpenGL/GLUT/etc... through the Cocoa framework. Look at this example from Apple to see how it is done in code.
As for development tools, you will be able to use Xcode (which is free with the Mac). You can develop in C++ and compile with GCC.