SoundTouch library messes up the ending when pitch-shifting - c++

I'm using the SoundTouch library to pitch-shift some audio files. Everything works well, except the last few hundred milliseconds of the new audio file are not like the original file. Here is the original file:
And here's what I get after pitch-shifting:
As you can see the ending is not right. It's like there was nothing there in the original file, when there certainly is.
Here's the code I'm using:
int generateFile(WavInFile *file, SoundTouch *st, string fileName, int semitones)
const bool speech = true;
WavOutFile *out = new WavOutFile(fileName.c_str(), (int)file->getSampleRate(), (int)file->getNumBits(), (int)file->getNumChannels());
int nChannels = (int)file->getNumChannels();
assert(nChannels > 0);
int num, nSamples;
int buffSizeSamples = BUFF_SIZE / nChannels;
if (!speech)
st->setSetting(SETTING_USE_QUICKSEEK, 0);
st->setSetting(SETTING_USE_AA_FILTER, 0);
st->setSetting(SETTING_USE_QUICKSEEK, 0);
st->setSetting(SETTING_SEQUENCE_MS, 40);
st->setSetting(SETTING_SEEKWINDOW_MS, 15);
st->setSetting(SETTING_OVERLAP_MS, 8);
while (file->eof() == 0)
num = file->read(samples, BUFF_SIZE);
nSamples = num / (int)file->getNumChannels();
st->putSamples(samples, nSamples);
nSamples = st->receiveSamples(samples, buffSizeSamples);
out->write(samples, nSamples * nChannels);
} while (nSamples != 0);
nSamples = st->receiveSamples(samples, buffSizeSamples);
out->write(samples, nSamples * nChannels);
} while (nSamples != 0);
delete out;
return 0;
And yes, I delete WavInFile *file later in my code. So my question is- Why is SoundTouch doing this and how can I fix it?
Also I cannot simply cut the wrong part of the new audio file because I'm generating hundreds of files this way so cutting every single one of them would be...


How to compress/decompress buffer using Fast-LZMA2

I want to compress/decompress a unsigned char buffer using fast-LZMA2 by 7Zip :
In the sample there's two function :
static int compress_file(FL2_CStream *fcs)
unsigned char in_buffer[8 * 1024];
unsigned char out_buffer[4 * 1024];
FL2_inBuffer in_buf = { in_buffer, sizeof(in_buffer), sizeof(in_buffer) };
FL2_outBuffer out_buf = { out_buffer, sizeof(out_buffer), 0 };
size_t res = 0;
size_t in_size = 0;
size_t out_size = 0;
do {
if (in_buf.pos == in_buf.size) {
in_buf.size = fread(in_buffer, 1, sizeof(in_buffer), fin);
in_size += in_buf.size;
in_buf.pos = 0;
res = FL2_compressStream(fcs, &out_buf, &in_buf);
if (FL2_isError(res))
goto error_out;
fwrite(out_buf.dst, 1, out_buf.pos, fout);
out_size += out_buf.pos;
out_buf.pos = 0;
} while (in_buf.size == sizeof(in_buffer));
do {
res = FL2_endStream(fcs, &out_buf);
if (FL2_isError(res))
goto error_out;
fwrite(out_buf.dst, 1, out_buf.pos, fout);
out_size += out_buf.pos;
out_buf.pos = 0;
} while (res);
fprintf(stdout, "\t%ld -> %ld\n", in_size, out_size);
return 0;
fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", FL2_getErrorName(res));
return 1;
static int decompress_file(FL2_DStream *fds)
unsigned char in_buffer[4 * 1024];
unsigned char out_buffer[8 * 1024];
FL2_inBuffer in_buf = { in_buffer, sizeof(in_buffer), sizeof(in_buffer) };
FL2_outBuffer out_buf = { out_buffer, sizeof(out_buffer), 0 };
size_t res;
size_t in_size = 0;
size_t out_size = 0;
do {
if (in_buf.pos == in_buf.size) {
in_buf.size = fread(in_buffer, 1, sizeof(in_buffer), fout);
in_size += in_buf.size;
in_buf.pos = 0;
res = FL2_decompressStream(fds, &out_buf, &in_buf);
if (FL2_isError(res))
goto error_out;
/* Discard the output. XXhash will verify the integrity. */
out_size += out_buf.pos;
out_buf.pos = 0;
} while (res && in_buf.size);
fprintf(stdout, "\t%ld -> %ld\n", in_size, out_size);
return 0;
fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", FL2_getErrorName(res));
return 1;
But I have no idea how to make it work with a buffer and also without size limit like 8*1024
like zlib deflate compression.
I want something like
LZMA2_Compress(void* buffer,size_t bufferSize);
and LZMA2_Decompress(void* buffer,size_t bufferSize);
I want to use this algorithm on some heavy files and Fast LZMA2 is the fastest high ratio compression I found, Please don't suggest me using other methods.
Here's my test code, It's working but just need to correct information:
Check the header file for all of the functions available. This one looks like the one you need. You will need to cast your buffers as (void *).
High level functions
/*! FL2_compress() :
* Compresses `src` content as a single LZMA2 compressed stream into already allocated `dst`.
* Call FL2_compressMt() to use > 1 thread. Specify nbThreads = 0 to use all cores.
* #return : compressed size written into `dst` (<= `dstCapacity),
* or an error code if it fails (which can be tested using FL2_isError()). */
FL2LIB_API size_t FL2LIB_CALL FL2_compress(void* dst, size_t dstCapacity,
const void* src, size_t srcSize,
int compressionLevel);
Management of memory and options
To do explicit memory management (set dictionary size, buffer size, etc.) you need to create a context:
/*= Compression context
* When compressing many times, it is recommended to allocate a context just once,
* and re-use it for each successive compression operation. This will make workload
* friendlier for system's memory. The context may not use the number of threads requested
* if the library is compiled for single-threaded compression or nbThreads > FL2_MAXTHREADS.
* Call FL2_getCCtxThreadCount to obtain the actual number allocated. */
typedef struct FL2_CCtx_s FL2_CCtx;
FL2LIB_API FL2_CCtx* FL2LIB_CALL FL2_createCCtx(void);
than you can use FL2_CCtx_setParameter() to set the parameters in the context. The possible values for the paramters are listed in FL2_cParameter , and the value FL2_p_dictionarySize will allow you to set the dictionary size.
/*! FL2_CCtx_setParameter() :
* Set one compression parameter, selected by enum FL2_cParameter.
* #result : informational value (typically, the one being set, possibly corrected),
* or an error code (which can be tested with FL2_isError()). */
FL2LIB_API size_t FL2LIB_CALL FL2_CCtx_setParameter(FL2_CCtx* cctx, FL2_cParameter param, size_t value);
Finally you can compress the buffer by calling FL2_compressCCtx()
/*! FL2_compressCCtx() :
* Same as FL2_compress(), but requires an allocated FL2_CCtx (see FL2_createCCtx()). */
FL2LIB_API size_t FL2LIB_CALL FL2_compressCCtx(FL2_CCtx* cctx,
void* dst, size_t dstCapacity,
const void* src, size_t srcSize,
int compressionLevel);

How to read the battery level in Ubuntu?

I've searched for a while on how to do this without any special library or anything, and it took a while to find something that's working properly.
It's possible to use
I was wondering, is there a better way to get the battery status using C/C++ in Ubuntu 18.04?
In case this is never answered.. this is my solution:
#define PATH_BATT_CHARGE_NOW "/sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/subsystem/BAT0/charge_now"
#define PATH_BATT_CHARGE_FULL "/sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/subsystem/BAT0/charge_full"
int getBattState(void)
int chargedPercent = 0;
FILE *battChargeNow;
FILE *battChargeFull;
long unsigned int battMax_mAh = 0;
long unsigned int battRemain_mAh = 0;
if (NULL == (battChargeNow = fopen(PATH_BATT_CHARGE_NOW, "r")))
return -1;
if (NULL == (battChargeFull = fopen(PATH_BATT_CHARGE_FULL, "r")))
return -1;
fscanf((FILE *)battChargeFull, "%lu", &battMax_mAh);
fscanf((FILE *)battChargeNow, "%lu", &battRemain_mAh);
chargedPercent = 100.00 * ((float)battRemain_mAh / (float)battMax_mAh);
return chargedPercent;

I need to sum up thousands of histograms from one directory

I have a directory Processed_Data with thousands of hists*****_blinded.root files. Each hists*****_blinded.root contains around 15 graphs and histograms in it. My goal is just to overlap 1 specific histogram sc***** from each file to get the final histogram finalhists_blinded.root which will represent all of those overlapped together.
I have tried the following macro:
void final()
TCanvas *time = new TCanvas("c1","overlap" ,600,1000);
time ->Divide(1,1);
time ->cd(1);
TH1F *h1 = new TH1F("h1","time" ,4096,0,4096);
ifstream in;
Float_t t;
Int_t nlines= 0;"Processed_Data", ios::in);
while (1) {
in >> t;
if (!in.good()) break;
But I get the blank canvas at the end. The idea is to run each hists file through the code and add each one by one.
As a result, I want to see all those sc***** histograms overlapping so that the spikes in each of them will create a pattern in a finalhists_blinded.root file.
Shouldn't be that complicated, try this:
void overlap()
TCanvas *time = new TCanvas("c1", "overlap", 0, 0, 800, 600);
const char* histoname = "sc";
const int NFiles = 100000;
for (int fileNumber = 0; fileNumber < NFiles; fileNumber++)
TFile* myFile = TFile::Open(Form("Processed_Data/hists%i_blinded.root", fileNumber));
if (!myFile)
printf("Nope, no such file!\n");
TH1* h1 = (TH1*)myFile->Get(histoname);
if (!h1)
printf("Nope, no such histogram!\n");
It loops over all Processed_Data/histsXXXXXi_blinded.root files (given their names are Processed_Data/hists0_blinded.root, Processed_Data/hists1_blinded.root, Processed_Data/hists2_blinded.root, ..., Processed_Data/hists99998_blinded.root, Processed_Data/hists99999_blinded.root), opens each of them, grabs a 1D sc histogram, adds it to the canvas, closes the file and moves to the next file.

Audio distorted with VST plugin

I had to plug into a pre-existing software, managing ASIO audio streams, a simple VST host. Despite of lack of some documentation, I managed to do so however once I load the plugin I get a badly distorted audio signal back.
The VST I'm using works properly (with other VST Hosts) so it's probably some kind of bug in the code I made, however when I disable the "PROCESS" from the plugin (my stream goes through the plugin, it simply does not get processed) it gets back as I sent without any noise or distortion on it.
One thing I'm slightly concerned about is the type of the data used as the ASIO driver fills an __int32 buffer while the plugins wants some float buffer.
That's really depressing as I reviewed zillions of times my code and it seems to be fine.
Here is the code of the class I'm using; please note that some numbers are temporarily hard-coded to help debugging.
VSTPlugIn::VSTPlugIn(const char* fullDirectoryName, const char* ID)
: plugin(NULL)
, blocksize(128) // TODO
, sampleRate(44100.0F) // TODO
, hostID(ID)
out = new float*[2];
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
out[i] = new float[128];
memset(out[i], 0, 128);
void VSTPlugIn::LoadPlugin(const char* path)
HMODULE modulePtr = LoadLibrary(path);
if(modulePtr == NULL)
printf("Failed trying to load VST from '%s', error %d\n", path, GetLastError());
plugin = NULL;
// vst 2.4 export name
vstPluginFuncPtr mainEntryPoint = (vstPluginFuncPtr)GetProcAddress(modulePtr, "VSTPluginMain");
// if "VSTPluginMain" was not found, search for "main" (backwards compatibility mode)
mainEntryPoint = (vstPluginFuncPtr)GetProcAddress(modulePtr, "main");
// Instantiate the plugin
plugin = mainEntryPoint(hostCallback);
void VSTPlugIn::ConfigurePluginCallbacks()
// Check plugin's magic number
// If incorrect, then the file either was not loaded properly, is not a
// real VST plugin, or is otherwise corrupt.
if(plugin->magic != kEffectMagic)
printf("Plugin's magic number is bad. Plugin will be discarded\n");
plugin = NULL;
// Create dispatcher handle
this->dispatcher = (dispatcherFuncPtr)(plugin->dispatcher);
// Set up plugin callback functions
plugin->getParameter = (getParameterFuncPtr)plugin->getParameter;
plugin->processReplacing = (processFuncPtr)plugin->processReplacing;
plugin->setParameter = (setParameterFuncPtr)plugin->setParameter;
void VSTPlugIn::StartPlugin()
// Set some default properties
dispatcher(plugin, effOpen, 0, 0, NULL, 0);
dispatcher(plugin, effSetSampleRate, 0, 0, NULL, sampleRate);
dispatcher(plugin, effSetBlockSize, 0, blocksize, NULL, 0.0f);
void VSTPlugIn::ResumePlugin()
dispatcher(plugin, effMainsChanged, 0, 1, NULL, 0.0f);
void VSTPlugIn::SuspendPlugin()
dispatcher(plugin, effMainsChanged, 0, 0, NULL, 0.0f);
void VSTPlugIn::ProcessAudio(float** inputs, float** outputs, long numFrames)
plugin->processReplacing(plugin, inputs, out, 128);
memcpy(outputs, out, sizeof(float) * 128);
EDIT: Here's the code I use to interface my sw with the VST Host
// Copying the outer buffer in the inner container
for(unsigned i = 0; i < bufferLenght; i++)
float f;
f = ((float) buff[i]) / (float) std::numeric_limits<int>::max()
if( f > 1 ) f = 1;
if( f < -1 ) f = -1;
samples[0][i] = f;
for(auto it = inserts.begin(); it != inserts.end(); ++it)
(*it)->ProcessAudio(samples, samples, bufferLenght);
// Copying the result back into the buffer
for(unsigned i = 0; i < bufferLenght; i++)
float f = samples[0][i];
int intval;
f = f * std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
if( f > std::numeric_limits<int>::max() ) f = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
if( f < std::numeric_limits<int>::min() ) f = std::numeric_limits<int>::min();
intval = (int) f;
buff[i] = intval;
where "buff" is defined as "__int32* buff"
I'm guessing that when you call f = std::numeric_limits<int>::max() (and the related min() case on the line below), this might cause overflow. Have you tried f = std::numeric_limits<int>::max() - 1?
Same goes for the code snippit above with f = ((float) buff[i]) / (float) std::numeric_limits<int>::max()... I'd also subtract one there to avoid a potential overflow later on.

How to write a Live555 FramedSource to allow me to stream H.264 live

I've been trying to write a class that derives from FramedSource in Live555 that will allow me to stream live data from my D3D9 application to an MP4 or similar.
What I do each frame is grab the backbuffer into system memory as a texture, then convert it from RGB -> YUV420P, then encode it using x264, then ideally pass the NAL packets on to Live555. I made a class called H264FramedSource that derived from FramedSource basically by copying the DeviceSource file. Instead of the input being an input file, I've made it a NAL packet which I update each frame.
I'm quite new to codecs and streaming, so I could be doing everything completely wrong. In each doGetNextFrame() should I be grabbing the NAL packet and doing something like
memcpy(fTo, nal->p_payload, nal->i_payload)
I assume that the payload is my frame data in bytes? If anybody has an example of a class they derived from FramedSource that might at least be close to what I'm trying to do I would love to see it, this is all new to me and a little tricky to figure out what's happening. Live555's documentation is pretty much the code itself which doesn't exactly make it easy for me to figure out.
Ok, I finally got some time to spend on this and got it working! I'm sure there are others who will be begging to know how to do it so here it is.
You will need your own FramedSource to take each frame, encode, and prepare it for streaming, I will provide some of the source code for this soon.
Essentially throw your FramedSource into the H264VideoStreamDiscreteFramer, then throw this into the H264RTPSink. Something like this
scheduler = BasicTaskScheduler::createNew();
env = BasicUsageEnvironment::createNew(*scheduler);
framedSource = H264FramedSource::createNew(*env, 0,0);
= H264VideoStreamDiscreteFramer::createNew(*env, framedSource);
// initialise the RTP Sink stuff here, look at
// testH264VideoStreamer.cpp to find out how
videoSink->startPlaying(*h264VideoStreamDiscreteFramer, NULL, videoSink);
Now in your main render loop, throw over your backbuffer which you've saved to system memory to your FramedSource so it can be encoded etc. For more info on how to setup the encoding stuff check out this answer How does one encode a series of images into H264 using the x264 C API?
My implementation is very much in a hacky state and is yet to be optimised at all, my d3d application runs at around 15fps due to the encoding, ouch, so I will have to look into this. But for all intents and purposes this StackOverflow question is answered because I was mostly after how to stream it. I hope this helps other people.
As for my FramedSource it looks a little something like this
concurrent_queue<x264_nal_t> m_queue;
SwsContext* convertCtx;
x264_param_t param;
x264_t* encoder;
x264_picture_t pic_in, pic_out;
EventTriggerId H264FramedSource::eventTriggerId = 0;
unsigned H264FramedSource::FrameSize = 0;
unsigned H264FramedSource::referenceCount = 0;
int W = 720;
int H = 960;
H264FramedSource* H264FramedSource::createNew(UsageEnvironment& env,
unsigned preferredFrameSize,
unsigned playTimePerFrame)
return new H264FramedSource(env, preferredFrameSize, playTimePerFrame);
H264FramedSource::H264FramedSource(UsageEnvironment& env,
unsigned preferredFrameSize,
unsigned playTimePerFrame)
: FramedSource(env),
if (referenceCount == 0)
x264_param_default_preset(&param, "veryfast", "zerolatency");
param.i_threads = 1;
param.i_width = 720;
param.i_height = 960;
param.i_fps_num = 60;
param.i_fps_den = 1;
// Intra refres:
param.i_keyint_max = 60;
param.b_intra_refresh = 1;
//Rate control:
param.rc.i_rc_method = X264_RC_CRF;
param.rc.f_rf_constant = 25;
param.rc.f_rf_constant_max = 35;
param.i_sps_id = 7;
//For streaming:
param.b_repeat_headers = 1;
param.b_annexb = 1;
x264_param_apply_profile(&param, "baseline");
encoder = x264_encoder_open(&param);
pic_in.i_type = X264_TYPE_AUTO;
pic_in.i_qpplus1 = 0;
pic_in.img.i_csp = X264_CSP_I420;
pic_in.img.i_plane = 3;
x264_picture_alloc(&pic_in, X264_CSP_I420, 720, 920);
convertCtx = sws_getContext(720, 960, PIX_FMT_RGB24, 720, 760, PIX_FMT_YUV420P, SWS_FAST_BILINEAR, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (eventTriggerId == 0)
eventTriggerId = envir().taskScheduler().createEventTrigger(deliverFrame0);
if (referenceCount == 0)
// Reclaim our 'event trigger'
eventTriggerId = 0;
void H264FramedSource::AddToBuffer(uint8_t* buf, int surfaceSizeInBytes)
uint8_t* surfaceData = (new uint8_t[surfaceSizeInBytes]);
memcpy(surfaceData, buf, surfaceSizeInBytes);
int srcstride = W*3;
sws_scale(convertCtx, &surfaceData, &srcstride,0, H, pic_in.img.plane, pic_in.img.i_stride);
x264_nal_t* nals = NULL;
int i_nals = 0;
int frame_size = -1;
frame_size = x264_encoder_encode(encoder, &nals, &i_nals, &pic_in, &pic_out);
static bool finished = false;
if (frame_size >= 0)
static bool alreadydone = false;
x264_encoder_headers(encoder, &nals, &i_nals);
alreadydone = true;
for(int i = 0; i < i_nals; ++i)
delete [] surfaceData;
surfaceData = NULL;
envir().taskScheduler().triggerEvent(eventTriggerId, this);
void H264FramedSource::doGetNextFrame()
void H264FramedSource::deliverFrame0(void* clientData)
void H264FramedSource::deliverFrame()
x264_nal_t nalToDeliver;
if (fPlayTimePerFrame > 0 && fPreferredFrameSize > 0) {
if (fPresentationTime.tv_sec == 0 && fPresentationTime.tv_usec == 0) {
// This is the first frame, so use the current time:
gettimeofday(&fPresentationTime, NULL);
} else {
// Increment by the play time of the previous data:
unsigned uSeconds = fPresentationTime.tv_usec + fLastPlayTime;
fPresentationTime.tv_sec += uSeconds/1000000;
fPresentationTime.tv_usec = uSeconds%1000000;
// Remember the play time of this data:
fLastPlayTime = (fPlayTimePerFrame*fFrameSize)/fPreferredFrameSize;
fDurationInMicroseconds = fLastPlayTime;
} else {
// We don't know a specific play time duration for this data,
// so just record the current time as being the 'presentation time':
gettimeofday(&fPresentationTime, NULL);
uint8_t* newFrameDataStart = (uint8_t*)0xD15EA5E;
newFrameDataStart = (uint8_t*)(nalToDeliver.p_payload);
unsigned newFrameSize = nalToDeliver.i_payload;
// Deliver the data here:
if (newFrameSize > fMaxSize) {
fFrameSize = fMaxSize;
fNumTruncatedBytes = newFrameSize - fMaxSize;
else {
fFrameSize = newFrameSize;
memcpy(fTo, nalToDeliver.p_payload, nalToDeliver.i_payload);
Oh and for those who want to know what my concurrent queue is, here it is, and it works brilliantly
Enjoy and good luck!
The deliverFrame method lacks the following check at its start:
if (!isCurrentlyAwaitingData()) return;
see DeviceSource.cpp in LIVE