Parse server on AWS ElasticBeanStalk does not stream .mp4 PFFile to AVPlayer? - amazon-web-services

Parse server hosted on AWS ElasticBeanStalk(deployed with AWS button) cannot stream .mp4 PFFile saved in mongodb on AWS EC2 (EBS) to iOS AVPlayer and Safari browser.
Video plays on Chrome browser but does not play on my iOS app or Safari browser. video link
Videos hosted on parse service play with no problem.
Error I get on iOS:
Error Domain=AVFoundationErrorDomain Code=-11850 "Operation Stopped" UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x13fb86740 {Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-12939 "(null)"}, NSLocalizedFailureReason=The server is not correctly configured., NSLocalizedDescription=Operation Stopped}

Using the S3 file adapter for storing my videos fixed it!


"Log in to see this content" error coming when using shinytableau package

I have followed all the steps mentioned in the article for creating extensions for Tableau using Shiny.
I deployed shinytableau extension to our internal RConnect server. However, I was not able to connect the Trex file downloaded from RConnect. It keeps on saying "Log in to see this content" in Tableau after I read trex file.
It never logs me in Tableau after I click on the login button. A separate webpage opens up and asks for credentials and it logs me into the RConnect server but not in Tableau

REST API not working and redirecting with https/ssl

I have build and application with angular 5 and REST API with golang and hosted them on aws ec2 instance, I have installed ssl certificate to run the app and api on https. following is my url structure to run app and api ( api is running on 8080 port
app :
api :
When I hit api after setting up the ip in host file on system it works fine but its not working with aws and redirects to when I hit any api like or
Nor sure what is the issue here but everything else is working fine
I am using gin gonic as go framework and also have used RunTLS as recommended.
Not sure I fully appreciate the issue, but just in case, have you setup CORS on the API server (
If you run a browser application served from ORIGIN1, and the browser tries to access an API on DESTINATION2, the API server must state to the browser that it is indeed authorized to reply to a browser originating from ORIGIN1.
You can for example use to add CORS support to your API server.
Good luck.

video is not getting rendered on safari browser and ios devices from web service api

software configuration
django : web api services
angular2 : web app [frontend]
Ionic1 : mobile [ ios and android ]
MongoDB : database
Azure blob storage : for storing images and videos
Environment configuration :
Django web services deployed on Ubuntu VM [ on azure platform behind loadbalancer ]
Application server : gunicorn version 19.7.1
Proxy web server : Nginx version 1.12.2
I am working on web application kind of blogs. Blog contents are displayed from web api services
for single Blog, contents are retrieved by calling single service which returns Json data, Which contains urls of web api video rendering service.
for ex:
{data :[{"description ":"this is video1","url":"domain/videorender/v1.mp4"},{"description ":"this is video2","url":"domain/videorender/v2.mp4"}]}
So when blog is accessed, respective web service will called as defined in "url" field
When url is accessed, django web service method internally retrieve video from azure blob and return HttpStreaming response.
Videos are getting rendered on on webapp on all browsers[ except safari], android [all devices], ios [None]
Tried different video formats : Not working
Tried accessing video files directly stored on VM instead of accessing from azure blob [ Just to verify problem in blob to streaming reponse ] : Not working
Tried changing nginx configuration as suggested in different posts : Not Working
I even tried directly accessing web service url in safari browser from json response : Not working
I don't know whether issue is with nginx configuration or with safari browser.
I have tried all the possible options and totally stuck.
Thanks in advance.

WSO2 EMM emm-agent-android download

I have successefully installed WSO2 EMM.
Now, i want to download the emm-agent-android app.
I accessed from my adroid device to my_url:9443/emm -> Device management and i clicked on "Enroll a device" button.
I got this follewed url : my_url:9443/emm/api/device_enroll that i accessed from may device and i clicked on "Download Agent" button.
I got be then redirected to the url: http://my_url:9763/emm/client_app/emm-agent-android.apk web page not found
So I change the url to https://my_url:9443/emm/client_app/emm-agent-android.apk
The download starts but with failure what is the problem?
I assume you have logged to the EMM console using admin / tenant admin credentials for at-least once. If the everything works fine the address to download the agent should be something like "". Make sure you have the client app in "/repository/deployment/server/jaggeryapps/emm/client_app" folder. Try to invoke the download agent address directly from the browser without going through "https://my_url:9443/emm/api/device_enroll". You can not download the agent from "https" endpoint unless the SSL setup is configured properly.
I have checked that the emm-agent-android.apk is in "/repository/deployment/server/jaggeryapps/emm/client_app" but the url "http://my_ip:9763/emm/client_app/emm-agent-android.apk" not found
So I checked listening ports netstat | grep 9443 show lines but nestat|grep 9763 display nothing Is there config file to edit?
Is your Device and the Server in the same network? (Unless your server is hosted in a proper host and it has a public IP which you can access from anywhere)

Access connection event in MS FTP service using Coldfusion?

I'm monitoring a directory for FTP uploads on the server using a CF event gateway. Fine so far, but I want to get at the IP address of the computer uploading the file. The server is Windows Web Server 2008 R2 IIS 7 and Windows FTP 7.5
What I am aiming for is growl type message if the uploaded file has been handled correctly (or else error msg) and for that I need the IP of the sender. (there is no problem with NAT within the LAN)
The FTP service writes a log containing the IP which I could try to correlate with the directory monitoring event, but other than by scraping the log is there another way?
Since ColdFusion has no connection to the FTP service in IIS, you'll have to handle this through the logs. You can, however, use something like LogParser (see this article
from Ray Camden on how to use it to parse an IIS log file.
Good luck!