karma + jasmine unit tests show define is not defined - unit-testing

I am using Karma and jasmine to write my unit tests. I transpile ES6 code to ES5 to run the tests on but when ever I run the tests I get an error saying:
Chrome 51.0.2704 (Windows 10 0.0.0) ERROR
Uncaught ReferenceError: define is not defined
My karma.conf.js is this:
// Karma configuration
// Generated on Wed Jun 08 2016 07:12:07 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
module.exports = function (config) {
// base path that will be used to resolve all patterns (eg. files, exclude)
basePath: '',
// frameworks to use
// available frameworks: https://npmjs.org/browse/keyword/karma-adapter
frameworks: ['jspm','jasmine'],
// list of files / patterns to load in the browser
files: [
{pattern: 'lib/**/*.min.js', included: false},
{pattern: 'js/Test/Dashboard/Unit/src/*.js', included: true},
{pattern: 'js/Test/Dashboard/Unit/src/**/*.js', included: true},
{pattern: 'js/Test/*Spec.js', included: true},
{pattern: 'js/Test/**/*Spec.js', included: true}
// list of files to exclude
exclude: [],
// test results reporter to use
// possible values: 'dots', 'progress'
// available reporters: https://npmjs.org/browse/keyword/karma-reporter
reporters: ['progress'],
// web server port
port: 9876,
// enable / disable colors in the output (reporters and logs)
colors: true,
// level of logging
// possible values: config.LOG_DISABLE || config.LOG_ERROR || config.LOG_WARN || config.LOG_INFO || config.LOG_DEBUG
logLevel: config.LOG_INFO,
// enable / disable watching file and executing tests whenever any file changes
autoWatch: true,
// start these browsers
// available browser launchers: https://npmjs.org/browse/keyword/karma-launcher
browsers: ['chrome_without_security'],
customLaunchers: {
chrome_without_security: {
base: 'Chrome',
flags: ['--disable-web-security']
// Continuous Integration mode
// if true, Karma captures browsers, runs the tests and exits
singleRun: false,
// Concurrency level
// how many browser should be started simultaneous
concurrency: Infinity
The gulp task that runs the ES6-ES6 transpile is this:
gulp.task('build:aurelia', function(){
gulp.src([paths.dashboardPathJs, '!' + paths.dashboardJs])
presets: [ 'es2015-loose', 'stage-1'],
plugins: [
I'm completely lost as to why I get the define is not defined error. Thank you in advance.


Karma+Jasmine tests not running with Chrome, "Executed 0 of 0 ERROR"

I'm trying to test my project angular 5 with jasmine and karma but it show me this error:
myProject\Front\src\app> ng test
Your global Angular CLI version (7.0.3) is greater than your local
version (1.7.4). The local Angular CLI version is used.
To disable this warning use "ng config -g cli.warnings.versionMismatch false".
30 10 2018 09:42:25.435:WARN [karma]: No captured browser, open http://localhost:9876/
30 10 2018 09:42:38.011:INFO [karma]: Karma v0.13.9 server started at http://localhost:9876/
30 10 2018 09:42:38.016:INFO [launcher]: Starting browser Chrome
30 10 2018 09:42:41.074:INFO [Chrome 69.0.3497 (Windows 10 0.0.0)]: Connected on socket RiQkM_n-0oc-xuYAAAAA with id 49828596
Chrome 69.0.3497 (Windows 10 0.0.0) ERROR: 'DEPRECATION:', 'Setting specFilter directly on Env is deprecated, please use the specFilter option in `configure`'
Chrome 69.0.3497 (Windows 10 0.0.0): Executed 0 of 0 ERROR (0.003 secs / 0 secs)
and this is my karma.conf.js :
// Karma configuration
// Generated on Mon Oct 29 2018 16:09:43 GMT+0000 (Maroc)
module.exports = function (config) {
// base path that will be used to resolve all patterns (eg. files, exclude)
basePath: '',
// frameworks to use
// available frameworks: https://npmjs.org/browse/keyword/karma-adapter
frameworks: ['jasmine'],
//plugin needed
plugins: [
// list of files / patterns to load in the browser
files: [
// list of files / patterns to exclude
exclude: [
// preprocess matching files before serving them to the browser
// available preprocessors: https://npmjs.org/browse/keyword/karma-preprocessor
preprocessors: {
// test results reporter to use
// possible values: 'dots', 'progress'
// available reporters: https://npmjs.org/browse/keyword/karma-reporter
reporters: ['progress'],
// web server port
port: 9876,
// enable / disable colors in the output (reporters and logs)
colors: true,
// level of logging
// possible values: config.LOG_DISABLE || config.LOG_ERROR || config.LOG_WARN || config.LOG_INFO || config.LOG_DEBUG
logLevel: config.LOG_INFO,
// enable / disable watching file and executing tests whenever any file changes
autoWatch: true,
// start these browsers
// available browser launchers: https://npmjs.org/browse/keyword/karma-launcher
browsers: ['Chrome'],
// Continuous Integration mode
// if true, Karma captures browsers, runs the tests and exits
singleRun: false,
// Concurrency level
// how many browser should be started simultaneous
concurrency: Infinity
and this the interface in Google Chrome:
I'm just a beginner 😄 and I'm not sure if those informations are enough. I tried a lot of solutions that I found but always the same problem. Can someone help me?
This is a result of an incompatibility with newer versions of Chrome (failing for me with version 70) and the newest version of jasmine (3.3.0). The short term workaround is to lock your jasmine-core version to 3.2.0.

How do I use a Chai plugin like chai-date-string with Karma/Mocha/Chai?

Should be able to use any Chai plugin with unit testing with Karma/Mocha and Chai, or does it need to be converted into a special karma compatible plugin?
I'd like to use chai-date-string to do something like expect(requestBody.time).to.be.a.dateString();, but didn't have any luck just installing them as an NPM module and requiring them in my test file.
Then I came across karma-chai-plugins, which I thought was designed to use other chai plugins (even beyond the few that it comes bundled with), but adding that as an NPM module, and then adding the Chai plugin name to the frameworks list, but this didn't work.
My karma.conf.js:
module.exports = function(config) {
basePath: '',
frameworks: ['mocha', 'chai', 'chai-date-string', 'sinon-chai', 'browserify'],
client: { chai: { includeStack: true } },
files: [ 'playmob.js', 'test/**/*_test.js' ],
preprocessors: {
'test/**/*.js': [ 'browserify' ]
browserify: {
debug: true,
exclude: [ ],
reporters: ['mocha', 'beep'],
mochaReporter: { ignoreSkipped: true },
port: 9876,
colors: true,
logLevel: config.LOG_INFO,
autoWatch: true,
browsers: ['ChromeHeadless'],
singleRun: false,
concurrency: Infinity
Versions in package.json (I had to explicitly install a newer version of chai-as-promised to get around a dependency problem):
"devDependencies": {
"browserify": "^14.4.0",
"chai": "^4.1.2",
"chai-as-promised": "^7.1.1",
"chai-date-string": "^0.1.0",
"karma": "^1.7.1",
"karma-beep-reporter": "^0.1.4",
"karma-browserify": "^5.1.1",
"karma-chai-plugins": "^0.9.0",
"karma-chrome-launcher": "^2.2.0",
"karma-cli": "^1.0.1",
"karma-mocha": "^1.3.0",
"karma-mocha-reporter": "^2.2.4",
"karma-sinon-chai": "^1.3.2",
"mocha": "^3.5.3",
"sinon": "^2.4.1",
"sinon-chai": "^2.14.0",
"uglifyjs": "^2.4.11",
"url": "^0.11.0",
"watchify": "^3.9.0"
Results in the following error:
> playmobjs#0.2.0 test /Users/jschuur/Code/Playmob/js_api_lib
> karma start
throw error('No provider for "' + name + '"!');
Error: No provider for "framework:chai-date-string"! (Resolving: framework:chai-date-string)
at error (/Users/jschuur/Code/Playmob/js_api_lib/node_modules/di/lib/injector.js:22:12)
When I look at the code of karma-chai-plugins I see a series of hardcoded plugin names. It seems to me that karma-chai-plugins recognizes only those Chai plugins that are hardcoded in its source. So I don't think you can use it for chai-date-string.
Moreover, chai-date-string is not distributed in a format that is readily loadable in a browser. You could use Browserify or Webpack to convert it to a file that exports something like chaiDateString into the global space. Then you'd have to:
Include in files your converted chai-date-string script.
Add another script in files that invokes chai.use(chaiDateString). The example code shown in the repo omits the call to chai.use, but it cannot be omitted.

Karma tests fail with Browser DISCONNECTED error, exit code: 1

We have a total of 2016 unit test cases written with Jasmine and are using Karma to run them. The tests run for a period of 1 min 30 sec to 2 min and then suddenly Karma disconnects from the browser.Here is a screenshot of the console logs.
The problem is that I am not able to diagnose why that is happening and which test case is causing it to get disconnected. I have tried different reporters of Karma to be able to identify the test case which forces it to disconnect from the browser but have been unsuccessful so far.
I have also tried running the tests in short batches to be able to drill down to the error test case (in case it is a test case error and not Karma configuration) but so far, the error has been thrown for all batches.
As per this post, I have tried setting the browserNoActivityTimeout to as high as 10 minutes (600000ms) but still no resolution. Also, the post mentions that there might be a problem with insufficient memory, so I have tried running the cases in one 8GB RAM and one 16GB RAM systems (Windows 10 on both).
Here's the complete stack trace:
[02:06:48] Error: MyApp Chromebook Unit tests failed with exitCode: 1
at formatError (C:\Users\barnadeep.bhowmik\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\gulp\bin\gulp.js:169:10)
at Gulp.<anonymous> (C:\Users\barnadeep.bhowmik\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\gulp\bin\gulp.js:195:15)
at emitOne (events.js:96:13)
at Gulp.emit (events.js:188:7)
at Gulp.Orchestrator._emitTaskDone (C:\Users\barnadeep.bhowmik\Desktop\Projects\MyProject\test-player-15-may\myapp-chrome\node_modules\orchestrator\index.js:264:8)
at C:\Users\barnadeep.bhowmik\Desktop\Projects\MyProject\test-player-15-may\myapp-chrome\node_modules\orchestrator\index.js:275:23
at finish (C:\Users\barnadeep.bhowmik\Desktop\Projects\MyProject\test-player-15-may\myapp-chrome\node_modules\orchestrator\lib\runTask.js:21:8)
at cb (C:\Users\barnadeep.bhowmik\Desktop\Projects\MyProject\test-player-15-may\myapp-chrome\node_modules\orchestrator\lib\runTask.js:29:3)
at C:\Users\barnadeep.bhowmik\Desktop\Projects\MyProject\test-player-15-may\myapp-chrome\build\tasks\test.js:18:13
at removeAllListeners (C:\Users\barnadeep.bhowmik\Desktop\Projects\MyProject\test-player-15-may\myapp-chrome\node_modules\karma\lib\server.js:336:7)
at Server.<anonymous> (C:\Users\barnadeep.bhowmik\Desktop\Projects\MyProject\test-player-15-may\myapp-chrome\node_modules\karma\lib\server.js:347:9)
at Server.g (events.js:291:16)
at emitNone (events.js:91:20)
at Server.emit (events.js:185:7)
at emitCloseNT (net.js:1555:8)
at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:71:11)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:98:9)
Here's my config file:
module.exports = function(config) {
basePath: '',
frameworks: ['jasmine'],
files: [
exclude: [
port: 8081,
logLevel: config.LOG_INFO,
autoWatch: false,
browsers: ['ChromeNoSandbox'],//temp fix for Chrome Browser 'Chrome'
customLaunchers: {
ChromeNoSandbox: {
base: 'Chrome',
flags: ['--no-sandbox']
reporters: ["spec","progress","coverage","html"],
specReporter: {
maxLogLines: 5, // limit number of lines logged per test
suppressErrorSummary: false, // do not print error summary
suppressFailed: false, // do not print information about failed tests
suppressPassed: false, // do not print information about passed tests
suppressSkipped: true, // do not print information about skipped tests
showSpecTiming: false, // print the time elapsed for each spec
failFast: true // test would finish with error when a first fail occurs.
preprocessors: {
coverageReporter: {
type: 'lcov',
dir: 'qualityreports/testresults/unit/coverage/'
htmlReporter: {
outputFile: 'qualityreports/testresults/unit/testresults.html'
browserNoActivityTimeout: 600000,
captureTimeout: 60000,
browserDisconnectTimeout : 60000,
browserDisconnectTolerance : 1,
ngHtml2JsPreprocessor: {
plugins: [
singleRun: true
Here is a similar post but it did not have all details, hence posting mine. Any help would be deeply appreciated.

Karma run test cases double times

I am using karma for angular 2 unit testing.Its works fine to me but I have one thing which I don't know why its happening.With karma when I run test cases, every function which I test run two times.I knew this problem when I print console.log on that function which I used in test case.I don't know why this happened to me.Please help me.
I am using it with webpack.
webpack: bundle is now VALID.
17 10 2016 10:02:20.102:INFO [karma]: Karma v1.2.0 server started at http://localhost:9876/
17 10 2016 10:02:20.106:INFO [launcher]: Launching browser Chrome with unlimited concurrency
17 10 2016 10:02:20.188:INFO [launcher]: Starting browser Chrome
17 10 2016 10:02:40.019:INFO [Chrome 52.0.2743 (Linux 0.0.0)]: Connected on socket /#bNq05S_5S6il-eenAAAA with id 72225563
LOG: 'headers = {"content-type":["application/json"]}'
LOG: 'headers = {"content-type":["application/json"]}'
Global Service : Login Authentication
✔ Should have operator login Authentication
LOG: 'headers = {"content-type":["application/json"],"authorization":["Token ad42hjk234bad8808"]}'
LOG: 'headers = {"content-type":["application/json"],"authorization":["Token ad42hjk234bad8808"]}'
LOG: 'catch 400 = {"_body":"{\"username\":\"xyz#gmail.com\",\"password\":\"761e768a501c30ea8e38\"}","status":400,"ok":false,"statusText":null,"headers":null,"type":null,"url":null}'
LOG: 'catch 400 = {"_body":"{\"username\":\"xyz#gmail.com\",\"password\":\"761e768a501c30ea8e38\"}","status":400,"ok":false,"statusText":null,"headers":null,"type":null,"url":null}'
✔ Should be call error page if login credential wrong
Global Utils : Meta urls API
✔ Should have get Meta urls
LOG: 'page error'
LOG: 'page error'
✔ If get Empty Response of MetaUrls with status code 200
LOG: 'page error'
LOG: 'page error'
✔ If get Empty Response of MetaUrls with status code 400
LOG: 'page error'
LOG: 'page error'
✔ Should not have get Meta urls data with status code 404
Finished in 0.473 secs / 0.431 secs
✔ 6 tests completed
* #author: #AngularClass
module.exports = function (config) {
var testWebpackConfig = require('./config/webpack.test.js')({env: 'test'});
var configuration = {
// base path that will be used to resolve all patterns (e.g. files, exclude)
basePath: '',
* Frameworks to use
* available frameworks: https://npmjs.org/browse/keyword/karma-adapter
frameworks: ['jasmine'],
// list of files to exclude
exclude: [],
* list of files / patterns to load in the browser
* we are building the test environment in ./spec-bundle.js
files: [
{ pattern: './config/spec-bundle.js', watched: false }
* preprocess matching files before serving them to the browser
* available preprocessors: https://npmjs.org/browse/keyword/karma-preprocessor
preprocessors: {
'./config/spec-bundle.js': ['coverage', 'webpack', 'sourcemap'],
// Webpack Config at ./webpack.test.js
webpack: testWebpackConfig,
coverageReporter: {
type: 'in-memory'
remapCoverageReporter: {
'text-summary': null,
json: './coverage/coverage.json',
html: './coverage/html'
// Webpack please don't spam the console when running in karma!
webpackMiddleware: {stats: 'errors-only'},
* test results reporter to use
* possible values: 'dots', 'progress'
* available reporters: https://npmjs.org/browse/keyword/karma-reporter
reporters: ['mocha', 'coverage', 'remap-coverage'],
// web server port
port: 9876,
// enable / disable colors in the output (reporters and logs)
colors: true,
* level of logging
* possible values: config.LOG_DISABLE || config.LOG_ERROR || config.LOG_WARN || config.LOG_INFO || config.LOG_DEBUG
logLevel: config.LOG_INFO,
// enable / disable watching file and executing tests whenever any file changes
autoWatch: false,
* start these browsers
* available browser launchers: https://npmjs.org/browse/keyword/karma-launcher
browsers: [
customLaunchers: {
ChromeTravisCi: {
base: 'Chrome',
flags: ['--no-sandbox']
plugin: [
* Continuous Integration mode
* if true, Karma captures browsers, runs the tests and exits
singleRun: true
if (process.env.TRAVIS) {
configuration.browsers = [
* #author: #AngularClass
* When testing with webpack and ES6, we have to do some extra
* things to get testing to work right. Because we are gonna write tests
* in ES6 too, we have to compile those as well. That's handled in
* karma.conf.js with the karma-webpack plugin. This is the entry
* file for webpack test. Just like webpack will create a bundle.js
* file for our client, when we run test, it will compile and bundle them
* all here! Crazy huh. So we need to do some setup
Error.stackTraceLimit = Infinity;
// Typescript emit helpers polyfill
require('zone.js/dist/proxy'); // since zone.js 0.6.15
require('zone.js/dist/jasmine-patch'); // put here since zone.js 0.6.14
// RxJS
var testing = require('#angular/core/testing');
var browser = require('#angular/platform-browser-dynamic/testing');
* Ok, this is kinda crazy. We can use the context method on
* require that webpack created in order to tell webpack
* what files we actually want to require or import.
* Below, context will be a function/object with file names as keys.
* Using that regex we are saying look in ../src then find
* any file that ends with spec.ts and get its path. By passing in true
* we say do this recursively
var testContext = require.context('../src', true, /\.spec\.ts/);
* get all the files, for each file, call the context function
* that will require the file and load it up here. Context will
* loop and require those spec files here
function requireAll(requireContext) {
return requireContext.keys().map(requireContext);
// requires and returns all modules that match
var modules = requireAll(testContext);
I've had the same problem and it's because the '*.spec.js' files need to be accessible but not included, so you have to do something like this:
files: [
{ pattern: './config/spec-bundle.js', watched: false },
{ pattern: '**/*.spec.js', included: false, served: true, watched: false }
This is the source I've found: https://medium.com/#SchizoDuckie/so-your-karma-tests-run-twice-this-is-what-you-need-to-do-be74ce9f257e#.lqrkf24ty

Karma's base directory location

Unable to load template fixtures for my tests while using karma. To simplify,
Went to c:\
Created a 1.txt text file.
Made a simple karma init file containing:
basePath: '',
Started karma using:
C:\> karma start .\sample.conf.js
Chrome opened up at:
I then tried to navigate to:
but got a "NOT FOUND" error message in the browser, and a message from karma:
WARN [web-server]: 404: /base/1.txt
What am I missing here?
Found the answer:
By adding the following to the karma config file:
files: [
{ pattern: 'mocks/**/*.html', watched: true, served: true, included: false },
I managed to access the required file by browsing to
Where th "/base/" prefix is required by default (if even changable).